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In the ciliate protist Tetrahymena thermophila the L, H, T, I, S, M and P cell surface proteins (immobilization antigens) are expressed under different conditions of temperature (L, H, T), culture media (I, S), and mutant genotype (M, P). Immunoblot and autoradiographic studies using antisera to purified protein show that the molecular weights of these proteins range from 25,000 to 59,000. The H, T, S, M and P antigens are recognized as single polypeptides, whereas L, I, and one allelic form of T each appear to consist of a family of polypeptides. Although antisera are specific in immobilization and immunofluorescence assays of surface protein in living cells, cross-reactivity is seen with denatured protein on immunoblots. It is hypothesized that the surface protein genes are organized into families of evolutionarily related isoloci.  相似文献   
Six strains of Clostridium acidiurici and three strains of C. cylindrosporum were isolated from soil samples by enrichment culture with uric acid as the source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. The newly isolated strains were characterized by their spore morphology and the amounts of glycine and formate formed by the fermentation of uric acid. The strains were easily identified as belonging to one species or the other on the basis of spore morphology and formate production. The crystal properties and spectra of the native ferredoxins of all the strains isolated and the amino acid composition and partial carboxy-terminal sequence of all their apoferredoxins were determined. All the ferredoxins were tested for cross-reactivity with antiserum to C. acidiurici ferredoxin by microcomplement fixation. Five of the six C. acidiurici strains, which had ferredoxins with amino acid compositions identical to that from C. acidiurici, also showed immunological identity (immunological distance = 0.0). These results suggest sequence identity. The one strain with a different amino acid composition failed to show complete cross-reactivity. Two of the three C. cylindrosporum strains have ferredoxin amino acid compositions identical to that from C. cylindrosporum. The third strain had a minimum of five differences in sequence. All C. cylindrosporum strains had ferredoxins that differed considerably from C. acidiurici strains (minimum of eight to nine differences), and none of these ferredoxins cross-reacted with antisera to C. acidiurici ferredoxin. Antisera were prepared to formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from C. acidiurici and C. cylindrosporum, and all possible comparisons were made by using immunodiffusion and microcomplement fixation. There is more intraspecies variation in the synthetases than in the ferredoxins; however, the results suggest considerable interspecies differences in both proteins. These results suggest a low degree of genomic relatedness between the two species, which contrasts sharply with their apparent high degree of phenotypic similarity.  相似文献   
Tumors induced in hamsters by highly oncogenic human adenovirus 12 contain multiple copies of 90 to 100% of the viral genome in an integrated form.  相似文献   
Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), like the related hepatitis B virus, induces in its natural host hepatocellular carcinomas that contain integrated viral sequences. As a first step in determining whether and how the integrated sequences contribute to formation of the tumors in which they are found, we have cloned two such integrations of WHV and have determined their structure by restriction mapping and heteroduplex electron microscopy. The identity of the cloned sequences was confirmed by comparison of restriction sites in the clones with those located by Southern blot analysis of tumor DNA. Viral sequences in both integrations are extensively rearranged, and in neither were all parts of the viral genome represented. In this respect, the behavior of WHV in vivo is similar to that of other DNA tumor viruses that have been studied in vitro. We discuss the implications of these results in relation to possible mechanisms for tumor induction by WHV.  相似文献   
Summary Determination of serosa-to-mucosa fluxes of Na, K, and Cl yields information about the properties of the shunt pathway in toad urinary bladder. We show that measurement of these fluxes at 30-sec intervals following an abrupt increase in mucosal osmolality yields evidence on the rate of opening of the path and of its permselectivity. The relationship between the fluxes of any pair of these ions indicates that the shunt is paracellular both before and after the increase in conductance effected by hyperosmolality and that the transepithelial PD affects the permselectivity properties (at 0 mV,P K/P Na/P Cl= 10.710.57; at +25 mV,P K/P Na/P Cl=10.710.99). The relationship between any of the fluxes and the total transepithelial conductance is linear and yields an estimate of cellular conductance (the intercept of this regression on the conductance axis) which is in accord with that measured electrically. These studies provide information on tight junction permeability to nonelectrolytes, as well. Finally, they provide new information about the role of the shunt path as a controlling influence on transepithelial sodium transport and raise the possibility that, in both leaky and tight epithelia, differences in transepithelial conductance from tissue to tissue, organ to organ, and species to species may be due, in the absence of edge damage, to changes in conductance of the paracellular pathway.  相似文献   
The small Photosystem I particles prepared from spinach chloroplasts by the action of Triton X-100 (TSF 1 particles) reaggregate into membrane structures when they are incubated with soybean phospholipids and cholate and then subjected to a slow dialysis. The membranes so formed are vesicular in nature and show the capability of catalyzing phenazine methosulfate-mediated cyclic photophosphorylalation at rates which are usually about 20% of those observed with chloroplasts, but higher rates have been obtained. When coupling factor is removed from the chloroplasts by treatment with EDTA, a requirement for coupling factor can be shown for the subsequent ATP formation. The uncouplers carbonylcyanide 3-chlorophenyl-hydrazone, valinomycin, Triton X-100 and NH+4 are effective with the reformed vesicles, which do not show the typical light-induced pH gradient observed with chloroplasts. Incubation of the TSF 1 particles with phospholipids alone allows for the formation of membrane vesicles, but such vesicles are only slightly active in ATP formation. In most properties investigated, the reformed membrane vesicles resemble the original chloroplast membrane so far as phenazine methosulfate-mediated cyclic photophosphorylation is concerned, which indicates a high degree of selectivity in the reaggregation process. The major difference between chloroplasts and the reformed vesicles is the failure of the latter to show a light-induced pH gradient.  相似文献   
Ubiquitin and UBL (ubiquitin-like) modifiers are small proteins that covalently modify other proteins to alter their properties or behaviours. Ubiquitin modification (ubiquitylation) targets many substrates, often leading to their proteasomal degradation. NEDD8 (neural-precursor-cell-expressed developmentally down-regulated 8) is the UBL most closely related to ubiquitin, and its best-studied role is the activation of CRLs (cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases) by its conjugation to a conserved C-terminal lysine residue on cullin proteins. The attachment of UBLs requires three UBL-specific enzymes, termed E1, E2 and E3, which are usually well insulated from parallel UBL pathways. In the present study, we report a new mode of NEDD8 conjugation (NEDDylation) whereby the UBL NEDD8 is linked to proteins by ubiquitin enzymes in vivo. We found that this atypical NEDDylation is independent of classical NEDD8 enzymes, conserved from yeast to mammals, and triggered by an increase in the NEDD8 to ubiquitin ratio. In cells, NEDD8 overexpression leads to this type of NEDDylation by increasing the concentration of NEDD8, whereas proteasome inhibition has the same effect by depleting free ubiquitin. We show that bortezomib, a proteasome inhibitor used in cancer therapy, triggers atypical NEDDylation in tissue culture, which suggests that a similar process may occur in patients receiving this treatment.  相似文献   
We are writing in response to the population and phylogenomics meeting review by Andrews & Luikart ( 2014 ) entitled ‘Recent novel approaches for population genomics data analysis’. Restriction‐site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing has become a powerful and useful approach in molecular ecology, with several different published methods now available to molecular ecologists, none of which can be considered the best option in all situations. A&L report that the original RAD protocol of Miller et al. ( 2007 ) and Baird et al. ( 2008 ) is superior to all other RAD variants because putative PCR duplicates can be identified (see Baxter et al. 2011 ), thereby reducing the impact of PCR artefacts on allele frequency estimates (Andrews & Luikart 2014 ). In response, we (i) challenge the assertion that the original RAD protocol minimizes the impact of PCR artefacts relative to that of other RAD protocols, (ii) present additional biases in RADseq that are at least as important as PCR artefacts in selecting a RAD protocol and (iii) highlight the strengths and weaknesses of four different approaches to RADseq which are a representative sample of all RAD variants: the original RAD protocol (mbRAD, Miller et al. 2007 ; Baird et al. 2008 ), double digest RAD (ddRAD, Peterson et al. 2012 ), ezRAD (Toonen et al. 2013 ) and 2bRAD (Wang et al. 2012 ). With an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of different RAD protocols, researchers can make a more informed decision when selecting a RAD protocol.  相似文献   
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