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Diabetic cardiomyopathy is characterized by impaired ventricular contraction and altered function of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), a key factor for cardiac growth and function. Endogenous IGF-I has been shown to alleviate diabetic cardiomyopathy. This study was designed to evaluate exogenous IGF-I treatment on the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Adult rats were divided into four groups: control, control + IGF-I, diabetic, and diabetic + IGF-I. Streptozotocin (STZ; 55 mg/kg) was used to induce experimental diabetes immediately followed by a 7-wk IGF-I (3 mg. kg(-1). day(-1) ip) treatment. Mechanical properties were assessed in ventricular myocytes including peak shortening (PS), time-to-PS (TPS), time-to-90% relengthening (TR(90)) and maximal velocities of shortening/relengthening (+/-dL/dt). Intracellular Ca(2+) transients were evaluated as Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release and Ca(2+) clearing constant. Levels of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA), phospholamban (PLB), and glucose transporter (GLUT4) were assessed by Western blot. STZ caused significant weight loss and elevated blood glucose, demonstrating the diabetic status. The diabetic state is associated with reduced serum IGF-I levels, which were restored by IGF-I treatment. Diabetic myocytes showed reduced PS and +/-dL/dt as well as prolonged TPS, TR(90), and intracellular Ca(2+) clearing compared with control. IGF-I treatment prevented the diabetes-induced abnormalities in PS, +/-dL/dt, TR(90), and Ca(2+) clearing but not TPS. The levels of SERCA and GLUT4, but not PLB, were significantly reduced in diabetic hearts compared with controls. IGF-I treatment restored the diabetes-induced decline in SERCA, whereas it had no effect on GLUT4 and PLB levels. These results suggest that exogenous IGF-I treatment may ameliorate contractile disturbances in cardiomyocytes from diabetic animals and could provide therapeutic potential in the treatment of diabetic cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   
Previous data obtained in different suspension-cultured plant cells have clearly illustrated that N-glycans are absolutely required for transport of glycoproteins to the extracellular compartment, regardless of their oligosaccharide structure [see Lerouge et al. (1998) Plant Mol. Biol. 38: 31 for review]. In the present study the role of N-glycosylation in the transport of glycoproteins to the cell surface was studied in BY2 tobacco cells using both endogenous and recombinant cell wall invertases as markers. When synthesized without their N-glycans, both invertases were very rapidly degraded. This degradation did not occur in an acidic compartment and was brefeldin A-insensitive. Therefore, it most probably represents a pre-Golgi event. However, the low efficiency of specific inhibitors did not favor a strong contribution of proteasomes in this proteolysis. In contrast, addition of a C-terminal His-Asp-Glu-Leu (HDEL) extension prevented arrival of these non-glycosylated glycoproteins in the compartment where they are degraded. These results argue for the presence of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) domain specialized in protein degradation. Consistent with our results and the well-known stabilization of recombinant proteins retained in the ER, the addition of an ER retention signal to a protein would prevent its targeting to an ER domain devoted to degradation.  相似文献   
Characterization of a beta1,2-xylosyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtXylT) was carried out by expression in Sf9 insect cells using a baculovirus vector system. Serial deletions at both the N- and C-terminal ends proved that integrity of a large domain located between amino acid 31 and the C-terminal lumenal region is required for AtXylT activity expression. The influence of N-glycosylation on AtXylT activity has been evaluated using either tunicamycin or mutagenesis of potential N-glycosylation sites. AtXylT is glycosylated on two of its three potential N-glycosylation sites (Asn51, Asn301, Asn478) and the occupancy of at least one of these two sites (Asn51 and Asn301) is necessary for AtXylT stability and activity. Contribution of the N-terminal part of AtXylT in targeting and intracellular distribution of this protein was studied by expression of variably truncated, GFP-tagged AtXylT forms in tobacco cells using confocal and electron microscopy. These studies have shown that the transmembrane domain of AtXylT and its short flanking amino acid sequences are sufficient to specifically localize a reporter protein to the medial Golgi cisternae in tobacco cells. This study is the first detailed characterization of a plant glycosyltransferase at the molecular level.  相似文献   
Hemolin is the most abundant bacteria-induced proteins in Hyalophora cecropia hemolymph. Its structural features, both at the protein and gene level, ascribe this molecule to the immunoglobulin gene superfamily (IgSF) with particular homology to neural cell adhesion molecules. An increasing number of evidence suggest a role in immune recognition and in cell adhesion events. Hemolin is also developmentally regulated as suggested by changes in its concentration during larval and pupal ecdysis (Trenczek, T., 1998. Endogenous defense mechanisms of insects. Zoology 101, 298-315; Lanz-Mendoza, H., Faye, I., 1999. Physiological aspects of the immunoglobulin superfamily in invertebrates. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 23, 359-374). In the present study the expression of hemolin was investigated in oogenesis and in early embryogenesis. Our results reveal that hemolin is expressed in follicles and in epidermal and neural tissues of embryos.  相似文献   
A mutation detection strategy based on multiplex PCR followed by multiplex allele-specific oligonucleotide probe ligation was developed to detect single nucleotide substitutions in ras oncogenes, a common genetic abnormality in many human cancers. Mutation-specific probes are synthesized for each possible single-base, nonsilent mutation in codons 12, 13, and 61 of H-, K-, and N-ras oncogenes. Mutations are identified by competitive oligonucleotide probe ligation to detect normal and /or mutant genotypes in one reaction. Three probes (one common and two allelic probes) are needed for analysis of each mutation. Probes hybridized to target ras oncogene DNA are joined by a thermostable ligase if there are no mismatches at their junctions; temperature cycling results in a linear increase in product. Common probes are labeled with fluorochromes, and allelic probes each have different lengths. Ligation products are analyzed by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on a fluorescent DNA sequencer. We have applied this technology to identify ras mutations in pancreatic cancers and lung cancers and in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes and leukemias.  相似文献   
Although polymerases delta and epsilon are required for DNA replication in eukaryotic cells, whether each polymerase functions on a separate template strand remains an open question. To begin examining the relative intracellular roles of the two polymerases, we used a plasmid-borne yeast tRNA gene and yeast strains that are mutators due to the elimination of proofreading by DNA polymerases delta or epsilon. Inversion of the tRNA gene to change the sequence of the leading and lagging strand templates altered the specificities of both mutator polymerases, but in opposite directions. That is, the specificity of the polymerase delta mutator with the tRNA gene in one orientation bore similarities to the specificity of the polymerase epsilon mutator with the tRNA gene in the other orientation, and vice versa. We also obtained results consistent with gene orientation having a minor influence on mismatch correction of replication errors occurring in a wild-type strain. However, the data suggest that neither this effect nor differential replication fidelity was responsible for the mutational specificity changes observed in the proofreading-deficient mutants upon gene inversion. Collectively, the data argue that polymerases delta and epsilon each encounter a different template sequence upon inversion of the tRNA gene, and so replicate opposite strands at the plasmid DNA replication fork.  相似文献   
Calreticulin, the main Ca2+ binding protein in the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells, was characterized in Ginkgo biloba L. pollen and seeds. Electrophoretic analysis of the partly purified extracts showed the presence of two protein bands of 57 and 50kDa apparent molecular masses, which strongly cross-reacted with antibodies against plant calreticulins. Amino acid sequence comparison with other plant and animal calreticulins revealed a much higher similarity of the N-terminus of Ginkgo calreticulins with the homologue from angiosperms rather than with that from mammals. The finding of calreticulin in Ginkgo is indicative of the conservation also in gymnosperms of Ca2+ homeostatic mechanisms, which seem to rely on the same molecular components as all eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   
BackgroundIn Senegal, with the variable routine vaccination coverage, the risk for illness and death from measles still exists as evidenced by the measles epidemic episode in 2009. Since 2002 a laboratory-based surveillance system of measles was established by the Ministry of Health and the Institut Pasteur de Dakar. The present study analysed the data collected over the 10 years inclusive between 2004-2013 in order to define a measles epidemiological profile in Senegal, and we carried out a phylogenetic analysis of measles virus circulating in Senegal over the period 2009-2012.ConclusionImprovements in the measles surveillance in Senegal are required and the introduction of oral fluid and FTA cards as an alternative to transportation of sera should be investigated to improve surveillance. The introduction of a national vaccine database including number of doses of measles-containing vaccine will greatly improve efforts to interrupt and ultimately eliminate measles virus transmission in Senegal.  相似文献   
Ulceration of primary melanomas is associated with poor prognosis yet is reported to predict benefit from adjuvant interferon. To better understand the biological processes involved, clinicopathological factors associated with ulceration were determined in 1804 patients. From this cohort, 348 primary tumor blocks were sampled to generate gene expression data using a 502‐gene cancer panel and 195 blocks were used for immunohistochemistry to detect macrophage infiltration and vessel density. Gene expression results were validated using a whole genome array in two independent sample sets. Ulceration of primary melanomas was associated with more proliferative tumors, tumor vessel invasion, and increased microvessel density. Infiltration of tumors with greater number of macrophages and gene expression pathways associated with wound healing and up‐regulation of pro‐inflammatory cytokines suggests that ulceration is associated with tumor‐related inflammation. The relative benefit from interferon reported in patients with ulcerated tumors may reflect modification of signaling pathways involved in inflammation.  相似文献   
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