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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a movement disorder characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and the formation of intraneuronal inclusions called Lewy bodies, which are composed mainly of α-synuclein (α-syn). Selegiline (Sel) is a noncompetitive monoamino oxidase B inhibitor that has neuroprotective effects and has been administered to PD patients as monotherapy or in combination with l-dopa. Besides its known effect of increasing the level of dopamine (DA) by monoamino oxidase B inhibition, Sel induces other effects that contribute to its action against PD. We evaluated the effects of Sel on the in vitro aggregation of A30P and wild-type α-syn. Sel delays fibril formation by extending the lag phase of aggregation. In the presence of Sel, electron microscopy reveals amorphous heterogeneous aggregates, including large annular species, which are innocuous to a primary culture enriched in dopaminergic neurons, while their age-matched counterparts are toxic. The inhibitory effect displayed by Sel is abolished when seeds (small fibril pieces) are added to the aggregation reaction, reinforcing the hypothesis that Sel interferes with early nuclei formation and, to a lesser extent, with fibril elongation. NMR experiments indicate that Sel does not interact with monomeric α-syn. Interestingly, when added in combination with DA (which favors the formation of toxic protofibrils), Sel overrides the inhibitory effect of DA and favors fibrillation. Additionally, Sel blocks the formation of smaller toxic aggregates by perturbing DA-dependent fibril disaggregation. These effects might be beneficial for PD patients, since the sequestration of protofibrils into fibrils or the inhibition of fibril dissociation could alleviate the toxic effects of protofibrils on dopaminergic neurons. In nondopaminergic neurons, Sel might slow the fibrillation, giving rise to the formation of large nontoxic aggregates.  相似文献   
Rhinoviruses are the major causative agents of the common cold in humans. Here, we studied the stability of human rhinovirus type 14 (HRV14) under conditions of high hydrostatic pressure, low temperature, and urea in the absence and presence of an antiviral drug. Capsid dissociation and changes in the protein conformation were monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy, light scattering, circular dichroism, gel filtration chromatography, mass spectrometry and infectivity assays. The data show that high pressure induces the dissociation of HRV14 and that this process is inhibited by WIN 52084. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry experiments demonstrate that VP4, the most internal viral protein, is released from the capsid by pressure treatment. This release of VP4 is concomitant with loss of infectivity. Our studies also show that at least one antiviral effect of the WIN drugs involves the locking of VP4 inside the capsid by blocking the dynamics associated with cell attachment.  相似文献   
Perforin is a cytolytic mediator produced by cytotoxic T cells (CD8(+) cells) and natural killer cells. We previously reported that ex vivo IL-10 gene therapy induced apoptosis of allogenic infiltrative CD8(+) cells and significantly prolonged cardiac allograft survival. To further test the hypothesis that localized IL-10 overexpression in cardiac allografts may also effect the alloreactive CD8(+) T cell function by downregulating its perforin production, we used a rabbit functional heterotopic allograft heart transplant model. Human recombinant IL-10 gene complexed with liposome was intracoronary delivered into the cardiac allografts ex vivo. The percentage of apoptotic infiltrative CD8(+) cells in cardiac allografts was increased 6-fold in the gene therapy group vs. the control group, whereas the percentage of perforin-positive CD8(+) cells was decreased 2.9-fold (P < 0.01). Perforin expression level in the allograft myocardium of the gene therapy group was deceased 3.2-fold (P < 0.01). The amount of infiltrative perforin-positive CD8(+) cells and perforin expression level were inversely correlated with IL-10 transgene and protein expression level in the myocardium of cardiac allografts (P < 0.01), the percentage of apoptotic cardiac myocytes (P < 0.01), and the peak left ventricular systolic pressure of cardiac allografts (P < 0.01) but significantly correlated with the infiltrative T cell cytotoxicity (P < 0.01) and allograft rejection score (P < 0.01). These results suggest that localized IL-10 gene therapy prolongs cardiac allograft survival, at least in part, through downregulation of perforin production by activated allogenic CD8(+) T cells. Reduction of cytolytic function of cytotoxic effector cells prevents the apoptosis of cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   
Structural changes on LexA repressor promoted by acidic pH have been investigated. Intense protein aggregation occurred around pH 4.0 but was not detected at pH values lower than pH 3.5. The center of spectral mass of the Trp increased 400 cm(-1) at pH 2.5 relatively to pH 7.2, an indication that LexA has undergone structural reorganization but not denaturation. The Trp fluorescence polarization of LexA at pH 2.5 indicated that its hydrodynamic volume was larger than its dimer at pH 7.2. 4,4'-Dianilino-1,1'-binaphthyl-5,5'- disulfonic acid (bis-ANS) experiments suggested that the residues in the hydrophobic clefts already present at the LexA structure at neutral pH had higher affinity to it at pH 2.5. A 100 kDa band corresponding to a tetramer was obtained when LexA was subject to pore-limiting native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at this pH. The existence of this tetrameric state was also confirmed by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis at pH 2.5. 1D 1H NMR experiments suggested that it was composed of a mixture of folded and unfolded regions. Although 14,000-fold less stable than the dimeric LexA, it showed a tetramer-monomer dissociation at pH 2.5 from the hydrostatic pressure and urea curves. Albeit with half of the affinity obtained at pH 7.2 (Kaff of 170 nM), tetrameric LexA remained capable of binding recA operator sequence at pH 2.5. Moreover, different from the absence of binding to the negative control polyGC at neutral pH, LexA bound to this sequence with a Kaff value of 1415 nM at pH 2.5. A binding stoichiometry experiment at both pH 7.2 and pH 2.5 showed a [monomeric LexA]/[recA operator] ratio of 2:1. These results are discussed in relation to the activation of the Escherichia coli SOS regulon in response to environmental conditions resulting in acidic intracellular pH. Furthermore, oligomerization of LexA is proposed to be a possible regulation mechanism of this regulon.  相似文献   
Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding protein present in several secreted substances, such as milk, and has broad antimicrobial and physiological properties. Because high temperatures may affect protein stability and its functional properties, we investigated the effect of heat on bovine LF structure and stability. The effects of temperatures used during the pasteurization process on LF and its relationship to protein functionality were studied. Conformational changes were monitored using spectroscopic techniques, such as circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The CD data at 70 degrees C showed that LF's secondary structure is drastically and irreversibly affected when the temperature is gradually increased. The same effect is observed when the temperature is gradually raised from 25 degrees C to 105 degrees C and changes are monitored by tryptophan fluorescence emission. We also verified the effects of simulating the pasteurization process; LF remained well structured during the entire process and this result was not time-dependent. Owing to preservation of the secondary structure with changes in the tertiary structure, we thus believe that pasteurization might cause LF to change into an intermediate partially folded state. A better understanding of heat stability is important for the use of LF as a bioactive component in food.  相似文献   
Alphaviruses are enveloped arboviruses. The viral envelope is derived from the host cell and is positioned between two icosahedral protein shells (T = 4). Because the viral envelope contains glycoproteins involved in cell recognition and entry, the integrity of the envelope is critical for the success of the early events of infection. Differing levels of cholesterol in different hosts leads to the production of alphaviruses with distinct levels of this sterol loaded in the envelope. Using Mayaro virus, a New World alphavirus, we investigated the role of cholesterol on the envelope of alphavirus particles assembled in either mammalian or mosquito cells. Our results show that although quite different in their cholesterol content, Mayaro virus particles obtained from both cells share a similar high level of lateral organization in their envelopes. This organization, as well as viral stability and infectivity, is severely compromised when cholesterol is depleted from the envelope of virus particles isolated from mammalian cells, but virus particles isolated from mosquito cells are relatively unaffected by cholesterol depletion. We suggest that it is not cholesterol itself, but rather the organization of the viral envelope, that is critical for the biological activity of alphaviruses.  相似文献   
Membrane fusion is a crucial step in flavivirus infections and a potential target for antiviral strategies. Lipids and proteins play cooperative roles in the fusion process, which is triggered by the acidic pH inside the endosome. This acidic environment induces many changes in glycoprotein conformation and allows the action of a highly conserved hydrophobic sequence, the fusion peptide (FP). Despite the large volume of information available on the virus-triggered fusion process, little is known regarding the mechanisms behind flavivirus–cell membrane fusion. Here, we evaluated the contribution of a natural single amino acid difference on two flavivirus FPs, FLAG (98DRGWGNGCGLFGK110) and FLAH (98DRGWGNHCGLFGK110), and investigated the role of the charge of the target membrane on the fusion process. We used an in silico approach to simulate the interaction of the FPs with a lipid bilayer in a complementary way and used spectroscopic approaches to collect conformation information. We found that both peptides interact with neutral and anionic micelles, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations showed the interaction of the FPs with the lipid bilayer. The participation of the indole ring of Trp appeared to be important for the anchoring of both peptides in the membrane model, as indicated by MD simulations and spectroscopic analyses. Mild differences between FLAG and FLAH were observed according to the pH and the charge of the target membrane model. The MD simulations of the membrane showed that both peptides adopted a bend structure, and an interaction between the aromatic residues was strongly suggested, which was also observed by circular dichroism in the presence of micelles. As the FPs of viral fusion proteins play a key role in the mechanism of viral fusion, understanding the interactions between peptides and membranes is crucial for medical science and biology and may contribute to the design of new antiviral drugs.  相似文献   
c-Abl is a key regulator of cell signaling and is under strict control via intramolecular interactions. In this study, we address changes in the intramolecular dynamics coupling within the c-Abl regulatory unit by presenting its N-terminal segment (N-Cap) with an alternative function in the cell as c-Abl becomes activated. Using small angle x-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance, and confocal microscopy, we demonstrate that the N-Cap and the Src homology (SH) 3 domain acquire μs-ms motions upon N-Cap association with the SH2-L domain, revealing a stabilizing synergy between these segments. The N-Cap-myristoyl tether likely triggers the protein to anchor to the membrane because of these flip-flop dynamics, which occur in the μs-ms time range. This segment not only presents the myristate during c-Abl inhibition but may also trigger protein localization inside the cell in a functional and stability-dependent mechanism that is lost in Bcr-Abl+ cells, which underlie chronic myeloid leukemia. This loss of intramolecular dynamics and binding to the cellular membrane is a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   
Distension of the main pulmonary artery (MPA) induces pulmonary hypertension, most probably by neurogenic reflex pulmonary vasoconstriction, although constriction of the pulmonary vessels has not actually been demonstrated. In previous studies in dogs with increased pulmonary vascular resistance produced by airway hypoxia, exogenous arachidonic acid has led to the production of pulmonary vasodilator prostaglandins. Hence, in the present study, we investigated the effect of arachidonic acid in seven intact anesthetized dogs after pulmonary vascular resistance was increased by MPA distention. After steady-state pulmonary hypertension was established, arachidonic acid (1.0 mg/min) was infused into the right ventricle for 16 min; 15-20 min later a 16-mg bolus of arachidonic acid was injected. MPA distension was maintained throughout the study. Although the infusion of arachidonic acid significantly lowered the elevated pulmonary vascular resistance induced by MPA distension, the pulmonary vascular resistance returned to control levels only after the bolus injection of arachidonic acid. Notably, the bolus injection caused a biphasic response which first increased the pulmonary vascular resistance transiently before lowering it to control levels. In dogs with resting levels of pulmonary vascular resistance, administration of arachidonic acid in the same manner did not alter the pulmonary vascular resistance. It is concluded that MPA distension does indeed cause reflex pulmonary vasoconstriction which can be reversed by vasodilator metabolites of arachidonic acid. Even though this reflex may help maintain high pulmonary vascular resistance in the fetus, its function in the adult is obscure.  相似文献   
The replacement of natural grassland by cultivated areas might favor the increase in abundance of some root-feeding species such as the white grubs, which may become a constraint for field crop production. This research aimed to assay the population density and geographical distribution of white grubs pest and other species in natural grassland and cultivated areas throughout the Brazilian Pampa biome. White grubs were sampled in 18 locations in both landscape use types and identified. Population density (number of larvae m?2) was calculated for each recorded species and sorted within two groups (pest species and other species), compared between natural grasslands and cultivated areas, as well as among locations. A dendrogram to evaluate species similarity among locations was built based on combined data obtained from both landscape use types throughout the region. In total, 31 species were found in the Brazilian Pampa, and four of them are considered as crop pests: Diloboderus abderus (Sturm, 1826), Euetheola humilis (Burmeister, 1847), Lyogenys fusca (Blanchard, 1830), and Phyllophaga triticophaga Morón & Salvadori, 1998. The average population density of pest species in cultivated areas was less than five larvae m?2, at most of locations. Some species had a wide geographical distribution (e.g. D. abderus and Cyclocephala modesta Burmeister), while other melolontids occurred at only one location. The knowledge of which white grub species are present in a field and its population densities assist farmers to take proper management decisions.  相似文献   
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