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ADP is an important regulator of hepatic metabolism. Despite its importance the level of free ADP in the liver remains controversial. Recently, we engineered transgenic mice which express high levels of creatine kinase in liver. The reaction catalyzed by creatine kinase was assumed to be at equilibrium and used to calculate a free ADP level of 0.059 mumol/g wet weight. In this report we test the equilibrium assumption by studying the free ADP level as a function of enzyme activity or substrate content. Over a 5-fold range of creatine kinase activity, from 150-800 mumol/min/g wet weight, there was no change in the free ADP level. The average value of ADP for these mice was 0.061 +/- 0.016 mumol/g wet weight. Similarly, altering hepatic creatine content from 1.6 to 30 mumol/g wet weight had no effect on the calculated total free ADP level. The average value of ADP for the creatine levels was 0.048 +/- 0.015 mumol/g wet weight. Finally, the free ADP level was calculated using the equilibrium with cyclocreatine rather than creatine as substrate. The equilibrium of the reaction with cyclocreatine lies 30 times more toward phosphorylation than does the equilibrium with creatine. A free ADP level of 0.063 +/- 0.031 mumol/g wet weight was calculated using cyclocreatine. This value is not different from that found with creatine. These results show that the equilibrium assumption used to calculate free ADP levels in transgenic mouse liver is valid, and the presence of creatine kinase does not affect ADP levels.  相似文献   
A frameshift mutation that causes a silent phenotype for human serum cholinesterase was identified in the DNA of seven individuals of two unrelated families. The mutation, identified using the polymerase chain reaction, causes a shift in the reading frame from Gly 117, where GGT (Gly)----GGAG (Gly+ 1 base) to a new stop codon created at position 129. This alteration is upstream of the active site (Ser 198), and, if any protein were made, it would represent only 22% of the mature enzyme found in normal serum. Results of analysis of the enzymatic activities in serum agreed with the genotypes inferred from the nucleotide sequence. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis using alpha-naphthyl acetate to detect enzymatic activity showed an absence of cross-reactive material, as expected. One additional individual with a silent phenotype did not show the same frameshift mutation. This was not unexpected, since there must be considerable molecular heterogeneity involved in causes for the silent cholinesterase phenotype. This is the first report of a molecular mechanism underlying the silent phenotype for serum cholinesterase. The analytical approach used was similar to the one we recently employed to identify the mutation that causes the atypical cholinesterase variant.  相似文献   
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1a (CMT 1a) is an autosomal dominant peripheral neuropathy linked to the DNA markers D17S58 and D17S71, located in the pericentromeric region of the chromosome 17p arm. We analyzed an extended 5-generation Belgian family, multiply affected with CMT 1a, for linkage with eight chromosome 17 markers. The results indicated that the CMT 1a mutation is localized in the chromosomal region 17p11.2-p12 between the marker D17S71 and the gene for myosin heavy polypeptide 2 of adult skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
In this report we present a female fetus with hemilobar holoprosencephaly and 46,XX,der(7)t(7;8)(q36.1;p12) mat karyotype. The holoprosencephaly-sequence is apparently related with the distal 7(q36.1----qter) deficiency.  相似文献   
In this report we present a 3-year-old girl with partial trisomy of the long arm of chromosome 16 due to a direct duplication 16q11.1----q13 (karyotype: 46, XX, dir dup(16) (pter----cen----q11.1----q13::q11.1----q13::q13----qter]. She presented moderate mental retardation and severe hyperkinetic behaviour. Slight dysmorphic stigmata but no internal anomalies were found.  相似文献   
The new genus Arxula is proposed for the classification of xerotolerant, ascomycetous, anamorphic, arthroconidial yeasts. The genus is considered to be of endomycetaceous affinity.  相似文献   
The ability of preimplantation rat conceptuses to take up several amino acids was examined under a variety of conditions, and the characteristics of uptake were compared to those determined previously for mouse conceptuses. Mediated leucine transport in two-cell rat conceptuses is Na(+)-independent and inhibited almost completely by 2-amino-endobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH), so it resembles system L which predominates in two-cell mouse conceptuses. System L becomes less conspicuous than homoarginine-sensitive, Na(+)-independent leucine transport (provisionally designated system bo,+) by the time rat conceptuses develop into blastocysts, as is also the case for mouse conceptuses. In contrast to leucine transport, system bo,+ appears to be the most conspicuous transporter of cationic amino acids throughout preimplantation development of both species. A Na(+)-independent cation-preferring amino acid transport process also appears to be present in rat as well as in mouse conceptuses. Moreover, rat conceptuses resemble mouse conceptuses because Na(+)-dependent transport system Gly activity virtually disappears from them by the time they form blastocysts. Unlike mouse conceptuses, however, Na(+)-dependent system Bo,+ activity appears to be present throughout preimplantation development of rat conceptuses, whereas it has not been detected until at least the two-cell stage in the mouse. Although system Bo,+ becomes more conspicuous in mouse than in rat conceptuses by the time they form blastocysts, system Bo,+ activity appears to increase when blastocysts of both species are removed from the uterus just prior to implantation. The latter observation is consistent with the possibility that system Bo,+ activity is controlled, in part, by the uterus near the time of implantation, although further studies are needed to verify this possibility. Similarities as well as differences in the amino acid transport processes present in conceptuses of rats and mice may eventually be understood best in relation to the environments in which they develop in vitro and in situ.  相似文献   
Two predominant peptides have been isolated from neurohaemal lobes of corpora cardiaca of 8000 adults of Locusta migratoria. Both peptides have been unambiguously characterized by automated peptide microsequencing and liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry as a 50-residue peptide (5K peptide) and a 48-residue isologue (5K' peptide). Computer search of sequence data banks did not reveal any significant similarity with other identified proteins. The 5K peptides are remarkably rich in alanine residues (25%) and contain a stretch of five consecutive alanines. This structure suggests that these molecules could correspond to spacer peptides. This assumption is corroborated in the accompanying paper [Lagueux et al. (1990) Eur. J. Biochem. 187, 249-254] on the molecular cloning of the precursor protein which attributes to the 5K peptides a role analogous to that of the C peptides of insulins.  相似文献   
High resolution DNA content measurements of mammalian sperm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The high condensation and flat shape of the mammalian sperm nucleus present unique difficulties to flow cytometric measurement of DNA content. Chromatin compactness makes quantitative fluorescent staining for DNA difficult and causes a high index of refraction. The refractive index makes optical measurements sensitive to sperm head orientation. We demonstrate that the optical problems can be overcome using the commercial ICP22 epiillumination flow cytometer (Ortho Instruments, Westwood, MA) or a specially built cell orientating flow cytometer (OFCM). The design and operation of the OFCM are described. Measurements of the angular dependence of fluorescence from acriflavine stained rabbit sperm show that it is capable of orienting flat sperm with a tolerance of +/- 7 degrees. Differences in the angular dependence for the similarly shaped bull and rabbit sperm allow discrimination of these cells. We show that DNA staining with 4-6 diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) or an ethidium bromide mithramycin combination allows resolution of the X and Y populations in mouse sperm. They have also been successful with sperm from the bull, ram, rabbit, and boar. Reliable results with human sperm are not obtained. The accuracy of the staining and measurement techniques are verified by the correct determination of the relative DNA content of these two populations in sperm from normal mice and those with the Cattanach [7 to X] translocation. Among the potential uses of these techniques are measurement of DNA content errors induced in sperm due to mutagen exposure, and assessment of the fractions of X and Y sperm in semen that may have one population artifically enriched.  相似文献   
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