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Phospholipase C-gamma (PLC-gamma) and GTPase activating protein (GAP) are substrates of EGF, PDGF and other growth factor receptors. Since either PLC-gamma or GAP also bind to the activated receptors it was suggested that their SH2 domains are mediating this association. We attempted to delineate the specific region of the EGF receptor that is responsible for the binding, utilizing EGF receptor mutants, PLC-gamma, and a bacterially expressed TRP E fusion protein containing the SH2 domains of GAP. As previously shown, tyrosine autophosphorylation of the wild-type receptor wsa crucial in mediating the association and in agreement, a kinase negative EGF receptor could bind PLC-gamma or TRP E GAP SH2, but only when cross tyrosine phosphorylated by an active EGF receptor kinase. The importance of autophosphorylation for association was confirmed by demonstrating that a carboxy-terminal deletion of the EGFR missing four autophosphorylation sites bound these proteins poorly. To study the role of EGF receptor autophosphorylation further, a 203 amino acid EGF receptor fragment was generated with cyanogen bromide that contained all known tyrosine autophosphorylation sites. This fragment bound both TRP E GAP SH2 and PLC-gamma but only when tyrosine phosphorylated. This data localizes a major binding site for SH2 domain containing proteins to the carboxy-terminus of the EGF receptor and points to the importance of tyrosine phosphorylation in mediating this association.  相似文献   
Studies of the Rous sarcoma virus RNA: characterization of the 5'-terminus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The 5′ terminus of the Rous Sarcoma Viral 30-40S RNA was characterized as follows: Unlabeled RNA was treated with polynucleotide kinase and (γ-32P) ATP. Degradation of the 5′-(32P) RNA with alkali yielded labeled pAp while degradation with venom phosphodiesterase yielded labeled 5′-AMP. Dephosphorylation with alkaline phosphatase was unnecessary for the RNA to accept32P indicating the presence of 5′-OH ends. This establishes that the base at the 5′ end of Rous Sarcoma Viral 30-40S RNA is adenine.  相似文献   
Multiple DNA-dependent enzyme activities have been detected in highly purified preparations of a single-strand-specific nuclease from vaccinia virus. These enzyme preparations were extensively purified and characterized by using superhelical DNAs as substrates. In particular, the nuclease activity was monitored by the extent of conversion of supercoiled closed duplex DNA (DNA I) to nicked circular DNA (DNA II), which could subsequently be converted to duplex linear DNA (DNA III) by prolonged incubation with the enzyme. DNA species which were not substrates for the enzyme included relaxed closed duplex DNA, DNA II which had been prepared by nuclease S1 treatment or by photochemical nicking of DNA I, and DNA III. With plasmid pSM1 DNA as substrate, the extent of cleavage of DNA I to DNA II was found to increase with superhelix density above a threshold value of about -0.06. The linear reaction products were examined by gel electrophoresis after restriction enzyme digestion of the DNAs from plasmids pSM1 and pBR322 and of the viral DNAs from bacteriophage phi X174 (replicative form) and simian virus 40, and the map coordinate locations of the scissions were determined. These products were further examined by electron microscopy and by gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Electron micrographs taken under partially denaturing conditions revealed molecules with terminal loops or hairpins such as would result from the introduction of cross-links at the cutting sites. These species exhibited snapback renaturation. The denaturing gel electrophoresis experiments revealed the appearance of new bands at locations consistent with terminal cross-linking. With pSM1 and pBR322 DNAs, this band was shown to contain DNA that was approximately twice the length of a linear single strand. The terminal regions of the cross-linked linear duplex reaction products were sensitive to nuclease S1 but insensitive to proteinase K, suggesting that the structure is a hairpin loop not maintained by a protein linker. A similar structure is found in mature vaccinia virus DNA.  相似文献   
cGMP phosphodiesterase in rod and cone outer segments of the retina   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Immunochemical, chromatographic, and sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis studies suggest that immunologically related but distinct cyclic GMP phosphodiesterases are present in rod and cone outer segments of the retina. Immunocytochemical studies demonstrated that one monoclonal antibody (ROS-1) recognized a determinant present in both rod and cone outer segments, while another monoclonal antibody (ROS-2) only recognized rod outer segments. At least two peaks of phosphodiesterase activity could be separated by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography of retinal extracts. Both peaks were recognized by ROS-1. None of the first peak and only 80% of the second broad peak of activity were recognized by ROS-2. High-performance liquid chromatography profiles from human fovea and several other types of cone-enriched retina showed that most of the activity was contained in the first peak, suggesting that this activity was derived from cone outer segments. Conversely, the phosphodiesterase in rod-enriched preparations migrated predominately in the second peak. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis indicated that this first peak contained a single large immunoreactive polypeptide (alpha') that migrated with the same mobility as a phosphorylase b standard and was distinct from the more rapidly migrating large immunoreactive polypeptides (alpha and beta) present in a broad second peak. The second peak could be further separated into a first part that contained a doublet of two immunoreactive polypeptides (alpha and beta) that migrated faster than phosphorylase b and a later part that contained only the most rapidly migrating polypeptide (beta). All of the peaks could be activated by histone or transducin:GTP, implying that all contained a small 11-kDa inhibitory subunit (gamma) of the enzyme. Since the larger (alpha') and smaller (beta) immunoreactive polypeptides could be completely separated from the alpha polypeptide and from each other, yet still retain the ability to be activated by histone or transducin, the data suggest that only a single species of polypeptide-inhibitor complex (e.g. alpha' gamma, alpha gamma, or beta gamma) was required for histone or transducin:GTP activation.  相似文献   
Metacarpophalangeal joints in dogs were transplanted with microvascular anastomoses. Some were transplanted as half-joints, others as whole joints, and these dogs were followed for up to 5 1/2 months. When a half-joint was transplanted within the foot, the joint movement became restricted but the vascularized half-joints were well preserved with only slight damage and well-preserved epiphyseal plates--compared to severe damage of the articular cartilage and destruction of the epiphyseal plates in the non-vascularized joint transplants. Vascularized whole joint transplants within the foot were indistinguishable macroscopically and microscopically from normal joints, and they had only a slight restriction of joint movement. They took up tetracycline from the circulation, demonstrating their viability.  相似文献   
4-Nitro-1-cyclohexyl-3-ethoxy-2-oxo-3-pyrroline reacts with both amino and sulfhydryl groups. The instability of the product with sulfhydryl groups makes the reagent a useful amino-group specific protein reagent. The advantages of this compound include (1) rapid reaction with protein (less than 15 min at pH 9), (2) EASE OF REVERSAL UNDER MILDLY ALKALINE CONDITIONS (PH larger than or equal to 8) with formation of a water-soluble by-product (lambdamax = 363 nm), and (3) ease of quantitation utilizing the high extinction coefficients of the amino derivative (lambdamax = 383 and 397 nm, epsilon397 = 20 200 M-1 . cm-1) and the reversal by-product (lambdamax = 363 nm, epsilon = 16 300 M-1 . cm-1). With these characteristics and the stability of the amino derivative under physiological conditions (t1/2 for reversal = 167 h at pH 7.0 and room temperature), nitrocyclohexylethoxyoxopyrroline can be a useful reagent in a wide variety of protein sequencing and structure studies.  相似文献   
In the presence of RNA polymerase, RNase H, discriminatory factors alpha and beta, Escherichia coli binding protein, DNA elongation factor I, DNA elongation factor II preparation, DNA polymerase III, and ATP, UTP, GTP, CTP, dATP, dTTP, dGTP, and dCTP, fd viral DNA can be quantitatively converted to RFII containing a unique gap in the linear minus strand. This gap, mapped with the aid of restriction endonucleases HinII and HpaII, is located within Fragment Hpa-H of the fd genome. The discrimination reaction has been resolved into two steps: Step A, fd viral DNA, E. coli binding protein, and discriminatory factors alpha and beta form a protein DNA complex; Step B, the complex isolated by agarose gel filtration selectively forms fd RFII when supplemented with RNase H, RNA polymerase, and the DNA elongation proteins. The omission of any of the proteins described above during the first reaction resulted in either no discrimination or a decrease in discrimination when the missing protein was added during the second step. Results are presented which indicate that E. coli binding protein, discriminatory factors alpha and beta, and RNase H must be present during the time RNA synthesis occurs in order to selectively form RFII from fd DNA and not phiX RFII. The amount of fd and phiX174 RNA-DNA hybrid formed in vitro is directly related to the DNA synthesis observed. Thus, under discriminatory conditions, only fd viral DNA leads to fd RNA-DNA complexes and no phiX RNA-DNA hybrid is formed. Under nondiscriminatory conditions, both DNAs yield RNA-DNA hybrids and DNA synthesis. In the absence of discriminatory factor alpha, no RNA-DNA hybrid is formed with either DNA, and in turn, no DNA synthesis is detected with either DNA template.  相似文献   
DNA polymerases (Pols) of the Y family rescue stalled replication forks by promoting replication through DNA lesions. Humans have four Y family Pols, eta, iota, kappa, and Rev1, of which Pols eta, iota, and kappa have been shown to physically interact with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and be functionally stimulated by it. However, in sharp contrast to the large increase in processivity that PCNA binding imparts to the replicative Pol, Poldelta, the processivity of Y family Pols is not enhanced upon PCNA binding. Instead, PCNA binding improves the efficiency of nucleotide incorporation via a reduction in the apparent K(m) for the nucleotide. Here we show that Poliota interacts with PCNA via only one of its conserved PCNA binding motifs, regardless of whether PCNA is bound to DNA or not. The mode of PCNA binding by Poliota is quite unlike that in Poldelta, where multisite interactions with PCNA provide for a very tight binding of the replicating Pol with PCNA. We discuss the implications of these observations for the accuracy of DNA synthesis during translesion synthesis and for the process of Pol exchange at the lesion site.  相似文献   
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