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Ultra Quenchbody (UQ-body) is a biosensor that utilizes the quenching behavior of the fluorescent dye linked to the antibody V region. When the corresponding antigen is bound to the UQ-body, the fluorescence is restored and allows the detection of target molecules easily and sensitively. In this paper, we constructed UQ-bodies to sensitively detect the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) cancer marker in solution or on cancer cells, which was further used to kill the cancer cells. A synthetic Fab fragment of anti-HER2 antibody Fab37 with many Trp residues at hypervariable region was prepared and labeled with fluorescent dyes to obtain the UQ-bodies. The UQ-body could detect HER2 in solution at concentrations as low as 20 pM with an EC50 of 0.3 nM with a fourfold response. Fluorescence imaging of HER2-positive cells was successfully performed without any washing steps. To deliver small interfering RNA (siRNA) to cancer cells, a modified UQ-body with C-terminal 9R sequence was also prepared. HER2-positive cancer cells were effectively killed by polo-like kinase 1 siRNA intracellularly delivered by the UQ-body-9R. The novel approach employing siRNA-empowered UQ-body could detect and image the HER2 antigen easily and sensitively, and effectively kill the HER2-positive cancer cells.  相似文献   
The intrasubfamilial classification of Microdontinae Rondani (Diptera: Syrphidae) has been a challenge: until recently more than 300 out of more than 400 valid species names were classified in Microdon Meigen. We present phylogenetic analyses of molecular and morphological characters (both separate and combined) of Microdontinae. The morphological dataset contains 174 characters, scored for 189 taxa (9 outgroup), representing all 43 presently recognized genera and several subgenera and species groups. The molecular dataset, representing 90 ingroup species of 28 genera, comprises sequences of five partitions in total from the mitochondrial gene COI and the nuclear ribosomal genes 18S and 28S. We test the sister‐group relationship of Spheginobaccha with the other Microdontinae, attempt to elucidate phylogenetic relationships within the Microdontinae and discuss uncertainties in the classification of Microdontinae. Trees based on molecular characters alone are poorly resolved, but combined data are better resolved. Support for many deeper nodes is low, and placement of such nodes differs between parsimony and Bayesian analyses. However, Spheginobaccha is recovered as highly supported sister group in both. Both analyses agree on the early branching of Mixogaster, Schizoceratomyia, Afromicrodon and Paramicrodon. The taxonomical rank in relation to the other Syrphidae is discussed briefly. An additional analysis based on morphological characters only, including all 189 taxa, used implied weighting. A range of weighting strengths (k‐values) is applied, chosen such that values of character fit of the resulting trees are divided into regular intervals. Results of this analysis are used for discussing the phylogenetic relationships of genera unrepresented in the molecular dataset.  相似文献   
Glucose is a main energy source for normal brain functions. Glucokinase (GK) plays an important role in glucose metabolism as a glucose sensor, and GK activity is modulated by glucokinase regulatory protein (GKRP). In this study, we examined the changes of GK and GKRP immunoreactivities in the gerbil hippocampus after 5 min of transient global cerebral ischemia. In the sham-operated-group, GK and GKRP immunoreactivities were easily detected in the pyramidal neurons of the stratum pyramidale of the hippocampus. GK and GKRP immunoreactivities in the pyramidal neurons were distinctively decreased in the hippocampal CA1 region (CA), not CA2/3, 3 days after ischemia–reperfusion (I–R). Five days after I–R, GK and GKRP immunoreactivities were hardly detected in the CA1, not CA2/3, pyramidal neurons; however, at this point in time, GK and GKRP immunoreactivities were newly expressed in astrocytes, not microglia, in the ischemic CA1. In brief, GK and GKRP immunoreactivities are changed in pyramidal neurons and newly expressed in astrocytes in the ischemic CA1 after transient cerebral ischemia. These indicate that changes of GK and GKRP expression may be related to the ischemia-induced neuronal damage/death.  相似文献   
Pure carbon nanotube (CNT) oscillators are compared to the corresponding CNT oscillators encapsulating copper nanowires (Cu@CNTs) by molecular dynamics simulations. The classical oscillation theory provides a fairly good estimate of the mass dependence of the operating frequency when the CNT surface is not deformed by the Cu nanowire. The structural deformations of the CNT induced by the encapsulated copper nanowire have a greater effect on the oscillation frequency than the mass of the copper nanowire. The excess forces of the Cu@CNT oscillator are slightly higher than those of the CNT oscillator and the excess van der Waals forces induced by the inter-wall interactions are 17 times higher than the excess forces induced by the Cu nanowire–CNT interactions.  相似文献   
The “stem cells” are commonly defined as “cells capable of self-renewal through replication and differentiating into specific lineages”. The mammary gland contains functional stem/progenitor cells. The current study was planned with the objectives to study the differentiation dynamics of Korean Holstein mammary epithelial stem cells (KHMESCs) under the optimum culture conditions. Lineage negative KHMESCs isolated from mammary tissue of lactating cows have shown the typical differentiation dynamics with formation of lobulo–alveolar structures in in vitro culture. This suggests the existence of bipotential mammary epithelial stem cells in the mammary gland. The strong mRNA expression of pluripotency factors indicates stemness, whereas expression of milk protein genes and epithelial cell-specific gene indicate their differentiation capabilities. Further, immunostaining results have shown the differentiation capabilities of KHMESCs into both luminal and basal lineages under the extracellular matrix (ECM, matrigel) free environment. However, under matrigel, the differentiation process was comparatively higher than without matrigel. Immunostaining results also suggested that differentiated cells could secrete milk proteins such as β-casein. To our knowledge, these data represent the first report on the differentiation dynamics and establishment of mammary epithelial stem cells from Korean Holstein with typical stemness properties. It was observed that isolated KHMESCs had normal morphology, growth pattern, differentiation ability, cytogenetic and secretory activity even without ECM. Therefore, it is concluded that established KHMESCs could be used for further studies on Korean Holstein dairy cows related to lactation studies, as non-GMO animal bioreactors and stem cell-based management of bovine mastitis including post-mastitis damage.  相似文献   
Wogonin is a flavonoid compound extracted from Scutellaria baicalensis and is well known as a benzodiazepine receptor ligand with anxiolytic effects. Many recent studies have demonstrated that wogonin modulates angiogenesis, proliferation, invasion, and tumor progress in various cancer tissues. We further explored the mechanism of action of wogonin on cervical cancer cells that contain or lack human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA. Wogonin was cytotoxic to HPV 16 (+) cervical cancer cells, SiHa and CaSki, but not to HPV-negative cells. We demonstrated that wogonin induced apoptosis by suppressing the expressions of the E6 and E7 viral oncogenes in HPV-infected cervical cancer CaSki and SiHa cells. The modulation of p53 and protein retinoblastoma (pRb) were also triggered by the suppression of E6 and E7 expressions. However, p53 was not altered in HPV-negative cervical cancer C33A cells. Moreover, wogonin modulated the mitochondrial membrane potential and the expression of pro- and anti-apoptotic factors such as Bax and Bcl-2. Wogonin also provoked the cleavage of caspase-3, caspase-9, and poly ADP ribose polymerase. After transfection of siRNAs to target E6 and E7, additional restoration of p53 and pRb was not induced, but processing of caspases and PARP was increased compared with wogonin treatment alone. Together, our findings demonstrated that wogonin effectively promotes apoptosis by downregulating E6 and E7 expressions and promoting intrinsic apoptosis in human cervical cancer cells.  相似文献   
Abstract: Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Upper Barremian ammonite genus Gassendiceras (Gassendiceratinae) was performed using a cladistic analysis incorporating continuous data. Some morphological features were found to vary identically among all the analysed species and therefore carry no phylogenetic information (= symplesiomorphic). The single obtained cladogram allows interpreting the evolution of the Gassendiceras as an anagenetic succession of eight species, in stratigraphic order of appearance, Gassendiceras multicostatum, G. alpinum, G. hoheneggeri, G. rebouleti, G. bosellii, G. quelquejeui, G. coulletae and G. enayi. The clade Pseudoshasticrioceras/Imerites is derived from G. enayi, so the genus Gassendiceras appears to be paraphyletic. But here, we accept this fact as the best evolutive classification. The evolution over time of Gassendiceras is modulated by some processes, which could have constrained the inferred phylogenetic pattern with the drift of the global variability towards the most gracile forms over time. It is tempting to interpret this evolution as a constant selection over time of the Gassendiceras modulated by environmental control due to eustatic variation across a transgressive sequence. Thus, the most peramorphic (gracile) individuals seemed favoured at the expense of those most robust (paedomorphic).  相似文献   
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