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It is crucial to monitor how the productivity of grasslands varies with its temporal stability for management of these ecosystems. However, identifying the direction of the productivity–stability relationship remains challenging because ecological stability has multiple components that can display neutral, positive or negative covariations. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the direction of the productivity–stability relationship depends on the biotic interactions and abiotic conditions that underlie ecosystem productivity and stability. We decipher the relationships between grassland productivity and two components of its stability in four habitat types with contrasting environments and flora.



Time period


Major taxa

Grassland plant species.


We used c. 20,000 vegetation plots spread across French permanent grasslands and remotely sensed vegetation indices to quantify grassland productivity and temporal stability. We decomposed stability into constancy (i.e., temporal invariability) and resistance (i.e., maximum deviation from average) and deciphered the direct and indirect effects of abiotic (namely growing season length and nitrogen input) and biotic (namely plant taxonomic diversity, trait diversity and community-weighted mean traits) factors on productivity–stability relationships using structural equation models.


We found a positive relationship between productivity and constancy and a negative relationship between productivity and resistance in all habitats. Abiotic factors had stronger effects on productivity and stability compared with biotic factors. A longer growing season enhanced grassland productivity and constancy. Nitrogen input had positive and negative effects on grassland productivity and resistance, respectively. Trait values affected the constancy and resistance of grassland more than taxonomic and trait diversity, with effects varying from one habitat to another. Productivity was not related to any biotic factor.

Main conclusions

Our findings reveal how vital it is to consider both the multiple components of stability and the interaction between environment and biodiversity to gain an understanding of the relationships between productivity and stability in real-world ecosystems, which is a crucial step for sustainable grassland management.  相似文献   
The immunogenicity of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2, EuroCetus, Amsterdam, Netherlands) was studied in seventy-six patients receiving different subcutaneous immunotherapy regimens. Patients presented with progressive metastatic renal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, colorectal cancer, B-cell lymphoma, and Hodgkin's disease. An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was employed to screen patients for development of non-neutralizing antibodies against rIL-2, antibody specificity was confirmed by a standard Western blot. Neutralizing serum activity against rIL-2 was detected using a standard CTLL mouse proliferation assay. Additionally, serum levels of soluble interleukin-2 receptors and lymphocyte subsets expressing the CD56 natural killer (NK) associated antigen were measured.In a proportion of approximately 35% to 90% of the patients treated, non-neutralizing antibodies against rIL-2 could be detected after all treatment courses were evaluated. Antibodies were of the IgG, IgM, IgA and IgD subtypes. None of the 76 patients exhibited serum neutralizing activity after one treatment course. Five patients exhibited neutralizing anti-rIL-2 serum activity after two or more treatment courses of systemic rIL-2. In three of these patients, antibodies neutralized both recombinant and natural IL-2. Patients developing neutralizing anti-rIL-2 antibodies, exhibited significantly lower serum sIL-2 receptor levels upon the emergence of serum neutralizing activity than patients without antibody. Additionally, NK cell associated CD56 positivity was significantly lower in patients who exhibited neutralizing anti-rIL-2 serum activity than in patients who did not. A significant decrease in levels of soluble IL-2 receptors and CD56 NK cell positivity was observed, when comparing values prior to and after onset of serum neutralizing activity against rIL-2. However, while emergence of neutralizing antibodies to rIL-2 diminished rIL-2 induced biological activation, it did not coincide with abrogation of treatment response.Abbreviations rIL-2 recombinant interleukin-2 - EIA enzyme immuno assay - rIFN-2 recombinant interferon- 2  相似文献   
Summary NMR pulse sequences for measuring coupling constants in 13C, 15N-labeled proteins are presented. These pulse sequences represent improvements over earlier experiments with respect to resolution and number of radiofrequency pulses. The experiments are useful for measuring JNH , JNCO, JNC , JH N CO and JH N H . Applications to chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI-2) are shown.  相似文献   
Using a biotin-streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) immunohistochemical technique the distribution of substance P-immunoreactive neuronal elements was investigated in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibres and varicosities were distributed throughout the suprachiasmatic nucleus, with the largest accumulation in its ventral part. Because this location overlaps with the innervation of retinal afferents, the distribution and density of substance P-immunoreactive fibres in bilaterally enucleated rats were compared to normal rats. The density of substance P-immunoreactive fibres and nerve terminals in the ventral part of the suprachiasmatic nuclei was reduced in the rats with bilateral destruction of the optic nerves, whereas the density of fibres and nerve terminals in the dorsal part as well as other retinal target areas in the thalamus and mesencephalon was unaffected. In rats pretreated with an intraventricular injection of colchicine several substance P-immunoreactive perikarya were identified in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The immunoreactive neurons, measuring 9.7 m±1.1 m in diameter, were frequently observed in the central core of the nucleus and to a lesser extent in the dorsomedial and ventrolateral subparts. Using in situ hybridization histochemistry pre-protachykinin-A mRNA was found in the same part of the SCN indicating that synthesis of substance P takes place in SCN neurons. Using a double immunohistochemical approach applying diaminobenzidine and benzidinedihydrochloride as chromagens substance P-, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-, and vasopressin/neurophysin-immunoreactivities were identified in the same brain section. The substance P-immunoreactive perikarya constituted a separate population of SCN neurons, which were not vasopressin-, neurophysin- or VIP-immunoreactive. Taken together, these observations show that substance P is contained in the retinohypothalamic pathway and within a group of SCN cell bodies, indiating that substance P may play a role in the generation and entrainment of circadian rhythmicity.  相似文献   
During C. elegans embryogenesis an 8-cell stage blastomere, called MS, undergoes a reproducible cleavage pattern, producing pharyngeal cells, body wall muscles, and cell deaths. We show here that maternal-effect mutations in the pie-1 and mex-1 genes cause additional 8-cell stage blastomeres to adopt a fate very similar to that of the wild-type MS blastomere. In pie-1 mutants one additional posterior blastomere adopts an MS-like fate, and in mex-1 mutants four additional anterior blastomeres adopt an MS-like fate. We propose that maternally provided pie-1(+) and mex-1(+) gene products may function in the early embryo to localize or regulate factors that determine the fate of the MS blastomere.  相似文献   
In the ciliate protist Tetrahymena thermophila the L, H, T, I, S, M and P cell surface proteins (immobilization antigens) are expressed under different conditions of temperature (L, H, T), culture media (I, S), and mutant genotype (M, P). Immunoblot and autoradiographic studies using antisera to purified protein show that the molecular weights of these proteins range from 25,000 to 59,000. The H, T, S, M and P antigens are recognized as single polypeptides, whereas L, I, and one allelic form of T each appear to consist of a family of polypeptides. Although antisera are specific in immobilization and immunofluorescence assays of surface protein in living cells, cross-reactivity is seen with denatured protein on immunoblots. It is hypothesized that the surface protein genes are organized into families of evolutionarily related isoloci.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses two glycogenin isoforms (designated as Glg1p and Glg2p) that both contain a conserved tyrosine residue, Tyr232. However, Glg2p possesses an additional tyrosine residue, Tyr230 and therefore two potential autoglucosylation sites. Glucosylation of Glg2p was studied using both matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and electrospray quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry. Glg2p, carrying a C-terminal (His6) tag, was produced in Escherichia coli and purified. By tryptic digestion and reversed phase chromatography a peptide (residues 219-246 of the complete Glg2p sequence) was isolated that contained 4-25 glucosyl residues. Following incubation of Glg2p with UDPglucose, more than 36 glucosyl residues were covalently bound to this peptide. Using a combination of cyanogen bromide cleavage of the protein backbone, enzymatic hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds and reversed phase chromatography, mono- and diglucosylated peptides having the sequence PNYGYQSSPAM were generated. MS/MS spectra revealed that glucosyl residues were attached to both Tyr232 and Tyr230 within the same peptide. The formation of the highly glucosylated eukaryotic Glg2p did not favour the bacterial glycogen accumulation. Under various experimental conditions Glg2p-producing cells accumulated approximately 30% less glycogen than a control transformed with a Glg2p lacking plasmid. The size distribution of the glycogen and extractable activities of several glycogen-related enzymes were essentially unchanged. As revealed by high performance anion exchange chromatography, the intracellular maltooligosaccharide pattern of the bacterial cells expressing the functional eukaryotic transgene was significantly altered. Thus, the eukaryotic glycogenin appears to be incompatible with the bacterial initiation of glycogen biosynthesis.  相似文献   
A report is given of an adult caecilian, Scolecomorphus kirkii, found in the gut of a specimen of the snake Atractaspis aterrima from the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Both predator and prey are largely fossorial in soil, and their ecology is poorly known, such that this is the first reported predator of any scolecomorphid caecilian. The caecilian was ingested head first and much of the flesh from the anterior of the specimen had been digested. The prey/predator mass ratio is 0.48. This value is substantially higher than reported for A. aterrima from West Africa, and refutes the notion that this species feeds only on small prey. Most reported predators of caecilians are snakes, and a brief review is presented.  相似文献   
Jasminum odoratissimum is a Madeira and Canary Islands endemic showing classic heterostyly, i.e. with long-styled flowers with anthers at a low level in the corolla tube and short-styled flowers with anthers at a high level in the corolla tube. Short-styled flowers have large pollen, whereas long-styled flowers have small pollen. The two types are present in equal frequencies in the population.  相似文献   
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