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All recorded host plants of Phyllotreta nemorum L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) contain glucosinolates and belong to the plant families Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), Resedaceae and Capparaceae. The acceptability of 56 plant species from 28 other plant families (non-hosts) for young larvae has been studied in the laboratory. None of these species were fully acceptable for initiations of leaf mines when intact untreated leaves were presented, and only one species, Malva silvestris L. (Malvaceae), was partially acceptable. The acceptability of some species increased when leaf discs were presented instead of intact leaves; but the highest percentages of mine initiations occurred in leaf discs treated with the glucosinolate, sinigrin. A stimulatory effect of sinigrin could be demonstrated in experiments with 7 plant species: Papaver dubium L., Papaver rhoeas L., Fumaria officinalis L., Malva silvestris L., Pisum sativum L., Campanula latifolia L. and Lactuca sativa L. The majority of species remained unacceptable even after treatment with glucosinolates.The main causes for these differences between plant species are supposed to be differences in contents of deterrents and/or other stimulants for mine initiation. These possibilities are discussed in relation to the content of allelochemicals in acceptable plants and the position of these plants in botanical classifications.
Zusammenfassung Phyllotreta nemorum L. ist ein oligophager Erdfloh, der an Cruciferen und anderen Glukosinolat-haltigen Pflanzenarten gebunden ist. Die Imagines fressen Löcher in die Blätter und die Weibchen legen ihre Eier in den Boden. Die Larven sind Blattminierer. Nach dem Schlüpfen im Boden klettern sie an die Pflanzen hoch, und die Einbohrung und der Anfang der Minierung erfolgt in eines der unteren Blätter der Wirtspflanze.Die Wirkung von Glukosinolaten auf die Einbohrung von Junglarven in Pflanzenarten, die keine natürliche Inhalt von Glukosinolaten haben, ist in Laborexperimenten untersucht worden. 56 Pflanzenarten aus 28 Familien wurden präsentiert teils als unbehandelte Blätter und teils als Glukosinolatbehandelte Blattscheiben. Unbehandelte Blätter von nicht-Glukosinolathaltigen Arten waren immer unbefriedigend für die Larven. Nur in eine Art, Malva silvestris L. war die Frequenz der Einbohrung ein bisschen höher als 10%. Eine signifikante Erhöherung der Anzahl eingebohrten Larven nach der Sinigrin-behandlung erfolgte in 7 Pflanzenarten: Papaver dubium L., P. rhoeas L., Fumaria officinalis L., Malva silvestris L., Pisum sativum L., Campanula latifolia L. und Lactuca sativa L. Doch blieben die meisten Pflanzenarten (84%) auch nach der Sinigrin-Behandlung unbesiedelt.Pflanzenarten, die nach der Sinigrin-Behandlung nicht besiedelt werden enthalten vielleicht frasshemmende Stoffe, oder ihnen fehlen noch weitere Frass-stimulierende Stoffe. Diese Möglichkeiten werden diskutiert in Zusammenhang mit den Inhalt von Allelochemikalien in besiedelten Pflanzenarten und mit ihrer taxonomischer Position.
Summary The increased risk of nonocular cancer seen consistently in studies of survivors of retinoblastoma may be caused in part by the presence of a retinoblastoma gene that also predisposes to other cancers. It has been claimed that this gene also increases the risk for cancer among unaffected relatives of genetic retinoblastoma probands. We report here a population-based study of the risk of nonocular cancer in parents and siblings of persons notified to the Danish Cancer Registry with retinoblastoma during 1943–84. No excess was observed among first degree relatives of 61 genetic retinoblastoma probands, whereas a slight (10%) excess was seen among the parents of 115 nongenetic probands. The latter was the result of significant excesses of malignant melanoma (4 observed, 0.4 expected), multiple myeloma (2 observed, 0.2 expected) and osteogenic sarcoma (1 observed, 0.03 expected). The observed risk pattern cannot be explained by the presence of the retinoblastoma gene.  相似文献   
In a series of laboratory and climate chamber tests we compared the growth and behaviour of Aphis craccivora on one susceptible (ICV-1) and two aphid-resistant (ICV-11 and ICV-12) cowpea lines. The aphids' growth rates were much lower on the resistant cowpea lines than on the susceptible one, indicating strong antibiosis. In addition, the aphids invariably settled in higher numbers on the susceptible line than on either of the resistant. Compared to ICV-1, damaged leaves of the resistant line ICV-12 were settled upon to a higher degree than undamaged leaves, and leaf discs from the same line were even less resistant.On resistant lines individual aphids waited a significantly longer time before making their first test probe. Total probing time as well as the time preceding a decision to stay or leave was also longer.These results are discussed in relation to the possible mechanisms involved, and we also consider the effects of previous leaf feeding on the expression of resistance in the field.
Résumé Au cours d'expériences au laboratoire et en chambres climatisées nous avons comparé la croissance et le comportement de A. craccivora sur une lignée sensible (ICV-1) et deux lignées résistantes (ICV-11 et ICV-12) de V. unguiculata. Les vitesses de croissance des pucerons ont été beaucoup plus lentes sur les lignées résistantes que sur la lignée sensible, ce qui révèle une forte antibiose. De plus, les pucerons atterrissent invariablement en plus grand nombre sur la variété sensible. Par comparaison avec ICV-1, les atterrissages sur lignée résistante ICV-12 étaient plus nombreux sur les feuilles endommagées que sur les feuilles intactes; les disques de feuilles de cette même lignée étaient encore moins résistants.Les pucerons ont séjourné individuellement un temps plus long sur les lignées résistantes avant de faire leur premier sondage. Le temps consacré aux sondages ainsi que le temps précédant de choix entre départ ou maintien sur la feuille étaient plus longs avec les lignées résistantes.Ces résultats ont été discutés en fonction des mécanismes impliqués. Nous avons aussi examiné les effets de la consommation antérieure sur les manifestations de la résistance dans la nature.
We have developed a rapid, simple, specific, and very sensitive bioluminescence method for the measurement of L-glutamate (L-Glu). Oxidation of L-Glu by glutamate dehydrogenase has been coupled with bacterial FMN reductase and luciferase. Light production (i.e., peak height or integral) was linear from less than 0.5 to 500 pmol of L-Glu. Potential interfering substances that may be encountered in brain tissue have been identified. The most potent inhibitors were ascorbate and the biogenic amines. Procedures that conferred long-term stability of the reagent mixture (greater than 8 h) were established. Bioluminescence analysis of L-Glu content in brain tissue extracts, fractions from release experiments, and human CSF corroborated respective results obtained by HPLC analysis. In this study, we have applied the method to monitor changes in the KCl-evoked release of endogenous L-Glu from milligram amounts of brain tissue, i.e., from lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus after visual cortex ablation.  相似文献   
Corynebacterium (Eubacterium) suis strains from boars and sows haemagglutinated erythrocytes of different animal species (calf, guinea pig, poultry, pig, and human). The haemaigglutination was man nose resistant (MR) and was neither inhibited by L-fucose nor D-galactose. The hydrophobicity measured by salt aggregation test (0.1–0.9 mol/1 (NH4)2SO4) and the hydrophobic interaction chromatography test (90 % retention in octyl sepharose) together with the haemagglutinating activity, indicated the presence of fimbriae on the bacteria. The haemagglutinating and hydrophobic properties were heat-sensitive (60°C for 10 min) suggestive of the presence of a protein structure. Two types of fimbria-tion were demonstrated by electron microscopy. Fetuin and glyco^ protein inhibited the haemagglutination, whereas porcine mucin was without any effect. These results indicate that branched glycoproteins might be important receptors for these fimbriae. The pathogenic aspects of C. suis are discussed, based on recent acquired knowledge of the effect of other pyelonephritogenic bacteria.  相似文献   
The genetic organization of the DNA region encoding the phenol degradation pathway ofPseudomonas putida H has been investigated. This strain can utilize phenol or some of its methylated derivatives as its sole source of carbon and energy. The first step in this process is the conversion of phenol into catechol. Catechol is then further metabolized via themeta-cleavage pathway into TCA cycle intermediates. Genes encoding these enzymes are clustered on the plasmid pPGH1. A region of contiguous DNA spanning about 16 kb contains all of the genetic information necessary for inducible phenol degradation. The analysis of mutants generated by insertion of transposons and cassettes indicates that all of the catabolic genes are contained in a single operon. This codes for a multicomponent phenol hydroxylase andmeta-cleavage pathway enzymes. Catabolic genes are subject to positive control by the gene product(s) of a second locus.  相似文献   
The distribution of neurones immunoreactive to antisera raised against the undecapeptide C-terminal fragment of drosulfakinin II (DrmSKII), Asp-Gln-Phe-Asp-Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Gly-His-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2, has been studied in the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria. Antisera were preabsorbed with combinations of the parent antigen, the tetrapeptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 and cholecystokinin, the vertebrate sulfated octapeptide (CCK-8), Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2, in order to ensure specificity for the sulfakinin peptides of C. vomitoria (the nonapeptide callisulfakinin I is identical to drosulfakinin I and callisulfakinin II differs from DrmSK II only by the presence of -Glu3-Glu4- in place of -Asp3-Asp4-). Only four pairs of sulfakinin-immunoreactive neurones have been visualised in the entire nervous system. These occur in the brain: two pairs of cells situated medially in the caudo-dorsal region close to the roots of the ocellar nerve and two other pairs at the same level but positioned more laterally. Despite the small number of sulfakinin-immunoreactive cells, there are extensive projections to many areas of neuropile in the brain and the thoracic ganglion. The pathway of the medial sulfakinin cells extends into each of the three thoracic ganglia and a metameric arrangement of sulfakinin neuronal projections is also seen in the abdominal ganglia. Neither the dorsal neural sheath of the thoracic ganglion, nor the abdominal nerves contain sulfakinin-immunoreactive material. These observations suggest that the sulfakinins of the blowfly function as neurotransmitters or neuromodulators. They do not appear to have a direct role in gut physiology, as has been shown by in vitro bioassays for the sulfakinins of orthopterans and blattodeans. In addition to the neurones that display specific sulfakinin immunoreactivity, other cells within the brain and thoracic ganglion are immunoreactive to cholecystokinin/gastrin antisera. There are, therefore, at least two types of dipteran neuropeptides with amino acid sequences that are similar to the vertebrate molecules cholecystokinin and gastrin.  相似文献   
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