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Glutathione S-transferase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfGST) displays a peculiar dimer to tetramer transition that causes full enzyme inactivation and loss of its ability to sequester parasitotoxic hemin. Furthermore, binding of hemin is modulated by a cooperative mechanism. Site-directed mutagenesis, steady-state kinetic experiments, and fluorescence anisotropy have been used to verify the possible involvement of loop 113–119 in the tetramerization process and in the cooperative phenomenon. This protein segment is one of the most prominent structural differences between PfGST and other GST isoenzymes. Our results demonstrate that truncation, increased rigidity, or even a simple point mutation of this loop causes a dramatic change in the tetramerization kinetics that becomes at least 100 times slower than in the native enzyme. All of the mutants tested have lost the positive cooperativity for hemin binding, suggesting that the integrity of this peculiar loop is essential for intersubunit communication. Interestingly, the tetramerization process of the native enzyme that occurs rapidly when GSH is removed is prevented not only by GSH but even by oxidized glutathione. This result suggests that protection by PfGST against hemin is independent of the redox status of the parasite cell. Because of the importance of this unique segment in the function/structure of PfGST, it could be a new target for the development of antimalarial drugs.Approximately two million deaths in the world per year are caused by Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite responsible for tropical malaria (1, 2). In the last years, increasing interest has been developing for the peculiar glutathione S-transferase (PfGST)3 expressed by this parasite. Expressed in almost all living organisms, GSTs represent a large superfamily of multifunctional detoxifying enzymes that are able to conjugate GSH to a lot of toxic electrophilic compounds, thus facilitating their excretion. Many other protection roles of GSTs have been described, including the enzymatic reduction of organic peroxides (35), the inactivation of the proapoptotic JNK through a GST·JNK complex (6), and the protection of the cell from excess nitric oxide (7). The mammalian cytosolic GSTs are dimeric proteins grouped into eight species-independent classes termed Alpha, Kappa, Mu, Omega, Pi, Sigma, Theta, and Zeta on the basis of sequence similarity, immunological reactivity, and substrate specificity (3, 811). PfGST is one of the most abundant proteins expressed by P. falciparum (from 1 to 10%, i.e. from 0.1 to 1 mm) (12), and different from what occurs in many organisms, it is the sole GST isoenzyme expressed by this parasite. Despite its structural similarity to the Mu class GST, this specific isoenzyme cannot be assigned to any known GST class (13). The interest in this enzyme is due to its particular protective role in the parasite. In fact, in addition to the usual GST activity that promotes the conjugation of GSH to electrophilic centers of toxic compounds, this protein efficiently binds hemin, and thus it could protect the parasite (that resides in the erythrocytes) from the parasitotoxic effect of this heme by-product (14). Specific compounds that selectively inhibit its catalytic activity or hemin binding could be promising candidates as antimalarial drugs. In this context, the discovery of structural or mechanistic properties of this enzyme that are not found in other GSTs may be important for designing selective inhibitors that are toxic to the parasite but harmless for the host cells. Two properties never observed in other members of the GST superfamily are of particular interest. The first property is that this enzyme, in the absence of GSH, is inactivated in a short time and loses its ability to bind hemin (15). Recent studies indicated that the inactivation process is related to a dimer to tetramer transition (13, 16, 17). The second property is the strong positive homotropic phenomenon that modulates the affinity of the two subunits for hemin (15). The x-ray crystal structure of PfGST, solved by two different groups (13, 18), provides insights into this effect. From a structural point of view, the most intriguing differences of PfGST when compared with other GSTs are a more solvent-exposed H-site and an atypic extra loop connecting helix α-4 and helix α-5 (residues 113–119; see also Fig. 1) that could be involved in the dimer-dimer interaction. Actually, in the absence of ligands, two biological dimers form a tetramer, and these homodimers are interlocked with each other by loop 113–119 of one homodimer, which occupies an H-site of the other homodimer (13, 18). Upon binding of S-hexylglutathione, loop 113–119 rearranges; residues Asn-114, Leu-115, and Phe-116 form an additional coil in helix α-4; and the side chains of Asn-111, Phe-116, and Tyr-211 flip into the H-site of the same dimer (17, 18). The changed course of residues 113–119 in the liganded enzyme prevents the interlocking of the dimers.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.A, structural changes of loop 113–119 occurring in the dimer (light blue model and yellow loop; Protein Data Bank code 2AAW) to tetramer (blue model and orange loop; Protein Data Bank code 1OKT) transition. Red spheres indicate the amino acids replaced in this study to obtain mutants A, B, and C. B, model of hemin·PfGST complex obtained by docking simulation using the crystal structure for Protein Data Bank code 1Q4J (15). Hemin is shown in red, loop 113–119 is in orange, and GSH is shown as yellow sticks.In this paper, by means of site-directed mutagenesis, fluorescence anisotropy, kinetic studies, and size exclusion chromatography, we check the influence of selected mutations of this atypic loop in the tetramerization process and the possible involvement of this protein segment in the cooperative phenomenon that characterizes hemin binding. In addition we describe that the tetramerization process is inhibited not only by GSH but even by GSSG. This finding suggests that hemin binding of PfGST is independent of the redox status of the cell. Finally, we demonstrate that the presence of GSH (or GSSG) in the active site is not essential for hemin binding, but this interaction only requires an active dimeric conformation.  相似文献   
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis P450 enzymes are of interest for their pharmacological development potential, as evidenced by their susceptibility to inhibition by antifungal azole drugs that normally target sterol 14α-demethylase (CYP51). Although antifungal azoles show promise, direct screening of compounds against M. tuberculosis P450 enzymes may identify novel, more potent, and selective inhibitory scaffolds. Here we report that CYP130 from M. tuberculosis has a natural propensity to bind primary arylamines with particular chemical architectures. These compounds were identified via a high throughput screen of CYP130 with a library of synthetic organic molecules. As revealed by subsequent x-ray structure analysis, selected compounds bind in the active site by Fe-coordination and hydrogen bonding of the arylamine group to the carbonyl oxygen of Gly243. As evidenced by the binding of structural analogs, the primary arylamine group is indispensable, but synergism due to hydrophobic contacts between the rest of the molecule and protein amino acid residues is responsible for a binding affinity comparable with that of the antifungal azole drugs. The topology of the CYP130 active site favors angular coordination of the arylamine group over the orthogonal coordination of azoles. Upon substitution of Gly243 by an alanine, the binding mode of azoles and some arylamines reverted from type II to type I because of hydrophobic and steric interactions with the alanine side chain. We suggest a role for the conserved Ala(Gly)243-Gly244 motif in the I-helix in modulating both the binding affinity of the axial water ligand and the ligand selectivity of cytochrome P450 enzymes.CYP130 is one of the 20 Mycobacterium tuberculosis cytochrome P450 (P450, CYP)2 enzymes and is one of three (CYP51, CYP121, and CYP130) that have been studied as individually expressed proteins at the structural level. Evidence has accumulated for the importance of M. tuberculosis P450 enzymes in virulence (CYP132) (1), host infection (CYP125) (2), and pathogen viability (CYP128, CYP121) (3, 4), although neither their exact biological functions nor any of the endogenous substrates upon which these enzymes operate have yet been established. However, it has recently been shown in vitro that CYP121 catalyzes a C–C coupling reaction between two tyrosine groups (5). CYP130 is absent from the genome of Mycobacterium bovis, suggesting that it might play specific role(s) in the infection of the human host and thus constitute a potential therapeutic target.The potential of M. tuberculosis P450 enzymes for pharmacologic development was initially suggested by their susceptibility to inhibition by antifungal azole drugs such as fluconazole, econazole, and clotrimazole. These drugs block sterol 14α-demethylase CYP51 in fungi (6), tightly bind to M. tuberculosis P450 proteins (7, 8), and display inhibitory potential against latent and multidrug-resistant forms of tuberculosis both in vitro and in tuberculosis-infected mice (914).The substantial differences between fungal CYP51 and the potential P450 targets in microbial pathogens, including M. tuberculosis, suggest that the direct screening of compounds against M. tuberculosis CYP enzymes could identify novel inhibitory scaffolds that are more potent and selective than antifungal drugs. Structurally characterized screening targets are advantageous, as the already defined purification and crystallization protocols can be applied to obtain co-crystal structures and to elucidate the binding modes of screening hits. This approach has been successfully applied to CYP51, resulting in identification of novel inhibitory scaffolds for CYP51 therapeutic targets (15, 16).Toward this goal, the property of P450 enzymes to shift the ferric heme iron Soret band on ligand binding (17) provides an experimental platform for high throughput screening of compound libraries to select chemotypes with high binding affinities for the target. Expulsion of the heme iron axial water ligand from the Fe-coordination sphere by the incoming substrate followed by transition of the ferric heme from the low-spin hexacoordinated to the high-spin pentacoordinated state characterize type I spectral shifts and are a prerequisite for P450 catalytic activity. Replacement of a weak axial ligand, the water molecule, with a stronger one possessing a nitrogen-containing aliphatic or aromatic group coordinating to the heme iron characterizes type II spectral shifts.To find new high affinity ligands of CYP130, a commercial library of 20,000 small organic molecules comprising a large selection of molecular scaffolds was screened against the enzyme. In contrast to the results with CYP51, no type I binding hits were identified. Screening produced about a dozen structurally diverse type II hits that were unexpectedly devoid of the usual aromatic nitrogen atoms readily accessible for axial coordination of the heme iron, suggesting an alternative coordination mode. High resolution x-ray structure analysis determined that two compounds coordinated to the heme iron via a primary arylamine group, providing the first structural evidence on P450-heterocyclic arylamine interactions.  相似文献   
The use of adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in cartilage tissue engineering has been implemented in the field of regenerative medicine and offers new perspectives in the generation of transplants for reconstructive surgery. The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a key role in modulating function and phenotype of the embedded cells and contains the integrins as adhesion receptors mediating cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. In our study, characteristic changes in integrin expression during the course of chondrogenic differentiation of MSC from bone marrow and foetal cord blood were compared. MSC were isolated from bone marrow biopsies and cord blood. During cell culture, chondrogenic differentiation was performed. The expression of integrins and their signalling components were analysed with microarray and immunohistochemistry in freshly isolated MSC and after chondrogenic differentiation. The fibronectin-receptor (integrin a5b1) was expressed by undifferentiated MSC, expression rose during chondrogenic differentiation in both types of MSC. The components of the vitronectin/osteopontin-receptors (avb5) were not expressed by freshly isolated MSC, expression rose with ongoing differentiation. Receptors for collagens (a1b1, a2b1, a3b1) were weakly expressed by undifferentiated MSC and were activated during differentiation. As intracellular signalling components integrin linked kinase (ILK) and CD47 showed increasing expression with ongoing differentiation. For all integrins, no significant differences could be found in the two types of MSC. Integrin-mediated signalling seems to play an important role in the generation and maintenance of the chondrocytic phenotype during chondrogenic differentiation. Especially the receptors for fibronectin, vitronectin, osteopontin and collagens might be involved in the generation of the ECM. Intracellularly, their signals might be transduced by ILK and CD47. To fully harness the potential of these cells, future studies should be directed to ascertain their cellular and molecular characteristics for optimal identification, isolation and expansion.  相似文献   


The Thecostraca are arguably the most morphologically and biologically variable group within the Crustacea, including both suspension feeders (Cirripedia: Thoracica and Acrothoracica) and parasitic forms (Cirripedia: Rhizocephala, Ascothoracida and Facetotecta). Similarities between the metamorphosis found in the Facetotecta and Rhizocephala suggests a common evolutionary origin, but until now no comprehensive study has looked at the basic evolution of these thecostracan groups.  相似文献   
Valuable binding-site annotation data are stored in databases. However, several types of errors can, and do, occur in the process of manually incorporating annotation data from the scientific literature into these databases. Here, we introduce MotifAdjuster , a tool that helps to detect these errors, and we demonstrate its efficacy on public data sets.  相似文献   


Pulmonary surfactant reduces surface tension and is present at the air-liquid interface in the alveoli where inhaled nanoparticles preferentially deposit. We investigated the effect of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanosized particles (NSP) and microsized particles (MSP) on biophysical surfactant function after direct particle contact and after surface area cycling in vitro. In addition, TiO2 effects on surfactant ultrastructure were visualized.


A natural porcine surfactant preparation was incubated with increasing concentrations (50-500 μg/ml) of TiO2 NSP or MSP, respectively. Biophysical surfactant function was measured in a pulsating bubble surfactometer before and after surface area cycling. Furthermore, surfactant ultrastructure was evaluated with a transmission electron microscope.


TiO2 NSP, but not MSP, induced a surfactant dysfunction. For TiO2 NSP, adsorption surface tension (γads) increased in a dose-dependent manner from 28.2 ± 2.3 mN/m to 33.2 ± 2.3 mN/m (p < 0.01), and surface tension at minimum bubble size (γmin) slightly increased from 4.8 ± 0.5 mN/m up to 8.4 ± 1.3 mN/m (p < 0.01) at high TiO2 NSP concentrations. Presence of NSP during surface area cycling caused large and significant increases in both γads (63.6 ± 0.4 mN/m) and γmin (21.1 ± 0.4 mN/m). Interestingly, TiO2 NSP induced aberrations in the surfactant ultrastructure. Lamellar body like structures were deformed and decreased in size. In addition, unilamellar vesicles were formed. Particle aggregates were found between single lamellae.


TiO2 nanosized particles can alter the structure and function of pulmonary surfactant. Particle size and surface area respectively play a critical role for the biophysical surfactant response in the lung.  相似文献   


Aspergillus niger is a filamentous fungus found in the environment, on foods and feeds and is used as host for production of organic acids, enzymes and proteins. The mycotoxin fumonisin B2 was recently found to be produced by A. niger and hence very little is known about production and regulation of this metabolite. Proteome analysis was used with the purpose to reveal how fumonisin B2 production by A. niger is influenced by starch and lactate in the medium.  相似文献   


The cellular proteins Pat1p, Lsm1p, and Dhh1p are required for the replication of some positive-strand viruses and therefore are potential targets for new antiviral drugs. To prioritize host targets for antiviral drug screening a comparative metabolome analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reference strain BY4742 Matα his3Δ1 leu2Δ0 lys2Δ0 ura3Δ0 and deletion strains pat1Δ, lsm1Δ and dhh1Δ was performed.  相似文献   


The quantitative analysis of metabolic fluxes, i.e., in vivo activities of intracellular enzymes and pathways, provides key information on biological systems in systems biology and metabolic engineering. It is based on a comprehensive approach combining (i) tracer cultivation on 13C substrates, (ii) 13C labelling analysis by mass spectrometry and (iii) mathematical modelling for experimental design, data processing, flux calculation and statistics. Whereas the cultivation and the analytical part is fairly advanced, a lack of appropriate modelling software solutions for all modelling aspects in flux studies is limiting the application of metabolic flux analysis.  相似文献   


Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and ligase chain reaction (LCR) are used in research for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis (C. tr.) in synovial fluid (SF). However there is no standardized system for diagnostic use in clinical practice, therefore this study aimed at determining the molecular biology method best suited to detect C. tr. from SF.  相似文献   
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