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Mitochondrial uncoupling protein-4 (UCP4) enhances neuronal survival in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP(+)) toxicity by suppressing oxidative stress and preserving intracellular ATP and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). NF-κB regulates neuronal viability via its complexes, p65 mediating cell death and c-Rel promoting cell survival. We reported previously that NF-κB mediates UCP4 neuroprotection against MPP(+) toxicity. Here, we investigated its link with the NF-κB c-Rel prosurvival pathway in alleviating mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. We overexpressed a c-Rel-encoding plasmid in SH-SY5Y cells and showed that c-Rel overexpression induced NF-κB activity without affecting p65 level. Overexpression of c-Rel increased UCP4 promoter activity and protein expression. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that H(2)O(2) increased NF-κB binding to the UCP4 promoter and that NF-κB complexes were composed of p50/p50 and p50/c-Rel dimers. Under H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative stress, UCP4 knockdown significantly increased superoxide levels, decreased reduced glutathione (GSH) levels, and increased oxidized glutathione levels, compared to controls. UCP4 expression induced by c-Rel overexpression significantly decreased superoxide levels and preserved GSH levels and MMP under similar stress. These protective effects of c-Rel overexpression in H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative stress were significantly reduced after UCP4 knockdown, indicating that UCP4 is a target effector gene of the NF-κB c-Rel prosurvival pathway to mitigate the effects of oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), persistent chemicals widely used for industrial purposes, have been banned in most parts of the world for decades. Owing to their bioaccumulative nature, PCBs are still found in high concentrations in marine mammals, particularly those that occupy upper trophic positions. While PCB-related health effects have been well-documented in some mammals, studies among dolphins and whales are limited. We conducted health evaluations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near a site on the Georgia, United States coast heavily contaminated by Aroclor 1268, an uncommon PCB mixture primarily comprised of octa- through deca-chlorobiphenyl congeners. A high proportion (26%) of sampled dolphins suffered anaemia, a finding previously reported from primate laboratory studies using high doses of a more common PCB mixture, Aroclor 1254. In addition, the dolphins showed reduced thyroid hormone levels and total thyroxine, free thyroxine and triiodothyronine negatively correlated with PCB concentration measured in blubber (p = 0.039, < 0.001, 0.009, respectively). Similarly, T-lymphocyte proliferation and indices of innate immunity decreased with blubber PCB concentration, suggesting an increased susceptibility to infectious disease. Other persistent contaminants such as DDT which could potentially confound results were similar in the Georgia dolphins when compared with previously sampled reference sites, and therefore probably did not contribute to the observed correlations. Our results clearly demonstrate that dolphins are vulnerable to PCB-related toxic effects, at least partially mediated through the endocrine system. The severity of the effects suggests that the PCB mixture to which the Georgia dolphins were exposed has substantial toxic potential and further studies are warranted to elucidate mechanisms and potential impacts on other top-level predators, including humans, who regularly consume fish from the same marine waters.  相似文献   
The dynamin-related GTPase, Dnm1, self-assembles into punctate structures that are targeted to the outer mitochondrial membrane where they mediate mitochondrial division. Post-targeting, Dnm1-dependent division is controlled by the actions of the WD repeat protein, Mdv1, and the mitochondrial tetratricopeptide repeat-like outer membrane protein, Fis1. Our previous studies suggest a model where at this step Mdv1 functions as an adaptor linking Fis1 with Dnm1. To gain insight into the exact role of the Fis1.Mdv1.Dnm1 complex in mitochondrial division, we performed a structure-function analysis of the Mdv1 adaptor. Our analysis suggests that dynamic interactions between Mdv1 and Dnm1 play a key role in division by regulating Dnm1 self-assembly.  相似文献   
Laccases, EC or p-diphenol:dioxygen oxidoreductases, are multi-copper containing glycoproteins. Despite many years of research, genetic evidence for the roles of laccases in plants is mostly lacking. In this study, a reverse genetics approach was taken to identify T-DNA insertional mutants (the SALK collection) available for genes in the Arabidopsis laccase family. Twenty true null mutants were confirmed for 12 laccase genes of the 17 total laccase genes (AtLAC1 to AtLAC17) in the family. By examining the mutants identified, it was found that four mutants, representing mutations in three laccase genes, showed altered phenotypes. Mutants for AtLAC2, lac2, showed compromised root elongation under PEG-induced dehydration conditions; lac8 flowered earlier than wild-type plants, and lac15 showed an altered seed colour. The diverse phenotypes suggest that laccases perform different functions in plants and are not as genetically redundant as previously thought. These mutants will prove to be valuable resources for understanding laccase functions in vivo.  相似文献   
We studied an E. coli OmpF mutant (LECE) containing both an EEEE-like locus, typical of Ca(2+) channels, and an accessible and reactive cysteine. After chemical modification with the cysteine-specific, negatively charged (-1e) reagents MTSES or glutathione, this LECE mutant was tested for Ca(2+) versus alkali metal selectivity. Selectivity was measured by conductance and zero-current potential. Conductance measurements showed that glutathione-modified LECE had reduced conductance at Ca(2+) mole fractions <10(-3). MTSES-modified LECE did not. Apparently, the LECE protein is (somehow) a better Ca(2+) chelator after modification with the larger glutathione. Zero-current potential measurements revealed a Ca(2+) versus monovalent cation selectivity that was highest in the presence of Li(+) and lowest in the presence of Cs(+). Our data clearly show that after the binding of Ca(2+) the LECE pore (even with the bulky glutathione present) is spacious enough to allow monovalent cations to pass. Theoretical computations based on density functional theory combined with Poisson-Nernst-Planck theory and a reduced pore model suggest a functional separation of ionic pathways in the pore, one that is specific for small and highly charged ions, and one that accepts preferentially large ions, such as Cs(+).  相似文献   
OmpF is an essentially nonselective porin isolated from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Here we report on the manipulation of the ion selectivity of OmpF by chemical modification with MTS reagents (MTSET, MTSEA, and MTSES) and the (rather bulky) tripeptide glutathione, all cysteine specific. When recorded in a gradient of 0.1//1 M CaCl2 or 0.1//1 M NaCl, pH 7.4 solutions, measured reversal potentials of the most cation-selective modified mutants were (virtually) identical to the Nernst potential of Ca2+ or Na+. Compared to this full cation selectivity, the anion-selective modified mutants performed somewhat less but nevertheless showed high anion selectivity. We conclude that a low permanent charge in combination with a narrow pore can render the same selectivity as a highly charged but wider pore. These results favor the view that both the electrostatic potential arising form the fixed charge in the pore and the space available at the selectivity filter contribute to the charge selection (i.e., cation versus anion selectivity) of a biological ion channel.  相似文献   
We have increased the density of genetic markers on the Arabidopsis lyrata chromosomes AL6 and AL7 corresponding to the A. thaliana chromosome IV, in order to determine chromosome rearrangements between these two species, and to compare recombination fractions across the same intervals. We confirm the two rearrangements previously inferred (a reciprocal translocation and a large inversion, which we infer to be pericentric). By including markers around the centromere regions of A. thaliana chromosomes IV and V, we localize the AL6 centromere, and can localize the breakpoints of these chromosome rearrangements more precisely than previously. One translocation breakpoint was close to the centromere, and the other coincided with one end of the inversion, suggesting that a single event caused both rearrangements. At the resolution of our mapping, apart from these rearrangements, all other markers are in the same order in A. lyrata and A. thaliana. We could thus compare recombination rates in the two species. We found slightly higher values in A. thaliana, and a minimum estimate for regions not close to a centromere in A. lyrata is 4-5 centimorgans per megabase. The mapped region of AL7 includes the self-incompatibility loci (S-loci), and this region has been predicted to have lower recombination than elsewhere in the genome. We mapped 17 markers in a region of 1.23 Mb surrounding these loci, and compared the approximately 600 kb closest to the S-loci with the surrounding region of approximately the same size. There were significantly fewer recombination events in the closer than the more distant region, supporting the above prediction, but showing that the low recombination region is very limited in size.  相似文献   
We analyzed linkage and chromosomal positions of genes in A. lyrata ssp. petraea that are located near the centromere (CEN) regions of A. thaliana, using at least two genes from the short and long arms of each chromosome. In our map, genes from all 10 A. thaliana chromosome arms are also tightly linked in A. lyrata. Genes from the regions on the two sides of CEN5 have distant map localizations in A. lyrata (genes on the A. thaliana short-arm genes are on linkage group AL6, and long-arm genes are on AL7), but genes from the other four A. thaliana centromere regions remain closely linked in A. lyrata. The observation of complete linkage between short- and long-arm centromere genes, but not between genes in other genome regions that are separated by similar physical distances, suggests that crossing-over frequencies near the A. lyrata ssp. petraea centromere regions are low, as in A. thaliana. Thus, the centromere positions appear to be conserved between A. thaliana and A. lyrata, even though three centromeres have been lost in A. thaliana, and the core satellite sequences in the two species are very different. We can now definitively identify the three centromeres that were eliminated in the fusions that formed the A. thaliana chromosomes. However, we cannot tell whether genes were lost along with these centromeres, because such genes are absent from the A. thaliana genome, which is the sole source of markers for our mapping.  相似文献   
Plants of oceanic islands, often remarkably divergent morphologically from continental relatives, are useful models for studying evolution and speciation because evolution is telescoped in time and space. Prior studies revealed little DNA sequence variation within the clade of ca. 10 Canary Island species of Tolpis, which precluded resolving species relationships. The present study assessed the utility of automated analysis of inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) loci for resolving relationships within the clade using 264 individuals from 36 populations of all recognized species and three undescribed morphological variants. Similarity (Dice coefficient) and Fitch parsimony were used to generate neighbor-joining (NJ) and strict consensus trees (MP), respectively. All individuals of the morphologically distinct endemic species formed clusters in both trees. There is also support for clusters of two undescribed variants in the NJ tree. Individuals from a morphologically variable complex consisting primarily of two species are not well resolved at population or species levels. The NJ and MP trees are not congruent at deeper levels, including relationships among species. Results are interpreted in terms of the biology of the species, and the utility of automated analysis of ISSR markers for interpreting patterns of evolution of Tolpis in the Canary Islands is discussed.  相似文献   
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