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An in frame gene fusion containing the coding region for mature -lactamase and the 3-end of hylA encoding the haemolysin secretion signal, was constructed under the control of a lac promoter. The resulting 53 kDa hybrid protein was specifically secreted to the external medium in the presence of the haemolysin translocator proteins, HlyB and HlyD. The specific activity of the -lactamase portion of the secreted protein (measured by the hydrolysis of penicillin G), approximately 1 U/g protein, was close to that of authentic, purified TEM--lactamase. This is an important example of a hybrid protein that is enzymatically active, and secreted via the haemolysin pathway. Previous studies have indicated that haemolysin is secreted directly into the medium, bypassing the periplasm, to which -lactamase is normally targeted. This study indicated, therefore, that normal folding of an active -lactamase, can occur, at least when fused to the HlyA C-terminus, without the necessity of entering the periplasm. Despite the secretion of approximately 5 g/ml levels of the active -lactamase fusion into the medium, there was maximally only a 50% detectable increase in the LD50 for resistance to ampicillin at the individual cell level. This result suggests that, normally, resistance to ampicillin requires a high concentration of the enzyme close to killing targets, i.e. in the periplasm, in order to achieve significant levels of protection.These authors made an equal contribution to this work  相似文献   
3'-processing of mRNA precursors depends on several protein factors. One of them, cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF) is required for the cleavage of the mRNA precursor or as well as for the tail elongation reaction. We have obtained complementary DNA encoding the 160 kDa subunit, which had previously been shown to interact with the AAUAAA polyadenylation signal. The cDNAs code for an open reading frame of 1444 amino acids. The translated protein has a calculated molecular weight of 161 kDa and a predicted pl of 6.2. Polyclonal antibodies raised against a bacterially expressed fragment of the cDNA recognise 160 kDa subunit of purified calf thymus CPSF. The sequence contains a possible nuclear localisation signal but none of the known RNA binding motifs. It does, however, show sequence similarities to a UV-damaged DNA binding protein (UVdDb).  相似文献   
Summary The sexual development of 14 girls with non-mosaic monocentric 46,X,iXq karyotype was studied. Seven out of eight girls were found to have immature secondary sexual characteristics and amenorrhoea, a finding greatly contrasting with that in Triplo-X girls. The relative ineffectiveness of the isochromosome Xq in maintaining fertility may be due to the absence of one short arm, which probably also carries a gonadal determinant. Alternatively, the presence of two inactivation sites on one isochromosome may render the gonadal determinants inactive at an important stage in gonadal development.  相似文献   
X-ray crystallographic studies of gramicidin A crystallized from methanol (P21) and ethanol (P212121), and of a Cs+ gramicidin A complex crystallized from methanol (P2221, P21212 or P212121) are reported here. The asymmetric unit consists of two molecules of gramicidin A in the native crystals and four molecules in the cesium complex crystal. Patterson analyses show that gramicidin A in these crystals forms a cylindrical helical channel. In the two types of native gramicidin crystals, the diameter of this channel is about 5 å and its length is about 32 å. Cesium ions are bound inside this channel in crystals of the cesium-gramicidin A complex. The channel in this complex is considerably shorter (26 Å) and wider (6·8Å) than in the native forms. The Patterson maps of these three crystal forms are compatible with either the single-stranded β-helix (Urry, 1971) or the double-stranded parallel or anti-parallel, β-helix (Veatch et al., 1974).  相似文献   
A 569 bp probe against the β-chain of hepatotropin was used to examine expression of RNA for this growth factor in human adult and foetal liver, foetal kidney and pancreas, and rat liver after partial hepatectomy. Low level expression of a 6kb RNA occurred in human adult and normal rat liver. 70% hepatectomy increased expression, peaking at 10 h and returning to near normal levels 24 h after resection. The 6 kb band was strongly expressed in human foetal liver, as compared with adult, but not in foetal kidney or pancreas, suggesting a major role for hepatotropin in both foetal development and regeneration of the liver.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In einer intensiv landwirtschaftlich genutzten Fläche des schweizerischen Mittellandes wurden 1983–1987 vier Feldlerchenaggregationen mit maximal 39 Brutpaaren untersucht. Die Tradition (Ortstreue) bestimmte in erster Linie die Revierwahl und das Verteilungsmuster. Die Reviere waren mit ha sehr groß; ihre Größe korrelierte negativ mit der Anzahl Parzellen pro Fläche und der Kulturendiversität. Die Nutzung des Ressourcenangebots (Nistplatz, Nahrung, Schutz) war abhängig von den Fortbewegungsmöglichkeiten. In großparzellig strukturierten Flächen mit geringer Kulturendiversität kam es häufig zu Revierverschiebungen und Reviervergrößerungen. Die Feldlerche versucht, im Laufe der Brutperiode den Getreideanteil im Revier zu verkleinern und Kulturen wie Rüben, Kartoffeln und auch Mais zu aquirieren. Die Nistplatzwahl zeigte eine deutliche Präferenz für alle nicht zu dicht stehenden, grasartigen Kulturen (Weizen, Hafer, Fettwiese). Eine Vegetationshöhe von 15–25 cm und eine Bodenbedeckung von 20–50 % bieten optimale Bedingungen für den Nestbau. 51 % aller Nester wurden in der Fettwiese angelegt, 20 % im Winterweizen und 18 % im Mais. Je nach Bewirtschaftungsart brüteten die im Mittel 2,4–2,8mal pro Brutsaison. Die Schlüpfrate von 220 Gelegen betrug 0,58. 44 % der geschlüpften Jungvögel verließen das Nest. Der Bruterfolg (nestverlassende Junge/gelegte Eier) lag bei max. 25 %. Dem Fütterungsverhalten der Altvögel nach zu schließen, wurden maximal 50 % der nestverlassenden Jungen flügge. Durchschnittlich war mit 0,9 flüggen Jungen pro Brutpaar und Jahr zu rechnen. Brutverluste waren kulturspezifisch und daher in erster Linie vom Neststandort abhängig.
Territoriality and breeding biology of Skylark (Alauda arvensis) in an intensively farmed area in Switzerland
Summary In 1983–1987 four plots (total surface 307 ha) with up to 39 breeding pairs were studied in an area of intensive cultivation in the Swiss Lowlands (390 m asl). Distribution pattern and selection of territories are determined by a strong site tenacity of the birds. The size of territories averaged 3,3±0,9 hectares. It correlates negatively with the number of different crops per unit area and the diversity of cultures.The mobility within the vegetation determined which types of farmland ressources may be used for nesting, feeding and cover. Shifts of territories and attempts to enlarge them were frequent in areas of large plots with low crop diversity. During the season, Skylarks tried to reduce the proportion of cereal fields within their territory and to gain plots planted with sugar-beet, potatoes and corn.Their choice of nesting sites showed a strong preference for less dense grass crops such as wheat, oat or meadows. Optimal conditions for nest sites were in fields with a vegetation height of 15–25 cm and a ground coverage of 20–50 %. 51 % of 220 nests were constructed in heavily manured meadows, 20 % in winter wheat fields and 18 % in corn fields. Females bred on average 2,4–2,8 times per breeding season, depending on the type of cultivation (agriculture, husbandry). Hatching rate was 58 % out of 220 clutches, and 44 % of the hatched young left the nest. Maximum breeding success (i. e. young birds leaving the nest/number of eggs laid) was thus maximal 25 %. Observations of parental feeding behaviour suggest that a maximum of 50 % of the young larks which leave the nests survive to the age of fledging. It is estimated that 0,9 fledglings are raised per breeding pairs and year. Losses of broods vary according to farming practises in the different crops and therefore are largely depending on nesting sites.
Indium-111 autologous leucocyte scanning was compared with barium enema for assessing the extent of colonic disease in Crohn''s colitis and ulcerative colitis. Scanning was shown to be as accurate as conventional radiology in colitis, reliably distinguishing active from inactive disease. The results suggest that 111In-leucocyte scanning is an accurate, non-invasive, alternative technique for imaging the extent of disease in colitis.  相似文献   
In this study, myosin types in human skeletal muscle fibers were investigated with electrophoretic techniques. Single fibers were dissected out of lyophilized surgical biopsies and typed by staining for myofibrillar ATPase after preincubation in acid or alkaline buffers. After 14C-labelling of the fiber proteins in vitro by reductive methylation, the myosin light chain pattern was analysed on two-dimensional gels and the myosin heavy chains were investigated by one-dimensional peptide mapping. Surprisingly, human type I fibers, which contained only the slow heavy chain, were found to contain variable amounts of fast myosin light chains in addition to the two slow light chains LC1s and LC2s. The majority of the type I fibers in normal human muscle showed the pattern LC1s, LC2s and LC1f. Further evidence for the existence in human muscle of a hybrid myosin composed of a slow heavy chain with fast and slow light chains comes from the analysis of purified human myosin in the native state by pyrophosphate gel electrophoresis. With this method, a single band corresponding to slow myosin was obtained; this slow myosin had the light chain composition LC1s, LC2s and LC1f. Type IIA and IIB fibers, on the other hand, revealed identical light chain patterns consisting of only the fast light chains LC1f, LC2f and LC3f but were found to have different myosin havy chains. On the basis of the results presented, we suggest that the histochemical ATPase normally used for fibre typing is determined by the myosin heavy chain type (and not by the light chains). Thus, in normal human muscle a number of 'hybrid' myosins were found to occur, namely two extreme forms of fast myosins which have the same light chains but different heavy chains (IIA and IIB) and a continuum of slow forms consisting of the same heavy chain and slow light chains with a variable fast light chain composition. This is consistent with the different physiological roles these fibers are thought to have in muscle contraction.  相似文献   
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