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Administration of a newly discovered second atrial peptide, iso-atrial natriuretic peptide (or iso-rANP(1-45) for the rat), caused hypotension, decreased heart rate, diuresis, and increased renal excretion of Na+, K+, and Cl- in the anesthetized rat. Bolus injections of chemically synthetic iso-rANP(1-45) had circulatory and diuretic activity equal to or greater than rANP(99-126) but, at low doses, a lesser effect on renal electrolyte excretion. The synthetic peptide fragment, iso-rANP(17-45), analogous in structure to rANP(99-126), had attenuated activity on the circulation, and at low doses, attenuated activity on the kidney. At higher doses, where renal responses to rANP(99-126) were less (downside of a biphasic response), both iso-rANP(1-45) and (17-45) had greater effects on water and electrolyte excretion than rANP(99-126). Injections of iso-rANP(1-45) and (17-45) increased hematocrit, whereas rANP(99-126) did not; furthermore, unlike rANP(99-126), iso-rANP did not affect arterial plasma Na+ concentration. The heart produces at least two genetically different atrial natriuretic peptides which affect the circulation and salt and water balance.  相似文献   
In previous work, no chiral differences were found between D and L enantiomers of Leu in their ability to displace one another from the acid-extractable pool in mammalian cells. Recent evidence suggested otherwise. Our aim is to examine whether, in physiological range, D-amino acids have an equivalent ability to displace L-amino acids from the acid-extractable pool of HeLa cells, and vice versa. In the millimolar range, D-Leu and L-Leu have similar uptake and displacement properties with regard to the acid-extractable pool in HeLa cells, despite only the latter isomer being incorporated into protein. Below millimolar concentrations however, a distinct difference was found in the displacement of tritium-labelled L-Leu from the pool by unlabelled D-Leu compared with unlabelled L-Leu. Thus, unlabelled L-Leu in the external medium at 10−4 or 10−5 M displaced an equivalent amount of label from the pool as D-Leu introduced at a concentration approx. one order of magnitude higher, respectively. Reciprocal experiments, in which the acid-extractable pool was preloaded with 3H-D-Leu, confirmed this finding. The chirality difference was noted whether pool prelabelling was carried out at 37 or 0°C; but in order to avoid the complications of active transport mechanisms, the competition work reported here was done at 0°C. Similar chirality differences were observed with other hydrophobic amino acids, including His, Ile and Phe, such as, preferential displacement by the L-Leu racemer compared with the D-Leu racemer below mM levels. This was also true for the D and L forms of the non-utilisable isomer of Leu, norleucine (nLeu). We conclude that D-forms of hydrophobic amino acids have lower affinity for similar or the same intracellular binding sites involved in the acid-extractable pool than their L-forms. The significance of these chirality findings to amino acid pools in cells, and to the predominance of L-forms of amino acids in the biosphere is considered.  相似文献   
A novel method for insertion/deletion mutagenesis in meningococci was devised. This consisted of ligating a digest of total chromosomal DNA to a 1.1 kb restriction fragment containing an erythromycin-resistance marker ( ermC ), and subsequent transformation of the ligation mixture into the homologous meningococcal strain H44/76. Southern blotting of a number of the resulting erythromycin-resistant transformants demonstrated that all carried the ermC gene inserted at different positions in the chromosome. Mutants with a specific phenotype were identified by screening with the anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) monoclonal antibody MN4A8B2, which is specific for immunotype L3. In this way, two independent L3-negative mutant strains were isolated. In transformation experiments with chromosomal DNA from these mutants, erythromycin-resistance and lack of MN4A8B2 reactivity were always linked, showing that the insertion/deletion was in a locus involved in LPS biosynthesis. On SDS–PAGE, the mutant LPS displayed an electrophoretic mobility intermediate between that produced by the previously isolated galE and rfaF mutant strains. Chemical analysis of the mutant LPS revealed that the structure was probably lipid A–(KDO)2–(Hep)2. Chromosomal DNA flanking the ermC insertion in these two mutant strains was cloned, and used as probe for the isolation of the corresponding region of the wild-type strain. From hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, it could be concluded that both mutations map to the same locus. The affected gene probably encodes the glycosyltransferase necessary for adding N -acetylglucosamine to heptose.  相似文献   
A novel lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis gene, lic2B, which is required for the biosynthesis of a phase-variable LPS structure expressed by Haemo philus influenzae RM7004 is described. The product of this gene is homologous to Lic2A and the recently described LPS biosynthetic enzymes, LgtB from Neis seria gonorrhoea and LgtE from Neisseria meningitidis, and LpsA from Pasteurella haemolytica. Of this family of enzymes only Lic2A contains the repetitive tetrapeptide motif (SINQ)n encoded by multiple tandem repeats of 5′-CAAT-3′. This observation suggested that (SINQ)n might not be a prerequisite for the catalytic activity of this protein. To address this hypothesis, we deleted the 5′-CAAT-3’repeats from lic2A so that the protein encoded by the modified gene was analogous to Lic2B. This mutation had no apparent effect on the overall apparent molecular weight of LPS as judged by Tricine-SDS-PAGE and did not affect ability to react with monoclonal antibody 4C4. It was therefore concluded that (SINQ)n is not a prerequisite for the enzymatic function of Lic2A and that the 5′-CAAT-3’repeats in lic2A function solely as a mechan ism for generating phase variation. This observation suggested that wide variation in the number of 5’-CAAT-3’repeats might be tolerated in lic2A, and this was confirmed by surveying the number of 5′-CAAT-3’repeats in a range of different H. influenzae strains. The predicted secondary structure of (SINQ)n indicates that it forms a highly flexible random coiled structure, which is unlikely to impede formation of the domains that may be required for catalytic activity. This characteristic is also a feature of repetitive tetrapeptides encoded by other tetrameric repeats located within coding sequences present on the chromosome of H. influenzae Rd.  相似文献   
In vitro activity of minimised hammerhead ribozymes.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A number of minimised hammerhead ribozymes (minizymes) which lack stem II have been kinetically characterised. These minizymes display optimal cleavage activity at temperatures around 37 degrees C. The cleavage reactions of the minizymes are first order in hydroxide ion concentration up to around pH 9.3 above which the cleavage rate constants decline rapidly. The reactions show a biphasic dependence on magnesium-ion concentration; one of the interactions has an apparent dissociation constant of around 20 mM while the other appears to be very weak, showing no sign of saturation at 200 mM MgCl2. The minizymes are significantly less active than comparable, full-size ribozymes when cleaving short substrates. However, at a particular site in a transcribed TAT gene from HIV-1, minizymes are more effective than ribozymes.  相似文献   
Neisseria meningitidis pili are filamentous protein structures that are essential adhesins in capsulate bacteria. Pili of adhesion variants of meningococcal strain C311 contain glycosyl residues on pilin (PilE), their major structural subunit. Despite the presence of three potential N -linked glycosylation sites, none appears to be occupied in these pilins. Instead, a novel O -linked trisaccharide substituent, not previously found as a constituent of glycoproteins, is present within a peptide spanning amino acid residues 45 to 73 of the PilE molecule. This structure contains a terminal 1-4-linked digalactose moiety covalently linked to a 2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxyhexose sugar which is directly attached to pilin. Pilins derived from galactose epimerase ( galE ) mutants lack the digalactosyl moiety, but retain the diacetamidotrideoxyhexose substitution. Both parental (#3) pilins and those derived from a hyper-adherent variant (#16) contained identical sugar substitutions in this region of pilin, and galE mutants of #3 were similar to the parental phenotype in their adherence to host cells. These studies have confirmed our previous observations that meningococcal pili are glycosylated and provided the first structural evidence for the presence of covalently linked carbohydrate on pili. In addition, they have revealed a completely novel protein/saccharide linkage.  相似文献   
The interplay between four surface-expressed virulence factors of Neisseria meningitidis (pili, Opc, capsule and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)) in host cell adhesion and invasion was examined using derivatives of a serogroup B strain, MC58, created by mutation (capsule, Opc) and selection of variants. To examine the role of Opc and of additional expression of pili, bacteria lacking the expression of Opa proteins were used. The effects of different LPS structures were examined in variants expressing either sialylated (L3 immunotype) or truncated non-sialylated (L8 immuno-type) LPS. Studies showed that (i) pili were essential for meningococcal interactions with host cells in both capsulate and acapsulate bacteria with the sialylated L3 LPS immunotype, (ii) the Opc-mediated invasion of host cells by piliated and non-piliated bacteria was observed only in acapsulate organisms with L8 LPS immunotype, and (iii) expression of pili in Opc-expressing bacteria resulted in increased invasion. Investigations on the mechanisms of cellular invasion indicated that the Opc-mediated invasion was dependent on the presence of serum in the incubation medium and was mediated by serum proteins with arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) sequence. Cellular invasion in piliated Opc+ phenotype also required bridging molecules containing the RGD recognition sequence and appeared to involve the integrin αvβ3 as a target receptor on endothelial cells. These studies extend the previous observations on variants of a serogroup A strain (C751) and show that Opc mediates cellular invasion in distinct meningococcal strains and provide confirmation of its mechanism of action. This is the first investigation that evaluates, using derivatives of a single strain, the interplay between four meningococcal surface virulence factors in host cell invasion.  相似文献   
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