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Asteraceae account for 10% of all flowering plant species, and 35%–40% of these are in five closely related tribes that total over 10 000 species. These tribes include Anthemideae, Astereae, Calenduleae, Gnaphalieae, and Senecioneae, which form one of two enormous clades within Subfamily Asteroideae. We took a phylogenomics approach to resolve evolutionary relationships among these five tribes. We sampled the nuclear and plastid genomes via HybSeq target enrichment and genome skimming, and recovered 74 plastid genes and nearly 1000 nuclear loci, known as Conserved Orthologous Sequences. We tested for conflicting support in both data sets and used network analyses to assess patterns of reticulation to explain the early evolutionary history of this lineage, which has experienced whole‐genome duplications and rapid radiations. We found concordance and conflicting support in both data sets and documented four ancient hybridization events. Due to the timing of the early radiation of this five‐tribe lineage, shortly before the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event (34 MYA), early lineages were likely lost, obscuring some details of their early evolutionary history.  相似文献   
Although an elevation in myoplasmic Ca2+ can activate the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (RyR1), the function of this Ca2+ activation is unclear because extracellular Ca2+ influx is unnecessary for skeletal-type EC coupling. To determine whether Ca2+ activation of RyR1 is necessary for the initiation of skeletal-type EC coupling, we examined the behavior of RyR1 with glutamate 4032 mutated to alanine (E4032A-RyR1) because this mutation had been shown to dramatically reduce activation by Ca2+. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 98:2865-2870). Analysis after reconstitution into planar lipid bilayers revealed that E4032A-RyR1 was negligibly activated by 100 microM Ca2+ (P(o) too low to be measured). Even in the presence of both 2 mM caffeine and 2 mM ATP, P(o) remained low for E4032A-RyR1 (ranging from <0.0001 in 100 microM free Ca2+ to 0.005 in 2 mM free Ca2+). Thus, the E4032A mutation caused a nearly complete suppression of activation of RyR1 by Ca2+. Depolarization of E4032A-RyR1-expressing myotubes elicited L-type Ca2+ currents of approximately normal size and myoplasmic Ca2+ transients that were skeletal-type, but about fivefold smaller than those for wild-type RyR1. The reduced amplitude of the Ca2+ transient is consistent either with the possibility that Ca2+ activation amplifies Ca2+ release during EC coupling, or that the E4032A mutation generally inhibits activation of RyR1. In either case, Ca2+ activation of RyR1 does not appear to be necessary for the initiation of Ca2+ release during EC coupling in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Cell capacity for cytosolic NADPH regeneration by NADP‐dehydrogenases was investigated in the leaves of two hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides × Populus nigra) genotypes in response to ozone (O3) treatment (120 ppb for 17 days). Two genotypes with differential O3 sensitivity were selected, based on visual symptoms and fallen leaves: Robusta (sensitive) and Carpaccio (tolerant). The estimated O3 flux (POD0), that entered the leaves, was similar for the two genotypes throughout the treatment. In response to that foliar O3 flux, CO2 assimilation was inhibited to the same extent for the two genotypes, which could be explained by a decrease in Rubisco (EC activity. Conversely, an increase in PEPC (EC activity was observed, together with the activation of certain cytosolic NADP‐dehydrogenases above their constitutive level, i.e. NADP‐G6PDH (EC, NADP‐ME (malic enzyme) (EC and NADP‐ICDH (NADP‐isocitrate dehydrogenase) (EC1.1.1.42). However, the activity of non‐phosphorylating NADP‐GAPDH (EC remained unchanged. From the 11th fumigation day, NADP‐G6PDH and NADP‐ME profiles made it possible to differentiate between the two genotypes, with a higher activity in Carpaccio than in Robusta. At the same time, Carpaccio was able to maintain high levels of NADPH in the cells, while NADPH levels decreased in Robusta O3‐treated leaves. All these results support the hypothesis that the capacity for cells to regenerate the reducing power, especially the cytosolic NADPH pool, contributes to improve tolerance to high ozone exposure.  相似文献   
Confident identification of peptides via tandem mass spectrometry underpins modern high-throughput proteomics. This has motivated considerable recent interest in the postprocessing of search engine results to increase confidence and calculate robust statistical measures, for example through the use of decoy databases to calculate false discovery rates (FDR). FDR-based analyses allow for multiple testing and can assign a single confidence value for both sets and individual peptide spectrum matches (PSMs). We recently developed an algorithm for combining the results from multiple search engines, integrating FDRs for sets of PSMs made by different search engine combinations. Here we describe a web-server and a downloadable application that makes this routinely available to the proteomics community. The web server offers a range of outputs including informative graphics to assess the confidence of the PSMs and any potential biases. The underlying pipeline also provides a basic protein inference step, integrating PSMs into protein ambiguity groups where peptides can be matched to more than one protein. Importantly, we have also implemented full support for the mzIdentML data standard, recently released by the Proteomics Standards Initiative, providing users with the ability to convert native formats to mzIdentML files, which are available to download.  相似文献   
Type II DNA methyltransferases (MTases) are enzymes found ubiquitously in the prokaryotic world, where they play important roles in several cellular processes, such as host protection and epigenetic regulation. Three classes of type II MTases have been identified thus far in bacteria which function in transferring a methyl group from S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) to a target nucleotide base, forming N-6-methyladenine (class I), N-4-methylcytosine (class II), or C-5-methylcytosine (class III). Often, these MTases are associated with a cognate restriction endonuclease (REase) to form a restriction-modification (R-M) system protecting bacterial cells from invasion by foreign DNA. When MTases exist alone, which are then termed orphan MTases, they are believed to be mainly involved in regulatory activities in the bacterial cell. Genomes of various lytic and lysogenic phages have been shown to encode multi- and mono-specific orphan MTases that have the ability to confer protection from restriction endonucleases of their bacterial host(s). The ability of a phage to overcome R-M and other phage-targeting resistance systems can be detrimental to particular biotechnological processes such as dairy fermentations. Conversely, as phages may also be beneficial in certain areas such as phage therapy, phages with additional resistance to host defenses may prolong the effectiveness of the therapy. This minireview will focus on bacteriophage-encoded MTases, their prevalence and diversity, as well as their potential origin and function.  相似文献   
Flowering is a major developmental phase change that transforms the fate of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) from a leaf-bearing vegetative meristem to that of a flower-producing inflorescence meristem. In Arabidopsis, floral meristems are specified on the periphery of the inflorescence meristem by the combined activities of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT)–FD complex and the flower meristem identity gene, LEAFY ( LFY ). Two redundant functioning homeobox genes, PENNYWISE ( PNY ) and POUND-FOOLISH ( PNF ), which are expressed in the vegetative and inflorescence SAM, regulate patterning events during reproductive development, including floral specification. To determine the role of PNY and PNF in the floral specification network, we characterized the genetic relationship of these homeobox genes with LFY and FT . Results from this study demonstrate that LFY functions downstream of PNY and PNF. Ectopic expression of LFY promotes flower formation in pny pnf plants, while the flower specification activity of ectopic FT is severely attenuated. Genetic analysis shows that when mutations in pny and pnf genes are combined with lfy , a synergistic phenotype is displayed that significantly reduces floral specification and alters inflorescence patterning events. In conclusion, results from this study support a model in which PNY and PNF promote LFY expression during reproductive development. At the same time, the flower formation activity of FT is dependent upon the function of PNY and PNF.  相似文献   
While there has been strong support for Amborella and Nymphaeales (water lilies) as branching from basal-most nodes in the angiosperm phylogeny, this hypothesis has recently been challenged by phylogenetic analyses of 61 protein-coding genes extracted from the chloroplast genome sequences of Amborella, Nymphaea, and 12 other available land plant chloroplast genomes. These character-rich analyses placed the monocots, represented by three grasses (Poaceae), as sister to all other extant angiosperm lineages. We have extracted protein-coding regions from draft sequences for six additional chloroplast genomes to test whether this surprising result could be an artifact of long-branch attraction due to limited taxon sampling. The added taxa include three monocots (Acorus, Yucca, and Typha), a water lily (Nuphar), a ranunculid (Ranunculus), and a gymnosperm (Ginkgo). Phylogenetic analyses of the expanded DNA and protein data sets together with microstructural characters (indels) provided unambiguous support for Amborella and the Nymphaeales as branching from the basal-most nodes in the angiosperm phylogeny. However, their relative positions proved to be dependent on the method of analysis, with parsimony favoring Amborella as sister to all other angiosperms and maximum likelihood (ML) and neighbor-joining methods favoring an Amborella + Nymphaeales clade as sister. The ML phylogeny supported the later hypothesis, but the likelihood for the former hypothesis was not significantly different. Parametric bootstrap analysis, single-gene phylogenies, estimated divergence dates, and conflicting indel characters all help to illuminate the nature of the conflict in resolution of the most basal nodes in the angiosperm phylogeny. Molecular dating analyses provided median age estimates of 161 MYA for the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all extant angiosperms and 145 MYA for the MRCA of monocots, magnoliids, and eudicots. Whereas long sequences reduce variance in branch lengths and molecular dating estimates, the impact of improved taxon sampling on the rooting of the angiosperm phylogeny together with the results of parametric bootstrap analyses demonstrate how long-branch attraction might mislead genome-scale phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   
Stoichiometry of soil enzyme activity at global scale   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Extracellular enzymes are the proximate agents of organic matter decomposition and measures of these activities can be used as indicators of microbial nutrient demand. We conducted a global-scale meta-analysis of the seven-most widely measured soil enzyme activities, using data from 40 ecosystems. The activities of beta-1,4-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase and phosphatase g(-1) soil increased with organic matter concentration; leucine aminopeptidase, phenol oxidase and peroxidase activities showed no relationship. All activities were significantly related to soil pH. Specific activities, i.e. activity g(-1) soil organic matter, also varied in relation to soil pH for all enzymes. Relationships with mean annual temperature (MAT) and precipitation (MAP) were generally weak. For hydrolases, ratios of specific C, N and P acquisition activities converged on 1 : 1 : 1 but across ecosystems, the ratio of C : P acquisition was inversely related to MAP and MAT while the ratio of C : N acquisition increased with MAP. Oxidative activities were more variable than hydrolytic activities and increased with soil pH. Our analyses indicate that the enzymatic potential for hydrolyzing the labile components of soil organic matter is tied to substrate availability, soil pH and the stoichiometry of microbial nutrient demand. The enzymatic potential for oxidizing the recalcitrant fractions of soil organic material, which is a proximate control on soil organic matter accumulation, is most strongly related to soil pH. These trends provide insight into the biogeochemical processes that create global patterns in ecological stoichiometry and organic matter storage.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus casei strains are widely used in industry and the utility of this organism in these industrial applications is strain dependent. Hence, tools capable of predicting strain specific phenotypes would have utility in the selection of strains for specific industrial processes. Genome-scale metabolic models can be utilized to better understand genotype-phenotype relationships and to compare different organisms. To assist in the selection and development of strains with enhanced industrial utility, genome-scale models for L. casei ATCC 334, a well characterized strain, and strain 12A, a corn silage isolate, were constructed. Draft models were generated from RAST genome annotations using the Model SEED database and refined by evaluating ATP generating cycles, mass-and-charge-balances of reactions, and growth phenotypes. After the validation process was finished, we compared the metabolic networks of these two strains to identify metabolic, genetic and ortholog differences that may lead to different phenotypic behaviors. We conclude that the metabolic capabilities of the two networks are highly similar. The L. casei ATCC 334 model accounts for 1,040 reactions, 959 metabolites and 548 genes, while the L. casei 12A model accounts for 1,076 reactions, 979 metabolites and 640 genes. The developed L. casei ATCC 334 and 12A metabolic models will enable better understanding of the physiology of these organisms and be valuable tools in the development and selection of strains with enhanced utility in a variety of industrial applications.  相似文献   
Chronic innocuous aeroallergen exposure attenuates CD4(+) T cell-mediated airways hyperresponsiveness in mice; however, the mechanism(s) remain unclear. We examined the role of airway mucosal dendritic cell (AMDC) subsets in this process using a multi-OVA aerosol-induced tolerance model in sensitized BALB/c mice. Aeroallergen capture by both CD11b(lo) and CD11b(hi) AMDC and the delivery of OVA to airway draining lymph nodes by CD8α(-) migratory dendritic cells (DC) were decreased in vivo (but not in vitro) when compared with sensitized but nontolerant mice. This was functionally significant, because in vivo proliferation of OVA-specific CD4(+) T cells was suppressed in airway draining lymph nodes of tolerized mice and could be restored by intranasal transfer of OVA-pulsed and activated exogenous DC, indicating a deficiency in Ag presentation by endogenous DC arriving from the airway mucosa. Bone marrow-derived DC Ag-presenting function was suppressed in multi-OVA tolerized mice, and allergen availability to airway APC populations was limited after multi-OVA exposure, as indicated by reduced OVA and dextran uptake by airway interstitial macrophages, with diffusion rather than localization of OVA across the airway mucosal surface. These data indicate that inhalation tolerance limits aeroallergen capture by AMDC subsets through a mechanism of bone marrow suppression of DC precursor function coupled with reduced Ag availability in vivo at the airway mucosa, resulting in limited Ag delivery to lymph nodes and hypoproliferation of allergen-specific CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   
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