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Polypeptides of the Golgi Apparatus of Neurons from Rat Brain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An antiserum was raised against fractions of the Golgi apparatus of neurons from rat brain. Immunoblots of these fractions with the antiserum showed two principal bands of 185 and 150 kilodaltons (kd) in apparent molecular mass. The antiserum reacted with five or six bands of 200, 150, 130, 100-110, 64, and 40 kd in apparent molecular mass in immunoblots of several crude brain membrane fractions. Affinity-purified antibodies from the different gel bands transferred to nitrocellulose paper were used in immunoblot and immunocytochemical studies. Antibodies eluted from the 200-, 150-, 100-110-, and 64-kd bands reacted not only with the corresponding band but also with the other three bands. Antibodies eluted from the 40-kd band stained only the corresponding band. On light and/or electron microscopic immunocytochemistry, the antiserum stained the Golgi apparatus of rat neurons, glia, liver, and kidney tubule cells. Weaker, segmented, and less consistent staining was observed in nuclear envelopes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membranes of neurons. Antibodies eluted from the bands at 200, 150, 100-110, and 64 kd stained intermediate cisterns of the Golgi apparatus of neurons. These findings suggest that a group of related polypeptides of brain membranes is preferentially expressed or enriched in the Golgi apparatus of neurons. Polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 185 and 150 kd probably represent moieties endogenous to membranes of the neuronal Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
Two laboratories exchanged and rescreened a large sample of cases with cervicovaginal smears they had consecutively accessioned to examine the reproducibility of gynecologic cytodiagnosis under optimum conditions. At least a "working agreement" (diagnoses within +/- 1 category on a ten-category scale) was achieved in diagnoses of normal, benign reaction and squamous abnormality (from minimal dysplasia though invasive cancer) in 18,859 cases (96.8%), of endometrial abnormality in 21 cases (42%) and of "unsatisfactory" in 99 cases (20.7%). Larger differences occurred in greater than or equal to 30% of cases except in the categories of "normal" and "benign reaction," reaching a maximum of 82% for moderate dysplasia. Reexamining 382 cases decreased disagreement by category to the 20% to 65% range only in the five categories of dysplasia plus carcinoma in situ. Agreement was not predicated on the presence of endocervical cells or squamous metaplasia; the basis for "unsatisfactory" calls was not uniform. Comparison of the laboratories' diagnoses with referee diagnoses or, on 178 cases, with tissue diagnoses also demonstrated differences in diagnostic criteria.  相似文献   
Multipoint mapping studies of six loci on chromosome 11   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The six loci, beta-globin (HBBC), parathyroid hormone (PTH), oncogene c-Ha-ras-1 (HRAS1), insulin (INS), calcitonin (CAL) and catalase (CAT) loci, have been mapped to 11p in the order: CAT-CAL-PTH-HBBC-(HRAS1-INS). The purpose of the current study was to examine the linkage relationships, especially the multipoint relationships of these loci in detail. In the 18 families studied, a significant sex difference in recombination was found for the HBBC: HRAS1 linkage with more recombination in the male parent than the female parent (22 vs. 2%). The results of the multipoint analyses provided further evidence for the order CAT-CAL-PTH-HBBC-(HRAS1-INS); however, the order of the last two tightly linked loci is still not clear.  相似文献   
Patterns of approximal wear in cheek teeth of a Romano-British population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The approximal surfaces of premolars and molars of 376 adult British-Romano skulls were examined for wear facets. The type of wear was designated as convex, concave, sigmoid, or flat, and the degree was categorised on a three-point scale. Concave wear facets were more frequently seen in the older age groups, but the type of wear was similar on right and left sides. Taking all teeth together or as individual tooth types, concave wear was significantly more likely on mesial rather than distal surfaces. The degree of wear was age related and similar on right and left sides in both males and females. It is suggested that the distribution of concave facets may be related to movements between adjacent teeth.  相似文献   
The colorimetric benzidine method of K. S. Dodgson and B. Spencer (1953, Biochem. J. 55, 436-440) for the measurement of inorganic sulfate can be scaled down about 100 times by using disposable 96-well microplates instead of individual cuvettes. Ten-microliter samples of serum and urine, derived from mice, can be analyzed in a simple, rapid, and reliable way without sacrificing the animals. Without prior isolation of sulfated glycosaminoglycans, ester sulfate in mouse patellar cartilage is liberated quantitatively as inorganic sulfate upon acid hydrolysis in 3 M HCl for 16 h at 80 degrees C. To this end the articular cartilage layer of the patella must be separated in toto from the underlying bone. Subsequent hydrolysis in polypropylene tubes gives accurate results. In contrast, hydrolysis in borosilicate glass vials is useless, since nanomoles of sulfate added cannot be recovered adequately. The thin patellar cartilage layer obtained from 10-week-old male mice contains about 5 nmol of sulfate, an amount easily measured with the developed microplate benzidine method.  相似文献   
The Kell gene frequencies, determined in Senegal are as follows: Our data enter the limits already known for black African populations.  相似文献   
Plasma uric acid levels were determined in ethanol-fed poults following administration of allopurinol. In young poults, allopurinol at a dose of 50 mg/kg significantly depressed plasma uric acid levels 6 hr post-dosing. At 11 hr post-dosing, plasma uric acid levels were significantly elevated in the allopurinol-treated poults when compared with control poults. During a period of ethanol abstinence, allopurinol at a dose of 40 mg/kg significantly depressed plasma uric acid levels up to 8 hr post-dosing. At a dose of 30 mg/kg, plasma uric acid levels were similar to control values at 4 and 6 hr post-dosing. Data suggest that plasma uric acid levels can be depressed in ethanol poults when allopurinol is administered every 8 hr at a dose of 40-50 mg/kg of body weight.  相似文献   
The different antehypophysical cell types which synthetize and release somatotroph (GH), corticothroph (ACTH), gonadotroph (LH-FSH) and lactotroph (PRL) hormones were analysed. The experiments were performed on hypophyses from five groups of animals: adult males, 14 days-old female, adult females, gestating adult females and lactating adult females. The cells were analysed by immunofluorescence using flow cytometry. For each of the hormones studied, there was a characteristic spectral distribution of cells. The evolution of cell size and granular content with respect to sex and physiological state of each group was studied by the analysis of diffused light. Small, slightly granular cells represented 50% of the cell population in males and 14 day-old females but only 8% in gestating or lactating females. The study of the cell cycle showed the presence of dividing cells in the population of large, granular cells from gestating and from lactating females. No features of cell division were observed in the population of small, slightly granular cells. This study indicates the potential value of multiparametric analysis in the separation of pure sub-populations of antehypophysial cells.  相似文献   
Using the electrocortical activity in the sensorimotor cortex as an index, three distinct levels of motionless waking can be identified in the cat, all three different from active waking and from slow sleep (attentive waking, quiet waking and drowsiness). It has now been shown that spontaneous and evoked single unit activities in n. ventralis posterior of the thalamus undergo significant changes when passing from one level of waking into another one.  相似文献   
The unfolding story of T cell receptor gamma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Antigen-specific, major histocompatibility complex-restricted recognition by classical T cells is mediated by a T cell receptor (TCR) consisting of a disulfide-linked alpha beta heterodimer. During the search for the genes encoding the alpha and beta proteins, a third immunoglobulin-like gene, termed gamma, was uncovered. Like the TCR alpha and beta genes, the TCR gamma gene consists of variable and constant segments that rearrange during T cell development in the thymus. Although the physiological role of TCR gamma remains an enigma, much has been learned with the recent identification of the protein products of this gene family in both mice and humans. The gamma chain is associated with a partner chain, termed delta. The gamma delta heterodimer is associated with an invariant T3 complex, very similar to that associated with the alpha beta heterodimer, and appears predominantly, if not exclusively, on cells with a CD4-, CD8- phenotype both in the thymus and in the periphery. TCR gamma delta is the first T3-associated receptor to appear during thymocyte development and defines a separate T cell lineage distinct from alpha beta-bearing cells. Although TCR alpha beta-bearing cells and TCR gamma delta-bearing cells follow parallel developmental pathways, the diversity of expressed gamma delta receptors is extremely limited relative to that of alpha beta receptors.  相似文献   
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