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Wintering birds can gain significant thermal benefits by foraging in direct sunlight. However, exposure to bright sunlight might make birds easier to detect by predators and may also cause visual glare that can reduce a bird’s ability to monitor the environment. Thus, birds likely experience a trade-off between the thermal benefits and predation-related costs of foraging in direct sunlight. To examine this possible thermoregulation-predation trade-off, we monitored the behavior of mixed-species flocks of wintering emberizid sparrows foraging in alternating strips of sunlight and shade. On average, these sparrows routinely preferred to forage in the shade, despite midday air temperatures as much as 30 °C below their thermoneutral zone. This preference for shade was strongest at relatively high temperatures when the thermal benefits of foraging in sunlight were reduced, suggesting a thermoregulation-predation trade-off. Glare could be reduced if birds faced away from the sun while feeding in direct sunlight, but we found that foraging birds tended to face southward (the direction of the sun). We speculate that other factors, such as the likely direction of predator approach, may explain this southerly orientation, particularly if predators use solar glare to their advantage during an attack. This interpretation is supported by the fact that birds had the weakest southerly orientation on cloudy days. Wintering birds may generally avoid foraging in direct sunlight to minimize their risk of predation. However, given the thermal benefits of sunshine, such birds may benefit from foraging in habitats that provide a mosaic of sunlit and shaded microhabitats.  相似文献   
We present a novel fully hydrophilic, hydrolytically degradable poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogel suitable for soft tissue engineering and delivery of protein drugs. The gels were designed to overcome drawbacks associated with current PEG hydrogels (i.e., reaction mechanisms or degradation products that compromise protein stability): the highly selective and mild cross‐linking reaction allowed for encapsulating proteins prior to gelation without altering their secondary structure as shown by circular dichroism experiments. Further, hydrogel degradation and structure, represented by mesh size, were correlated to protein release. It was determined that polymer density had the most profound effect on protein diffusivity, followed by the polymer molecular weight, and finally by the specific chemical structure of the cross‐linker. By examining the diffusion of several model proteins, we confirmed that the protein diffusivity was dependent on protein size as smaller proteins (e.g., lysozyme) diffused faster than larger proteins (e.g., Ig). Furthermore, we demonstrated that the protein physical state was preserved upon encapsulation and subsequent release from the PEG hydrogels and contained negligible aggregation or protein–polymer adducts. These initial studies indicate that the developed PEG hydrogels are suitable for release of stable proteins in drug delivery and tissue engineering applications. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:197–206. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Ubiquitination has been implicated in negatively regulating insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-IR) activity. Because of the relative stability of IGF-IR in the presence of ligand stimulation, IGF-IR ubiquitination sites have yet to be mapped and characterized, thus preventing a direct demonstration of how the receptor ubiquitination contributes to downstream molecular cascades. We took advantage of an anti-IGF-IR antibody (h10H5) that induces more efficient receptor down-regulation to show that IGF-IR is promptly and robustly ubiquitinated. The ubiquitination sites were mapped to the two lysine residues in the IGF-IR activation loop (Lys-1138 and Lys-1141) and consisted of polyubiquitin chains formed through both Lys-48 and Lys-29 linkages. Mutation of these ubiquitinated lysine residues resulted in decreased h10H5-induced IGF-IR internalization and down-regulation as well as a reduced cellular response to h10H5 treatment. We have therefore demonstrated that IGF-IR ubiquitination contributes critically to the down-regulating and antiproliferative activity of h10H5. This finding is physiologically relevant because insulin-like growth factor I appears to mediate ubiquitination of the same major sites as h10H5 (albeit to a lesser extent), and ubiquitination is facilitated by pre-existing phosphorylation of the receptor in both cases. Furthermore, identification of a breast cancer cell line with a defect in IGF-IR ubiquitination suggests that this could be an important tumor resistance mechanism to evade down-regulation-mediated negative regulation of IGF-IR activity in cancer.  相似文献   
As part of a long-term study of the chemical defenses of Norway spruce (Picea abies) against herbivores and pathogens, a phytochemical survey of the phenolics in the bark was carried out. Eight stilbene glucoside dimers, designated as piceasides A-H (1a-4b), were isolated as four 1:1 mixtures of inseparable diastereomers. Their structures were determined by extensive spectroscopic means including 1D (1H and 13C) and 2D NMR (1H-1H COSY, HSQC, HMBC, ROESY) spectra, and were supported by enzymatic hydrolysis and computational analysis.  相似文献   
Abstract. — Drosophila and other ectotherms show geographic genetic variation in body size, with larger individuals at higher latitudes and altitudes. Temperature is implicated as an important selective agent because long-term laboratory culture of Drosophila leads to the evolution of larger body size at lower temperatures. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that, in Drosophila melanogaster, larger size is favored at lower temperatures in part because of selection on adult females. We used replicated lines of D. melanogaster artificially selected for increased and decreased wing area with constant cell area. The resulting size differences between the selected lines were due solely to differences in cell number, and thereby were similar to the cellular basis of clinal variation in body size in nature. We examined life-history traits of adult females at 18 and 25°C. Rearing for two generations at the two temperatures did not affect the extent of the size differences between lines from the different selection regimes. There was a strong interaction between temperature and size selection for both survival and lifetime reproductive success, with larger females living significantly longer and producing more offspring over their lifetime only when reared and tested in the colder environment. There was also an increase in average daily progeny production in large-line females relative to the control and small lines again, only in the colder environment. Thus, the females from the large selection lines were relatively fitter at the colder temperature. At both experimental temperatures, especially the lower one, the small- line females rescheduled their progeny production to later ages. Larger body size may have evolved at higher latitudes and altitudes because of the advantages to the adult female of being larger at lower temperatures.  相似文献   
We have developed a new generation of genome-wide DNA methylation BeadChip which allows high-throughput methylation profiling of the human genome. The new high density BeadChip can assay over 480K CpG sites and analyze twelve samples in parallel. The innovative content includes coverage of 99% of RefSeq genes with multiple probes per gene, 96% of CpG islands from the UCSC database, CpG island shores and additional content selected from whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data and input from DNA methylation experts. The well-characterized Infinium® Assay is used for analysis of CpG methylation using bisulfite-converted genomic DNA. We applied this technology to analyze DNA methylation in normal and tumor DNA samples and compared results with whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) data obtained for the same samples. Highly comparable DNA methylation profiles were generated by the array and sequencing methods (average R2 of 0.95). The ability to determine genome-wide methylation patterns will rapidly advance methylation research.  相似文献   
In an effort to develop microalgae as a robust system for the production of valuable proteins, we analyzed some of the factors affecting recombinant protein expression in the chloroplast of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We monitored mRNA accumulation, protein synthesis, and protein turnover for three codon-optimized transgenes including GFP, bacterial luciferase, and a large single chain antibody. GFP and luciferase proteins were quite stable, while the antibody was less so. Measurements of protein synthesis, in contrast, clearly showed that translation of the three chimeric mRNAs was greatly reduced when compared to endogenous mRNAs under control of the same atpA promoter/UTR. Only in a few conditions this could be explained by limited mRNA availability since, in most cases, recombinant mRNAs accumulated quite well when compared to the atpA mRNA. In vitro toeprint and in vivo polysome analyses suggest that reduced ribosome association might contribute to limited translational efficiency. However, when recombinant polysome levels and protein synthesis are analyzed as a whole, it becomes clear that other steps, such as inefficient protein elongation, are likely to have a considerable impact. Taken together, our results point to translation as the main step limiting the expression of heterologous proteins in the C. reinhardtii chloroplast.  相似文献   
The chlorite dismutases (C-family proteins) are a widespread family of heme-binding proteins for which chemical and biological roles remain unclear. An association of the gene with heme biosynthesis in Gram-positive bacteria was previously demonstrated by experiments involving introduction of genes from two Gram-positive species into heme biosynthesis mutant strains of Escherichia coli, leading to the gene being renamed hemQ. To assess the gene product''s biological role more directly, a Staphylococcus aureus strain with an inactivated hemQ gene was generated and shown to be a slow growing small colony variant under aerobic but not anaerobic conditions. The small colony variant phenotype is rescued by the addition of exogenous heme despite an otherwise wild type heme biosynthetic pathway. The ΔhemQ mutant accumulates coproporphyrin specifically under aerobic conditions. Although its sequence is highly similar to functional chlorite dismutases, the HemQ protein has no steady state reactivity with chlorite, very modest reactivity with H2O2 or peracetic acid, and no observable transient intermediates. HemQ''s equilibrium affinity for heme is in the low micromolar range. Holo-HemQ reconstituted with heme exhibits heme lysis after <50 turnovers with peroxide and <10 turnovers with chlorite. The heme-free apoprotein aggregates or unfolds over time. IsdG-like proteins and antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenases are close sequence and structural relatives of HemQ that use heme or porphyrin-like organic molecules as substrates. The genetic and biochemical data suggest a similar substrate role for heme or porphyrin, with possible sensor-regulator functions for the protein. HemQ heme could serve as the means by which S. aureus reversibly adopts an SCV phenotype in response to redox stress.  相似文献   
Circadian activity rhythms of most Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus sungorus) fail to reentrain to a 5-h phase shift of the light-dark (LD) cycle. Instead, their rhythms free-run at periods close to 25 h despite the continued presence of the LD cycle. This lack of behavioral reentrainment necessarily means that molecular oscillators in the master circadian pacemaker, the SCN, were unable to reentrain as well. The authors tested the hypothesis that a phase shift of the LD cycle rendered the SCN incapable of responding to photic input. Animals were exposed to a 5-h phase delay of the photocycle, and activity rhythms were monitored until a lack of reentrainment was confirmed. Hamsters were then housed in constant darkness for 24 h and administered a 30-min light pulse 2 circadian hours after activity onset. Brains were then removed, and tissue sections containing the SCN were processed for in situ hybridization. Sections were probed with Siberian hamster c-fos and per1 mRNA probes because light rapidly induces these 2 genes in the SCN during subjective night but not at other circadian phases. Light pulses induced robust expression of both genes in all animals that reentrained to the LD cycle, but no expression was observed in any animal that failed to reentrain. None of the animals exhibited an intermediate response. This finding is the first report of acute shift in a photocycle eliminating photosensitivity in the SCN and suggests that a specific pattern of light exposure may desensitize the SCN to subsequent photic input.  相似文献   
The 480 species of leafy spurges, Euphorbia subgenus Esula, represent the main temperate radiation in the large genus Euphorbia. This group is distributed primarily in temperate Eurasia, but with smaller, disjunct centres of diversity in the mountains of the Old World tropics, in temperate southern Africa and in the New World. The majority of New World diversity (32 species) occurs in a single section, section Tithymalus. We analysed sequences of the nrITS and plastid ndhF, trnH‐psbA, trnS‐trnG and trnD‐trnT regions to reconstruct the phylogeny of section Tithymalus and to examine the origins and diversification of the species native to the New World. Our results indicate that the New World species of section Tithymalus form a clade that is sister to the widespread, weedy E. peplus. The New World species fall into two primary groups: a ‘northern annual clade’ from eastern North America and a diverse clade of both annual and perennial species that is divided into three subgroups. Within the second group, there is a small ‘southern annual clade’ from Texas and northern Mexico, a perennial ‘Brachycera clade’ from the western United States and northern Mexico, and a perennial ‘Esuliformis clade’ from montane areas of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. Ancestral state reconstructions indicate that the annual habit probably evolved in the ancestor of E. peplus and the New World clade, with a subsequent reversal to the perennial habit. In conjunction with this phylogenetic framework, the New World species of section Tithymalus are comprehensively reviewed. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 191–228.  相似文献   
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