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We have used TCR transgenic mice directed to different MHC class II-restricted determinants from the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) to analyze how specificity for self-peptides can shape CD4+CD25+ regulatory T (Treg) cell formation. We show that substantial increases in the number of CD4+CD25+ Treg cells can occur when an autoreactive TCR directed to a major I-E(d)-restricted determinant from HA develops in mice expressing HA as a self-Ag, and that the efficiency of this process is largely unaffected by the ability to coexpress additional TCR alpha-chains. This increased formation of CD4+CD25+ Treg cells in the presence of the self-peptide argues against models that postulate selective survival rather than induced formation as mechanisms of CD4+CD25+ Treg cell formation. In contrast, T cells bearing a TCR directed to a major I-A(d)-restricted determinant from HA underwent little or no selection to become CD4+CD25+ Treg cells in mice expressing HA as a self-Ag, correlating with inefficient processing and presentation of the peptide from the neo-self-HA polypeptide. These findings show that interactions with a self-peptide can induce thymocytes to differentiate along a pathway to become CD4+CD25+ Treg cells, and that peptide editing by DM molecules may help bias the CD4+CD25+ Treg cell repertoire away from self-peptides that associate weakly with MHC class II molecules.  相似文献   
Immunodominance refers to the restricted peptide specificity of T cells that are detectable after an adaptive immune response. For CD4 T cells, many of the mechanisms used to explain this selectivity suggest that events related to Ag processing play a major role in determining a peptide's ability to recruit CD4 T cells. Implicit in these models is the prediction that the molecular context in which an antigenic peptide is contained will impact significantly on its immunodominance. In this study, we present evidence that the selectivity of CD4 T cell responses to peptides contained within protein Ags is not detectably influenced by the location of the peptide in a given protein or the primary sequence of the protein that bears the test peptide. We have used molecular approaches to change the location of peptides within complex protein Ags and to change the flanking sequences that border the peptide epitope to now include a protease site, and find that immunodominance or crypticity of a peptide observed in its native protein context is preserved. Collectively, these results suggest immunodominance of peptides contained in complex Ags is due to an intrinsic factor of the peptide, based upon the affinity of that peptide for MHC class II molecules. These findings are discussed with regard to implications for vaccine design.  相似文献   
The essential component of infectious prions is a misfolded protein termed PrPSc, which is produced by conformational change of a normal host protein, PrPC. It is currently unknown whether PrPSc molecules exist in a unique conformation or whether they are able to undergo additional conformational changes. Under commonly used experimental conditions, PrPSc molecules are characteristically protease-resistant and capable of inducing the conversion of PrPC molecules into new PrPSc molecules. We describe the effects of ionic strength, copper, and zinc on the conformation-dependent protease resistance and conversion-inducing activity of PrPSc molecules in scrapie-infected hamster brains. In the absence of divalent cations, PrPSc molecules were > 20-fold more sensitive to proteinase K digestion in low ionic strength buffers than in high ionic strength buffers. Addition of micromolar concentrations of copper or zinc ions restored the protease resistance of PrPSc molecules under conditions of low ionic strength. These transition metals also controlled the conformation of purified truncated PrP-(27-30) molecules at low ionic strength, confirming that the N-terminal octapeptide repeat region of PrPSc is not required for binding to copper or zinc ions. The protease-sensitive and protease-resistant conformations of PrPSc were reversibly interchangeable, and only the protease-resistant conformation of PrPSc induced by high ionic strength was able to induce the formation of new protease-resistant PrP (PrPres) molecules in vitro. These findings show that PrPSc molecules are structurally interconvertible and that only a subset of PrPSc conformations are able to induce the conversion of other PrP molecules.  相似文献   


Cyclic nucleotides are ubiquitous intracellular messengers. Until recently, the roles of cyclic nucleotides in plant cells have proven difficult to uncover. With an understanding of the protein domains which can bind cyclic nucleotides (CNB and GAF domains) we scanned the completed genomes of the higher plants Arabidopsis thaliana (mustard weed) and Oryza sativa (rice) for the effectors of these signalling molecules.  相似文献   
In the amphibian intermediate pituitary gland the biosynthetic activity for production of the precursor protein proopiomelanocortin (POMC) can be physiologically manipulated; POMC synthesis is high in animals adapted to a black background and low in white-adapted animals. In order to study genes associated with POMC gene expression we applied a differential hybridization technique involving screening of a pituitary cDNA library with probes derived from RNA of inactive and physiologically activated intermediate pituitary cells of the amphibian Xenopus laevis. A differentially hybridizing Xenopus pituitary cDNA clone encoded the novel polypeptide 7B2. This Mr-21,000 secretory granule-associated protein of unknown function is shown to be highly conserved between Xenopus and human (83% amino acid sequence similarity). Conserved segments within the 7B2 structure included the N-terminal portion, three pairs of basic amino acids which are potential recognition sites for proteolytic enzymes, and three regions sharing similarity with putative GTP-binding domains. Levels of 7B2 mRNA were about 3% of POMC mRNA levels in Xenopus pituitary glands. In the intermediate pituitary the amount of both POMC and 7B2 mRNA was much higher in black-adapted toads than in white-adapted animals. These physiologically-induced changes in POMC and 7B2 mRNA levels were not found in the anterior pituitary. We conclude that the POMC and 7B2 genes are coexpressed and that modulation of the activity of these genes is tissue-specific.  相似文献   
Dopamine is likely an important physiological melanotropin release-inhibiting factor in amphibians. This study concerns the effects of dopamine on the biosynthesis and release of peptides from the pars intermedia of the frog Rana ridibunda. Our results show that this secretagogue has no immediate effects on either the rate of biosynthesis of pro-opiomelanocortin nor on the direction of processing of this prohormone. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that dopamine inhibited the release of all newly synthesized POMC-related peptides in a dose-dependent manner. For each dopamine concentration tested, the degree of inhibition exerted on the release of the various newly synthesized peptides by a given concentration of secretagogue was approximately the same, with the exception of that found for the alpha-MSH related peptides. Analysis of the release of these melanotropins was complex because dopamine not only inhibited their release but also, either directly or indirectly, inhibited the acetylation reaction which converts des-N alpha-acetyl alpha-MSH to alpha-MSH. Dopamine was shown to be less potent in inhibiting the release of des-N alpha-acetyl alpha-MSH than inhibiting release of the acetylated form of the peptide. In amphibians a preferential release of the less-bioactive non-acetylated form of MSH under inhibitory conditions induced by dopamine may be of physiological importance.  相似文献   
The geography of the Black Hills region of South Dakota and Wyoming may limit connectivity for many species. For species with large energetic demands and large home ranges or species at low densities this can create viability concerns. Carnivores in this region, such as cougars (Puma concolor), have the additive effect of natural and human-induced mortality; this may act to decrease long-term viability. In this study we set out to explore genetic diversity among cougar populations in the Black Hills and surrounding areas. Specifically, our objectives were to first compare genetic variation and effective number of breeders of cougars in the Black Hills during three harvest regimes: pre (2003–2006), moderate (2007–2010), and heavy (2011–2013), to determine if harvest impacted genetic variation. Second, we compared genetic structure of the Black Hills cougar population with cougar populations in neighboring eastern Wyoming and North Dakota. Using 20 microsatellite loci, we conducted genetic analysis on DNA samples from cougars in the Black Hills (n = 675), North Dakota (n = 113), and eastern Wyoming (n = 62) collected from 2001–2013. Here we report that the Black Hills cougar population maintained genetic variation over the three time periods. Our substructure analysis suggests that the maintenance of genetic variation was due to immigration from eastern Wyoming and possibly North Dakota.  相似文献   
In the aftermath of the end‐Permian mass extinction, Early Triassic sediments record some of the largest Phanerozoic carbon isotopic excursions. Among them, a global Smithian‐negative carbonate carbon isotope excursion has been identified, followed by an abrupt increase across the Smithian–Spathian boundary (SSB; ~250.8 Myr ago). This chemostratigraphic evolution is associated with palaeontological evidence that indicate a major collapse of terrestrial and marine ecosystems during the Late Smithian. It is commonly assumed that Smithian and Spathian isotopic variations are intimately linked to major perturbations in the exogenic carbon reservoir. We present paired carbon isotopes measurements from the Thaynes Group (Utah, USA) to evaluate the extent to which the Early Triassic isotopic perturbations reflect changes in the exogenic carbon cycle. The δ13Ccarb variations obtained here reproduce the known Smithian δ13Ccarb‐negative excursion. However, the δ13C signal of the bulk organic matter is invariant across the SSB and variations in the δ34S signal of sedimentary sulphides are interpreted here to reflect the intensity of sediment remobilization. We argue that Middle to Late Smithian δ13Ccarb signal in the shallow marine environments of the Thaynes Group does not reflect secular evolution of the exogenic carbon cycle but rather physicochemical conditions at the sediment–water interface leading to authigenic carbonate formation during early diagenetic processes.  相似文献   
Populus euphratica is an important native tree found in arid regions from North Africa and South Europe to China, and is known to tolerate many forms of environmental stress, including drought. We describe cuticle waxes, cutin and cuticle permeability for the heteromorphic leaves of P. euphratica growing in two riparian habitats that differ in available soil moisture. Scanning electron microscopy revealed variation in epicuticular wax crystallization associated with leaf type and site. P. euphratica leaves are dominated by cuticular wax alkanes, primary‐alcohols and fatty acids. The major cutin monomers were 10,16‐diOH C16:0 acids. Broad‐ovate leaves (associated with adult phase growth) produced 1.3‐ and 1.6‐fold more waxes, and 2.1‐ and 0.9‐fold more cutin monomers, than lanceolate leaves (associated with juvenile phase growth) at the wetter site and drier site, respectively. The alkane‐synthesis‐associated ECERIFERUM1 (CER1), as well as ABC transporter‐ and elongase‐associated genes, were expressed at much higher levels at the drier than wetter sites, indicating their potential function in elevating leaf cuticle lipids in the dry site conditions. Higher cuticle lipid amounts were closely associated with lower cuticle permeability (both chlorophyll efflux and water loss). Our results implicate cuticle lipids as among the xeromorphic traits associated with P. euphratica adult‐phase broad‐ovate leaves. Results here provide useful information for protecting natural populations of P. euphratica and their associated ecosystems, and shed new light on the functional interaction of cuticle and leaf heterophylly in adaptation to more arid, limited‐moisture environments.  相似文献   
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