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Ascorbic acid has been shown to stimulate collagen synthesis in monolayer cultures of human dermal fibroblasts. In the present studies, we examined whether the presence of a collagen matrix influences this response of dermal fibroblasts to ascorbic acid. Fibroblasts and collagen were mixed and allowed to gel and contract for 6 days to form a matrix prior to determining the concentration and time dependence for ascorbic acid to affect collagen synthesis by fibroblasts within the matrix. Collagen synthesis was stimulated at levels at or above 10 μM ascorbic acid and was maximal after 2 days of treatment. This concentration and time dependence is similar to that of cells grown in monolayer cultures. The effects of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) were also examined in this model. TGF-β increased and FGF inhibited collagen synthesis in the gels, as has been shown for cells in monolayer cultures. The effects of potential inhibitors of lipid peroxidation induced by ascorbic acid were also examined in these matrices and compared to previous results obtained in monolayer cultures. Propyl gallate, cobalt chloride, α,α-dipyridyl, and α-tocopherol inhibited the ascorbic acid-mediated stimulation of collagen synthesis while mannitol had no effect. Natural retinoids inhibited total protein synthesis without the specific effect on collagen synthesis that was seen in monolayer cultures. These results indicate that ascorbic acid stimulates collagen synthesis in fibroblasts grown in a collagen matrix in a manner similar to that found in monolayer cultures. In contracting collagen gels, however, the magnitude of the effect is less and retinoids do not specifically inhibit collagen synthesis.  相似文献   
Blustein J 《Bioethics》1993,7(4):289-314
No profession has undergone as much scrutiny in the past several decades as that of medicine. Indeed, one might well argue that no profession has ever undergone so much change in so short a time. An essential part of this change has been the growing insistence that competent, adult patients have the right to decide about the course of their own medical treatment. However, the familiar and widely accepted principle of patient self-determination entails a corollary that has received little attention in the growing literature on the ethics of physician-patient relations: if patients are to direct the course of their own medical treatment, then physicians are at least sometimes to be guided in their actions on behalf of patients by values that are not, and may even be incompatible with, their own values. Unless it is supposed that it would be best if physicians were simply to accommodate any and all patient requests, a possibility I consider and reject in this paper, there are bound to be numerous instances of legitimate moral conflict between the preferences of physicians and patients. In this paper, I examine the implications of this sort of moral conflict from the standpoint of the integrity of the physician....I have also considered the common practice of patient referral from the standpoint of physician integrity, and asked whether a physician who refuses to treat a patient as a matter of conscience can consistently refer the patient to another physician for the same treatment....  相似文献   
The complete three-dimensional structure of the bean seed storage protein phaseolin was generated from -carbon coordinates by using molecular mechanic calculations. This structure was used as a template to simulate modifications aimed at increasing the methionine content of phaseolin. A hydrophilic, methionine-rich looping insert sequence was designed. Simulated mutagenesis shows that the insert might be accommodated in turn and loop regions of the protein, but not within an -helix. Methionine content was also increased by the replacement of hydrophobic amino acids with methionine in the central core -barrels of the phaseolin protein. Calculations indicated that methionine can effectively replace conserved or variant leucine, isolecuine, and valine residues. However, alanine residues were much more sensitive to substitution, and demonstrated high variability in the effects of methionine replacement. Introduction of multiple substitutions in the barrel interior demonstrated that the replaced residues could interact favorably to relieve local perturbations caused by individual substitutions. Molecular dynamics simulations were also utilized to study the structural organization of phaseolin. The calculations indicate that there are extensive packing interactions between the major domains of phaseolin, which have important implications for protein folding and stability. Since the proposed mutant proteins can be produced and studied, the results presented here provide an ideal test to determine if there is a correlation between the effects obtained by computer simulation and the effects of the mutations on the protein structure expressedin vivo.  相似文献   
Soil and atmospheric droughts increasingly threaten plant survival and productivity around the world. Yet, conceptual gaps constrain our ability to predict ecosystem-scale drought impacts under climate change. Here, we introduce the ecosystem wilting point (ΨEWP), a property that integrates the drought response of an ecosystem's plant community across the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. Specifically, ΨEWP defines a threshold below which the capacity of the root system to extract soil water and the ability of the leaves to maintain stomatal function are strongly diminished. We combined ecosystem flux and leaf water potential measurements to derive the ΨEWP of a Quercus-Carya forest from an “ecosystem pressure–volume (PV) curve,” which is analogous to the tissue-level technique. When community predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) was above ΨEWP (=−2.0 MPa), the forest was highly responsive to environmental dynamics. When Ψpd fell below ΨEWP, the forest became insensitive to environmental variation and was a net source of carbon dioxide for nearly 2 months. Thus, ΨEWP is a threshold defining marked shifts in ecosystem functional state. Though there was rainfall-induced recovery of ecosystem gas exchange following soaking rains, a legacy of structural and physiological damage inhibited canopy photosynthetic capacity. Although over 16 growing seasons, only 10% of Ψpd observations fell below ΨEWP, the forest is commonly only 2–4 weeks of intense drought away from reaching ΨEWP, and thus highly reliant on frequent rainfall to replenish the soil water supply. We propose, based on a bottom-up analysis of root density profiles and soil moisture characteristic curves, that soil water acquisition capacity is the major determinant of ΨEWP, and species in an ecosystem require compatible leaf-level traits such as turgor loss point so that leaf wilting is coordinated with the inability to extract further water from the soil.  相似文献   
From 1913 to 1980, two zinc smelters in Palmerton, Pennsylvania, emitted large quantities of atmospheric pollutants nearly eliminating forests along a ridge above the town. In 2008, a remediation treatment was applied to the land above one of the smelters that included the planting of several locally adapted plant species. It also included mineral fertilization and mycorrhizal inoculation. One of the species, the Pitch pine (Pinus rigida, Mill.), is a native tree that is both tolerant of metalliferous soils and obligatorily ectomycorrhizal. This report summarizes the results of two observational studies conducted 5 years after the remediation treatment. The first study's objective was to compare ectomycorrhizal communities on treated Pitch pine saplings, with communities on naturally regenerating saplings in an adjacent non-remediated area. The second study's objective was to determine if the composition of the fungal communities on root tips of naturally regenerating Pitch pine saplings differed with distance from the smelters. Fungal community compositions were determined using internal transcribed spacer rRNA sequences. Comparisons of sequences from the remediated and non-remediated sites revealed that communities at the remediated sites had lower taxonomic diversity and were dominated by members of a genus in the remediation inoculant. The results of the smelter-proximity study indicated that although fungal diversity did not differ markedly with distance from the smelters, the relative abundances of some taxa were greater on saplings growing directly above the smelters, where the soils contained highest concentrations of zinc and cadmium.  相似文献   
Soils contain biotic and abiotic legacies of previous conditions that may influence plant community biomass and associated aboveground biodiversity. However, little is known about the relative strengths and interactions of the various belowground legacies on aboveground plant–insect interactions. We used an outdoor mesocosm experiment to investigate the belowground legacy effects of range-expanding versus native plants, extreme drought and their interactions on plants, aphids and pollinators. We show that plant biomass was influenced more strongly by the previous plant community than by the previous summer drought. Plant communities consisted of four congeneric pairs of natives and range expanders, and their responses were not unanimous. Legacy effects affected the abundance of aphids more strongly than pollinators. We conclude that legacies can be contained as soil ‘memories’ that influence aboveground plant community interactions in the next growing season. These soil-borne ‘memories’ can be altered by climate warming-induced plant range shifts and extreme drought.  相似文献   
This study validates the use of ambulatory EMG monitoring as a measure of exercise compliance. The model rehabilitative exercise used was the Prone Back Extension. Thirty-two undergraduate volunteers were videorecorded as they performed the exercise alone in a closed room. The correlation between a direct observation count of the number of repetitions and an independent EMG-based count was .95. EMG amplitude was examined by repetition and gender with regression and ANOVA. There were significant gender differences in the amplitude of EMG across repetitions. There were no significant differences by gender in the declining slope of amplitude across repetitions. This slope may represent a typical fatigue curve. Thus, not only the occurrence but also the intensity of exercise can be quantified.  相似文献   
Summary Carcinogenesis is a lengthy process which eventually culminates in the transformed phenotype, cancer. However, much remains to be defined about the process of transformation. In vivo models for the study of the carcinogenic process present limitations because it is not possible to detect the premalignant stages in the animals. An in vitro model, on the other hand, facilitates the study of the carcinogenic process because it enables one to dissect out the crucial events required for carcinogenesis to occur. As carcinogenesis is believed to be a multistep process; initiation, promotion, and progression, a multistep, in vitro system has been devised in our laboratory to mimic each of these stages. We have previously shown the formation of “microtumors” in collagen gels, induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. In the present study the direct acting water soluble, mammary carcinogen,N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) was used for tumorigenesis of mammary epithelial cells in culture. Mammary epithelial cells from virgin Sprague-Dawley rats were propagated and exposed to single or multiple doses of NMU while growing as a monolayer in glass petri dishes (initiation). Initiated cells were then plated into a collagen gel matrix culture. Prolonged growth in the collagen gels afforded for the progression of the transformed cells into discernable microtumors in the three-dimensional matrix of the collagen. The morphology of these “tumors” was determined by histologic sections of the gels. Fewer, if any, such structures existed in the untreated gels.  相似文献   
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