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Summary Ionic conductances of rabbit osteoclasts were investigated using both whole-cell and cell-attached configurations of the patch-clamp recording technique. The predominant conductance found in these cells was an inwardly rectifying K+ conductance. Whole-cell currents showed an N-shaped current-voltage (I–13;V) relation with inward current activated at potentials negative to EK. When external K+ was varied, I-V curves shifted 53 mV/10-fold change in [K+]out, as predicted for a K+-selective channel. Inward current was blocked by Ba2+ and showed a time-dependent decline at negative potentials, which was reduced in Na+-free external solution. Inward single-channel currents were recorded in the cell-attached configuration. Single-channel currents were identified as inward-rectifier K+ channels based on the following observations: (i) Unitary I-V relations rectified, with only inward current resolved. (ii) Unitary conductance () was 31 pS when recorded in the cell-attached configuration with 140 mm K+ in the pipette and was found to be dependent on [K+]. (iii) Addition of Ba2+ to the pipette solution abolished single-channel events. We conclude that rabbit osteoclasts possess inwardly rectifying K+ channels which give rise to the inward current recorded at negative potentials in the whole-cell configuration. This inwardly rectifying K+ current may be responsible for setting the resting membrane potential and for dissipating electrical potential differences which arise from electrogenic transport of protons across the osteoclast ruffled border.This work was supported by The Arthritis Society and the Medical Research Council of Canada. M.E.M.K. was supported by a fellowship, S.J.D. a development Grant and S.M.S. a scholarship from the Medical Research Council. We thank Dr. Zu Gang Zheng for help with scanning microscopy.  相似文献   
Crystals of a recombinant ubiquitin carrier protein from Arabidopsis thaliana have been grown from solutions of ammonium sulfate. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1); the axes are a = 41.8(1) A, b = 44.9(1) A and c = 83.2(1) A. The crystals are quite stable to X-rays and diffract beyond 2.1 A resolution. There is one molecule in the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   
Summary Larvae of the aspen blotch miner, Phyllonorycter salicifoliella Chambers (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), feed within leaves of three host-tree species in north-central Minnesota, USA. Far more individuals occur on Populus tremuloides than on P. balsamifera or P. grandidentata. We tested whether this pattern of host use reflected variable performance among alternative hosts by examining survivorship, sources of mortality, pupal mass, feeding efficiency, and development time of miners on each tree species. We also determined foliar water, nitrogen, condensed tannin, and phenolic glycoside content of host trees to test if host-tree chemical attributes were responsible for differences in performance. There was no significant difference in egg-to-adult survival among miners on different hosts, although dominant sources of mortality did vary. Miners on P. grandidentata suffered less parasitism and more predation than those on the other hosts, even though most parasitoid species attacked miners on all hosts. The other performance parameters varied among host species, but not in a consistent pattern. Pupal mass was greatest on P. tremuloides and P. balsamifera, the hosts with comparatively high foliar nitrogen and low phenolic glycoside concentrations. However, feeding efficiency was greatest and development time shortest for miners on P. grandidentata. Thus, pupal mass was the only index of performance maximized on P. tremuloides, the most commonly used host. Infrequent occurrence of Phyllonorycter salicifoliella on P. grandidentata results in part from phenological differences between this and the other host species. Low oviposition rates on P. balsamifera are correlated with low abundance of this host at the study site and a phenolic glycoside profile different from that of the other host species.  相似文献   
Low doses of estradiol, administered as pulses, are as effective as higher doses for priming ovariectomized (OVX) guinea pigs to display progesterone-facilitated lordosis. High doses of estradiol, administered by constant-release implants, induce progestin receptors in many substance P-immunoreactive (SP-IR) neurons in the ventrolateral hypothalamus (VLH), a site at which estradiol primes OVX guinea pigs to respond behaviorally to progesterone. To test the hypothesis that behaviorally effective estradiol pulses induce progestin receptors selectively in substance P-containing neurons in the VLH, OVX females received estradiol implants 1 week prior to perfusion, or two pulses of estradiol- 17β, injected 39 and 11 h before perfusion. Colchicine was administered intracerebroventricularly prior to perfusion. No significant differences were observed in the total number of progestin receptor-immunoreactive (PR-IR) or substance P-immunoreactive cells in the VLH and VLH/ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), respectively, of females receiving the two estradiol treatments. However, the percentage of PR-IR cells in the VLH also immunoreactive for SP was significantly higher in the estradiol pulse-treated (53%), than in the estradiol capsule-implanted animals (36%). These data suggest that behaviorally effective estradiol pulses induce progestin receptors selectively in substance P-containing neurons in the VLH and are consistent with the hypothesis that substance P is involved in progesterone-facilitated lordosis in guinea pigs.  相似文献   
Restriction site variation in chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) of Coreopsis section Coreopsis was employed to assess divergence and phylogenetic relationships among the nine species of the section. A total of fourteen restriction site mutations and one length mutation was detected. Cladistic analysis of the cpDNA data produced a phylogeny that is different in several respects from previous hypotheses. CpDNA mutations divide the section into two groups, with the two perennial species C. auriculata and C. pubescens lacking any derived restriction site changes. The other seven species are united by five synapomorphic restriction site mutations and the one length mutation. These seven species fall into three unresolved clades consisting of 1) the remaining three perennial species, C. grandiflora, C. intermedia, and C. lanceolata; 2) three annual species, C. basalis, C. nuecensoides, and C. nuecensis; and 3) the remaining annual, C. wrightii. The cpDNA data suggest that, although the perennial habit is primitive within the section, the annual species of section Coreopsis have likely not originated from an extant perennial species. The estimated proportion of nucleotide differences per site (given as 100p) for the cpDNAs of species in the section ranges from 0.00 to 0.20, which is comparable to or lower than values reported for other congeneric species. The low level of cpDNA divergence is concordant with other data, including cross compatibility, interfertility and allozymes, in suggesting that species of the section are not highly divergent genetically.  相似文献   
Picomole quantities of endogenous GABA in acidified superfusates of synaptosomal preparations have been measured using micro-bore ion-exchange chromatography and post-column formation of the fluorescent iso-indole derivative. Using this technique superfusates have been analyzed directly, without further manipulations, to investigate the release of endogenous GABA. Spontaneous release of GABA was 2–5 pmol/200 l superfusate increasing to 20 pmol/200 l with potassium stimulation. When -vinyl GABA (RMI 71754), an inhibitor of GABA-T was injected into rats (750 mg/kg) and synaptosomes prepared the potassium-evoked release of GABA was increased 3-fold compared to controls. Chromatographic separations and measurement of release of endogenous and radiolabeled GABA allowed the real specific activity of released GABA to be calculated. Only when 500 M amino-oxyacetic acid was added during isolation of synaptosomes was the specific activity of released GABA the same as the initial specific activity.  相似文献   
C F Niven  Jr  M B Jeffrey    D A Corlett  Jr 《Applied microbiology》1981,41(1):321-322
A histidine-containing agar medium has been devised for quantitative detection of histamine-producing bacteria that are alleged to be associated with scombroid fish poisoning outbreaks. The responsible bacteria produce a marked pH change in the agar, with attendant color change of pH indicator adjacent to the colonies, thus facilitating their recognition. Proteus morganii and Klebsiella pneumoniae were the two most common histidine-decarboxylating species isolated from scombroid fish and mahi mahi.  相似文献   
The gelatinolytic activity of human skin fibroblast collagenase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The gelatinolytic activity of human skin fibroblast collagenase was examined on denatured collagen types I-V. All denatured substrates were cleaved, including types IV and V, which are resistant to collagenase in native form. Interestingly, the earliest major cleavage in denatured collagen types I-III occurred at a 3/4-1/4 locus, resulting in products electrophoretically identical with TCA and TCB fragments of mammalian collagenase action on these native collagens. However, in the denatured substrates, multiple additional proteolytic cleavages followed. The propensity for cleavage at a 3/4-1/4 site in denatured collagen, where sequence is the major specifier of enzymatic action, would seem to indicate that the most favorable amino acid sequence of gamma chains for catalysis is located in this region. The peptide bond specificity of human fibroblast collagenase on gelatin was examined by amino acid sequencing of extensively cleaved denatured type I collagen. Analysis of the NH2-terminal amino acid residues from the resultant gelatin peptides showed sequences of "-H2N-Ile-Y-Gly" and "H2N-Leu-Y-Gly" only (where Y indicates that any amino acid can be found in that position), indicating that Gly-Ile and Gly-Leu bonds are the only sites of collagenase cleavage in this substrate. Whereas the gamma1 chains of denatured collagen types I-III were cleaved at similar rates, fibroblast collagenase was a much better gamma2-gelatinase than gamm1-gelatinase on denatured type 1 collagen. This preference for the cleavage of gamma2(I) was the result of both a higher kcat (750 versus 230 h-1) and lower Km (3.7 versus 7.0 microM) than for a gamma1(1), resulting in an overall selectivity (kcat/Km) of greater than 6-fold. Compared to such kinetic parameters on native collagen, these values indicate that gelatinolysis is somewhat slower than collagenolysis.  相似文献   
Phospholipid metabolism was studied in rat sciatic nerve during Wallerian degeneration induced by crush injury. Portions of crushed sciatic nerve, incubated with labeled substrates, showed significantly higher phosphatidylcholine synthesis than normal nerve, prior to any measurable alterations of phospholipid composition. Maximum synthesis occurred 3 days after crush injury, at which time the metabolism of other phospholipids was unchanged. After a rapid decrease in biosynthetic activity, a second phase of enhanced phosphatidylcholine synthesis occurred, beginning 6 days after crush injury. Increased incorporation of [33P]phosphate, [2-3H]glycerol, and [Me-14C]choline indicated stimulation of de novo synthesis of phosphatidylcholine 3 days after injury. Neither base exchange reactions nor sequential methylation of ethanolamine phospholipids contributed significantly to phosphatidylcholine synthesis. Assay of certain key enzymes under optimal conditions in subcellular fractions of sciatic nerve revealed higher activities of cholinephosphate cytidyltransferase, choline phosphotransferase, and acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase in injured nerve, while choline kinase activity remained unchanged. This indicates that stimulation of phosphatidylcholine synthesis occurs via the cytidine nucleotide pathway, as well as by increased acylation of lysophosphatidylcholine. Although the cause of stimulated phosphatidylcholine synthesis remains unexplained, it is possible that trace amounts of lysophospholipids or other metabolites produced by injury-enhanced phospholipase activity may be responsible.  相似文献   
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