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The purpose of this study was to see whether artificial acclimatization to cold would reduce the pressor response to noradrenaline (NA) as natural acclimatization has been shown to do, and whether it would induce nonshivering thermogenesis. Three white men were infused with NA at four dosage levels between 0.038 and 0.300 g·kg–1·min–1 (2–23 g·min–1), before and after artificial acclimatization to cold and again 4 months later when acclimatization had decayed. Acclimatization was induced by ten daily cold (15°Q baths of 30–60 min followed by rapid rewarming in hot (38–42°C) water, and was confirmed by tests of the subjects responses to whole-body cooling in air. Three control subjects also underwent the first and third tests. Acclimatization substantially reduced the pressor response to NA at 0.150 and 0.300 g·kg–1·min–1, confirming earlier findings by the same technique in naturally acclimatized men, and its decay increased this response to beyond its initial levels (P<0.05 for both changes). Acclimatization did not change the response to NA of heart rate, subjective impressions, skin temperature of finger and toe, pulmonary ventilation, or plasma free fatty acids and ketone bodies. At no time did NA increase oxygen consumption, or increase skin temperature or heat flow over reported sites of brown fat. These findings would seem to show that acclimatization to cold reduces sensitivity to the pressor effect of NA but does not induce nonshivering thermogenesis, and that the reduced sensitivity is replaced by a hypersensitivity to NA when acclimatization decays.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial function declines with age, and many pathological processes in neurodegenerative diseases stem from this dysfunction when mitochondria fail to produce the necessary energy required. Photobiomodulation (PBM), long-wavelength light therapy, has been shown to rescue mitochondrial function in animal models and improve human health, but clinical uptake is limited due to uncertainty around efficacy and the mechanisms responsible. Using 31P magnetisation transfer magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MT-MRS) we quantify, for the first time, the effects of 670 nm PBM treatment on healthy ageing human brains. We find a significant increase in the rate of ATP synthase flux in the brain after PBM in a cohort of older adults. Our study provides initial evidence of PBM therapeutic efficacy for improving mitochondrial function and restoring ATP flux with age, but recognises that wider studies are now required to confirm any resultant cognitive benefits.  相似文献   
Methods are described that allow DNA to be prepared from widely different yeasts (Candida utilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe). The methods are reliably reproducible, and the DNA obtained is of appropriate quality for the construction of gene libraries (upper limit of size range consistently 50-150 kbp). In method A, yeast cells are converted into spheroplasts by treatment with a highly purified mixture of enzymes from Trichoderma harzianum, the spheroplasts are lysed in a lauroylsarcosinate/EDTA buffer, and the lysate is incubated with proteinase K and then directly centrifuged through a cesium trifluoroacetate gradient. DNA is recovered from the appropriate fractions by ethanol precipitation, and the redissolved precipitate is incubated with ribonuclease. For the rest of the isolation, two protocols are given, one avoiding and one including phenol/chloroform extraction. In this way, DNA up to about 150 kbp in size can be obtained. In method B, spheroplasts are not made. Yeast cells are broken by grinding under liquid nitrogen and are then worked up in a manner similar to method A, protocol 2. Subsequent steps depend on the purpose for which the DNA is required. Traditional methods of sucrose or salt density gradient centrifugation or agarose gel electrophoresis are applicable for size selection. A sodium iodide/silica matrix technique allows fast and effective DNA recovery from agarose gels.  相似文献   
Summary Protein fragments containing the RNA-binding domain of Escherichia coli rho protein have been over-expressed in E. coli. NMR spectra of the fragment containing residues 1–116 of rho protein (Rho116) show that a region of this protein is unfolded in solution. Addition of (dC)10 to this fragment stabilizes the folded form of the protein. The fragment comprising residues 1–130 of rho protein (Rho130) is found to be stably folded, both in the absence and presence of nucleic acid. NMR studies of the complex of Rho 130 with RNA and DNA oligonucleotides indicate that the binding-site size, affinity, and specificity of Rho 130 are similar to those of intact rho protein; therefore, Rho 130 is a suitable model of the RNA-binding domain of rho protein. NMR line widths as well as titration experiments of Rho130 complexed with oligonucleotides of various lengths suggest that Rho130 forms oligomers in the presence of longer oligonucleotides. 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments were facilitated by the utilization of two pulse sequences, CN-NOESY and CCH-TOCSY. The secondary structure of unliganded Rho130 has been determined by NMR techniques, and it is clear that the RNA-binding domain of rho is more structurally similar to the cold shock domain than to the RNA recognition motif.Abbreviations Rho116, Rho130 protein containing the first 116 (130) residues of rho - CSD cold shock domain - RRM RNA recognition motif - RBD RNA-binding domain - IPTG isopropyl -D-thiogalactopyranoside - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement  相似文献   
Summary Laminin synthesis and deposition are concomitant with the development of a basal lamina between the human epidermis and the underlying dermis. One of the challenges in tissue engineering of human epidermal models is to develop substrates and conditions that encourage the development of a basement membrane. The purpose of this study was to determine if actin filaments and/or microtubules are involved in the synthesis/secretion of laminin by normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK)in vitro. NHEK synthesize and secrete laminin subunits B1, B2, and M but little, if any, of laminin subunit A. Data indicate that disruption of microfilaments by the destabilizing agent, cytochalasin D, had no apparent effect on the relative synthesis rates of most cytosolic proteins as, revealed by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gel electrophoresis. This drug, however, increased laminin B2 synthesis several fold over untreated controls. This enhanced synthetic rate was independent of the type of collagen, matrix on which the NHEK were grown. Similar increases in synthesis of the M and B1 laminin chains were not observed. To determine if this increase in synthesis lead to increases in laminin B2 secretion, laminin B2 was immunoprecipitated from both the apical and basal domains of NHEK cells grown on microporous membranes. While more laminin B1, B2, and M were secreted basally than apically, an observation consistent with laminin’s role in basal lamina formation, cytochalasin D had no apparent effect on either basal or apical laminin B2 secretion. Experiments with the microtubule destabilizer, nocodazole, showed no similar effects on laminin synthesis and/or secretion. We conclude that (a) disruption of the actin network in NHEK selectively increases the synthesis of laminin B2, (b) the secretion of laminin B2 from NHEK cells is not governed by either the microfilamentous cytoskeleton or the amount of laminin synthesized by NHEK, and (c) disruption of the microtubular network does not alter laminin synthesis or secretion.  相似文献   
Sorbitol dehydrogenase. The primary structure of the sheep-liver enzyme   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The first primary structure for a sorbitol dehydrogenase has been determined by analysis of the tetrameric enzyme from sheep liver. The [14C]carboxymethylated protein was cleaved with CNBr and proteolytic enzymes. Peptides were purified by several methods, often utilizing exclusion chromatography for pre-fractionation and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography for final purification. Different methods of sequence analysis complemented each other, mainly the manual dimethylaminoazobenzene isothiocyanate method and and the use of liquid-phase sequencer degradations. All eight major CNBr fragments were purified and form the basis of the work. Three minor CNBr fragments derived from an acid cleavage and from a partly resistant Met-Thr bond were also obtained, as well as evidence for a contaminating homologous polypeptide. Most of the tryptic peptides were purified, including all with methionine residues, thus overlapping the CNBr fragments. Combined, all data permit the deduction of a 354-residue amino acid sequence for the polypeptide chain of sorbitol dehydrogenase. The N terminus is acyl-blocked, the C terminus is formed by a proline residue, tryptophan is the least common residue (two, at positions 50 and 301) and there are 10 cysteine residues, including the residue previously shown to be especially reactive (at position 43). Similarities to 'long' alcohol dehydrogenases have functional implications.  相似文献   
The effect of in vivo variation of hepatic glutathione (using diethyl maleate and L-cysteine) on in vitro cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity was studied in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity in glutathione-depleted rats (ca. 10% of control glutathione) was significantly reduced compared to that in vehicle-injected controls. While L-cysteine treatment of glutathione-depleted animals increased glutathione levels somewhat (ca. 20% of control glutathione), they were still significantly less than control levels. Similarly, cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity in the partially glutathione replete animals was approximately 50% greater than that in the glutathione-depleted animals, but still significantly less than that in the controls. The rate of 7 alpha-hydroxylation of cholesterol was found to be dependent on liver glutathione content. The calculated maximal rate was 34.4 picomoles/mg/min with a half maximal activity at 1.89 mumoles glutathione/gm liver. These results suggest that hepatic glutathione may be an important modulator of in vivo activity of cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase.  相似文献   
Polypeptides associated with the rabbit reticulocyte poly(A)-protein complex, isolated by oligo (dT)-cellulose chromatography, were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The complex derived from EDTA released total polysomal mRNP and 20S globin mRNP by RNase treatment contained four polypeptides of molecular weight 58000, 67000, 71000 and 79000. A 79000 molecular weight polypeptide, which was also a major component of the reticulocyte low molecular weight cytoplasmic fraction, was shown to form tenacious associations with poly(A) in vitro.  相似文献   
We compared the feeding excavations on wood blocks of three species of subterranean termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), and R. virginicus (Banks). Feeding rate followed the order C. formosanus > R. flavipes > R. virginicus. Wood surface area (mm2) exposed per unit feeding was higher for C. formosanus and R. flavipes than for R. virginicus. This was caused by the tendency of C. formosanus and R. flavipes to make internally penetrating tunnels, thereby increasing surface area, whereas R. virginicus made trough- and bowl-like depressions on the outside of blocks, sometimes decreasing the size of blocks outwardly without a corresponding high increase in surface area typical with the tunnels of the other species. Consequently, wood surface area was sometimes reduced, rather than increased as a result of feeding by R. virginicus. Different patterns of wood excavation suggest that these termites have divergent roles in wood decay processes.
Résumé Les organismes pionniers qui modifient le bois et le rendent acceptable par les insectes qui le perforent sont généralement des champignons du bois pourri. Cependant, une fois que les termites ou autres insectes perforant le bois ont pénétré, leurs galeries favorisent les bactéries fixatrices d'azote, permettent l'invasion d'autres organismes décomposeurs, et de ce fait régularisent la décomposition du bois (Ausmus, 1977). L'exposition de la surface à l'intérieur des perforations jouant un rôle très important dans le processus de pourrissement, il est souhaitable de pouvoir quantifier la surface des galeries dues à l'alimentation des termites. Une courbe type permettant de prédire l'aire de la surface perforée a été construite en perçant 109 morceaux de bois de trous cylindriques de différents diamètres, en calculant l'aire de la surface des morceaux de bois, en appliquant et pesant une couche de vernis pour bois au polyuréthane, et en divisant la masse de polyuréthane par l'aire de la surface. Le modèle prédictif qui en découle est: Y=0,01443×-3,51825 (P=0,0001; r=0,68), y étant la masse de polyuréthane (en g) et x la surface (en mm2) du morceau de bois. En traitant de la même façon au polyuréthane les morceaux de bois perforés par les termites, nous pourrions déduire leur surface.Une expérience a été effectuée avec 3 espèces de rhinotermitides,- Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) et R. virginicus (Banks). Des groupes de chaque espèce se sont alimentés pendant 11 ou 12 jours sur des morceaux de bois non contaminés par des champignons. Nous avons déterminé la survie, la consommation, la modification de la surface du morceau de bois (par utilisation du modèle prédictif) et le changement de surface par terminte.La survie est la même, mais la consommation est dans l'ordre suivant: C. formosanus > R. flavipes > R. virginicus. L'aire de la surface exposée par unité d'alimentation était plus élevée pour C. formosanus et R. flavipes que pour R. virginicus (Tab. 1). Ceci est dû à la tendance de C. formosanus et R. flavipes de creuser des galeries vers l'intérieur, tandis que R. virginicus fait des cuvettes à la surface du bois. Les attaques superficielles de R. virginicus réduisent parfois le volume du morceau de bois sans accroître proportionnellement la surface comme le font les espèces creusant des galeries. Ainsi, avec R. virginicus la surface peut être réduite au lieu d'augmenter. Des différences entre colonies s'observent avec toutes les variables (Tab. 2).Nos résultats suggèrent que C. formosanus et R. flavipes contribuent plus que R. virginicus à exposer le bois aux autres organismes décomposeurs. Cependant, ces résultats peuvent être modifiés par un conditionnement préalable du bois par des champignons.
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