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The hydrolytic and transglucosidic reactions of the Aspergillus niger Family 3 beta-glucosidase were characterized. Michaelis-Menten plots of the rates of aglycone formation were normal (hyperbolic) at low [substrate]. However, at high [substrate] the rates decreased at pH below approximately 5.5 but increased at pH above approximately 5.5. Each decrease or increase took the form of a second hyperbola adjoining the first. Thin layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, and NMR analyses indicated that the substrates became transglucosidic acceptors when present at high concentrations. When pNPGlc and cellobiose reacted as acceptors, the C6 hydroxyl of the non-reducing substrate component reacted to form beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-6)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-p-nitrophenol and beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-6)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-4)-D-glucopyranose, respectively. The acceptor action accounted for the second adjoining hyperbolas. Rate equations were derived for the production of the aglycone and the transglucosidic intermediate, and these equations described the data very well. Hydrolytic Vmax {Vmax(h)}, hydrolytic Km {Km(h)}, transglucosidic Vmax {Vmax(t)}, and transglucosidic Km {Km(t)} values were obtained by non-linear regression analysis using these equations. Vmax(h) pH profiles were bell shaped with optima between pH 4 and 4.5 but the Vmax(t) values did not change substantially between pH 3 and 7. These differences in the pH profiles explain the decreasing and increasing adjoining hyperbolas since Vmax(t) is lower than Vmax(h) at pH less than approximately 5.5 but higher than Vmax(h) at pH greater than approximately 5.5. The reason for these pH effects is that the value of the hydrolytic rate constant (k3) decreases while the value of the transglucosidic rate constant (k4) does not change between pH 3 and 7. The study also showed that gentiobiose forms by an intermolecular reaction of the C6 hydroxyl of Glc rather than an intramolecular reaction and that an equatorial orientation of the C2 hydroxyl, the presence of a C6 primary hydroxyl and beta-linkages with oligosaccharide acceptors are important for acceptor reactivity.  相似文献   
Sucrose synthase (SUS: EC, a key enzyme in plant sucrose catabolism, is uniquely able to mobilize sucrose into multiple pathways involved in metabolic, structural, and storage functions. Our research indicates that the biological function of SUS may extend beyond its catalytic activity. This inference is based on the following observations: (a) tissue-specific, isoform-dependent and metabolically-regulated association of SUS with mitochondria and (b) isoform-specific and anoxia-responsive interaction of SUS with the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), the major outer mitochondrial membrane protein. More recent work shows that both VDAC and SUS are also localized to the nucleus in maize seedling tissues. Their intricate regulation under anoxia indicates that these two proteins may have a role in inter-compartmental signaling.Key Words: sucrose synthase, mitochondria, nucleus, localization, voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), non-catalytic rolesThe biochemical function of a protein is encoded within its primary sequence and can often be deciphered by simple in vitro assays. The cellular or organismal function of a protein is frequently the same as its biochemical activity. However, for many proteins, the biological function cannot be easily derived based on its biochemical function. This appears to be particularly true when the gene encoding the protein has a history of duplication and is represented by a family of paralogs. In maize and other species, sucrose synthase (SUS) isoforms are almost identical in their catalytic properties.1,2 However, the characteristic phenotypes of mutants in specific isoforms suggest that the isoforms contribute to vastly different organismal functions.24 Our interest is to identify the range of functions that maize SUS isoforms may have and elucidate the molecular basis of this functional diversity. Although expression divergence and consequent variation in their cellular abundance significantly contributes to this diversity,5 other factors such as intracellular distribution, post-translational modifications and interacting partners,3,4,6,7 seem to be equally critical for the functional diversification of different SUS isoforms.Our study, spurred by a bioinformatics prediction, opened up a new facet of SUS biology, in that the protein may have organelle-based functions.8 Our analysis indicated that two of the three maize SUS isoforms (SH1 and SUS1) partly localize to mitochondria and nuclei, compartments not related to sucrose metabolism. In addition to this isoform-specificity, the compartmentation of SUS isoforms is influenced by developmental as well as environmental cues. Furthermore, its isoform-specific interaction with the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) and an apparent conservation of SUS mitochondrial targeting across plant species suggest that SUS may have novel, noncatalytic biological functions. Our recent work shows that along with SUS, VDAC is also localized to the nucleus and these two proteins are inversely regulated in these two compartments under anoxic stress, indicating SUS-VDAC interaction may play a role in inter-compartmental signaling (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Current working model of SUS-VDAC interactions in maize root tip cells. Prolonged anoxia leads to de-oligomerization of VDAC and the release of SUS from mitochondria, resulting in the migration of SUS to the nucleus. We hypothesize that the nuclear accumulation of SUS signals the induction of cell death pathway leading to the death of the root tip in anoxic maize seedlings. The insets show the primary root tip and a part of the axis from aerobic and anoxic seedlings. The root tip death is indicated by Evans Blue staining pattern of the anoxic root. ≠ = SUS. □ = VDAC.SUS mitochondrial localization also provided us an opportunity to reinterpret the phylogeny of sucrose metabolism. The proposed origin of sucrose metabolism is equivocal between the proteobacterial and cyanobacterial lineages.9,10 Our discovery of SUS inside mitochondria, absence of plastid-bound SUS or plastid-targeting information in any of the plant SUS proteins and occurrence of mitochondrial targeting information in proteobacterial SUS orthologs strongly support a proteobacterial origin of plant sucrose synthases.8 Based on a genome-wide analysis of E. coli proteins, Lucattini et al.11 proposed that mitochondrial targeting information may have been derived from the preexisting sequences of the endosymbiont proteins. We hypothesize that, in addition to the structural features needed for mitochondrial association, the functional basis of SUS-VDAC interaction may have been recruited by plants from the prokaryotic SUS genes. Based on striking similarities between bacterial and mitochondrial porins in their structure as well as regulation by purine nucleotides and their role in the host-cell death as modulated by cellular ATP levels, Frade and Michaelidis12 speculated that the eukaryotic programmed cell death may have been a consequence of acquiring aerobic metabolism via the endosymbiotic process. Is organellar SUS a part of this acquisition?  相似文献   
Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) supports proinsulin folding as chaperone and isomerase. Here, we focus on how the two PDI functions influence individual steps in the complex folding process of proinsulin. We generated a PDI mutant (PDI-aba'c) where the b' domain was partially deleted, thus abolishing peptide binding but maintaining a PDI-like redox potential. PDI-aba'c catalyzes the folding of human proinsulin by increasing the rate of formation and the final yield of native proinsulin. Importantly, PDI-aba'c isomerizes non-native disulfide bonds in completely oxidized folding intermediates, thereby accelerating the formation of native disulfide bonds. We conclude that peptide binding to PDI is not essential for disulfide isomerization in fully oxidized proinsulin folding intermediates.  相似文献   
The serine-170 (S170) calcium-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation site of maize (Zea mays L.) sucrose synthase (SUS) (EC has been implicated in the post-translational regulation of SUS protein stability. To clarify the proteolytic process and the role of phosphorylation, SUS degradation and proteasome activities were studied in the maize leaf elongation zone. Size-exclusion chromatography resolved two peaks of proteasome-like proteolytic activity. The large molecular mass ( approximately 1350 kDa) peak required Mg(2+) and ATP for maximal activity and was inhibited by the proteasome inhibitors MG132 and NLVS. Anion-exchange chromatography resolved a similar proteolytic activity that was activated by ATP, characteristics that are consistent with those of a 26S-proteasome. Appropriately, immunoblotting revealed the presence of a 26S-proteasome subunit and highly ubiquitinated proteins within the active fractions eluted from both columns. The smaller molecular mass ( approximately 600 kDa) peak represented only 40% of the total proteasome-like activity and is likely a maize 20S-proteasome as it was activated in vitro by low levels of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). S170 phosphorylated SUS (pS170-SUS) was detected as both high molecular mass (HMM) forms and proteolytic fragments that co-eluted with 26S-proteasome activities on both size-exclusion and anion-exchange columns. Conditions that maintained maximal 26S-proteasome activity reduced the amounts of pS170-SUS recovered. In vitro, the 26S-proteasome degraded SUS and proteasome-specific inhibitors reduced SUS proteolysis. HMM-SUS conjugates were produced in vitro and immunoprecipitations suggested that some SUS might be ubiquitinated in vivo. The results suggest that S170 phosphorylation promotes the formation of HMM, ubiquitin-SUS conjugates that can be targeted for 26S-proteasome-dependent degradation.  相似文献   
The expression and the cellular- as well as subcellular-distribution of brain-type B-CK and mitochondrial Mi-CK during development of the chicken retina was studied by immunoblotting, immunofluorescence and immunogold methods. B-CK expression and accumulation in retina was high from early stages of embryonic development on, decreased slightly around hatching and remained high again during adulthood. At early stages of development (days 2-5), B-CK was more or less evenly distributed over the entire retina with the exception of ganglion cells, which were stained more strongly for B-CK than other retinal precursor cells. Then, at around day 10, the beginning of stratified immunostaining by anti-B-CK antibody was noted concomitant with progressing differentiation. Finally, a dramatic increase in staining of the differentiating photoreceptor cells was seen before hatching (day 18) with weaker staining of other cell types. At hatching, as in the adult state, most of the B-CK was localized within rods and cones. Thus, during retinal development marked changes in the immunostaining pattern for B-CK were evident. By contrast, Mi-CK expression was low during development in ovo and rose just before hatching with a predominant accumulation of this isoenzyme within the ellipsoid portion of the inner photoreceptor cell segments. Mi-CK accumulation in the retina coincided with functional maturation of photoreceptors and therefore represents a good marker for terminal differentiation of these cells. B-CK, present from early stages of retina development, seems to be relevant for the energetics of retinal cell proliferation, migration and differentiation, whereas the simultaneous expression of both B- and Mi-CK around the time of hatching indicates a coordinated function of the two CK isoforms as constituents of a PCr-circuit involved in the energetics of vision, which, in autophagous birds, has to be operational at this point in time.  相似文献   
Exosomes are nanovesicles released by normal and tumor cells, which are detectable in cell culture supernatant and human biological fluids, such as plasma. Functions of exosomes released by "normal" cells are not well understood. In fact, several studies have been carried out on exosomes derived from hematopoietic cells, but very little is known about NK cell exosomes, despite the importance of these cells in innate and adaptive immunity. In this paper, we report that resting and activated NK cells, freshly isolated from blood of healthy donors, release exosomes expressing typical protein markers of NK cells and containing killer proteins (i.e., Fas ligand and perforin molecules). These nanovesicles display cytotoxic activity against several tumor cell lines and activated, but not resting, immune cells. We also show that NK-derived exosomes undergo uptake by tumor target cells but not by resting PBMC. Exosomes purified from plasma of healthy donors express NK cell markers, including CD56(+) and perforin, and exert cytotoxic activity against different human tumor target cells and activated immune cells as well. The results of this study propose an important role of NK cell-derived exosomes in immune surveillance and homeostasis. Moreover, this study supports the use of exosomes as an almost perfect example of biomimetic nanovesicles possibly useful in future therapeutic approaches against various diseases, including tumors.  相似文献   
EEG sleep spindle activity (SpA) during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep has been reported to be associated with measures of intelligence and overnight performance improvements. The reticular nucleus of the thalamus is generating sleep spindles in interaction with thalamocortical connections. The same system enables efficient encoding and processing during wakefulness. Thus, we examined if the triangular relationship between SpA, measures of intelligence and declarative learning reflect the efficiency of the thalamocortical system. As expected, SpA was associated with general cognitive ability, e.g. information processing speed. SpA was also associated with learning efficiency, however, not with overnight performance improvement in a declarative memory task. SpA might therefore reflect the efficiency of the thalamocortical network and can be seen as a marker for learning during encoding in wakefulness, i.e. learning efficiency.  相似文献   
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