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Coloration in birds can act as an important sexual signal in males, yet in many species, both sexes display bright colors. Social selection may account for this pattern, with more brightly colored individuals pairing together on the best territories. Mutual mate choice may also explain this, as males investing a great deal of parental care in the offspring should be choosy about their social mates. It is less clear whether this pattern of mate choice can apply to extra‐pair partners as well. We examined western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) to determine whether more colorful individuals tended to pair with one another, both in social pairs and between females and their extra‐pair partners. Both male and female western bluebirds display both UV‐blue structural plumage and a melanin‐based chestnut breast patch, although females are duller than males. Social pairs mated assortatively with regard to UV‐blue brightness, but not chestnut coloration. There was no evidence that extra‐pair partners mated assortatively, but males with brighter UV‐blue coloration had fewer extra‐pair offspring in their nests. Older males were more successful at siring extra‐pair offspring, despite displaying no differences in coloration compared to younger males. Coloration did not play a role in determining extra‐pair male success. These results suggest that coloration plays a role in the formation of social pairs, but not mate choice for extra‐pair partners.  相似文献   
The resemblance between palatable mimics and unpalatable models in Batesian mimicry systems is tempered by many factors, including the toxicity of the model species. Model toxicity is thought to influence both the occurrence of mimicry and the evolution of mimetic phenotypes, such that mimicry is most likely to persist when models are particularly toxic. Additionally, model toxicity may influence the evolution of mimetic phenotype by allowing inaccurate mimicry to evolve through a mechanism termed ‘relaxed selection’. We tested these hypotheses in a salamander mimicry system between the model Notophthalmus viridescens and the mimic Plethodon cinereus, in which N. viridescens toxicity takes the form of tetrodotoxin. Surprisingly, though we discovered geographic variation in model toxin level, we found no support for the hypotheses that model toxicity directly influences either the occurrence of mimicry or the evolution of mimic phenotype. Instead, a link between N. viridescens size and toxicity may indirectly lead to relaxed selection in this mimicry system. Additionally, limitations of predator perception or variation in the rate of phenotypic evolution of models and mimics may account for the evolution of imperfect mimicry in this salamander species. Finally, variation in predator communities among localities or modern changes in environmental conditions may contribute to the patchy occurrence of mimicry in P. cinereus.  相似文献   
Innervation of the gut is segmentally lost in Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), a consequence of cell-autonomous and non-autonomous defects in enteric neuronal cell differentiation, proliferation, migration, or survival. Rare, high-penetrance coding variants and common, low-penetrance non-coding variants in 13 genes are known to underlie HSCR risk, with the most frequent variants in the ret proto-oncogene (RET). We used a genome-wide association (220 trios) and replication (429 trios) study to reveal a second non-coding variant distal to RET and a non-coding allele on chromosome 7 within the class 3 Semaphorin gene cluster. Analysis in Ret wild-type and Ret-null mice demonstrates specific expression of Sema3a, Sema3c, and Sema3d in the enteric nervous system (ENS). In zebrafish embryos, sema3 knockdowns show reduction of migratory ENS precursors with complete ablation under conjoint ret loss of function. Seven candidate receptors of Sema3 proteins are also expressed within the mouse ENS and their expression is also lost in the ENS of Ret-null embryos. Sequencing of SEMA3A, SEMA3C, and SEMA3D in 254 HSCR-affected subjects followed by in silico protein structure modeling and functional analyses identified five disease-associated alleles with loss-of-function defects in semaphorin dimerization and binding to their cognate neuropilin and plexin receptors. Thus, semaphorin 3C/3D signaling is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of ENS development whose dys-regulation is a cause of enteric aganglionosis.  相似文献   
To further our aim of synthesizing aldehyde-tagged proteins for research and biotechnology applications, we developed methods for recombinant production of aerobic formylglycine-generating enzyme (FGE) in good yield. We then optimized the FGE biocatalytic reaction conditions for conversion of cysteine to formylglycine in aldehyde tags on intact monoclonal antibodies. During the development of these conditions, we discovered that pretreating FGE with copper(II) is required for high turnover rates and yields. After further investigation, we confirmed that both aerobic prokaryotic (Streptomyces coelicolor) and eukaryotic (Homo sapiens) FGEs contain a copper cofactor. The complete kinetic parameters for both forms of FGE are described, along with a proposed mechanism for FGE catalysis that accounts for the copper-dependent activity.  相似文献   
We show that loss-of-function mutations in kinases of the MLK-1 pathway (mlk-1, mek-1, and kgb-1/jnk) function cell-autonomously in neurons to suppress defects in synapse formation and axon termination caused by rpm-1 loss of function. Our genetic analysis also suggests that the phosphatase PPM-1, like RPM-1, is a potential inhibitor of kinases in the MLK-1 pathway.  相似文献   
During development, the growth of the embryo must be coupled to its patterning to ensure correct and timely morphogenesis. In the mouse embryo, migration of the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) to the prospective anterior establishes the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis. By analysing the distribution of cells in S phase, M phase and G2 from the time just prior to the migration of the AVE until 18 hours after its movement, we show that there is no evidence for differential proliferation along the A-P axis of the mouse embryo. Rather, we have identified that as AVE movements are being initiated, the epiblast proliferates at a much higher rate than the visceral endoderm. We show that these high levels of proliferation in the epiblast are dependent on Nodal signalling and are required for A-P establishment, as blocking cell division in the epiblast inhibits AVE migration. Interestingly, inhibition of migration by blocking proliferation can be rescued by Dkk1. This suggests that the high levels of epiblast proliferation function to move the prospective AVE away from signals that are inhibitory to its migration. The finding that initiation of AVE movements requires a certain level of proliferation in the epiblast provides a mechanism whereby A-P axis development is coordinated with embryonic growth.  相似文献   
The biocontrol potential of South African isolates of Heterorhabditis zealandica, Steinernema citrae, S. khoisanae, S. yirgalemense, and Steinernema sp., was evaluated against codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Codling moth was susceptible to all six nematode isolates at a concentration of 50 infective juveniles/insect (78–100% mortality). Low temperatures (10 h at 17°C; 14 h at 12°C) negatively affected larvicidal activity (≤3%) for all isolates. All tested isolates were most effective at higher levels of water activity (a w=1). The average a w50-values for all isolates tested was 0.94 (0.93–0.95), except S. khoisanae 0.97 (0.97–0.98). Regarding host-seeking ability, no positive attraction to host cues could be detected amongst isolates, except for H. zealandica. Three of the isolates, H. zealandica, S. khoisanae, and the undescribed Steinernema sp., were selected for field-testing and proven to be effective (mortality >50%). Insect containment methods used during field experimentation was shown to influence larvacidal activity, as different levels of mortality were obtained using various containment methods (wooden planks vs. pear tree logs vs. mesh cages). Pear tree logs were impractical. Predictive equations were subsequently developed, enabling future trials to be conducted using either planks or cages, enabling the prediction of the expected level of control on tree logs. All tested isolates therefore showed a certain degree of biological control potential, however, none of the experiments showed clear efficacy-differences amongst isolates. The study highlighted the importance of environmental factors to ensure the successful application of these nematodes for the control of diapausing codling moth larvae in temperate regions.  相似文献   
Genetic association studies of the CLOCK 3111C/T polymorphism and diurnal preference have yielded conflicting results since the first report that the 3111C allele was associated with eveningness. The goal of the present study was to investigate the association of this polymorphism with diurnal preference and circadian physiology in a group of 179 individuals, by comparing the frequency of the 3111C allele to diurnal preference, habitual sleep timing, circadian phase markers, and circadian period. We did not find a significant association between this allele and morningness/eveningness or any circadian marker.  相似文献   
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