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Linking dispersal and range expansion of invasive species has long challenged theoretical and quantitative ecologists. Subtle differences in dispersal can yield large differences in geographic spread, with speeds ranging from constant to rapidly increasing. We developed a stage-structured integrodifference equation (IDE) model of the California sea otter range expansion that occurred between 1914 and 1986. The non-spatial model, a linear matrix population model, was coupled to a suite of candidate dispersal kernels to form stage-structured IDEs. Demographic and dispersal parameters were estimated independent of range expansion data. Using a single dispersal parameter, alpha, we examined how well these stage-structured IDEs related small scale demographic and dispersal processes with geographic population expansion. The parameter alpha was estimated by fitting the kernels to dispersal data and by fitting the IDE model to range expansion data. For all kernels, the alpha estimate from range expansion data fell within the 95% confidence intervals of the alpha estimate from dispersal data. The IDE models with exponentially bounded kernels predicted invasion velocities that were captured within the 95% confidence bounds on the observed northbound invasion velocity. However, the exponentially bounded kernels yielded range expansions that were in poor qualitative agreement with range expansion data. An IDE model with fat (exponentially unbounded) tails and accelerating spatial spread yielded the best qualitative match. This model explained 94% and 97% of the variation in northbound and southbound range expansions when fit to range expansion data. These otters may have been fat-tailed accelerating invaders or they may have followed a piece-wise linear spread first over kelp forests and then over sandy habitats. Further, habitat-specific dispersal data could resolve these explanations.  相似文献   
Increasingly complex models of the neck neuromusculature need detailed muscle and kinematic data for proper validation. The goal of this study was to measure the electromyographic activity of superficial and deep neck muscles during tasks involving isometric, voluntary, and reflexively evoked contractions of the neck muscles. Three male subjects (28-41 years) had electromyographic (EMG) fine wires inserted into the left sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, trapezius, splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis, semispinalis cervicis, and multifidus muscles. Surface electrodes were placed over the left sternohyoid muscle. Subjects then performed: (i) maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) in the eight directions (45 deg intervals) from the neutral posture; (ii) 50 N isometric contractions with a slow sweep of the force direction through 720 deg; (iii) voluntary oscillatory head movements in flexion and extension; and (iv) initially relaxed reflex muscle activations to a forward acceleration while seated on a sled. Isometric contractions were performed against an overhead load cell and movement dynamics were measured using six-axis accelerometry on the head and torso. In all three subjects, the two anterior neck muscles had similar preferred activation directions and acted synergistically in both dynamic tasks. With the exception of splenius capitis, the posterior and posterolateral neck muscles also showed consistent activation directions and acted synergistically during the voluntary motions, but not during the sled perturbations. These findings suggest that the common numerical-modeling assumption that all anterior muscles act synergistically as flexors is reasonable, but that the related assumption that all posterior muscles act synergistically as extensors is not. Despite the small number of subjects, the data presented here can be used to inform and validate a neck model at three levels of increasing neuromuscular-kinematic complexity: muscles generating forces with no movement, muscles generating forces and causing movement, and muscles generating forces in response to induced movement. These increasingly complex data sets will allow researchers to incrementally tune their neck models' muscle geometry, physiology, and feedforward/feedback neuromechanics.  相似文献   
The constraining effect of gene flow on adaptive divergence is often inferred but rarely quantified. We illustrate ways of doing so using stream populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) that experience different levels of gene flow from a parapatric lake population. In the Misty Lake watershed (British Columbia, Canada), the inlet stream population is morphologically divergent from the lake population, and presumably experiences little gene flow from the lake. The outlet stream population, however, shows an intermediate phenotype and may experience more gene flow from the lake. We first used microsatellite data to demonstrate that gene flow from the lake is low into the inlet but high into the outlet, and that gene flow from the lake remains relatively constant with distance along the outlet. We next combined gene flow data with morphological and habitat data to quantify the effect of gene flow on morphological divergence. In one approach, we assumed that inlet stickleback manifest well-adapted phenotypic trait values not constrained by gene flow. We then calculated the deviation between the observed and expected phenotypes for a given habitat in the outlet. In a second approach, we parameterized a quantitative genetic model of adaptive divergence. Both approaches suggest a large impact of gene flow, constraining adaptation by 80-86% in the outlet (i.e., only 14-20% of the expected morphological divergence in the absence of gene flow was observed). Such approaches may be useful in other taxa to estimate how important gene flow is in constraining adaptive divergence in nature.  相似文献   
Dispersal and gene flow can have both positive and negative effects on population size, but little empirical support from nature exists for the negative effects. We test for such effects in a stream population of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) that is subject to high gene flow from a lake and is thus maladapted to stream conditions. In this system, maladaptation increases with distance along the stream, and this increase is associated with decreasing population densities until stickleback are no longer present (2.5 km from the lake). We conducted field experiments to inform whether this association might reflect a negative role for gene flow in constraining population size and therefore causing a local range limit. We specifically tested predictions deriving from theory: peripheral populations should show partial local adaptation, be under strong selection and not simply be maintained by dispersal. First, a transplant experiment suggested a weak home-site advantage in the peripheral population. Second, a mark–recapture study showed directional selection for a stream-adapted phenotype in 1 of 2 years. Third, another mark–recapture experiment showed that dispersal is limited to the point that positive demographic effects of dispersal are probably minimal. We conclude that, although gene flow does constrain morphological maladaptation in the outlet stream population, the evidence for its contribution to population size and range limits is mixed. We discuss the implications of our work for the study of factors influencing the evolution of species'' ranges.  相似文献   


DNA polymerase lambda (Polλ) is a DNA repair polymerase, which likely plays a role in base excision repair (BER) and in non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB).

Principal Findings

Here, we described a novel natural allelic variant of human Polλ (hPolλ) characterized by a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), C/T variation in the first base of codon 438, resulting in the amino acid change Arg to Trp. In vitro enzyme activity assays of the purified W438 Polλ variant revealed that it retained both DNA polymerization and deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) lyase activities, but had reduced base substitution fidelity. Ectopic expression of the W438 hPolλ variant in mammalian cells increases mutation frequency, affects the DSB repair NHEJ pathway, and generates chromosome aberrations. All these phenotypes are dependent upon the catalytic activity of the W438 hPolλ.


The expression of a cancer-related natural variant of one specialized DNA polymerase can be associated to generic instability at the cromosomal level, probably due a defective NHEJ. These results establish that chromosomal aberrations can result from mutations in specialized DNA repair polymerases.  相似文献   
In risk assessment and environmental monitoring studies, concentration measurements frequently fall below detection limits (DL) of measuring instruments, resulting in left-censored data. The principal approaches for handling censored data include the substitution-based method, maximum likelihood estimation, robust regression on order statistics, and Kaplan-Meier. In practice, censored data are substituted with an arbitrary value prior to use of traditional statistical methods. Although some studies have evaluated the substitution performance in estimating population characteristics, they have focused mainly on normally and lognormally distributed data that contain a single DL. We employ Monte Carlo simulations to assess the impact of substitution when estimating population parameters based on censored data containing multiple DLs. We also consider different distributional assumptions including lognormal, Weibull, and gamma. We show that the reliability of the estimates after substitution is highly sensitive to distributional characteristics such as mean, standard deviation, skewness, and also data characteristics such as censoring percentage. The results highlight that although the performance of the substitution-based method improves as the censoring percentage decreases, its performance still depends on the population's distributional characteristics. Practical implications that follow from our findings indicate that caution must be taken in using the substitution method when analyzing censored environmental data.  相似文献   
Lactadherin promotes VEGF-dependent neovascularization   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced blood vessel growth is involved in both physiological and pathological angiogenesis and requires integrin-mediated signaling. We now show that an integrin-binding protein initially described in milk-fat globule, MFG-E8 (also known as lactadherin), is expressed in and around blood vessels and has a crucial role in VEGF-dependent neovascularization in the adult mouse. Using neutralizing antibodies and lactadherin-deficient animals, we show that lactadherin interacts with alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 integrins and alters both VEGF-dependent Akt phosphorylation and neovascularization. In the absence of VEGF, lactadherin administration induced alphavbeta3- and alphavbeta5-dependent Akt phosphorylation in endothelial cells in vitro and strongly improved postischemic neovascularization in vivo. These results show a crucial role for lactadherin in VEGF-dependent neovascularization and identify lactadherin as an important target for the modulation of neovascularization.  相似文献   
Daily activities, such as walking, may require dynamic modulation of vestibular input onto motoneurons. This dynamic modulation is difficult to identify in humans due to limitations in the delivery and analysis of current vestibular probes, such as galvanic vestibular stimulation. Stochastic vestibular stimulation, however, provides an alternative method to extract human vestibular reflexes. Here, we used time-dependent coherence and time-dependent cross-correlation, coupled with stochastic vestibular stimulation, to investigate the phase dependency of human vestibular reflexes during locomotion. We found that phase-dependent activity from the medial gastrocnemius muscles is correlated with the vestibular signals over the 2- to 20-Hz bandwidth during the stance phase of locomotion. Vestibular-gastrocnemius coherence and time-dependent cross-correlations reached maximums at 21 ± 4 and 23 ± 8% of the step cycle following heel contact and before the period of maximal electromyographic activity (38 ± 5%). These results demonstrate 1) the effectiveness of these techniques in extracting the phase-dependent modulation of vestibulomuscular coupling during a cyclic task; 2) that vestibulomuscular coupling is phasically modulated during locomotion; and 3) that the period of strongest vestibulomuscular coupling does not correspond to the period of maximal electromyographic activity in the gastrocnemius. Therefore, we have shown that stochastic vestibular stimulation, coupled with time-frequency decomposition, provides an effective tool to assess the contribution of vestibular ex-afference to the muscular control during locomotion.  相似文献   
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