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Mucorales and Aspergillus are molds responsible for infections in immunocompromised patients. In this report, we describe a case of a rare extensively mixed cutaneous infection caused by Lichtheimia ramosa, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus terreus in a neutropenic patient suffering from an acute leukemia. The fatal outcome of this patient can be attributed to its hematologic malignancy, the extensive nature of the lesions and the resistance of the strains to antifungals.  相似文献   

Submerged marine surfaces are rapidly colonized by fouling organisms. Current research is aimed at finding new, non-toxic, or at least environmentally benign, solutions to this problem. Barnacles are a major target organism for such control as they constitute a key component of the hard fouling community. A range of standard settlement assays is available for screening test compounds against barnacle cypris larvae, but they generally provide little information on mechanism(s) of action. Towards this end, a quick and reliable video-tracking protocol has been developed to study the behaviour of the cypris larvae of the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite, at settlement. EthoVision 3.0 was used to track individual cyprids in 30-mm Petri dishes. Experiments were run to determine the optimal conditions vis-à-vis acclimation time, tracking duration, number of replicates, temperature and lighting. A protocol was arrived at involving a two Petri dish system with backlighting, and tracking over a 5-min period after first acclimating the cyprids to test conditions for 2 min. A minimum of twenty replicates was required to account for individual variability in cyprid behaviour from the same batch of larvae. This methodology should be widely applicable to both fundamental and applied studies of larval settlement and with further refinements, to that of smaller fouling organisms such as microalgae and bacteria.  相似文献   


Define the chemical factors structuring plant communities of three copper-cobalt outcrops (Tenke-Fungurume, Katangan Copperbelt, D. R. Congo) presenting extreme gradients.


To discriminate plant communities, 172 vegetation records of all species percentage cover were classified based on NMDS and the Calinski criterion. Soil samples were analyzed for 13 chemical factors and means compared among communities with ANOVA. Partial canonical correspondence analysis (pCCA) was used to determine amount of variation explained individually by each factor and site effect.


Seven communities were identified. Six of the studied communities were related to distinct sites. Site effect (6.0 % of global inertia) was identified as the most important factor related to plant communities’ variation followed by Cu (5.5 %), pH (3.6 %) and Co (3.5 %). Unique contribution of site effect (3.8 %) was higher than that of Cu (1.1 %) and Co (1.0 %).


In restoration, not only Cu and Co contents will be important to maintain vegetation diversity, attention should also be given to co-varying factors potentially limiting toxicity of metals: pH, organic matter, Ca and Mn. Physical parameters were also identified as important in the creation of adequate conditions for diverse communities. Further studies should focus on the effect of physical parameters and geology.  相似文献   
The importance of the transport of stone artefacts in structuring Neandertal lithic assemblages has often been addressed, but the degree to which this led to fragmentation of lithic reduction over Middle Palaeolithic landscapes has not been explicitly studied thus far. Large-scale excavations of Middle Palaeolithic open-air sites and refitting studies of the retrieved assemblages have yielded new, high-resolution data on the mobile aspects of Neandertal stone tool technology. In this paper, we integrate lithic technology and raw material data from recent studies of Middle Palaeolithic open-air and rock shelter sites in Western Europe. We demonstrate that the results of a variety of typological, technological (especially refitting), and lithological studies have important consequences for our knowledge of the acquisition of raw materials and subsequent production, usage and discard of stone artefacts in the Middle Palaeolithic. Neandertal production and use of stone tools was fragmented in three domains: the spatial, the temporal and the social domain. We show that this versatile segmentation of stone artefact handling strategies is a main determinant of the character of the Neandertal archaeological record. Our data testify to ubiquitous and continuous transport of stone artefacts of a wide variety of forms, picked by Neandertals using selection criteria that were sometimes far removed from what archaeologists have traditionally considered, and to some degree still consider, to be desired end products of knapping activities. The data presented here testify to the variability and versatility of Middle Palaeolithic stone tool technology, whose fragmented character created very heterogeneous archaeological assemblages, usually the product of a wide variety of independent import, use, discard and/or subsequent transport events.  相似文献   
Most end-stage renal disease kidneys display accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the renal tubular compartment (tubular interstitial fibrosis – TIF) which is strongly correlated with the future loss of renal function. Although inflammation is a key event in the development of TIF, it can also have a beneficial anti-fibrotic role depending in particular on the stage of the pathology. Chemokines play an important role in monocyte extravasation in the inflammatory process. CCL2 has already been shown to be involved in the development of TIF but CCL7, a close relative of CCL2 and able to bind to similar receptors, has not been studied in renal disease. We therefore studied chemokine CCL7 in a model of unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO)-induced TIF. We observed that the role of CCL7 differs depending on the stage of the pathology. In early stages (0–8 days), CCL7 deficient (CCL7-KO) mice displayed attenuated TIF potentially involving two mechanisms: an early (0–3 days) decrease of inflammatory cell infiltration followed (3–8 days) by a decrease in tubular ECM production independent of inflammation. In contrast, during later stages of obstruction (10–14 days), CCL7-KO mice displayed increased TIF which was again associated with reduced inflammation. Interestingly, the switch between this anti- to profibrotic effect was accompanied by an increased influx of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells. In conclusion, these results highlight for the first time a dual role for CCL7 in the development of renal TIF, deleterious in early stages but beneficial during later stages.  相似文献   
Conventional calpains are ubiquitous cysteine proteases whose activity is promoted by calcium signaling and specifically limited by calpastatin. Calpain expression has been shown to be increased in human malignant cells, but the contribution of the calpain/calpastatin system in tumorigenesis remains unclear. It may play an important role in tumor cells themselves (cell growth, migration, and a contrario cell death) and/or in tumor niche (tissue infiltration by immune cells, neo-angiogenesis). In this study, we have used a mouse model of melanoma as a tool to gain further understanding of the role of calpains in tumor progression. To determine the respective importance of each target, we overexpressed calpastatin in tumor and/or host in isolation. Our data demonstrate that calpain inhibition in both tumor and host blunts tumor growth, while paradoxically increasing metastatic dissemination to regional lymph nodes. Specifically, calpain inhibition in melanoma cells limits tumor growth in vitro and in vivo but increases dissemination by amplifying cell resistance to apoptosis and accelerating migration process. Meanwhile, calpain inhibition restricted to host cells blunts tumor infiltration by immune cells and angiogenesis required for antitumor immunity, allowing tumor cells to escape tumor niche and disseminate. The development of highly specific calpain inhibitors with potential medical applications in cancer should take into account the opposing roles of the calpain/calpastatin system in initial tumor growth and subsequent metastatic dissemination.  相似文献   
We investigated the population structure of Staphylococcus aureus clonal complex CC121 by mutation discovery at 115 genetic housekeeping loci from each of 154 isolates, sampled on five continents between 1953 and 2009. In addition, we pyro-sequenced the genomes from ten representative isolates. The genome-wide SNPs that were ascertained revealed the evolutionary history of CC121, indicating at least six major clades (A to F) within the clonal complex and dating its most recent common ancestor to the pre-antibiotic era. The toxin gene complement of CC121 isolates was correlated with their SNP-based phylogeny. Moreover, we found a highly significant association of clinical phenotypes with phylogenetic affiliations, which is unusual for S. aureus. All isolates evidently sampled from superficial infections (including staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, bullous impetigo, exfoliative dermatitis, conjunctivitis) clustered in clade F, which included the European epidemic fusidic-acid resistant impetigo clone (EEFIC). In comparison, isolates from deep-seated infections (abscess, furuncle, pyomyositis, necrotizing pneumonia) were disseminated in several clades, but not in clade F. Our results demonstrate that phylogenetic lineages with distinct clinical properties exist within an S. aureus clonal complex, and that SNPs serve as powerful discriminatory markers, able to identify these lineages. All CC121 genomes harboured a 41-kilobase prophage that was dissimilar to S. aureus phages sequenced previously. Community-associated MRSA and MSSA from Cambodia were extremely closely related, suggesting this MRSA arose in the region.  相似文献   
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