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Metallo-β-lactamases catalyze the hydrolysis of most β-lactam antibiotics and hence represent a major clinical concern. While enzymes belonging to subclass B1 have been shown to display maximum activity as dizinc species, the actual metal-to-protein stoichiometry and the affinity for zinc are not clear. We have further investigated the process of metal binding to the β-lactamase II from Bacillus cereus 569/H/9 (known as BcII). Zinc binding was monitored using complementary biophysical techniques, including circular dichroism in the far-UV, enzymatic activity measurements, competition with a chromophoric chelator, mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Most noticeably, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, together with catalytic activity measurements, demonstrate that two zinc ions bind cooperatively to the enzyme active site (with K1/K2 ≥ 5) and, hence, that catalysis is associated with the dizinc enzyme species only. Furthermore, competitive experiments with the chromophoric chelator Mag-Fura-2 indicates K2 < 80 nM. This contrasts with cadmium binding, which is clearly a noncooperative process with the mono form being the only species significantly populated in the presence of 1 molar equivalent of Cd(II). Interestingly, optical measurements reveal that although the apo and dizinc species exhibit undistinguishable tertiary structural organizations, the metal-depleted enzyme shows a significant decrease in its α-helical content, presumably associated with enhanced flexibility.  相似文献   


Postulating that serotonin (5-HT), released from smoking-activated platelets could be involved in smoking-induced vascular modifications, we studied its catabolism in a series of 115 men distributed as current smokers (S), never smokers (NS) and former smokers (FS) who had stopped smoking for a mean of 13 years.

Methodology/Principal Findings

5-HT, monoamine oxidase (MAO-B) activities and amounts were measured in platelets, and 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA)—the 5-HT/MAO catabolite—in plasma samples. Both platelet 5-HT and plasma 5-HIAA levels were correlated with the 10-year cardiovascular Framingham relative risk (P<0.01), but these correlations became non-significant after adjustment for smoking status, underlining that the determining risk factor among those taken into account in the Framingham risk calculation was smoking. Surprisingly, the platelet 5-HT content was similar in S and NS but lower in FS with a parallel higher plasma level of 5-HIAA in FS. This was unforeseen since MAO-B activity was inhibited during smoking (P<0.00001). It was, however, consistent with a higher enzyme protein concentration found in S and FS than in NS (P<0.001). It thus appears that MAO inhibition during smoking was compensated by a higher synthesis. To investigate the persistent increase in MAO-B protein concentration, a study of the methylation of its gene promoter was undertaken in a small supplementary cohort of similar subjects. We found that the methylation frequency of the MAOB gene promoter was markedly lower (P<0.0001) for S and FS vs. NS due to cigarette smoke-induced increase of nucleic acid demethylase activity.


This is one of the first reports that smoking induces an epigenetic modification. A better understanding of the epigenome may help to further elucidate the physiopathology and the development of new therapeutic approaches to tobacco addiction. The results could have a larger impact than cardiovascular damage, considering that MAO-dependent 5-HT catabolism is also involved in addiction, predisposition to cancer, behaviour and mental health.  相似文献   
N-Acylethanolamines (NAEs) are lipids involved in several physiological processes in animal and plant cells. In brain, NAEs are ligands of endocannabinoid receptors, which modulate various signaling pathways. In plant, NAEs regulate seed germination and root development, and they are involved in plant defense against pathogen attack. This signaling activity is started by an enzyme called N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine (NAPE) synthase. This catalyzes the N-acylation of phosphatidylethanolamine to form NAPE, which is most likely hydrolyzed by phospholipase D β/γ isoforms to generate NAE. This compound is further catabolized by fatty amide hydrolase. The genes encoding the enzymes involved in NAE metabolism are well characterized except for the NAPE synthase gene(s). By heterologous expression in Escherichia coli and overexpression in plants, we characterized an acyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana (At1g78690p) catalyzing the synthesis of lipids identified as NAPEs (two-dimensional TLC, phospholipase D hydrolysis assay, and electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry analyses). The ability of free fatty acid and acyl-CoA to be used as acyl donor was compared in vitro with E. coli membranes and purified enzyme (obtained by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography). In both cases, NAPE was synthesized only in the presence of acyl-CoA. β-Glucuronidase promoter experiments revealed a strong expression in roots and young tissues of plants. Using yellow fluorescent protein fusion, we showed that the NAPE synthase is located in the plasmalemma of plant cells.N-Acylethanolamines (NAEs)2 are bioactive lipids composed of an ethanolamine headgroup amide-linked to an acyl chain varying in length and degree of saturation. In animals, NAEs are involved in different physiological processes, such as neuroprotective action (1), embryo development (2), cell proliferation (3), apoptosis (4), nociception, anxiety, inflammation, appetite/anorexia, learning, and memory (for review, see Ref. 5). Most studies carried out with animal cells/tissues have focused on N-arachidonoylethanolamine (anandamide, NAE20:4), which is synthesized in brain neurons but also, under certain conditions, in macrophage cells (6). NAE20:4 binds CB1 cannabinoid receptors located in brain neurons (7) and also acts as ligand of vanilloid receptors for pain modulation (8). In addition, it has been shown that NAE20:4 also promotes food intake, whereas NAE18:0 and NAE18:1 exert anorexic effects by increasing satiety (911). NAE16:0 is accumulated during inflammation and has several anti-inflammatory effects (for a review, see Ref. 12).In plants, NAEs are thought to be involved in various physiological functions. For example, because NAE levels observed in various dry seeds decline rapidly after imbibition, a possible role of these compounds in the regulation of seed germination has been proposed (13). It was further observed that the addition of 25 μm NAE12:0 to growth medium of Arabidopsis thaliana leads to a decrease in the size of the main and lateral roots and in root hair formation. This reduction in growth was associated with a modification of cytoskeletal organization (14). NAE12:0 is also able to delay cut Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation) senescence by decreasing oxidative damage and enhancing antioxidant defense (15), whereas NAE14:0 inhibits the elicitor-induced medium alkalinization and activates phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene expression involved in plant defense against pathogen attack (16).Both in plant and animal cells (for a review, see Ref. 17), NAEs are formed by the hydrolysis (by PLDs) of N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine (NAPE). NAPE is an unusual derivative of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) with a third fatty acid linked to the amine position of the ethanolamine headgroup. In animals, the formation of NAEs is catalyzed by a PLD with a high specificity toward NAPE (NAPE-PLD). In plants, PLDβ and PLDγ isoforms, but not PLDα, hydrolyzed NAPE into NAE in vitro, and this is thought to operate in response to several biotic and abiotic stresses. Both in animals and in plants, NAEs signaling is terminated by the action of fatty acid amide hydrolases, which hydrolyze NAEs to free fatty acid and ethanolamine. FAAH has been identified and characterized in mammals and plants (for a review, see Ref. 17). In Arabidopsis, FAAH has been shown to modulate NAE content. Moreover, lines overexpressing FAAH displayed enhanced seedling growth as well as increased cell size (18) and were also more susceptible to bacterial pathogens (19).Although the role of NAEs and their catabolism have been extensively investigated, little is known about their precursors, the NAPEs. NAPEs represent a minor phospholipid class but are present in all tissues of plants and animals. The principal function of NAPEs is to serve as a precursor for the production of lipid mediator NAEs, but it has also been suggested that NAPEs could serve as a membrane stabilizer to maintain cellular compartmentalization during tissue damage (20). More recently, N-palmitoyl-PE was proposed to act as an inhibitor of macrophage phagocytosis through inhibition of the activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 (21).In the animal and plant kingdoms, therefore, the signaling events mediated by NAEs appear to be involved in many physiological processes that have been extensively studied. The genes encoding the enzymes involved in the synthesis (from NAPEs) and the degradation of NAEs have been cloned and characterized. By contrast, little is known about the physiological roles of NAPEs or about the first step of this lipid signaling pathway, namely the N-acylation of PE to form NAPEs. In animals, the synthesis of NAPEs is catalyzed by an N-acyltransferase, where the O-linked acyl unit from a phospholipid donor is transferred to the ethanolamine headgroup of PE (22). Recently, a rat LRAT-like protein 1 or RLP1 was shown to display such an activity, but according to the authors, RLP-1 can function as a PE N-acyltransferase, catalytically distinguishable from the known Ca2+-dependent N-acyltransferase (23). However, a different situation is observed in plants. NAPE synthase activity was shown to directly acylate PE with free fatty acids (24, 25), but a gene encoding a NAPE synthase activity remained unidentified until now. The present work shows that the A. thaliana acyltransferase At1g78690p catalyzes the synthesis of NAPEs from PE and acyl-CoAs in vitro as well as in vivo when this enzyme is expressed in E. coli and overexpressed in plants.  相似文献   
Neuropeptide FF behaves as an opioid-modulating peptide that seems to be involved in morphine tolerance and physical dependence. Nevertheless, the effects of neuropeptide FF agonists on the rewarding properties of morphine remain unknown. C57BL6 mice were conditioned in an unbiased balanced paradigm of conditioned place preference to study the effect of i.c.v. injections of 1DMe (D-Tyr1(NMe)Phe3]NPFF), a stable agonist of the neuropeptide FF system, on the acquisition of place conditioning by morphine or alcohol (ethanol). Morphine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) or ethanol (2 g/kg, i.p.) induced a significant place preference. Injection of 1DMe (1-20 nmol), given 10 min before the i.p. injection of the reinforcing drug during conditioning, inhibited the rewarding effect of morphine but had no effect on the rewarding effect of ethanol. However, a single injection of 1DMe given just before place preference testing was unable to inhibit the rewarding effects of morphine. By itself, 1DMe was inactive but an aversive effect of this agonist could be evidenced if the experimental procedure was biased. These results suggest that neuropeptide FF, injected during conditioning, should influence the development of rewarding effects of morphine and reinforce the hypothesis of strong inhibitory interactions between neuropeptide FF and opioids.  相似文献   
Homologous recombination is a versatile DNA damage repair pathway requiring Rad51 and Rad54. Here we show that a mammalian Rad54 paralog, Rad54B, displays physical and functional interactions with Rad51 and DNA that are similar to those of Rad54. While ablation of Rad54 in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells leads to a mild reduction in homologous recombination efficiency, the absence of Rad54B has little effect. However, the absence of both Rad54 and Rad54B dramatically reduces homologous recombination efficiency. Furthermore, we show that Rad54B protects ES cells from ionizing radiation and the interstrand DNA cross-linking agent mitomycin C. Interestingly, at the ES cell level the paralogs do not display an additive or synergic interaction with respect to mitomycin C sensitivity, yet animals lacking both Rad54 and Rad54B are dramatically sensitized to mitomycin C compared to either single mutant. This suggests that the paralogs possibly function in a tissue-specific manner. Finally, we show that Rad54, but not Rad54B, is needed for a normal distribution of Rad51 on meiotic chromosomes. Thus, even though the paralogs have similar biochemical properties, genetic analysis in mice uncovered their nonoverlapping roles.  相似文献   
Phytophagous insects provide useful models for the study of ecological speciation. Much attention has been paid to host shifts, whereas situations where closely related lineages of insects use the same plant during different time periods have been relatively neglected in previous studies of insect diversification. Flies of the genus Strobilomyia are major pests of conifers in Eurasia and North America. They are specialized feeders in cones and seeds of Abies (fir), Larix (larch) ,and Picea (spruce). This close association is accompanied by a large number of sympatric Strobilomyia species coexisting within each tree genus. We constructed a molecular phylogeny with a 1320 base-pair fragment of mitochondrial DNA that demonstrated contrasting patterns of speciation in larch cone flies, as opposed to spruce and fir cone flies; this despite their comparable geographic distributions and similar resource quality of the host. Species diversity is the highest on larch, and speciation is primarily driven by within-host phenological shifts, followed by allopatric speciation during geographical expansion. By contrast, fewer species exploit spruce and fir, and within-host phenological shifts did not occur. This study illustrates within-host adaptive radiation through phenological shifts, a neglected mode of sympatric speciation.  相似文献   
Retinoic acid, the active vitamin A derivative, has pleiotropic functions during vertebrate development and postnatal life. Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (RALDH2) acts as the main retinoic acid-synthesizing enzyme during development. Mouse Raldh2 germline null mutants are early embryonic lethal and exhibit complex abnormalities that include defective heart looping morphogenesis. To investigate later functions of this enzyme, we have engineered a "floxed" (loxP-flanked) allele allowing Cre-mediated somatic gene inactivations. Mice heterozygous or homozygous for the floxed Raldh2 allele are viable and fertile. We tested whether the novel Raldh2 allele behaves as a null mutation after Cre-mediated in vivo excision by crossing the conditional mutants with CMV-Cre transgenic mice. An embryonic lethal phenotype indistinguishable from that of germline mutants was obtained. The conditional allele described herein is a genetic tool for studying tissue-specific, RALDH2-dependent functions of retinoic acid during development and in adult life.  相似文献   
In metabolic acidosis, the concentrations of anions associated with intermediary metabolism are increased and can make a significant contribution to the observed acidosis. Here we describe a method for the rapid determination of the plasma ultrafiltrate profile of these anions using liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS). The ultrafiltrate from patients with acidosis resulting from various causes were examined and the results compared to control values. Using the LC/ESI-MS method described, a unique plasma ultrafiltrate anion profile was obtained for each of the groups studied that provides rapid diagnosis of the type of underlying acidosis.  相似文献   
Partial inhibition of the sodium pump (Na/K-ATP-ase) by a circulating inhibitor is known to occur in humans. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of novel bufadienolides lacking an oxygen at C14 on sodium pumps in human erythrocytes and leucocytes, dog kidney and pig brain and to document the importance of the stereochemistry at C17 on the ability to inhibit these sodium pumps. 14α bufadienolides were weak inhibitors of all preparations studied. 3ß-OH,5ß,14ß bufadienolide produced near-total inhibition of dog kidney and pig brain Na/K-ATP-ase. Over the same concentration range, it maximally inhibited the sodium pump of erythrocytes by 70% and leucocytes by 47%. The inhibition profile induced in the leucocyte sodium pump deviated significantly from the simple sigmoidal relationship present in the other preparations over the 3 × 10?5 to 1 × 10?7 mol/l concentration range. Allo-emicymarin (17α) was confirmed to be a weak inhibitor of the sodium pump/ATP-ase compared with emicymarin (17ß) but both were weaker inhibitors of the leucocyte sodium pump than that of the other preparations. Molecules with the C14 in the ß configuration are more efficacious than in the α configuration. In the case of emicymarin, the attachment of the furone at C17 in the α configuration results in substantially weaker inhibitory activity than in the beta configuration, seen in most cardenolides and bufadienolides. Unlike ouabain and bufalin that show no specificity of action in these preparations, 3ß- OH,5ß,14ß bufadienolide selectively inhibits the activity of at least one low-prevalence subset of the leucocyte Na/K-ATP-ase.  相似文献   
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