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The genetic diversity of lactococci isolated from raw milk in the Camembert cheese Registered Designation of Origin area was studied. Two seasonal samples (winter and summer) of raw milk were obtained from six farms in two areas (Bessin and Bocage Falaisien) of Normandy. All of the strains analyzed had a Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis phenotype, whereas the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique genotypically identified the strains as members of L. lactis subsp. lactis or L. lactis subsp. cremoris. The genotypes were confirmed by performing standard PCR with primers corresponding to a region of the histidine biosynthesis operon. The geographic distribution of each subspecies of L. lactis was determined; 80% of the Bocage Falaisien strains were members of L. lactis subsp. lactis, and 30.5% of the Bessin strains were members of L. lactis subsp. lactis. A dendrogram was produced from a computer analysis of the RAPD profiles in order to evaluate the diversity of the lactococci below the subspecies level. The coefficient of similarity for 117 of the 139 strains identified as members of L. lactis subsp. cremoris was as high as 66%. The L. lactis subsp. lactis strains were more heterogeneous and formed 10 separate clusters (the level of similarity among the clusters was 18%). Reference strains of L. lactis subsp. lactis fell into 2 of these 10 clusters, demonstrating that lactococcal isolates are clearly different. As determined by the RAPD profiles, some L. lactis subsp. lactis strains were specific to the farms from which they originated and were recovered throughout the year (in both summer and winter). Therefore, the typicality of L. lactis subsp. lactis strains was linked to the farm of origin rather than the area. These findings emphasize the significance of designation of origin and the specificity of “Camembert de Normandie” cheese.  相似文献   
Apis mellifera is composed of three evolutionary branches including mainly African (branch A), western and northern European (branch M), and southeastern European (branch C) populations. The existence of morphological clines extending from the equator to the Polar Circle through Morocco and Spain raised the hypothesis that the branch M originated in Africa. Mitochondrial DNA analysis revealed that branches A and M were characterized by highly diverged lineages implying very remote links between both branches. It also revealed that mtDNA haplotypes from lineages A coexisted with haplotypes M in the Iberian Peninsula and formed a south-north frequency cline, suggesting that this area could be a secondary contact zone between the two branches. By analyzing 11 populations sampled along a France-Spain/Portugal-Morocco-Guinea transect at 8 microsatellite loci and the DraI RFLP of the COI-COII mtDNA marker, we show that Iberian populations do not present any trace of “africanization” and are very similar to French populations when considering microsatellite markers. Therefore, the Iberian Peninsula is not a transition area. The higher haplotype A variability observed in Spanish and Portuguese samples compared to that found in Africa is explained by a higher mutation rate and multiple and recent introductions. Selection appears to be the best explanation to the morphological and allozymic clines and to the diffusion and maintenance of African haplotypes in Spain and Portugal.  相似文献   
Two genotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were studied to determine the structural cause of seed abortion in this species. In the non-abortive control (wild-type, cultivar BAT93), the histological analysis revealed a classical pattern of seed development and showed coordinated differentiation of the embryo proper, suspensor, endosperm tissue and seed coat. In contrast, the ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutant (cultivar BAT93) showed disruption in the normal seed development leading to embryo abortion. Aborted embryos from these degenerate seeds showed abnormalities in suspensor and cotyledons at the globular, heart, torpedo and cotyledon stages. Exploring the feasibility of incorporating the available online bioinformatics databases, we identified 22 genes revealing high homology with genes involved in Arabidopsis thaliana embryo development and expressed in common bean immature seeds. The expression patterns of these genes were confirmed by RT–PCR. All genes were highly expressed in seed tissues. To study the expression profiles of isolated genes during Phaseolus embryogenesis, six selected genes were examined by quantitative RT–PCR analysis on the developing embryos of wild-type and EMS mutant plants. All selected genes were expressed differentially at different stages of embryo development. These results could help to improve understanding of the mechanism of common bean embryogenesis.  相似文献   
Pyoverdine isoelectric focusing analysis and pyoverdine-mediated iron uptake were used as siderotyping methods to analyze a collection of 57 northern and central European isolates of P. tolaasii and “P. reactans.” The bacteria, isolated from cultivated Agaricus bisporus or Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom sporophores presenting brown blotch disease symptoms, were identified according to the white line test (W. C. Wong and T. F. Preece, J. Appl. Bacteriol. 47:401–407, 1979) and their pathogenicity towards A. bisporus and were grouped into siderovars according to the type of pyoverdine they produced. Seventeen P. tolaasii isolates were recognized, which divided into two siderovars, with the first one containing reference strains and isolates of various geographical origins while the second one contained Finnish isolates exclusively. The 40 “P. reactans” isolates divided into eight siderovars. Pyoverdine isoelectric focusing profiles and cross-uptake studies demonstrated an identity for some “P. reactans” isolates, with reference strains belonging to the P. fluorescens biovars II, III, or V. Thus, the easy and rapid methods of siderotyping proved to be reliable by supporting and strengthening previous taxonomical data. Moreover, two potentially novel pyoverdines characterizing one P. tolaasii siderovar and one “P. reactans” siderovar were found.  相似文献   
The lipid composition of plasma membrane (PM) and the corresponding detergent-insoluble membrane (DIM) fraction were analyzed with a specific focus on highly polar sphingolipids, so-called glycosyl inositol phosphorylceramides (GIPCs). Using tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) ‘Bright Yellow 2’ cell suspension and leaves, evidence is provided that GIPCs represent up to 40 mol % of the PM lipids. Comparative analysis of DIMs with the PM showed an enrichment of 2-hydroxylated very-long-chain fatty acid-containing GIPCs and polyglycosylated GIPCs in the DIMs. Purified antibodies raised against these GIPCs were further used for immunogold-electron microscopy strategy, revealing the distribution of polyglycosylated GIPCs in domains of 35 ± 7 nm in the plane of the PM. Biophysical studies also showed strong interactions between GIPCs and sterols and suggested a role for very-long-chain fatty acids in the interdigitation between the two PM-composing monolayers. The ins and outs of lipid asymmetry, raft formation, and interdigitation in plant membrane biology are finally discussed.Eukaryotic plasma membranes (PMs) are composed of three main classes of lipids, glycerolipids, sphingolipids, and sterols, which may account for up to 100,000 different molecular species (Yetukuri et al., 2008; Shevchenko and Simons, 2010). Overall, all glycerolipids share the same molecular moieties in plants, animals, and fungi. By contrast, sterols and sphingolipids are different and specific to each kingdom. For instance, the plant PM contains an important number of sterols, among which β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol predominate (Furt et al., 2011). In addition to free sterols, phytosterols can be conjugated to form steryl glycosides (SG) and acyl steryl glycosides (ASG) that represent up to approximately 15% of the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) PM (Furt et al., 2010). As for sphingolipids, sphingomyelin, the major phosphosphingolipid in animals, which harbors a phosphocholine as a polar head, is not detected in plants. Glycosyl inositol phosphorylceramides (GIPCs) are the major class of sphingolipids in plants, but they are absent in animals (Sperling and Heinz, 2003; Pata et al., 2010). Sphingolipidomic approaches identified up to 200 plant sphingolipids (for review, see Pata et al., 2010; Cacas et al., 2013).Although GIPCs belong to one of the earliest classes of plant sphingolipids that were identified in the late 1950s (Carter et al., 1958), only a few GIPCs have been structurally characterized to date because of their high polarity and a limited solubility in typical lipid extraction solvents. For these reasons, they were systematically omitted from published plant PM lipid composition. GIPCs are formed by the addition of an inositol phosphate to the ceramide moiety, the inositol headgroup of which can then undergo several glycosylation steps. The dominant glycan structure, composed of a hexose-GlcA linked to the inositol, is called series A. Polar heads containing three to seven sugars, so-called series B to F, have been identified and appeared to be species specific (Buré et al., 2011; Cacas et al., 2013; Mortimer et al., 2013). The ceramide moiety of GIPCs consists of a long-chain base (LCB), mainly t18:0 (called phytosphingosine) or t18:1 compounds (for review, see Pata et al., 2010), to which is amidified a very-long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA), the latter of which is mostly 2-hydroxylated (hVLCFA) with an odd or even number of carbon atoms. In plants, little is known about the subcellular localization of GIPCs. It is assumed, however, that they would be highly represented in the PM (Worrall et al., 2003; Sperling et al., 2005), even if this remains to be experimentally proven. The main argument supporting such an assumption is the strong enrichment of trihydroxylated LCB (t18:n) in detergent-insoluble membrane (DIM) fractions (Borner et al., 2005; Lefebvre et al., 2007), LCB being known to be predominant in GIPC’s core structure as aforementioned.In addition to this chemical complexity, lipids are not evenly distributed within the PM. Sphingolipids and sterols can preferentially interact with each other and segregate to form microdomains dubbed the membrane raft (Simons and Toomre, 2000). The membrane raft hypothesis suggests that lipids play a regulatory role in mediating protein clustering within the bilayer by undergoing phase separation into liquid-disordered and liquid-ordered phases. The liquid-ordered phase, termed the membrane raft, was described as enriched in sterol and saturated sphingolipids and is characterized by tight lipid packing. Proteins, which have differential affinities for each phase, may become enriched in, or excluded from, the liquid-ordered phase domains to optimize the rate of protein-protein interactions and maximize signaling processes. In animals, rafts have been implicated in a huge range of cellular processes, such as hormone signaling, membrane trafficking in polarized epithelial cells, T cell activation, cell migration, and the life cycle of influenza and human immunodeficiency viruses (Simons and Ikonen, 1997; Simons and Gerl, 2010). In plants, evidence is increasing that rafts are also involved in signal transduction processes and membrane trafficking (for review, see Mongrand et al., 2010; Simon-Plas et al., 2011; Cacas et al., 2012a).Moreover, lipids are not evenly distributed between the two leaflets of the PM. Within the PM of eukaryotic cells, sphingolipids are primarily located in the outer monolayer, whereas unsaturated phospholipids are predominantly exposed on the cytosolic leaflet. This asymmetrical distribution has been well established in human red blood cells, in which the outer leaflet contains sphingomyelin, phosphatidylcholine, and a variety of glycolipids like gangliosides. By contrast, the cytoplasmic leaflet is composed mostly of phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and their phosphorylated derivatives (Devaux and Morris, 2004). With regard to sphingolipids and glycerolipids, the asymmetry of the former is established during their biosynthesis and that of the latter requires ATPases such as the aminophospholipid translocase that transports lipids from the outer to the inner leaflet as well as multiple drug resistance proteins that transport phosphatidylcholine in the opposite direction (Devaux and Morris, 2004). This ubiquitous scheme encountered in animal cells could apply in plant cells as proposed (Tjellstrom et al., 2010). Indeed, the authors showed that there is a pronounced transverse lipid asymmetry in root at the PM. Phospholipids and galactolipids dominate the cytosolic leaflet, whereas the apoplastic leaflet is enriched in sphingolipids and sterols.From such a high diversity of the plant PM thus arises the question of the respective contribution of lipids to membrane suborganization. Our group recently tackled this aspect by characterizing the order level of liposomes prepared from various plant lipids and labeled with the environment-sensitive probe di-4-ANEPPDHQ (Grosjean et al., 2015). Fluorescence spectroscopy experiments showed that, among phytosterols, campesterol exhibits the strongest ability to order model membranes. In agreement with these data, spatial analysis of the membrane organization through multispectral confocal microscopy pointed to the strong ability of campesterol to promote liquid-ordered domain formation and organize their spatial distribution at the membrane surface. Conjugated sterols also exhibit a striking ability to order membranes. In addition, GIPCs enhance the sterol-induced ordering effect by emphasizing the formation and increasing the size of sterol-dependent ordered domains.The aim of this study was to reinvestigate the lipid composition and organization of the PM with a particular focus on GIPCs using tobacco leaves and cv Bright Yellow 2 (BY-2) cell cultures as models. Analyzing all membrane lipid classes at once, including sphingolipids, is challenging because they all display dramatically different chemical polarity, from very apolar (like free sterols) to highly polar (like polyglycosylated GIPCs) molecules. Most lipid extraction techniques published thus far use a chloroform/methanol mixture and phase partition to remove contaminants, resulting in the loss GIPCs, which remain in the aqueous phase, unextracted in the insoluble pellet, or at the interphase (Markham et al., 2006). In order to gain access to both glycerolipid and sphingolipid species at a glance, we developed a protocol whereby the esterifed or amidified fatty acids were hydrolyzed from the glycerol backbone (glycerolipids) or the LCB (sphingolipids) of membrane lipids, respectively. Fatty acids were then analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with appropriate internal standards for quantification. We further proposed that the use of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ensures the extraction of all classes of plant polar lipids. Our results indicate that GIPCs represent up to 40 mol % of total tobacco PM lipids. Interestingly, polyglycolyslated GIPCs are 5-fold enriched in DIMs of BY-2 cells when compared with the PM. Further investigation led us to develop a preparative purification procedure that allowed us to obtain enough material to raise antibodies against GIPCs. Using immunogold labeling on PM vesicles, it was found that polyglycosylated GIPCs cluster in membrane nanodomains, strengthening the idea that lateral nanosegregation of sphingolipids takes place at the PM in plants. Multispectral confocal microscopy was performed on vesicles prepared using GIPCs, phospholipids, and sterols and labeled with the environment-sensitive probe di-4-ANEPPDHQ. Our results show that, despite different fatty acid and polar head compositions, GIPCs extracted from tobacco leaves and BY-2 cells have a similar intrinsic propensity of enhancing vesicle global order together with sterols. Assuming that GIPCs are mostly present in the outer leaflet of the PM, interactions between sterols and sphingolipids were finally studied by the Langmuir monolayer technique, and the area of a single molecule of GIPC, or in interaction with phytosterols, was calculated. Using the calculation docking method, the energy of interaction between GIPCs and phytosterols was determined. A model was proposed in which GIPCs and phytosterols interact together to form liquid-ordered domains and in which the VLCFAs of GIPCs promote the interdigitation of the two membrane leaflets. The implications of domain formation and the asymmetrical distribution of lipids at the PM in plants are also discussed. Finally, we propose a model that reconsiders the intricate organization of the plant PM bilayer.  相似文献   
We recently showed that expressing an H2O-NADH oxidase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae drastically reduces the intracellular NADH concentration and substantially alters the distribution of metabolic fluxes in the cell. Although the engineered strain produces a reduced amount of ethanol, a high level of acetaldehyde accumulates early in the process (1 g/liter), impairing growth and fermentation performance. To overcome these undesirable effects, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the impact of oxygen on the metabolic network of the same NADH oxidase-expressing strain. While reducing the oxygen transfer rate led to a gradual recovery of the growth and fermentation performance, its impact on the ethanol yield was negligible. In contrast, supplying oxygen only during the stationary phase resulted in a 7% reduction in the ethanol yield, but without affecting growth and fermentation. This approach thus represents an effective strategy for producing wine with reduced levels of alcohol. Importantly, our data also point to a significant role for NAD+ reoxidation in controlling the glycolytic flux, indicating that engineered yeast strains expressing an NADH oxidase can be used as a powerful tool for gaining insight into redox metabolism in yeast.  相似文献   


Many studies associated the main polyphenolic constituent of green tea, (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), with inhibition of cancers, invasion and metastasis. To date, most of the studies have focused on the effect of EGCG on cell proliferation or death. Since cell migration is an important mechanism involved in tumor invasion, the aim of the present work was to target another approach of the therapeutic effect of EGCG, by investigating its effect on the cell migratory behavior.


The effect of EGCG (at concentrations lower than 10 μg/ml) on the migration speed of invasive cells was assessed by using 2D and 3D models of cell culture. We also studied the effects of EGCG on proteinases expression by RT-PCR analysis. By immunocytochemistry, we analyzed alterations of vimentin organization in presence of different concentrations of EGCG.


We observed that EGCG had an inhibitory effect of cell migration in 2D and 3D cell culture models. EGCG also inhibited MMP-2 mRNA and protein expression and altered the intermediate filaments of vimentin.


Taken together, our results demonstrate that EGCG is able to inhibit the migration of bronchial tumor cells and could therefore be an attractive candidate to treat tumor invasion and cell migration.  相似文献   
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