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Summary Thymic nurse cells (TNC), which are multicellular complexes composed of epithelial cells and thymocytes, were obtained from C3H-mice thymuses. They were described by means of light and electron microscopy. The morphology of epithelial cells forming isolated TNC compared to that of small tissue fragments obtained by enzymatic digestion revealed that TNC could be derived from all parts of the thymus: cortex, corticomedullary junction and medulla, the cortex being their principal source. This variety of origin, the presence of several epithelial cells inside a single TNC, the presence of non-lymphoid cells, and the various locations of eleaved desmosomes confirmed that their aspect in vitro as round and sealed structures can be considered to be an artifact due to the isolation technique used. Indeed, during this procedure, they are formed by a process of wrapping of the epithelial cytoplasm around the tightly associated thymocytes. All three epithelial cell types: cortical reticular cells, medullary reticular cells, and medullary globular cells can form TNC.A portion of this work was presented at the first Thymus Workshop. Rolduc, Netherlands, April, 1988  相似文献   
Phytoplankton dynamics were assessed in the macrotidal ecosystemof Arcachon Bay through high-frequency surveys over a 5-yearperiod in order to characterize typology of environmental conditionsat the onset of the productive period. Temporal variations ofhydrological and biological parameters were examined in externaland internal waters of the lagoon, during the winter–springperiods from 1999 to 2003. An additional survey was performedduring winter–spring 2005 in order to study the verticalstructure of the water column. The occurrence of winter phytoplanktonblooms between January and March emerged as a recurrent event.The early onset of the productive period is influenced by thebiological functioning of adjacent Bay of Biscay oceanic waters.It is hypothesized that under a propitious hydrodynamic regime,phytoplankton inocula from the Bay of Biscay enter in the ArcachonBay where cells presumably find favourable conditions for theirfast development. The timing of the onset of those winter bloomsin Arcachon Bay seems to be mainly influenced by the presenceof anticyclonic weather conditions (associated with an increasein incident irradiance) during late winter (i.e. by February),while the water column does not show any particular stabilizationnor stratification liable to facilitate the onset of these blooms.Moreover, these winter blooms dominated by diatoms led to anearly nutrient depletion which could have inevitable consequenceson the structuration of the food web during spring and summer.  相似文献   
Dehydrins constitute a class of intrinsically disordered proteins that are expressed under conditions of water-related stress. Characteristic of the dehydrins are some highly conserved stretches of seven to 17 residues that are repetitively scattered in their sequences, the K-, S-, Y-, and Lys-rich segments. In this study, we investigate the putative role of these segments in promoting structure. The analysis is based on comparative analysis of four full-length dehydrins from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; Cor47, Lti29, Lti30, and Rab18) and isolated peptide mimics of the K-, Y-, and Lys-rich segments. In physiological buffer, the circular dichroism spectra of the full-length dehydrins reveal overall disordered structures with a variable content of poly-Pro helices, a type of elongated secondary structure relying on bridging water molecules. Similar disordered structures are observed for the isolated peptides of the conserved segments. Interestingly, neither the full-length dehydrins nor their conserved segments are able to adopt specific structure in response to altered temperature, one of the factors that regulate their expression in vivo. There is also no structural response to the addition of metal ions, increased protein concentration, or the protein-stabilizing salt Na(2)SO(4). Taken together, these observations indicate that the dehydrins are not in equilibrium with high-energy folded structures. The result suggests that the dehydrins are highly evolved proteins, selected to maintain high configurational flexibility and to resist unspecific collapse and aggregation. The role of the conserved segments is thus not to promote tertiary structure, but to exert their biological function more locally upon interaction with specific biological targets, for example, by acting as beads on a string for specific recognition, interaction with membranes, or intermolecular scaffolding. In this perspective, it is notable that the Lys-rich segment in Cor47 and Lti29 shows sequence similarity with the animal chaperone HSP90.  相似文献   
The alkaloid drug berberine (BBR) was recently described to decrease plasma cholesterol and triglycerides (TGs) in hypercholesterolemic patients by increasing expression of the hepatic low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR). Using HepG2 human hepatoma cells, we found that BBR inhibits cholesterol and TG synthesis in a similar manner to the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activator 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide 1-beta-ribofuranoside (AICAR). Significant increases in AMPK phosphorylation and AMPK activity were observed when the cells were incubated with BBR. Activation of AMPK was also demonstrated by measuring the phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, a substrate of AMPK, correlated with a subsequent increase in fatty acid oxidation. All of these effects were abolished by the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor PD98059. Treatment of hyperlipidemic hamsters with BBR decreased plasma LDL cholesterol and strongly reduced fat storage in the liver. These findings indicate that BBR, in addition to upregulating the LDLR, inhibits lipid synthesis in human hepatocytes through the activation of AMPK. These effects could account for the strong reduction of plasma TGs observed with this drug in clinical trials.  相似文献   
We investigated the status and the regulation of the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) inhibitor p27(Kip1) in a choroidal melanoma tumor-derived cell line (OCM-1). By contrast to normal choroidal melanocytes, the expression level of p27(Kip1) was low in these cells and the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway was constitutively activated. Genetic or chemical inhibition of this pathway induced p27(Kip1) accumulation, whereas MAP kinase reactivation triggered a down-regulation of p27(Kip1) that could be partially reversed by calpain inhibitors. In good accordance, ectopic expression of the cellular calpain inhibitor calpastatin led to an increase of endogenous p27(Kip1) expression. In vitro, p27(Kip1) was degraded by calpains, and OCM-1 cell extracts contained a calcium-dependent p27(Kip1) degradation activity. MAP kinase inhibition partially inhibited both calpain activity and calcium-dependent p27(Kip1) degradation by cellular extracts. Immunofluorescence labeling and subcellular fractionation revealed that p27(Kip1) was in part localized in the cytoplasmic compartment of OCM-1 cells but not of melanocytes, and accumulated into the nucleus upon MAP kinase inhibition. MAP kinase activation triggered a cytoplasmic translocation of the protein, as well as a change in its phosphorylation status. This CRM-1-dependent cytoplasmic translocation was necessary for MAP kinase- and calpain-dependent degradation. Taken together, these data suggest that in tumor-derived cells, p27(Kip1) could be degraded by calpains through a MAP kinase-dependent process, and that abnormal cytoplasmic localization of the protein, probably linked to modifications of its phosphorylation state, could be involved in this alternative mechanism of degradation.  相似文献   
Cationic liposomal lipids: from gene carriers to cell signaling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cationic lipids are positively charged amphiphilic molecules which, for most of them, form positively charged liposomes, sometimes in combination with a neutral helper lipid. Such liposomes are mainly used as efficient DNA, RNA or protein carriers for gene therapy or immunization trials. Over the past decade, significant progress has been made in the understanding of the cellular pathways and mechanisms involved in lipoplex-mediated gene transfection but the interaction of cationic lipids with cell components and the consequences of such an interaction on cell physiology remains poorly described. The data reported in the present review provide evidence that cationic lipids are not just carriers for molecular delivery into cells but do modify cellular pathways and stimulate immune or anti-inflammatory responses. Considering the wide number of cationic lipids currently available and the variety of cellular components that could be involved, it is likely that only a few cationic lipid-dependent functions have been identified so far.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The mechanisms of floral nectar production in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum, Polygonaceae), a distylous pseudo-cereal, have received relatively little attention, prompting an investigation of the factors that regulate this process. The aim was to perform a refined study of the structures that secrete nectar and of the internal and external parameters influencing nectar volumes and sugar concentrations.


In order to control environmental parameters, plants were cultivated in growth rooms under controlled conditions. The structure of nectaries was studied based on histological sections from flowers and flower buds. Nectar was extracted using glass micropipettes and the sugar concentration was measured with a hand refractometer. Sugar concentration in the phloem sap was measured using the anthrone method. To test the influence of photosynthesis on nectar production, different light and defoliation treatments were applied.

Key Results

Unicellular trichomes were located in the epidermis at the ventral part of eight nectary glands situated on the flower receptacle alternately with stamens. Vascular bundles consisting of both phloem and xylem were identified at the boundary between a multilayered nectary parenchyma and a sub-nectary parenchyma with chloroplasts. A higher volume of nectar in thrum morphs was observed. No other difference was found in morphology or in sugar supply to inflorescences between morphs. Nectar secretion was strongly influenced by plant age and inflorescence position. Nectar volumes were higher in the upper inflorescences and during the flowering peak. Light had a dual role, (1) acting directly on reproductive structures to trigger flower opening, which conditions nectar secretion, and (2) stimulating photosynthetic activity, which regulates nectar accumulation in open flowers.


In buckwheat, nectar is secreted by trichomes and probably proceeds, at least in part, from phloem sap. Nectar secretion is strongly influenced by floral morph type, plant age, inflorescence position and light.Key words: Buckwheat, distyly, Fagopyrum esculentum, inflorescence position, morph comparisons, nectary histology, nectar sugar concentration, nectar volume, light intensity, organ biomass, phloem sap, plant age  相似文献   
To improve our understanding of the ecological functioning of constructed wetlands, the macrofauna structure in the sediments of a constructed wetland planted with Panicum maximum treating domestic wastewater was studied. Two beds were planted with young P. maximum and two unplanted beds were used as controls. After 150 days of wastewater treatment on the beds, macrofauna was collected by taking five cores of sediment samples at the corners and the centre of each bed following three layers in the vertical profile. Globally, the planted beds removed COD, NH4+, and PO43? more (p < 0.05) than the control. Eleven taxa belonging to 6 classes and 11 orders were recorded. Macrofauna was significantly more diversified (Mann–Whitney test: p < 0.05) in terms of Shannon index of diversity in the planted beds (0.25–0.44 bits/ind.) than in the control (0.08–0.23 bits/ind.). But macrofauna settlement presents a relative homogeneity between the beds (index Jaccard = 0.63). Its abundance was three times higher in the planted bed than in the control. From the surface to the bottom of the beds, macrofauna diversity and abundance decreased and were heavily dominated by Annelida. The significant relationships were only observed between Insecta and Myriapoda in the control.  相似文献   
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