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This study reports further information on mareninne, awater-soluble blue-green pigment synthesized by the diatom Hasleaostrearia, which is essential to the greening of maturing oysters inFrench production areas. The extraction process is reported, as well aspreliminary characterization of a partially purified marennine extract,including quantitative spectrophotometric analysis of intracellular pigment. Amean specific extinction coefficient, E 1% 1cm = 17.2 at 669 nm, is proposed. Results forquantitative determination of marennine accumulated in cells during batchcultures are presented, and their importance for pigment production isconsidered in relation to potential industrial applications.  相似文献   
The high-affinity monoclonal anti-estradiol antibody 9D3 presents a specificity defect towards estradiol-3-sulphate and 3-glucuronide conjugates incompatible with use in direct immunoassays. The corresponding single-chain variable fragment (scFv), cloned and produced in E. coli, exhibited a 10-fold lower affinity for estradiol (K(a)=1.2 x 10(9) M (-1)) and a slightly increased specificity defect for the 3-position. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed critical residues involved in estradiol recognition and produced mutants exhibiting up to a 3-fold increase of the binding affinity for estradiol and up to a 2-fold decrease of the cross-reactivity with estradiol-3-sulphate. A comparative model of the antibody 9D3-estradiol complex was built in which the estradiol D-ring is buried into the binding pocket while the 3-, 6- and 7-positions are solvent exposed, agreeing with the lack of specificity for these three positions. Two potential alternative orientations of the A-ring, one close to CDR H3 and L2 loops, and the other one close to CDR H2 and L3 loops, have been considered for the docking of estradiol, none of which could be unambiguously privileged taking into account data from cross-reactivity measurements, photolabelling and mutagenesis studies. For both orientations, estradiol is stabilized by hydrogen bonding of the 17beta-OH group with TyrL36, His89 and GlnH35 in the first case, or TyrL36, only, in the second case and by van der Waals contacts from TyrL91 with alpha- or beta-face of estradiol, respectively, and from ValH95 and GlyH97 with the opposite face. To elucidate the molecular basis of antibody 9D3 specificity, as compared with that of another anti-estradiol antibody 15H11, single variable domains (V(H) and V(L)) and scFv hybrids have been constructed. The binding activity of V(L)9D3 as well as the specificity of the V(L)9D3/V(H)15H11 hybrid, both similar to antibody 9D3, revealed a prominent role of V(L) in estradiol recognition. These findings establish premises for antibody engineering to reduce cross-reactivity, especially with estradiol-3-conjugates.  相似文献   
The launch of molecules from liquid surfaces in a time of flight mass spectrometer has been investigated using different sample preparation techniques, and by exposing the liquid samples to two different laser wavelengths, 337 nm from a N2 ultraviolet laser and 10.6 microm from a CO2 infrared laser. The molecules were detected with cryodetectors measuring the energy of the individual molecules. We present insulin and lysozyme results from samples introduced into the vacuum through a micromachined silicon injector, and from samples consisting of a glycerol droplet deposited directly on the sample holder at the high voltage stage of the ion optics.  相似文献   
Sheep scrapie is a prototypical transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), and the most widespread of these diseases. Experimental study of TSE infectious agents from sheep and other species essentially depends on bioassays in rodents. Transmission of natural sheep scrapie to conventional mice commonly requires one or two years. In an effort to develop laboratory models in which investigations on the sheep TSE agent would be facilitated, we have established mice and cell lines that were genetically engineered to express ovine PrP protein and examined their susceptibility to the infection. A series of transgenic mice lines (tgOv) expressing the high susceptibility allele (VRQ) of the ovine PrP gene from different constructs was expanded. Following intracerebral inoculation with natural scrapie isolates, all animals developed typical TSE neurological signs and accumulated abnormal PrP in their brain. The survival time in the highest expressing tgOv lines ranged from 2 to 7 months, depending on the isolate. It was inversely related to the brain PrP content, and essentially unchanged on further passaging. Ovine PrP transgene expression thus enhanced scrapie disease transmission from sheep to mice. Such tgOv mice may bring new opportunities for analysing the natural variation of scrapie strains and measuring infectivity. As no relevant cell culture models for agents of naturally-occurring TSE exist, we have explored various strategies in order to obtain stable cell lines that would propagate the sheep agent ex vivo without prior adaptation to rodent. In one otherwise refractory rabbit epithelial cell line, a regulable expression of ovine PrP was achieved and found to enable an efficient replication of the scrapie agent in inoculated cultures. Cells derived from sheep embryos or from tgOv mice were also used in an attempt to establish permissive cell lines derived from the nervous system. Cells engineered to express PrP proteins of a specified sequence may thus represent a promising strategy to further explore, at the cellular level, various aspects of TSE diseases.  相似文献   
We describe here a new -tubulin isoform from sunflower we named -tubulin. -tubulin is the most divergent higher-plant -tubulin described so far, having an unusual deletion in the H1/B2 loop and a glutamine-rich C-terminus. We constructed a three-dimensional model and discuss its implications. Using specific antibodies, we show that -tubulin expression is restricted to the male gametophyte. -tubulin mRNA represents 90% of -tubulin mRNA and a small percentage of total pollen mRNA. Among the plants tested, -tubulin was only detected in sunflower and in Cosmos. Since both plants are Asteraceae, we propose that -tubulin is specific to this family. Our results suggest that -tubulin can inhibit tubulin assembly in pollen. This hypothesis is reinforced by the fact that -tubulin is found in a complex with -tubulin in mature sunflower pollen.  相似文献   
In vitro selections for catalytic activity have been designed for the isolation of genes encoding enzymes from libraries of proteins displayed on filamentous phages. The proteins are generally expressed as C-terminal fusions with the N-terminus of the minor coat protein p3 for display on phages. As full-length cDNAs generally contain several stop codons near their 3′ end, this approach cannot be used for their expression on the surface of phages. Here we show that in vitro selection for catalytic activity is compatible with a system for expression of proteins as N-terminal fusions on the surface of bacteriophages. It is highlighted for the Stoffel fragment of Taq DNA polymerase I and makes use of (p3–Jun/Fos–Stoffel fragment) fusions. The efficiency of the selection is measured by an enrichment factor found to be about 55 for a phage polymerase versus a phage not expressing a polymerase. This approach could provide a method for the functional cloning of nucleotidyl transferases from cDNA libraries using filamentous phage display.  相似文献   
Acquisition of sperm fertilizing ability is due, in part, to the reorganization of plasma membrane proteins that occurs during epididymal sperm transit. Using polyclonal antibodies against angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), we showed that this enzyme is immunolocalized mainly on the middle piece of rat and mouse testicular sperm and with less intensity along the initial part of the principal piece of the flagellum. In both species, only some sperm from the caput epididymis were still reactive, whereas no labeling was observed on cauda epididymal sperm. The 105- to 110-kDa germinal ACE was absent from the rat testicular fluid but appeared in the fluid of the anterior epididymis. Thereafter, its molecular weight shifted to 94 kDa in the corpus epididymal fluid and remained at this weight in the caudal region. The 105- to 110-kDa immunoreactive protein was present in testicular rat sperm extract but was completely absent from epididymal sperm extracts. Western blot analysis of testicular and epididymal tissue extracts from the rat and mouse also confirmed that the germinal enzyme was absent from the epididymal sperm cell. Our results demonstrated that the rodent germinal ACE is released from the testicular sperm membrane when sperm enter the epididymis, a process similar to that observed in domestic mammals. This result is discussed in view of the suggested role for this enzyme in sperm fertility.  相似文献   
A study of the oxidation of a series of guanidines related to L-arginine (L-Arg) and of various alkyl- and arylguanidines, by recombinant NO-synthase II (NOS II), led us to the discovery of the first non-alpha-amino acid guanidine substrate of NOS, acting as an efficient NO precursor. This compound, 3-(trifluoromethyl)propylguanidine, 4, led to a rate of NO formation (k(cat) = 220 +/- 50 min(-1)) only 2 times lower than that of L-Arg. Formation of 1 mol of NO upon NOS II-catalyzed oxidation of 4 occurred with consumption of 2.9 mol of NADPH, which corresponds to a 52% coupling between electron transfer and oxygenation of its guanidine function. Its oxidation by activated mouse macrophages in an L-Arg-free medium resulted in NO(2)(-) formation that was inhibited by classical NOS inhibitors with a rate only 2-3 times lower than that observed with L-Arg itself. These results open the way toward the research of selective, stable guanidine substrates of NOS that could be interesting, new NO donors after in situ oxidation by a given NOS isoform.  相似文献   
The human angiotensin II type 1 receptor (hAT(1)) was photolabeled with a high-affinity radiolabeled photoreactive analogue of AngII, (125)I-[Sar(1), Val(5), p-Benzoyl-L-phenylalanine(8)]AngII ((125)I-[Sar(1),Bpa(8)]AngII). Chemical cleavage with CNBr produced a 7 kDa fragment (285-334) of the C-terminal portion of the hAT(1). Manual Edman radiosequencing of photolabeled, per-acetylated, and CNBr-fragmented receptor showed that ligand incorporation occurred through Phe(293) and Asn(294) within the seventh transmembrane domain of the hAT(1). Receptor mutants with Met introduced at the presumed contact residues, F293M and N294M, were photolabeled and then digested with CNBr. SDS-PAGE analysis of those digested mutant receptors confirmed the contact positions 293 and 294 through ligand release induced by CNBr digestion. Additional receptor mutants with Met residues introduced into the N- and C-terminal proximity of those residues 293 and 294 of the hAT(1) produced, upon photolabeling and CNBr digestion, fragmentation patterns compatible only with the above contact residues. These data indicate that the C-terminal residue of AngII interacts with residues 293 and 294 of the seventh transmembrane domain of the human AT(1) receptor. Taking into account a second receptor-ligand contact at the second extracellular loop and residue 3 of AngII (Boucard, A. A., Wilkes, B. C., Laporte, S. A., Escher, E., Guillemette, G., and Leduc, R. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 9662-70) the Ang II molecule must adopt an extended structure in the AngII binding pocket.  相似文献   
The decision for a cell to self-replicate requires passage from G1 to S phase of the cell cycle and initiation of another round of DNA replication. This commitment is a critical one that is tightly regulated by many parallel pathways. Significantly, these pathways converge to result in activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase, cdk2. It is, therefore, important to understand all the mechanisms regulating cdk2 to determine the molecular basis of cell progression. Here we report the identification and characterization of a novel cell cycle gene, designated Speedy (Spy1). Spy1 is 40% homologous to the Xenopus cell cycle gene, X-Spy1. Similar to its Xenopus counterpart, human Speedy is able to induce oocyte maturation, suggesting similar biological characteristics. Spy1 mRNA is expressed in several human tissues and immortalized cell lines and is only expressed during the G1/S phase of the cell cycle. Overexpression of Spy1 protein demonstrates that Spy1 is nuclear and results in enhanced cell proliferation. In addition, flow cytometry profiles of these cells demonstrate a reduction in G1 population. Changes in cell cycle regulation can be attributed to the ability of Spy1 to bind to and prematurely activate cdk2 independent of cyclin binding. We demonstrate that Spy1-enhanced cell proliferation is dependent on cdk2 activation. Furthermore, abrogation of Spy1 expression, through the use of siRNA, demonstrates that Spy1 is an essential component of cell proliferation pathways. Hence, human Speedy is a novel cell cycle protein capable of promoting cell proliferation through the premature activation of cdk2 at the G1/S phase transition.  相似文献   
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