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Functional asymmetry of G‐protein‐coupled receptor (GPCR) dimers has been reported for an increasing number of cases, but the molecular architecture of signalling units associated to these dimers remains unclear. Here, we characterized the molecular complex of the melatonin MT1 receptor, which directly and constitutively couples to Gi proteins and the regulator of G‐protein signalling (RGS) 20. The molecular organization of the ternary MT1/Gi/RGS20 complex was monitored in its basal and activated state by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer between probes inserted at multiple sites of the complex. On the basis of the reported crystal structures of Gi and the RGS domain, we propose a model wherein one Gi and one RGS20 protein bind to separate protomers of MT1 dimers in a pre‐associated complex that rearranges upon agonist activation. This model was further validated with MT1/MT2 heterodimers. Collectively, our data extend the concept of asymmetry within GPCR dimers, reinforce the notion of receptor specificity for RGS proteins and highlight the advantage of GPCRs organized as dimers in which each protomer fulfils its specific task by binding to different GPCR‐interacting proteins.  相似文献   
The evolutionary origin of Primates' exceptionally large brains is still highly debated. Two competing explanations have received much support: the ecological hypothesis and the social brain hypothesis (SBH). We tested the SBH in (n = 82) baboons (Papio anubis) belonging to the same research centre but housed in groups with size ranging from 2 to 63 individuals. We found that baboons living in larger social groups had larger brains. This effect was driven mainly by white matter volume and to a lesser extent by grey matter volume but not by the cerebrospinal fluid. In comparison, the size of the enclosure, an ecological variable, had no such effect. In contrast to the current re-emphasis on potential ecological drivers of primate brain evolution, the present study provides renewed support for the social brain hypothesis and suggests that the social brain plastically responds to group size. Many factors may well influence brain size, yet accumulating evidence suggests that the complexity of social life might be an important determinant of brain size in primates.  相似文献   
The translation initiation factors 4E are a small family of major susceptibility factors to potyviruses. It has been suggested that knocking out these genes could provide genetic resistance in crops when natural resistance alleles, which encode functional eIF4E proteins, are not available. Here, using the well-characterized Arabidopsis thaliana–potyvirus pathosystem, we evaluate the resistance spectrum of plants knocked out for eIF4E1, the susceptibility factor to clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV). We show that besides resistance to ClYVV, the eIF4E1 loss of function is associated with hypersusceptibility to turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), a potyvirus known to rely on the paralog host factor eIFiso4E. On TuMV infection, plants knocked out for eIF4E1 display striking developmental defects such as early senescence and primordia development stoppage. This phenotype is coupled with a strong TuMV overaccumulation throughout the plant, while remarkably the levels of the viral target eIFiso4E remain uninfluenced. Our data suggest that this hypersusceptibility cannot be explained by virus evolution leading to a gain of TuMV aggressiveness. Furthermore, we report that a functional eIF4E1 resistance allele engineered by CRISPR/Cas9 base-editing technology successfully circumvents the increase of TuMV susceptibility conditioned by eIF4E1 disruption. These findings in Arabidopsis add to several previous findings in crops suggesting that resistance based on knocking out eIF4E factors should be avoided in plant breeding, as it could also expose the plant to the severe threat of potyviruses able to recruit alternative eIF4E copies. At the same time, it provides a simple model that can help understanding of the homeostasis among eIF4E proteins in the plant cell and what makes them available to potyviruses.  相似文献   
Genomic DNA of 191 strains of the family Pseudomonadaceae, including 187 strains of the genus Xanthomonas, was cleaved by EcoRI endonuclease. After hybridization of Southern transfer blots with 2-acetylamino-fluorene-labelled Escherichia coli 16+23S rRNA probe, 27 different patterns were obtained. The strains are clearly distinguishable at the genus, species, and pathovar levels. The variability of the rRNA gene restriction patterns was determined for four pathovars of Xanthomonas campestris species. The 16 strains of X. campestris pv. begoniae analyzed gave only one pattern. The variability of rRNA gene restriction patterns of X. campestris pv. manihotis strains could be related to ecotypes. In contrast, the variability of patterns observed for X. campestris pv. malvacearum was not correlated with pathogenicity or with the geographical origins of the strains. The highest degree of variability of DNA fingerprints was observed within X. campestris pv. dieffenbachiae, which is pathogenic to several hosts of the Araceae family. In this case, variability was related to both host plant and pathogenicity.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces bayanus is a yeast species described as one of the two parents of the hybrid brewing yeast S. pastorianus. Strains CBS380(T) and NBRC1948 have been retained successively as pure-line representatives of S. bayanus. In the present study, sequence analyses confirmed and upgraded our previous finding: S. bayanus type strain CBS380(T) harbours a mosaic genome. The genome of strain NBRC1948 was also revealed to be mosaic. Both genomes were characterized by amplification and sequencing of different markers, including genes involved in maltotriose utilization or genes detected by array-CGH mapping. Sequence comparisons with public Saccharomyces spp. nucleotide sequences revealed that the CBS380(T) and NBRC1948 genomes are composed of: a predominant non-cerevisiae genetic background belonging to S. uvarum, a second unidentified species provisionally named S. lagerae, and several introgressed S. cerevisiae fragments. The largest cerevisiae-introgressed DNA common to both genomes totals 70kb in length and is distributed in three contigs, cA, cB and cC. These vary in terms of length and presence of MAL31 or MTY1 (maltotriose-transporter gene). In NBRC1948, two additional cerevisiae-contigs, cD and cE, totaling 12kb in length, as well as several smaller cerevisiae fragments were identified. All of these contigs were partially detected in the genomes of S. pastorianus lager strains CBS1503 (S. monacensis) and CBS1513 (S. carlsbergensis) explaining the noticeable common ability of S. bayanus and S. pastorianus to metabolize maltotriose. NBRC1948 was shown to be inter-fertile with S. uvarum CBS7001. The cross involving these two strains produced F1 segregants resembling the strains CBS380(T) or NRRLY-1551. This demonstrates that these S. bayanus strains were the offspring of a cross between S. uvarum and a strain similar to NBRC1948. Phylogenies established with selected cerevisiae and non-cerevisiae genes allowed us to decipher the complex hybridisation events linking S. lagerae/S. uvarum/S. cerevisiae with their hybrid species, S. bayanus/pastorianus.  相似文献   
An 8-day culture was made of the marine diatom Chaetoceros simplex calcitrans Paulsen in the presence of cholesterol-4 14C. The collected cells were then introduced into a replacement medium for a new period of 8 days. The capture and metabolism of the sterol were followed and information was obtained concerning the exchanges between the cells and the medium; for this purpose, hydrocarbons and fatty acids have been analysed. Evidence for the degradation of cholesterol into acetate is established. The observed phenomena are rapid, complex, and apparently modulated at all levels of the exchanges.  相似文献   
Abstract. One way in which Apis mellifera honey bees resist Varroa destructor is by detection and elimination of nestmates. This study uses behavioural tests and electroanntennography to assess the role of chemostimuli in recognition by honey bees of this acarian ectoparasite. Behavioural tests using living or dead parasites involved observation of honey bee grooming activity (antennation) under controlled conditions in Petri dishes, and removal behaviour (uncapping and elimination of parasitized and unparasitized control brood cells) under natural conditions. Some bees from colonies with both small and large parasite populations showed aggressive behaviour (biting). No difference was observed according to whether the mite was dead or alive. Under natural conditions, bees uncapped more parasitized cells than control cells. Electroantennographic tests were performed to measure sensitivity to various Varroa extracts at three concentrations (10, 20 and 30 Varroa Equivalents). Only 30 Varroa Equivalent methanol extracts made from Varroa collected from brood cells elicited significantly greater antennal response than controls (pure solvent). All three methanol extracts elicited significantly greater antennal response than controls. No response was observed using Varroa extracts made with acetone or hexane. These findings suggest that polar products may act as chemostimuli for recognition of V. destructor by honey bees. Further study will be necessary to determine which polar products are involved in this recognition and assess grooming and removal behaviour using these products.  相似文献   
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