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Bovine leukemia virus (BLV), one of the most common infectious viruses of cattle, is endemic in many herds. Approximately 30-40% of adult cows in the United States are infected by this oncogenic C-type retrovirus and 1-5% of animals will eventually develop a malignant lymphoma. BLV, like the human and simian T cell leukemia viruses, is a deltaretrovirus but, in contrast with the latter, the BLV receptor remains unidentified. In this study, we demonstrate that the amino-terminal 182 residues of the BLV envelope glycoprotein surface unit encompasses the receptor-binding domain. A bona fide interaction of this receptor-binding domain with the BLV receptor was demonstrated by specific interference with BLV, but not human T cell leukemia virus, envelope glycoprotein-mediated binding. We generated a rabbit Ig Fc-tagged BLV receptor-binding domain construct and ascertained that the ligand binds the BLV receptor on target cells from multiple species. Using this tool, we determined that the BLV-binding receptor is expressed on differentiating pro/pre-B cells in mouse bone marrow. However, the receptor was not detected on mature/quiescent B cells but was induced upon B cell activation. Activation of human B and T lymphocytes also induced surface BLV-binding receptor expression and required de novo protein synthesis. Receptor levels were down-regulated as activated lymphocytes returned to quiescence. In the human thymus, BLV-binding receptor expression was specifically detected on thymocytes responding to the IL-7 cytokine. Thus, expression of the BLV-binding receptor is a marker of enhanced metabolic activity in B cells, T cells, and thymocytes.  相似文献   
The initial phase of the lipid peroxidation process in leaves of Solanum nigrum var. gigantea, Solanum tuberosum cv Bzura and clone H-8105, which represent non-host resistance, field resistance and susceptibility, respectively, against Phytophthora infestans, was investigated. Based on quantitative and qualitative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses of free and esterified fatty acid hydroperoxides (FAHs), we characterized the lipid peroxidation process induced by the pathogen-derived elicitor, culture filtrate (CF), in leaves of the studied genotypes. In all plants, FAHs generated due to 13-lipoxygenase (LOX) action dominated over those from the non-enzymatic pathway. The FAHs derived from 9-LOX activity were found only in CF-treated leaves of the non-host resistant S. nigrum. However, experiments in vitro and in planta with exogenous linoleic acid (LA) as a substrate for LOX revealed high constitutive activity of 9-LOX in all genotypes, which increased in response to CF treatment. The time course changes in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) pools in the total lipid fractions as well as the degree of their oxidation suggested that CF-induced PUFA peroxidation was enhanced mostly in S. nigrum, less so in Bzura and least in the susceptible clone H-8105. The obtained results are discussed in light of the overall biochemical cell status of plants in the studied interactions.  相似文献   
Two isoforms of the ryanodine receptor subtype 3 (RYR3) have been described in smooth muscle. The RYR3 short isoform (RYR3S) negatively regulates the calcium-induced calcium release mechanism encoded by the RYR2, whereas the role of the full length isoform of RYR3 (RYR3L) was still unclear. Here, we describe RYR-dependent spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations measured in 10% of native duodenum myocytes. We investigated the role of RYR3 isoforms in these spontaneous Ca(2+) signals. Inhibition of RYR3S expression by antisense oligonucleotides revealed that both RYR2 and RYR3L were able to propagate spontaneous Ca(2+) waves that were distinguishable by frequency analysis. When RYR3L expression was inhibited, the spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations were never observed, indicating that RYR3S inhibited the function of RYR2. RYR2 expression inhibition led to Ca(2+) oscillations identical to those observed in control cells suggesting that RYR3S did not functionally interact with RYR3L. The presence and frequency of RYR3L-dependent Ca(2+) oscillations were dependent on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) content as revealed by long-term changes of the extracellular Ca(2+) concentration. Our study shows that, in native duodenal myocytes, the spontaneous Ca(2+) waves are encoded by the RYR3L alone, which activity is regulated by sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) loading.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of a cold-active aminopeptidase (ColAP) from Colwellia psychrerythraea strain 34H has been determined, extending the number of crystal structures of the M1 metallopeptidase family to four among the 436 members currently identified. In agreement with their sequence similarity, the overall structure of ColAP displayed a high correspondence with leukotriene A4 hydrolase (LTA4H), a human bifunctional enzyme that converts leukotriene A4 (LTA4) in the potent chemoattractant leukotriene B4. Indeed, both enzymes are composed of three domains, an N-terminal saddle-like domain, a catalytic thermolysin-like domain, and a less conserved C-terminal alpha-helical flat spiral domain. Together, these domains form a deep cavity harboring the zinc binding site formed by residues included in the conserved HEXXHX(18)H motif. A detailed structural comparison of these enzymes revealed several plausible determinants of ColAP cold adaptation. The main differences involve specific amino acid substitutions, loop content and solvent exposure, complexity and distribution of ion pairs, and differential domain flexibilities. Such elements may act synergistically to allow conformational flexibility needed for an efficient catalysis in cold environments. Furthermore, the region of ColAP corresponding to the aminopeptidase active site of LTA4H is much more conserved than the suggested LTA4 substrate binding region. This observation supports the hypothesis that this region of the LTA4H active site has evolved in order to fit the lipidic substrate.  相似文献   
An unusual tri-domained (alpha-beta-beta) natural oyster metallothionein (MT) is known, and non-oxidative MT dimers occur in vivo in mollusk species and in mammals. To assess the respective role of the MT domains, two chimeric MTs were constructed: a tetra-domained oyster MT corresponding to the alpha-beta-alpha-beta structure, in order to mimic the natural non-oxidative dimeric form, and a tri-domained alpha-beta-alpha oyster MT. Metal binding and putative antioxidant properties of these two chimeric MTs were investigated using expression of the related genes in the bacteria Escherichia coli. In a wild-type strain these MTs could efficiently bind Cd. In a superoxide dismutase (sodA sodB) null mutant, the tri-domained MT was found to exacerbate Cd toxicity whereas the tetra-domained MT efficiently protected bacteria from Cd. The paradoxical toxicity displayed by the tri-domained MT upon Cd contamination was linked to the generation of superoxide radicals generated by a mechanism which most probably involves a copper-redox cycling reaction, since a Cd-contaminated sodA sodB strain expressing this MT produced 4 times more O2(-) than the control bacteria, and MT toxicity disappeared in the presence of bathocuproine disulfonic acid, a copper chelator. In contrast, the tetra-domained form did not. Interestingly, in bacteria producing superoxide dismutase but hypersensitive to oxidative stress due to either mutations in thioredoxin and glutathione reductase pathways (WM104 mutant) or to a lack of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (gshA mutant), both chimeric MTs were protecting against Cd toxicity. However, an unexpected lack of antioxidant function was observed for both chimeric MTs, which were found to enhance the toxicity of hydrogen peroxide in WM104, or that of menadione in QC1726. Altogether, our results suggest that superoxide dismutase activity counteracts the potential prooxidative effect of the tri-domained MT mediated by Cu ions and that the tetra-domained form is a very efficient protector against metal toxicity in vivo.  相似文献   
A meristem-issued rejuvenated line was obtained in 1986 from a 100-year-old Sequoiadendron giganteum tree and has been since then micropropagated in tissue culture conditions maintaining its juvenile-like characteristics. By contrast, grafts and rooted microcuttings from the same genotype planted in outdoor conditions for several years exhibited mature foliage traits and the grafts started to produce cones, which are obvious indicators of physiological aging. These three different clonal lines were compared with regard to global DNA methylation assessed by HPLC. The in vitro rejuvenated line showed a much higher level of DNA methylation (23% as average value) than the two other outdoor origins from the same clone which displayed similar degrees of global methylation (average values of 13.4% for the grafts and 13.8% for the cuttings). Overall these DNA global methylation values obtained for the first time in S. giganteum are consistent with the level of methylation reported for many plants using the same HPLC protocols. The fact that shoots exhibiting a juvenile-like leaf morphology can be characterized by higher DNA methylation than mature-like ones is discussed in relation to physiological aging, referring to other studies on the same topic.  相似文献   
Brown algal kelp species are the most efficient iodine accumulators among all living systems, with an average content of 1.0% of dry weight in Laminaria digitata. The iodine distributions in stipe and blade sections from L. digitata were investigated at tissue and subcellular levels. The quantitative tissue mapping of iodine and other trace elements (Cl, K, Ca, Fe, Zn, As and Br) was provided by the proton microprobe with spatial resolutions down to 2 μm. Chemical imaging at a subcellular resolution (below 100 nm) was performed using the secondary ion mass spectrometry microprobe. Sets of samples were prepared by both chemical fixation and cryofixation procedures. The latter prevented the diffusion and the leaching of labile inorganic iodine species, which were estimated at around 95% of the total content by neutron activation analysis. The distribution of iodine clearly shows a huge, decreasing gradient from the meristoderm to the medulla. The contents of iodine reach very high levels in the more external cell layers, up to 191 ± 5 mg g−1 of dry weight in stipe sections. The peripheral tissue is consequently the main storage compartment of iodine. At the subcellular level, iodine is mainly stored in the apoplasm and not in an intracellular compartment as previously proposed. This unexpected distribution may provide an abundant and accessible source of labile iodine species which can be easily remobilized for potential chemical defense and antioxidative activities. According to these imaging data, we proposed new hypotheses for the mechanism of iodine storage in L. digitata tissues. In memory of Dr. Charles Mioskowski, “Miko,” who died on 2 June 2007.  相似文献   
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