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The 1-azabicyclo[5.2.0]nonan-2-one lactam 1 adequately substituted on both cycles A and B as scaffolds mimics the conformationally constrained beta-turn of the tripeptide RGD signaling motif of fibronectin. Using an in vitro assay, we establish that trans diastereoisomer 1b dissociates a soluble fibronectin-integrin alpha(5)beta(1) complex at concentrations comparable to those of a linear RGDS peptide as a competitor.  相似文献   
Previous work has shown that it is often essential to account for the variation in rates at different sites in phylogenetic models in order to avoid phylogenetic artifacts such as long branch attraction. In most current models, the gamma distribution is used for the rates-across-sites distributions and is implemented as an equal-probability discrete gamma. In this article, we introduce discrete distribution estimates with large numbers of equally spaced rate categories allowing us to investigate the appropriateness of the gamma model. With large numbers of rate categories, these discrete estimates are flexible enough to approximate the shape of almost any distribution. Likelihood ratio statistical tests and a nonparametric bootstrap confidence-bound estimation procedure based on the discrete estimates are presented that can be used to test the fit of a parametric family. We applied the methodology to several different protein data sets, and found that although the gamma model often provides a good parametric model for this type of data, rate estimates from an equal-probability discrete gamma model with a small number of categories will tend to underestimate the largest rates. In cases when the gamma model assumption is in doubt, rate estimates coming from the discrete rate distribution estimate with a large number of rate categories provide a robust alternative to gamma estimates. An alternative implementation of the gamma distribution is proposed that, for equal numbers of rate categories, is computationally more efficient during optimization than the standard gamma implementation and can provide more accurate estimates of site rates.  相似文献   
A syntrophic consortium was enriched in a basal medium containing cinnamate as the carbon and energy source. It was found to consist of three morphologically distinct microbes, viz., a short, rod-shaped, non-motile bacterium with distinctly pointed ends, Papillibacter cinnamivorans; a rod-shaped, motile bacterium with rounded ends, Syntrophus sp.; and a methanoarchaeon, Methanobacterium sp. This methanogen was then replaced by a collection strain of Methanobacterium formicicum. A syntrophic interdependency of the three partners of the consortium was observed during growth on cinnamate. In the presence of bromoethanesulfonic acid (BESA), cinnamate was transformed to benzoate, whereas under methanogenic conditions without BESA, cinnamate was first transformed to benzoate via beta-oxidation and subsequently completely degraded into acetate, CH(4), and CO(2). Papillibacter cinnamivorans was responsible for benzoate production from cinnamate, whereas a syntrophic association between Syntrophus sp. and the methanogen degraded benzoate to acetate, CH(4), and CO(2). A new anaerobic degradation pathway of cinnamate into benzoate via beta-oxidation by a pure culture of P. cinnamivorans is proposed.  相似文献   
The conformational transitions of a small oncogene product, p13(MTCP1), have been studied by high-pressure fluorescence of the intrinsic tryptophan emission and high-pressure 1D and 2D 1H-15N NMR. While the unfolding transition monitored by fluorescence is cooperative, two kinds of NMR spectral changes were observed, depending on the pressure range. Below approximately 200 MPa, pressure caused continuous, non-linear shifts of many of the 15N and 1H signals, suggesting the presence of an alternate folded conformer(s) in rapid equilibrium (tau相似文献   
Template-dependent polynucleotide synthesis is catalyzed by enzymes whose core component includes a ubiquitous alphabeta palm subdomain comprising A, B and C sequence motifs crucial for catalysis. Due to its unique, universal conservation in all RNA viruses, the palm subdomain of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) is widely used for evolutionary and taxonomic inferences. We report here the results of elaborated computer-assisted analysis of newly sequenced replicases from Thosea asigna virus (TaV) and the closely related Euprosterna elaeasa virus (EeV), insect-specific ssRNA+ viruses, which revise a capsid-based classification of these viruses with tetraviruses, an Alphavirus-like family. The replicases of TaV and EeV do not have characteristic methyltransferase and helicase domains, and include a putative RdRp with a unique C-A-B motif arrangement in the palm subdomain that is also found in two dsRNA birnaviruses. This circular motif rearrangement is a result of migration of approximately 22 amino acid (aa) residues encompassing motif C between two internal positions, separated by approximately 110 aa, in a conserved region of approximately 550 aa. Protein modeling shows that the canonical palm subdomain architecture of poliovirus (ssRNA+) RdRp could accommodate the identified sequence permutation through changes in backbone connectivity of the major structural elements in three loop regions underlying the active site. This permutation transforms the ferredoxin-like beta1alphaAbeta2beta3alphaBbeta4 fold of the palm subdomain into the beta2beta3beta1alphaAalphaBbeta4 structure and brings beta-strands carrying two principal catalytic Asp residues into sequential proximity such that unique structural properties and, ultimately, unique functionality of the permuted RdRps may result. The permuted enzymes show unprecedented interclass sequence conservation between RdRps of true ssRNA+ and dsRNA viruses and form a minor, deeply separated cluster in the RdRp tree, implying that other, as yet unidentified, viruses may employ this type of RdRp. The structural diversification of the palm subdomain might be a major event in the evolution of template-dependent polynucleotide polymerases in the RNA-protein world.  相似文献   
A threshold reinforcement model in insect societies is explored over a range of colony sizes and levels of task demand to examine their effects upon worker polyethism. We find that increasing colony size while keeping the demand proportional to the colony size causes an increase in the differentiation among individuals in their activity levels, thus explaining the occurrence of elitism (individuals that do a disproportionately large proportion of work) in insect societies. Similar results were obtained when the overall work demand is increased while keeping the colony size constant. Our model can reproduce a whole suite of distributions of the activity levels among colony members that have been found in empirical studies. When there are two tasks, we demonstrate that increasing demand and colony size generates highly specialized individuals, but without invoking any strict assumptions about spatial organization of work or any inherent abilities of individuals to tackle different tasks. Importantly, such specialization only occurs above a critical colony size such that smaller colonies contain a set of undifferentiated equally inactive individuals while larger colonies contain both active specialists and inactive generalists, as has been found in empirical studies and is predicted from other theoretical considerations.  相似文献   
The tick-borne cattle pathogen Anaplasma marginale (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) multiplies within membrane-bound inclusions in host cell cytoplasm. Many geographic isolates of A. marginale occur that vary in genotype, antigenic composition, morphology and infectivity for ticks. A tick cell culture system for propagation of A. marginale proved to be a good model for study of tick-pathogen interactions. Six major surface proteins (MSPs) identified on A. marginale from bovine erythrocytes were conserved on A. marginale derived from tick cells. MSP1a and MSP1b were adhesins for bovine erythrocytes, while only MSP1a was found to be an adhesin for tick cells. The tandemly repeated portion of MSP1a was found to be necessary and sufficient for adhesion to both tick cells and bovine erythrocytes. Infectivity of A. marginale isolates for ticks was dependent on the adhesive capacity of the isolate MSP1a, which was found to involve both the adhesive properties and sequence of the repeated peptides. Cattle immunized with A. marginale derived from bovine erythrocytes or tick cells demonstrated a differential antibody response to MSP1a and MSP1b that resulted from the differential expression of these proteins in cattle and ticks cells. MSP2, derived from a multi-gene family, was found to undergo antigenic variation in cattle and ticks and may contribute to establishment of persistent A. marginale infections. MSP1a has been used as a stable genetic marker for geographic isolates because the molecular weight varies due to differing numbers of the tandem repeats. However, phylogenetic studies of A. marginale isolates from North America using MSP1a and MSP4 demonstrated that MSP4 was a good biogeographic marker, while MSP1a varied greatly among and within geographic areas. Infection and development of A. marginale in cattle and tick cells appears to differ and to be mediated by several surface proteins encoded from the small genome. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This paper shows how colonies of social insects process information and solve problems in a complex environment, while keeping some parsimony at the level of the individuals' decision rules. Two studies on ant foraging reveal the diversity of adaptive colony-level patterns that can be generated through self-organization, based on the same individual-level recruitment rules. Regarding prey scavenging, the "ability to retrieve the prey" rule accounts for changes in foraging patterns, with increasing prey size, that show all stages intermediate between an individual and a mass exploitation of food resources. Regarding liquid food foraging, the "ability to ingest a desired volume" rule enables a colony to adjust the number of tending ants to the honeydew production of aphids. In both cases, decision rules are based on intelligent criteria that intrinsically integrate information on multiple variables that are relevant to the ants. Furthermore, the environment can contribute directly to the emergence of collective patterns, independently of any individual behavioral changes. Each environmental factor, including abiotic ones, that alters the dynamics of information transfer in group-living animals should be reconsidered not simply as a constraint but also as a part of the decision-making process and as a agent that shapes the collective pattern.  相似文献   
Pore formation constitutes a key step in the mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxins and various activated Cry toxins have been shown to form ionic channels in receptor-free planar lipid bilayers at high concentrations. Multiple conductance levels have been observed with several toxins, suggesting that the channels result from the multimeric assembly of a variable number of toxin molecules. To test this possibility, the size of the channels formed by Cry1C was estimated with the non-electrolyte exclusion technique and polyethylene glycols of various molecular weights. In symmetrical 300 mM KCl solutions, Cry1C induced channel activity with 15 distinct conductance levels ranging from 21 to 246 pS and distributed in two main conductance populations. Both the smallest and largest conductance levels and the mean conductance values of both populations were systematically reduced in the presence of polyethylene glycols with hydrated radii of up to 1.05 nm, indicating that these solutes can penetrate the pores formed by the toxin. Larger polyethylene glycols had little effect on the conductance levels, indicating that they were excluded from the pores. Our results indicate that Cry1C forms clusters composed of a variable number of channels having a similar pore radius of between 1.0 and 1.3 nm and gating synchronously.  相似文献   
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