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Catecholamines in plasma and urine at high altitude   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Whole-cell hydrolysates were prepared from 58 strains of nocardiae and streptomycetes. Strains morphologically intermediate between the two genera and morphological variants of the same strains were included. Paper chromatograms made from the whole-cell hydrolysates clearly demonstrated meso-diaminopimelic acid as a major constituent of cultures of Nocardia spp., and LL-diaminopimelic acid as a major constituent of cultures of Streptomyces spp. In cultures of ten strains of N. madurae and of three of N. pelletieri, meso-diaminopimelic acid predominated, thereby supporting the assignment of these species to the genus Nocardia.  相似文献   
The basic protein protamine causes a rapid hemolysis when incubated with the red blood cells of many mammalian species. The age of the cells does not affect the process. Neutralization of the active side groups of the protamine molecule with formalinization demonstrates that a specific degree of charge is necessary for hemolysis, as more than 30 per cent of the guanidine groups must remain unreacted to maintain activity. Unlike the hemolysis induced by the synthetic polypeptides polylysine and polyhomoarginine, protamine hemolysis is temperature-dependent. Whole lipoprotein material derived from red blood cell membranes inhibits protamine hemolysis to a greater extent than do the membranes themselves, serum, serum protein fractions, or cholesterol. The phosphatide and protein moieties derived from the membranes are quite avid in inhibiting protamine hemolysis. A probable explanation is that intracellular aggregation of these structural elements may cause changes in electrostatic charge and surface tension which result in increased permeability. The hemolytic and antitumor cell properties of protamine could not be segregated from its animal toxicity. Despite formalinization to a degree which eliminated the former, the compound remained quite toxic to mice and rabbits.  相似文献   
Histochemical characteristics of chemoreceptor organs (Glomera)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Some important histochemical characteristics of the carotid, aortic and coronary glomera have been studied in man and the rabbit.All glomera present a similar histochemical pattern. Type I glomus cells contain acetylcholinesterase, monoamine oxidase and norepinephrine. Type II glomus cells are highly positive for cholinesterase, carbonic anhydrase and nucleoside phosphatases hut they do not contain acetylcholinesterase nor catecholamines. It is postulated that the type I glomus cell is the true chemoreceptor cell. Together with the type II glomus cell, which is considered to be a special type of glial cell, a functional metabolic unit is established. Efferent nerve fibres could be adrenergic; by way of cholinergic transmission action potentials could be initiated in the afferent nerve fibres.The following Abbreviations will be used AChE acetylcholinesterase - ChE cholinesterase - iso-OMPA tetraisopropylpyrophosphoramide - DFP di-isopropylfluorophosphate - 62C47 15-bis-(4-trimethylammonium-phenyl) pentan-3-one-diiodide - CAH carbonic anhydrase - ATP-ase adenosine triphosphatase - NP-ases nucleoside phosphatases - UDP uridine diphosphate - UTP uridine triphosphate - IDP inosine diphosphate - CTP cytidine triphosphate - CaFoMa calcium-formol-macrodex - Glut glutaraldehyde - TPP-ase thiamine pyrophosphatase - MAO monoamine oxidase - CA catecholamines - NE norepinephrine  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Wand der Kapillaren in der menschlichen Placenta aus der Schwangerschaftsmitte wird elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht und zu der Wand des Sinusoides der reifen Placenta in Beziehung gesetzt. Bereits zur Zeit der Schwangerschaftsmitte sind vereinzelt Sinusoide nachweisbar, doch treten sie gegenüber den Kapillaren zahlenmäßig in den Hintergrund.Die Kapillaren des Zottenbinnenraumes besitzen keine Basalmembran; sie sitzen meist, nur durch einen Spalt getrennt, einer Pericytenschicht auf. Die Pericyten haben häufig fußförmige Ausläufer, die die Basalmembran des Cytotrophoblasten erreichen. Die Kapillarendothelien sind zwar einreihig angeordnet, überlappen aber einander in ausgedehnter Weise.Im Cytoplasma der Kapillarendothelien findet man häufig eine feinfilamentäre Zeichnung, jedoch nur nach Kaliumpermanganat-Kontrastierung.Die Kapillaren der unreifen Placenta sind durch das Fehlen der Basalmembran, durch die ungewöhnliche Dicke und durch die starke Überlappung ihres Endothels für eine Gefügedilatation besonders geeignet.Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
In unparasitized 4th and 5th-instar larvae of Trichoplusia ni and in 4th-instar larvae parasitized by Chelonus sp. 20-hydroxyecdysone, 20,26-dihydroxyec-dysone, and 20-hydroxyecdysonoic acid were the predominant metabolites formed 2 h after injection of [3H]ecdysone. Other unidentified metabolites were seen, but none seemed to be specific for either parasitized or unparasitized larvae. The major difference between parasitized and unparasitized larvae was seen with respect to the quantity of apolar (unidentified) and polar metabolites (20-hydroxyecdysonoic acid and unidentified ones), which were produced to a greater extent in parasitized larvae. Ecdysone was rapidly converted into 20-hydroxyecdysone and the other polar metabolites in all stages investigated, and the parasitoid seemed not to affect the conversion of ecdysone into 20-hydroxyecdysone. When analyzing the fate of [3H]ecdysone in host and parasite separately, at a stage when the parasite drinks hemolymph of its host, we observed that 10–20% of the radioactivity was recovered from the parasitoid. Analysis of the parasitoid's ecdysteroids revealed that ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone represented only a small proportion of the recovered labeled ecdysteroids, the majority being apolar and polar metabolites. Our data suggest that the parasitoid takes up ecdysteroids from its host, converts them, and to some extent releases apolar metabolites into the host.  相似文献   
Fifth (last) instar nymphs of th e tick Ornithodoros moubata convert ingested 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) to apolar conjugates AP2, which are then converted to th e more polar conjugates API. Only small quantities of free hormone were transferred to th e hemolymph and the carcass within t h e first 2 days after the blood meal. The proportion of radiolabel in these two compartments was highest at the time of the endogenous ecdysteroid peak; however, no traces of free [3H]20E were detected. The conversion probably occurs principally in the intestinal cells. Eleven days after ingestion, 84% of the radiolabel is located in the digestive tract, mainly in the form of API conjugates. API obtained in second instar nymphs fed with [3H]ecdysone ([3H]E) remain stable throughout the following nymphal instars. The ecdysteroid moiety of APT remained unchanged. The hydrolysis, although not complete, always yielded a peak comigrating with the reference E but never 20E or any other clearly distinct peaks that may have corresponded to metabolites of 20E. Less label per individual was present in adults, but its nature remained the same, viz., API mainly located in the digestive tract. In females, 2.5% of the label was transferred to the progeny during the first ovipositional cycle. Apolar products (mainly AP2) that accumulated in eggs of females injected with [3H]E or [3H]20E during vitellogenesis remained unchanged during the whole embryonic development. During the molting cycle of larvae, there was only a slight conversion of AP2 to API, but esterase hydrolysis of these products released the same percentages of E and 20E as in the freshly laid eggs. We conclude that in this tick species apolar conjugates of ecdysteroids are inactivation metabolites that are not reutilized during the development of the animal. These metabolites are mainly retained in the tick, probably because of its peculiar blocked midgut. Several studies have shown that in other arthropod species (ticks, spiders, and insects), these apolar metabolites are excreted in the feces.  相似文献   
VDJ genes were cloned from leukemic B cells of an a1/a2 heterozygous Emu-cmyc transgenic rabbit. Restriction mapping and nucleotide sequence analysis indicated that one clone, 5C3, had a VHa1-encoding gene segment functionally rearranged to a JH gene segment from the a2 chromosome. This VDJ gene may be the result of a trans recombination between a VH gene on the a1 chromosome and a JH gene segment on the a2 chromosome or, it may be the result of a cis recombination if the a2 chromosome contains VHa1-encoding gene segments.  相似文献   
The binding of different lectins to the surface of mother and daughter sporocysts of Schistosoma mansoni (Trematoda) and to cells of its intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda) was investigated. The test system consisted of several biotin-labeled lectins, an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex and 3,3'-diaminobenzidine. The fixatives used were Formalin, Bouin's and Zenker's solutions; unfixed material was also studied. Most lectins reacted equally with host tissue and parasite tissue. However, receptors for Ulex europaeus I (most probably fucose) were only demonstrated on daughter sporocysts. Thus, a method was found to specifically mark Schistosoma mansoni daughter sporocysts in the digestive gland tissue of its intermediate host. Mother sporocysts and surrounding host tissue differed in their distribution of galactosyl groups. Both lack fucose and N-acetyl-galactosamine. The differences in lectin binding of galactosyl determinants were also observed during the in vitro development of mother to daughter sporocysts.  相似文献   
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