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The fossil ATD6-69 from Atapuerca, Spain, dated to ca. 900 ka (thousands of years ago) has been suggested to mark the earliest appearance of modern human facial features. However, this specimen is a subadult and the interpretation of its morphology remains controversial, because it is unclear how developmental shape changes would affect the features that link ATD6-69 to modern humans. Here we analyze ATD6-69 in an evolutionary and developmental context. Our modern human sample comprises cross-sectional growth series from four populations. The fossil sample covers human specimens from the Pleistocene to the Upper Paleolithic, and includes several subadult Early Pleistocene humans and Neanderthals. We digitized landmarks and semilandmarks on surface and CT scans and analyzed the Procrustes shape coordinates using multivariate statistics. Ontogenetic allometric trajectories and developmental simulations were employed in order to identify growth patterns and to visualize potential adult shapes of ATD6-69. We show that facial differences between modern and archaic humans are not exclusively allometric. We find that while postnatal growth further accentuates the differences in facial features between Neanderthals and modern humans, those features that have been suggested to link ATD6-69's morphology to modern humans would not have been significantly altered in the course of subsequent development. In particular, the infraorbital depression on this specimen would have persisted into adulthood. However, many of the facial features that ATD6-69 shares with modern humans can be considered to be part of a generalized pattern of facial architecture. Our results present a complex picture regarding the polarity of facial features and demonstrate that some modern human-like facial morphology is intermittently present in Middle Pleistocene humans. We suggest that some of the facial features that characterize recent modern humans may have developed multiple times in human evolution.  相似文献   
One of the most adverse effects of phosphorus (P) deficiency on N2-fixing legumes is the generation of harmful active oxygen species which cause oxidative stress. And although oxidative stress has been widely studied in roots and shoots of various plant species, it has not yet sufficiently been documented in bean nodules so far. In this study, two recombinant inbred lines RIL115 (P-deficiency tolerant) and RIL147 (P-deficiency sensitive) of common bean and Concesa (local variety) were inoculated separately with the reference strain R. tropici CIAT899, RhM11 (R. gallicum) or RhM14 (R. tropici); two local strains of the Marrakesh region of Morocco. Nodulated plants were grown under semi-hydroponic conditions with sufficient or deficient P supply and analyzed for their oxidative responses at the flowering stage. The results indicated that P-deficiency decreased the growth of shoots (48 %) and nodules (32 %), particularly with RhM14 exhibiting the highest decrease (52 %) of nodulation. This constraint increased electrolyte leakage of nodules (40 %) as compared to leaves (20 %), especially for plants inoculated with RhM14 and CIAT899. Moreover, high H2O2 and malondialdehyde contents were noticed in P-deficient nodules of RhM14 and RhM11. These variations were associated with peroxidase activity stimulation in P-deficient nodules induced by CIAT899 and RhM14. In symbiosis with RIL115, these last strains exhibited the highest nodule phenol content. Overall, phenol content was mainly enhanced in P-deficient nodules (35 %) as compared to the leaves (16 %). It was concluded that the genotypes inoculated with CIAT899 and RhM11 are relatively P-deficiency tolerant combinations as compared to those inoculated with RhM14. Increase of oxidative stress in nodules rather than in leaves points to the need for further investigations of mechanisms that improve the root-nodule efficiency under adverse conditions.  相似文献   

The hydatidiform mole (HM) is a placental pathology of androgenetic origin. Placental villi have an abnormal hyperproliferation event and hydropic degeneration. Three situations can be envisaged at its origin: 1. The destruction/expulsion of the female pronucleus at the time of fertilization by 1 or 2 spermatozoa with the former being followed by an endoreplication of the male pronucleus leading to a complete hydatidiform mole (CHM) 2. A triploid zygote (fertilization by 2 spermatozoa) leading to a partial hydatidiform mole (PHM) but can also lead to haploid and diploid clones. The diploid clone may produce a normal fetus while the haploid clone after endoreplication generates a CHM 3. A nutritional defect during the differentiation of the oocytes or the deterioration of the limited oxygen pressure during the first trimester of gestation may lead to the formation of a HM.

In countries with poor medical health care system, moles (mainly the CHM) can become invasive or, in rare cases, lead to gestational choriocarcinomas.  相似文献   
We describe two entelodontid upper premolars that were recovered from the late Eocene of the Krabi coal mine in southern Thailand. The size and morphology of the material suggest that it can be referred to Entelodon aff. Egobiensis, a species known from the late Eocene to the early Oligocene of northern Asia and southern China. The Thai material documents for the first time the southernmost occurrence of entelodontids in Asia during the Paleogene and also suggests that Eocene Southeast Asian mammal localities might potentially yield further entelodontid remains mostly associated with selenodont ungulates.  相似文献   
We synthesized and evaluated by surface plasmon resonance 64 LNA/2'-O-methyl sequences corresponding to all possible combinations of such residues in a kissing aptamer loop complementary to the 6-nt loop of the TAR element of HIV-1. Three combinations of LNA/2'-O-methyl nucleoside analogues where one or two LNA units are located on the 3' side of the aptamer loop display an affinity for TAR below 1nM, i.e. one order of magnitude higher than the parent RNA aptamer. One of these combinations inhibits the TAR-dependent luciferase expression in a cell assay.  相似文献   
Brucella pathogenesis, genes identified from random large-scale screens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pathogenicity islands, specialized secretion systems, virulence plasmids, fimbriae, pili, adhesins, and toxins are all classical bacterial virulence factors. However, many of these factors, though widespread among bacterial pathogens, are not necessarily found among bacteria that colonize eukaryotic cells in a pathogenic/symbiotic relationship. Bacteria that form these relationships have developed other strategies to infect and grow in their hosts. This is particularly true for Brucella and other members of the class Proteobacteria. Thus far the identification of virulence factors for Brucella has been largely dependent on large-scale screens and testing in model systems. The genomes of the facultative intracellular pathogens Brucella melitensis and Brucella suis were sequenced recently. This has identified several more potential virulence factors for Brucella that were not found in large screens. Here, we present an overall view of Brucella virulence by compiling virulence data from the study of 184 attenuated mutants.  相似文献   
We present the pollen analysis of a new sedimentary sequence taken at La Pouretère ( 1720 m), in the mountain vegetation zone of the Marcadau valley (central Pyrenees). The Lateglacial and Holocene chronology is supported by six 14C-dating results. The complementary analysis of some vegetal macroremains, stomata, pollen-clusters and the use of pollen influx allows us to elucidate the dynamic of mountain species such as Pinus and specially Abies but also to infer the unusual part played by Betula at the beginning of the Postglacial period.  相似文献   
The diversity of Archaea in anaerobic digesters was characterized by strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and the sequencing of 16S rDNA genes. The 44 digesters sampled, located in eight different countries, treated effluents from agriculture, the food processing and petro-chemical industries, pulp and paper plant, breweries, slaughterhouses and municipal waste. All the existing processes were represented among the samples (fixed-film, fluidized bed, stirred-tank, UASB, sequential batch reactor, lagoon). Single strand conformation polymorphism analysis targeting the V3 region of 16S rDNA revealed between four to six distinct archaeal peaks per digester. The diversity of dominant Archaea in the 44 digesters was estimated as 23 different 16S rDNA sequences. Cloning of archaeal 16S rRNA genes from 11 distinct total genomic DNA, screening of clones by SSCP and the sequencing of 170 of them made it possible to characterize these SSCP peaks. All the sequences retrieved were members of the Euryarchaeaota subdomain. Furthermore, most of the sequences retrieved were very close to already known and cultivated strains or to environmental clones. The most frequent archaeal sequences were close to Methanosaeta concilii and to a 16S rDNA clone vadinDC06 located in the Methanobacterium clade (84% and 73% of digesters respectively). The other sequences were members of the Methanobacteriales and the Methanomicrobiales families. Only one sequence was far from any sequence of the database and it could be grouped with several sequences of environmental clones. Each digester harboured between two to nine archaeal sequences with only one of them corresponding to a putative acetate-utilizing species. Furthermore, the process in the digesters appeared to play a part in the distribution of archaeal diversity.  相似文献   
Acquisition of viral receptor by NK cells through immunological synapse   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Occasional EBV infection of human NK cells may lead to malignant diseases such as naso-pharyngeal NK lymphoma although NK cells do not express CD21, the primary receptor for EBV. Here we show that during early EBV infection in patients, NK cells attacked EBV-infected autologous B cells. In vitro, NK cells activated by conjugation to CD21(+) B-EBV cell targets transiently acquired a weak CD21(+) phenotype by synaptic transfer of few receptor molecules onto their own membrane. In the presence of viral particles, these ectopic receptors allowed EBV binding to the novel NK cell host. Hence, trans-synaptic acquisition of viral receptor from target cells might constitute an unsuspected mode of infection for otherwise unreachable lymphoid hosts.  相似文献   
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