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Siberian hamsters undergo torpor during the short days of winter and in response to glucoprivation or food restriction. We tested whether the area postrema and the adjacent nucleus of the solitary tract (hereafter the AP), which monitor metabolic fuel availability, also control the onset of torpor. Siberian hamsters that had manifested torpor spontaneously or had entered torpor in response to 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) treatment were subjected to area postrema ablations (APx). Hamsters continued to display torpor postoperatively; most features of torpor were unaffected by APx. The AP is not necessary for expression of torpor elicited by short day lengths or metabolic challenge. In contrast, decreases in food intake manifested by hamsters treated with 2-DG were counteracted by APx. In Siberian hamsters, the AP appears to mediate effects of 2-DG on food intake but not torpor.  相似文献   
An unusual courtship pattern for fiddler crabs is described from field observations in Panama. This behavior pattern, referred to here as “directing,” differs considerably from the more frequently observed communal courtship system found in close relatives of Uca deichmanni. A male involved in “directing” approaches a female and attempts to carry or maneuver her into his burrow for mating. The female usually struggles to escape from the male. This activity often attracts other males which attempt to “direct” the female if she escapes from the first male. A male is most successful in “directing” a female into his burrow if a) he is larger than the female, b) the female is wandering (a sign of physiological receptivity) prior to the “directing” attempt, and c) several males attempt to “direct” the female at once. The results suggest that females are choosing mates by inciting several males to compete for them. The males which successfully “direct” the struggling females are probably the most fit males.  相似文献   
Electrophoresis of serum from 21 Xenopus species and subspecies reveals variable numbers of albumin bands. The diploid X. tropicalis has one albumin, while the tetraploid species (laevis, borealis, muelleri, clivii, fraseri, epitropicalis) have two. The octoploid species (amieti, boumbaensis, wittei, vestitus, andrei) have two to three bands, and the dodecaploid X. ruwenzoriensis has three. The molecular weight of the Xenopus albumins varies from 68 kd (in the tropicalis group) to 74 kd. The subspecies of X. laevis possess two albumins of different molecular weights (70 and 74 kd), whereas most species have only 70-kd albumins. Peptide maps have been obtained from albumin electromorphs by limited proteolysis in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gels, using S. aureus V8 protease. The peptide patterns produced by electromorphs from the same tetraploid Xenopus species generally differ from each other, suggesting that the two albumin genes contain a substantial amount of structural differences. In addition, the peptide maps are diagnostic for most tetraploid species and for some subspecies of X. laevis as well. Proteolysis of albumins from most octoploid and dodecaploid species results in patterns which are very similar to the ones produced by the electromorphs from X. fraseri. The albumins of X. vestitus differ from those of the other octoploid species. X. andrei possesses two fraseri-type and one vestitus-type albumin, which indicates that it probably originated by allopolyploidy.  相似文献   
Despite standard drug therapy, sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) remains high in heart failure (HF) patients making the sympathetic nervous system a primary drug target in the treatment of HF. Studies in rabbits with pacing-induced HF have demonstrated that statins reduce resting SNA, in part, due to reductions in reactive oxygen species (ROS). Whether these findings can be extended to the clinical setting of human HF remains unclear. We first performed a study in seven statin-na?ve HF patients (56 ± 2 yr; ejection fraction: 31 ± 4%) to determine if 1 mo of simvastatin (40 mg/day) reduces muscle SNA (MSNA). Next, to control for possible placebo effects and determine the effect of simvastatin on ROS, a double-blinded, placebo-controlled crossover design study was performed in six additional HF patients (51 ± 3 yr; ejection fraction: 22 ± 4%), and MSNA, ROS, and superoxide were measured. We tested the hypothesis that statin therapy decreases resting MSNA in HF patients and this would be associated with reductions in ROS. In study 1, simvastatin reduced resting MSNA (75 ± 5 baseline vs. 65 ± 5 statin bursts/100 heartbeats; P < 0.05). Likewise, in study 2, simvastatin also decreased resting MSNA (59 ± 5 placebo vs. 45 ± 6 statin bursts/100 heartbeats; P < 0.05). In addition, statin therapy significantly reduced total ROS and superoxide. As expected, cholesterol was reduced after simvastatin. Collectively, these findings indicate that short-term statin therapy concomitantly reduces resting MSNA and total ROS and superoxide in HF patients. Thus, in addition to lowering cholesterol, statins may also be beneficial in reducing sympathetic overactivity and oxidative stress in HF patients.  相似文献   
During hibernation at ambient temperatures (T(a)) above 0 degrees C, rodents typically maintain body temperature (T(b)) approximately 1 degrees C above T(a), reduce metabolic rate, and suspend or substantially reduce many physiological functions. We tested the extent to which the presence of an insulative pelage affects hibernation. T(b) was recorded telemetrically in golden-mantled ground squirrels (Spermophilus lateralis) housed at a T(a) of 5 degrees C; food intake and body mass were measured at regular intervals throughout the hibernation season and after the terminal arousal. Animals were subjected to complete removal of the dorsal fur or a control procedure after they had been in hibernation for 3-4 wk. Shaved squirrels continued to hibernate with little or no change in minimum T(b), bout duration, duration of periodic normothermic bouts, and food intake during normothermia. Rates of rewarming from torpor were, however, significantly slower in shaved squirrels, and rates of body mass loss were significantly higher, indicating increased depletion of white adipose energy stores. An insulative pelage evidently conserves energy over the course of the hibernation season by decreasing body heat loss and reducing energy expenditure during periodic arousals from torpor and subsequent intervals of normothermia. This prolongs the hibernation season by several weeks, thereby eliminating the debilitating consequences associated with premature emergence from hibernation.  相似文献   
Inducible synthesis of extracellular pectate lyase occurs in Erwinia carotovora, a bacterial soft-rot pathogen of plants, and, to a lesser extent, in a nonpathogenic isolate of Pseudomonas fluorescens. A combination of pectin and a heat-labile factor in fresh potato tissue or acetone powders of the tissue provided the best carbon source for induction. Yields of inducible pectate lyase were much greater than those usually reported. The pathogen, but not the saprophyte, produced a small amount of constitutive enzyme when grown on glucose. The relatively low level or absence of constitutive synthesis in these bacteria did not result from catabolite repression. Attempts were made to relieve any existing catabolite repression by restricting growth through slow feeding of glucose or by growing the organisms on glycerol. These conditions did not significantly alter the differential rate of lyase synthesis compared with changes observed in the presence of inducers. Previous growth history did not affect induction in the pathogen. However, P. fluorescens previously cultured on glucose required 10 to 20 generations of growth on inducing medium before appreciable lyase synthesis occurred. Differences between the pathogen and nonpathogen suggest that regulation of pectate lyase synthesis is related to pathogenicity of soft-rot bacteria.  相似文献   
The liver is responsible for the clearance and metabolism of unconjugated bilirubin, the hydrophobic end-product of heme catabolism. Although several putative bilirubin transporters have been described, it has been alternatively proposed that bilirubin enters the hepatocyte by passive diffusion through the plasma membrane. In order to elucidate the mechanism of bilirubin uptake, we measured the rate of bilirubin transmembrane diffusion (flip-flop) using stopped-flow fluorescence techniques. Unconjugated bilirubin rapidly diffuses through model phosphatidylcholine vesicles, with a first-order rate constant of 5.3 s-1 (t(1)/(2) = 130 ms). The flip-flop rate is independent of membrane cholesterol content, phospholipid acyl saturation, and lipid packing, consistent with thermodynamic analyses demonstrating minimal steric constraint to bilirubin transmembrane diffusion. The coincident decrease in pH of the entrapped vesicle volume supports a mechanism whereby the bilirubin molecule crosses the lipid bilayer as the uncharged diacid. Transport of bilirubin by native rat hepatocyte membranes exhibits kinetics comparable with that in model vesicles, suggesting that unconjugated bilirubin crosses cellular membranes by passive diffusion through the hydrophobic lipid core. In contrast, there is no demonstrable flip-flop of bilirubin diglucuronide or bilirubin ditaurate in phospholipid vesicles, yet these compounds rapidly traverse isolated rat hepatocyte membranes, confirming the presence of a facilitated uptake system(s) for hydrophilic bilirubin conjugates.  相似文献   
Timing of daily torpor was assessed in suprachiasmatic nucleus-ablated (SCNx) and sham-ablated Siberian hamsters fed restricted amounts of food each day either in the light or dark phase of a 14:10 light-dark cycle. Eighty-five percent of sham-ablated and 45% of SCNx hamsters displayed a preferred hour for torpor onset. In each group, time of torpor onset was not random but occurred at a mean hour that differed significantly from chance. Time of food presentation almost completely accounted for the timing of torpor onset in SCNx animals and significantly affected timing of this behavior in intact hamsters. These results suggest that the circadian pacemaker in the SCN controls the time of torpor onset indirectly by affecting timing of food intake, rather than by, or in addition to, direct neural and humoral outputs to relevant target tissues.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Methanol administered to C57BL/6J mice during gastrulation causes severe craniofacial dysmorphology. We describe dysmorphogenesis, cell death, cell cycle assessment, and effects on development of cranial ganglia and nerves observed following administration of methanol to pregnant C57BL/6J mice on gestation day (GD) 7. METHODS: Mice were injected (i.p.) on GD 7 with 0, 2.3, 3.4, or 4.9 gm/kg methanol, split into two doses. In embryos of mice treated with 0 or 4.9 gm/kg methanol, we used histology and LysoTracker red staining on GD 8 0 hr through GD 8 18 hr to examine cell death and dysmorphogenesis, and we also evaluated cell-cycle distribution and proliferation using flow cytometry (FCM) and BrdU immunohistochemistry. On GD 10, we evaluated the effect of GD 7 exposure to 0, 2.3, 3.4, or 4.9 gm/kg methanol on cranial ganglia and nerve development using neurofilament immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Methanol treatment on GD 7 resulted in reduced mesenchyme surrounding the fore- and midbrain, and in the first branchial arches, by GD 8 12 hr. There were disruptions in the forebrain neuroepithelium and optic pit. Neural crest cell emigration from the mid- and hindbrain region was reduced in methanol-exposed embryos. Methanol had no apparent effect on BrdU incorporation or cell-cycle distribution on GD 8. Cell death was observed in the hindbrain region along the path of neural crest migration and in the trigeminal ganglion on GD 8 18 hr. Development of the cranial ganglia and nerves was adversely affected by methanol. Development of ganglia V, VIII, and IX was decreased at all dosage levels; ganglion VII was reduced at 3.4 and 4.9 gm/kg, and ganglion X was reduced at 4.9 gm/kg. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that gastrulation-stage methanol exposure affects neural crest cells and the anterior mesoderm and neuroepithelium. Cell death was evident in areas of migrating neural crest cells, but only at time points after methanol was cleared from the embryo, suggesting an indirect effect on these cells. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2004. Published 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Brief exposure to some pesticides, applied during a sensitive window for the neural regulation of ovulation, will block the preovulatory surge of LH and, thus, delay ovulation. Previously, we have shown that a single i.p. injection of 50 mg/kg of thiram, a dithiocarbamate fungicide that decreases norepinephrine synthesis, on proestrus (1300 h) suppresses the LH surge and delays ovulation for 24 h without altering the number of oocytes released. However, when bred, the treated dams had a decreased litter size and increased postimplantation loss. We hypothesized that the reduced litter size in thiram-delayed rats was a consequence of altered oocyte function arising from intrafollicular oocyte aging. To test this hypothesis, we examined delayed oocytes, zygotes, and 2-cell embryos for evidence of fertilization and polyspermy. In addition, we used confocal laser-scanning microscopy to evaluate and characterize cortical granule localization in oocytes and release in zygotes, because the cortical granule response is a major factor in the normal block to polyspermy. Our results demonstrate that a thiram-induced, 24-h delay in ovulation alters the fertilizability of the released oocyte. Although no apparent morphological differences were observed in the unfertilized mature oocytes released following the thiram-induced delay, the changes observed following breeding include a significant decrease in the percentage of fertilized oocytes, a significant increase in polyspermic zygotes (21%), and a 10-fold increase in the number of supernumerary sperm in the perivitelline space. Importantly, all the polyspermic zygotes exhibited an abnormal pattern of cortical granule exudate, suggestive of a relationship between abnormal cortical reaction and the polyspermy in the delayed zygotes. Because polyspermy is associated with polyploidy, abnormal development, and early embryonic death, the observed polyspermy could explain the abnormal development and decreased litter size that we observed previously following thiram-delayed ovulation.  相似文献   
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