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Homomorphic self-incompatibility (SI) evolved in many plant families to enforce selfing avoidance, and is controlled by a single multiallelic locus (the S-locus). In a fragmented landscape, strong variation in population size and in local density is expected to cause strong variation in allelic diversity at the S-locus, which could generate an Allee effect on female reproductive success by constraining compatible pollen availability. In this experimental study, we aimed at detecting this SI-specific Allee effect (or S-Allee effect) in the endangered species Biscutella neustriaca. We demonstrated the occurrence of a SI mating system in the species and determined compatibility relationships among genotypes through a large set of controlled pollinations. For the experiment, we chose three different pollen receptor genotypes, each compatible with respectively 100, 75 and 25% of four other genotypes, which constituted the pollen sources. We placed different ramets of each receptor at different distances from the pollen sources to control for pollen limitation due to low local density, and we measured the seed set on each receptor plant three times consecutively. Analyses performed with generalized linear mixed models showed that both the distance to the pollen sources and the mate availability due to SI had a significant effect on seed set, with a strong reduction observed when mate availability was limited to 25%. Our results suggest that pollen limitation due to a restriction in compatible mate availability could occur in small or scattered populations exhibiting low allelic diversity at the S-locus.  相似文献   
Landscape diversity slows the spread of an invasive forest pest species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to the associational resistance hypothesis, diverse habitats provide better resistance to biological invasions than monocultures. Host‐plant abundance has been shown to affect the range expansion of invasive pests, but the effect of landscape diversity (i.e. density of host/non‐host patches and diversity of forest habitat patches) on invasions remains largely untested. We used boundary displacement models and boosted regression tree analyses to investigate the effects of landscape diversity on the invasion of Corsica by the maritime pine bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi over an 18‐yr period. Taking the passive wind dispersal of the scale into account, we showed that open habitats and connectivity between host patches accelerated spread by up to 13%, whereas landscapes with high tree diversity and a high density of non‐host trees decreased scale spread by up to 14%. We suggest a new mechanism for such associational resistance to pest invasion at the landscape level, which we term ‘the pitfall effect’.  相似文献   
Beticolins are toxins produced by the fungus Cercospora beticola. Using beticolin 0 (B0), we have produced a strong and Mg2+-dependent increase in the membrane conductance of Arabidopsis protoplasts and Xenopus oocytes. In protein-free artificial bilayers, discrete deflexions of current were observed (12 pS unitary conductance in symmetrical 100 mM KCl) in the presence of B0 (approximately 10 μM) and in the presence of nominal Mg2+. Addition of 50 μM Mg2+ induced a macroscopic current which could be reversed to single channel current by chelating Mg2+ with EDTA. Both unitary and macroscopic currents were ohmic. The increase in conductance of biological membranes triggered by B0 is therefore likely to originate from the ability of this toxin to organize itself into transmembrane pores in the presence of Mg2+. The pore is poorly selective, displaying permeability ratios PCl/PK, PNa/PK and PCa/PK close to 0.3, 0.65 and 0.4, respectively. Such channel-like activity could be involved in the deleterious biological activity of the toxin, by causing the collapse of ionic and electrical gradients through biological membranes together with Ca2+ influx and scrambling of cellular signals.  相似文献   
G-quadruplexes are nucleic acid secondary structures for which many biological roles have been proposed but whose existence in vivo has remained elusive. To assess their formation, highly specific G-quadruplex ligands are needed. Here, we tested Phen-DC3 and Phen-DC6, two recently released ligands of the bisquinolinium class. In vitro, both compounds exhibit high affinity for the G4 formed by the human minisatellite CEB1 and inhibit efficiently their unwinding by the yeast Pif1 helicase. In vivo, both compounds rapidly induced recombination-dependent rearrangements of CEB1 inserted in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, but did not affect the stability of other tandem repeats lacking G-quadruplex forming sequences. The rearrangements yielded simple-deletion, double-deletion or complex reshuffling of the polymorphic motif units, mimicking the phenotype of the Pif1 inactivation. Treatment of Pif1-deficient cells with the Phen-DC compounds further increased CEB1 instability, revealing additional G4 formation per cell. In sharp contrast, the commonly used N-methyl-mesoporphyrin IX G-quadruplex ligand did not affect CEB1 stability. Altogether, these results demonstrate that the Phen-DC bisquinolinium compounds are potent molecular tools for probing the formation of G-quadruplexes in vivo, interfere with their processing and elucidate their biological roles.  相似文献   
Male songbirds assess their rivals by listening to their songs and, in some species, are especially sensitive to certain parts of the song. Yellowhammers (Emberiza citrinella) sing songs with different structures consisting of an initial phrase of stereotyped and repeated notes in a trill, and a terminal phrase, present or not, which consists of low or high frequency whistles that we called elements. We analyzed 1,055 songs from 25 different males and found that four different structures could be distinguished in a French Yellowhammer population. We found that the frequency ranges of the elements were more constant across individuals than the ranges of the notes, and among them, the low frequency element was nearly twice as conserved as the high frequency element. Then, in the wild, we tested the territorial responses of males to the four different structures and found that the full song structure, which is composed of the initial phrase followed by a high frequency element and a low frequency element, induced stronger territory defence responses from the males than any of the other structures. As only the structure containing the initial phrase and the low frequency element also induced a strong response, we propose that the main element responsible for the enhanced reaction of the males is the low frequency element, which is consistent with the fact that it is more conserved than the other constituents.  相似文献   
Amongst the nine voltage-gated K(+) channel (Kv) subunits expressed in Arabidopsis, AtKC1 does not seem to form functional Kv channels on its own, and is therefore said to be silent. It has been proposed to be a regulatory subunit, and to significantly influence the functional properties of heteromeric channels in which it participates, along with other Kv channel subunits. The mechanisms underlying these properties of AtKC1 remain unknown. Here, the transient (co-)expression of AtKC1, AKT1 and/or KAT1 genes was obtained in tobacco mesophyll protoplasts, which lack endogenous inward Kv channel activity. Our experimental conditions allowed both localization of expressed polypeptides (GFP-tagging) and recording of heterologously expressed Kv channel activity (untagged polypeptides). It is shown that AtKC1 remains in the endoplasmic reticulum unless it is co-expressed with AKT1. In these conditions heteromeric AtKC1-AKT1 channels are obtained, and display functional properties different from those of homomeric AKT1 channels in the same context. In particular, the activation threshold voltage of the former channels is more negative than that of the latter ones. Also, it is proposed that AtKC1-AKT1 heterodimers are preferred to AKT1-AKT1 homodimers during the process of tetramer assembly. Similar results are obtained upon co-expression of AtKC1 with KAT1. The whole set of data provides evidence that AtKC1 is a conditionally-targeted Kv subunit, which probably downregulates the physiological activity of other Kv channel subunits in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
The analysis of genetic structure is an important tool for the management of harvested and threatened species. Individual clustering methods and tests of Isolation by Distance (IBD) are currently used in this context. They have been applied to the red coral Corallium rubrum but some questions remained due to contrasted results among studies and limits in their interpretations. In this study, we used simulated and empirical data for a better understanding of the genetic structure in this species. We tested the impact of IBD between demes, sampling scheme and of clustering methods (BAPS, STRUCTURE or DAPC) on the inferred structure. By matching simulated scenarios to the empirical data, we first confirm that the genetic structure of the red coral is characterized by a combination between IBD and weak genetic breaks. Then, we demonstrate how the sampling scheme influences the results of the clustering methods. We also reveal the contrasted efficiencies of these methods to recover real demes or groups of demes in a context of IBD. Overall, our study underline the interest of comparing the results of different clustering methods and of using simulated data for interpreting empirical genetical data.  相似文献   
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