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It has been proposed that monkeys direct grooming to high-ranking individuals in an attempt to obtain agonistic support in return. But whether these two categories of interactions are causally related has proven difficult to establish. Part of the problem stems from the fact that in stable groups social relationships reflect an equilibrium state and that behaviors need only be performed at low rates and long intervals to maintain the current social structure. In theory, however, if affiliative and supportive interactions are indeed causally related, it should be possible to accentuate their temporal relation, hence their causal dynamics. For example, destabilizing dominance relations can be expected to induce competition for status and force individuals to deploy behavioral tactics for settling new rank relations. We experimentally induced rank reversals in a captive group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) composed of three matrilines (A-B-C rank order). A reversed C-A-B order composed of three individuals per matriline was maintained for 2 weeks. The results show the close temporal relation among (i) asserting one’s rank, (ii) competing for access to dominants through affiliation and interferences in affiliation, (iii) receiving support from dominants against lower-ranking individuals, and (iv) supporting dominants against subordinates. These findings are compatible with one version of the affiliation-for-support hypothesis, namely that monkeys affiliate with dominants as a way to assert their position in the hierarchy. In a functional perspective, mutual selfishness provides a better explanation than reciprocal altruism because the possibility that both groomers and supporters derive immediate net benefits cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
Thermoluminescence experiments have been carried out to study the effect of a transmembrane proton gradient on the recombination properties of the S2 and S3 states of the oxygen evolving complex with QA - and QB -, the reduced electron acceptors of Photosystem II. We first determined the properties of the S2QA - (Q band), S2QB - and S3QB - (B bands) recombinations in the pH range 5.5 to 9.0, using uncoupled thylakoids. The, a proton gradient was created in the dark, using the ATP-hydrolase function of ATPases, in coupled unfrozen thylakoids. A shift towards low temperature of both Q and B bands was observed to increase with the magnitude of the proton gradient measured by the fluorescence quenching of 9-aminoacridine. This downshift was larger for S3QB - than for S2QB - and it was suppressed by nigericin, but not by valinomycin. Similar results were obtained when a proton gradient was formed by photosystem I photochemistry. When Photosystem II electron transfer was induced by a flash sequence, the reduction of the plastoquinone pool also contributed to the downshift in the absence of an electron acceptor. In leaves submitted to a flash sequence above 0°C, a downshift was also observed, which was supressed by nigericin infiltration. Thus, thermoluminescence provides direct evidence on the enhancing effect of lumen acidification on the S3S2 and S2S1 reverse-transitions. Both reduction of the plastoquinone pool and lumen acidification induce a shift of the Q and B bands to lower temperature, with a predominance of lumen acidification in non-freezing, moderate light conditions.Abbreviations 9-AA 9-aminoacridine - EA activation energy - F0 constant fluorescence level - FM maximum fluorescence, when all PS-II centers are closed - FV variable fluorescence (FM–F0) - PS I, PS II Photosystem I, photosystem II - PQ plastoquinone - TL thermoluminescence  相似文献   
Phosphorus exchange at the sediment-water interface coupled with several parameters were assessed in several reservoirs with geologically different catchment basins and different trophic status in Morocco and France.The results showed that these exchanges were regulated by a combination of factors: physical chemical variability of the environment, the geological composition of catchment basins and the trophic status of the lake.In the hypereutrophic Villerest, iron-bound phosphorus is the major form of phosphorus trapped by the sediment whereas, in Moroccan reservoirs, calcium-bound phosphorus prevailed.We suggest that a drastic control of phosphorus inputs into the waters must be done through a large program of dephosphatization of tributaries to avoid Microcystis aeruginosa bloom formation in Villerest (Aleya et al., 1993) and calcium-bound phosphorus dissociation in Moroccan reservoirs with upward release of bioavailable phosphorus.
Résumé Les échanges de phosphore au niveau de l'interface eau-sédiment couplés á la distribution temporelle de divers éléments chimiques et biologiques ont été étudiés dans divers réservoirs de niveaux trophiques différents, au Maroc et en France.Nos résultats mettent clairement en évidence une influence directe de l'environnement physico-chimique, de la nature géologique des bassins versants et de l'état trophique du lac sur la dynamique du phosphore au sein de cette interface.De plus, il apparait que dans le lac hypereutrophe de Villerest (Roanne, France), le phosphore est majoritairement complexé au fer alors que dans les retenues marocaines, ce sont les complexes phosphore-calcium qui prédominent.Nous préconisons un contrôle drastique des apports en phosphore á travers l'installation et la multiplication d'unités de déphosphatation afin d'éviter d'une part, la prolifération massive de la Cyanobactérie Microcystis aeruginosa á Villetest (Aleya et al., 1994) et d'autre part la dissociation des complexes phhosphore-calcium au sein des retenues marocaines avec libération de phosphore biodisponible.
Transgenic chicory plants were obtained from different explantsco-cultured with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Among tap-root,leaf and cotyledonary tissues, etiolated cotyledons showed thegreatest competence for transformation. The Agrobacterium strainsused contained either pGSGLUC1 or pTDE4 as a vector which carryboth the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene (nptll) for kanamycinresistance and ß-glucuronidase gene (uidA) under thecontrol of different promoters. Transformation was confirmedby NPTII enzymatic assay, histochemical analysis of GUS activityand DNA hybridization. Transgenic plants expressed both markergenes in root and shoot tissues. In leaves, GUS activity wasexpressed in all tissue types, whatever the nature of the promoter.Nevertheless, variable heterogeneous patterns of expressionwere observed in the different root tissues. Differential expression of the GUS fusions controlled by thedual TR or the CaMV 35S promoters are discussed. Key words: Chicory, genetic transformation, GUS activity, kanamycin resistance  相似文献   
Abstract: We investigated the effect of the adenosine receptor agonist 5'-( N -ethylcarboxamido)adenosine (NECA) in catecholamine secretion from adrenal chromaffin cells that exhibit only the A2b subtype adenosine receptor. NECA reduced catecholamine release evoked by the nicotinic agonist 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium (DMPP) in a time-dependent manner. Inhibition reached 25% after 30–40-min exposure to NECA. This effect on DMPP-evoked catecholamine secretion was mirrored by a similar (27.7 ± 3.3%), slowly developing inhibition of [Ca2+]i transients induced by DMPP that peaked at 30-min preincubation with NECA. The capacity of the chromaffin cells to buffer Ca2+ load was not affected by the treatment with NECA. Short-term treatment with NECA failed both to modify [Ca2+]i levels and to increase endogenous diacylglycerol production, showing that NECA does not activate the intracellular Ca2+/protein kinase C signaling pathway. The inhibitory effects of NECA were accompanied by a 30% increase of protein phosphatase activity in chromaffin cell cytosol. We suggest that dephosphorylation of a protein involved in DMPP-evoked Ca2+ influx pathway (e.g., L-type Ca2+ channels) could be the mechanism of the inhibitory action of adenosine receptor stimulation on catecholamine secretion from adrenal chromaffin cells.  相似文献   
De novo designed extremely simplified amphipathic basicLeuiLysj (i = 2j) peptides of 8, 9 and 15residues were synthesized to clarify the mechanism of action of naturalcytotoxic and hemolytic small proteins or peptides. They proved to havestrong hemolytic activity towards human erythrocytes which increases withpeptide length. These peptides are highly surface active and form stablepeptidic films at the air/water interface. The sensitive and efficient FTIRmodulated polarization technique (PMIRRAS) allows one to obtain in situstructural and orientational information about the peptides at theinterface. A transition of secondary structure is observed: the shorterpeptides (8 and 9 residues) adopt -sheet structures while the longerone (15 residues) is folded into an -helix. In both cases, the peptideslie with the axis parallel to the interface. Their insertion into adimyristoylphosphatidylcholine monolayer can be followed from the increasein the surface and/or pressure of the films. In the mixed films, thepeptides adopt the same structure and orientation as observed at theair/water interface. Therefore, among the same series of peptides, atransition from -sheet to -helix occurs when the length increases(roughly >10 aa), but despite this drastic change both types ofstructures result in strongly hemolytic peptides.  相似文献   
Tentoxin[cyclo-(MeAla1-Leu2-MePhe3-Gly4] is a metabolite isolated from a phytopathogenic fungusAlternaria alternata, which induces chlorosis of many plants. This potentialnatural herbicide binds specifically to the soluble part CF1of the chloroplastic coupling factor, which is a proton ATP-synthase. Theeffect of the toxin is concentration dependent: at low concentration it is apowerful inhibitor, while at higher concentration, it stimulates the enzyme.We synthesized tentoxin and we designed new analogues in order to vary thehydrophobicity on the side chain and to study the structure activityrelationships. Comparative activities suggest that it is possible toseparate inhibitory and activating effects using tentoxin analogues, showingsome evidence for the existence of two binding sites with different affinityconstant.  相似文献   
The high-molecular-mass cytochromes c (Hmcs) from the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio gigas and Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) were found to be strongly bound to the cytoplasmic membrane. After detergent solubilization they were shown to be water soluble and to be similar to those previously isolated from the soluble fractions in terms of N-terminal sequence, molecular mass, UV-visible and EPR spectroscopies. In D. gigas, higher amounts of Hmc can be obtained from the membranes than from the soluble fraction. This enabled further characterization of both cytochromes. The apparent heme reduction potentials of both Hmcs, determined at pH 7.5 through visible and EPR redox titrations, span a large range of redox potentials, approximately between 0 and –280?mV, and can be roughly divided into three groups: four to five hemes have E 0s of –30?mV to –100?mV, three to four hemes have E 0s around –170?mV, and seven to eight hemes have a lower E 0 of –250 to –280?mV. Several of these redox potentials are strongly pH dependent. Mössbauer studies of oxidized and reduced D. vulgaris Hmc show that this protein contains two high-spin hemes in both oxidation states. The rate of reduction of both Hmcs with the periplasmic hydrogenases from the corresponding organisms is extremely slow.  相似文献   
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