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Yersinia enterocolitica andY. enterocolitica-like strains were characterized by DNA relatedness. These strains formed four distinct DNA relatedness groups: (i) the 5 classical biotypes ofY. enterocolitica sensu stricto as designated by Wauters; (ii) strains that are rhamnose positive and also positive in tests for melibiose, α-methyl-d-glucoside, raffinose, and Simmons' citrate; (iii) strains that are rhamnose positive but negative in tests for melibiose, α-methyl-d-glucoside, and raffinose; (iv) sucrose-negative, Voges-Proskauer-negative, trehalose-positive strains.  相似文献   
Summary Extracellular cysteine concentrations between 0.5 and 2.5 mM resulted in death of normal but not cystinotic cells grown in Eagle's minimal essential medium containing supplemental fetal bovine serum and antibiotics. Differential cell survival was determined by viable cell counting using Trypan Blue dye exclusion. In cocultivation experiments of [3H]thymidine-labelled cystinotic fibroblasts with nonradioactive normal fibroblasts, autoradiography confirmed the selective survival of cystinotic cells in medium containing 1 mM cysteine. At this concentration of 1 mM cysteine, intracellular cystine content increased slightly in surviving normal cells but not in cystinotic cells, which normally contain a high level of intracellular cystine. This comparative resistance of cystinotic fibroblasts to elevated extracellular cysteine concentrations forms the basis for an in vitro selective system for these mutant human cells. Further exploration of this resistance phenomenon may well expand the understanding of the molecular defect in cystinotic cells.  相似文献   
Honeybees affected by a disorder resembling the classical May disease in southwestern France contained numerous helical, motile organisms in their digestive tracts and hemolymph. Two strains of the organism (B31 and B39) were cultured and triply cloned in the BSR spiroplasma medium. The electrophoretic patterns of spiroplasmal proteins in 1 - and 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gels were similar to those of group IV spiroplasmas F1 and F2, cultured previously from flower surfaces in France. The organism could be introduced into adult bees by injection or food ingestion at various stages after emergence. Agent administered by either route multiplied to high titers in the hemolymph and killed the bees. Both multiplication and the induced lethal effect of the agent could be prevented by tetracycline but not penicillin. Spiroplasmas that were nearly identical to the B31 and B39 strains were also recovered from the surface of flowers collected within the area visited by the bees from the diseased hives.  相似文献   
Summary An alternative approach to the regeneration of coenzymes using immobilized hydrogen dehydrogenase (hydrogenase) is described. Hydrogenase isolated from Alcaligenes Eutrophus was immobilized to porous glass particles and used in combination with alanine dehydrogenase for formation of alanine, while the NADH consumed was regenerated by molecular hydrogen. Different physical arrangements of the two enzymes were compared. Alanine was conveniently assayed with a specially designed enzyme thermistor method.  相似文献   
Pretreatment of pigeon erythrocyte membrane vesicles with amino acids, ATP, GTP, Pi and some other simple cell constituents (singly and in combination) causes an increase in ATP-dependent Ca2+-uptake activity of vesicles upon subsequent incubation with 45Ca2+ after removal of the above agents from the ‘i’ face. Amino acids augment the stimulation by all stimulatory agents and are required for stimulation by Pi. The effects of amino acids, ATP, GTP and Pi all occur at physiological concentrations. Many if not all of the effects of the mixture of amino acids that occur naturally in the cells can be accounted for by the group transported by the ‘ASC’ transport system of Christensen (Christensen H.N. (1975) Biological Transport, 2nd edn., W.A. Benjamin, Inc., Reading, MA), but not by any single amino acid at its physiological concentration. The effects of ATP and GTP are not mimicked by their non-hydrolysable β, γ-imido analogues nor by the corresponding 3′, 5′-cyclic monophosphates. None of the effects described appears to involve calmodulin. We suggest that amino acid transport plays a role in metabolic regulation through effects on cell [Ca2+]. Analogous effects on cell [Ca2+] may be involved in the action of the many hormones which augment amino acid accumulation by the ‘A’ amino acid transport system.  相似文献   
The substitution pattern of the water-soluble l-arabino-(4-O-methyl-d-glucurono)-d-xylan from redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) has been studied by enzymic degradation. Exhaustive hydrolysis by an endo-xylanase (EC from a Basidiomycete Sporotrichum dimorphosporum left a residue accounting for 20% of the original d-xylan. In the dialyzable material, oligosaccharides having arabinose or 4-O-methylglucuronic acid residues attached to the non-reducing d-xylosyl end-group of xylobiose or xylotriose, respectively, were the smallest branched oligomers released. Action of the xylanase appears to involve a region of the polysaccharide backbone having three xylosyl residues. A mode of action is proposed that requires unsubstituted hydroxyl groups at C-2, C-3, and C-2′ of a xylobiosyl residue. The binding site seems to correspond to a shallow cavity. The composition and structure of the final residue of attack shows that the enzyme has no action when the xylosyl residues branched through O-2 are separated by only one, unsubstituted xylose residue. This pattern of action, the nature of the dialyzable products, and the production of a final residue in which the substituents are accumulated, suggest that the arabinosyl and glucosyl-uronic groups are irregularly distributed on the main chain of the xylan from redwood and that in some regions they are in close vicinity when not actually on adjacent xylosyl residues.  相似文献   
Meiotic prophase in Sordaria humana has been analyzed by three-dimensional reconstructions of 3 leptotene, 2 zygotene, 10 pachytene and 3 diplotene nuclei. Several notable features emerged. The lateral components of the synaptonemal complexes (SC) are hollow tubes which show dilations of variable sizes from late leptotene to early diplotene. These bulges occur before pairing. Their number decreases as soon as the SC are completely formed, but their mean size increases. Bulges can be present in all parts of the lateral components including telomeres and nucleolar organizer region, but their distribution along bivalents is not random. The remarkably uniform width of the SC central region, normally observed in other species is not observed in S. humana. Although as a general rule the bulges rarely affect the homologous components at identical sites, they often either fill or partially cover the central region. The recombination nodules are not clearly connected with the bulges. This work provides also additional insight into the development of both SC and the nodules. At late leptotene, the homologues are aligned before SC formation. One case of interlocking has been observed at early pachytene. Nodules are present from zygotene to diplotene. They are not evenly distributed along the bivalents during pachytene. The mean number of nodules, constant from late pachytene to diplotene, is equal to the mean number of chiasmata.  相似文献   
Amino acid deprivation of chick embryo cells enhances the synthesis of four proteins whose molecular weights are approx. 89000, 73000, 35000 and 27000. This enhancement, which is seen in medium completely free of amino acids, can be prevented by the addition of any single amino acid. Furthermore, in the absence of amino acids in the medium, DNA and RNA synthesis is markedly inhibited, an effect which is similarly prevented by the addition of single amino acids. These new proteins synthesized in the amino acid-free medium co-migrate on one-dimensional gels with the ‘stress proteins’ induced by a variety of agents such as heavy metals, sulfhydryl reagents, heat shock, and amino acid analogues.  相似文献   
This report that (1) cells mediating NK activity in different inbred mouse strains selectively express one of two allelic products specified by theLy-5 locus (or a locus tightly linked to it) and (2) this surface structure may directly contribute to NK-mediated cytolysis, since Ly 5 antiserum specifically inhibits NK activity in vitro in the absence of complement.  相似文献   
The antibody response to a threshold dose (10) of SE was studied in the High responder line (H) and the Low responder line (L) of mice obtained by bidirectional selective breeding for the character quantitative agglutinin response to an optimal dose of SE, and in interline hybrids: F1, F1 and both backcrosses. Whereas the interline difference in agglutinin responses at the optimal dose is due to the additive effect of about ten independently segregating loci, one of which isH-2 linked, the responsiveness to the threshold dose is determined by the effect of two loci. The direction of the dominance effect also varies with the antigen dose: high responsiveness is partially dominant at the optimal dose while at the threshold dose nonresponder character is partially dominant. The role of theH-2 linked locus was investigated. It has been demonstrated that on an identical background (equivalent to that of F1 hybrids) this locus is responsible for 12% of the interline difference at the optimal antigen dose, and for 61% at the threshold antigen dose. For the two antigen doses, the quantitative effect of theH-2 locus is in agreement with the estimate of the number of loci obtained by variance analysis. The intervention of a second gene, non-H-2 linked, in the regulation of responsiveness to 106 SE is demonstrated by appropriate assortative matings. The interaction between the two genes is discussed.  相似文献   
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