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The genus Abies has a complex history in southern México and Guatemala. In this region, four closely related species, Abies flinckii , A. guatemalensis , A. hickelii , and A. religiosa , are distributed in fragmented and isolated montane populations. Range-wide genetic variation was investigated across species using cytoplasmic DNA markers with contrasted inheritance. Variation at two maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA markers was low. All species shared two of the nine mitotypes detected, while the remaining seven mitochondrial DNA types were restricted to a few isolated stands. Mitochondrial genetic differentiation across taxa was high ( G ST = 0.933), it was not related to the taxonomic identity ( amova ; P  > 0.05) of the populations, and it was not phylogeographically structured ( G ST ≈  N ST). In contrast, variation at three paternally inherited chloroplast DNA microsatellites was high. Chloroplast genetic differentiation was lower ( G ST = 0.402; R ST = 0.547) than for mitochondrial DNA, but it was significantly related to taxonomy ( amova ; P  < 0.001), and exhibited a significant phylogeographical structure ( G ST <  R ST). Different analyses of population structure indicated that A. flinckii was the most divergent taxon, while the remaining three species formed a relatively homogeneous group. However, a small number of the populations of these three taxa, all located at the limits of their respective ranges or in the Transverse Volcanic Belt, diverged from this main cluster. These trends suggest that the Mesoamerican Abies share a recent common ancestor and that their divergence and speciation is mainly driven by genetic drift and isolation during the warm interglacial periods.  相似文献   
The relative importance of contemporary and historical processes is central for understanding biodiversity patterns. While several studies show that past conditions can partly explain the current biodiversity patterns, the role of history remains elusive. We reconstructed palaeo‐drainage basins under lower sea level conditions (Last Glacial Maximum) to test whether the historical connectivity between basins left an imprint on the global patterns of freshwater fish biodiversity. After controlling for contemporary and past environmental conditions, we found that palaeo‐connected basins displayed greater species richness but lower levels of endemism and beta diversity than did palaeo‐disconnected basins. Palaeo‐connected basins exhibited shallower distance decay of compositional similarity, suggesting that palaeo‐river connections favoured the exchange of fish species. Finally, we found that a longer period of palaeo‐connection resulted in lower levels of beta diversity. These findings reveal the first unambiguous results of the role played by history in explaining the global contemporary patterns of biodiversity.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a generic approach that can be used to infer how subjects make optimal decisions under uncertainty. This approach induces a distinction between a subject's perceptual model, which underlies the representation of a hidden "state of affairs" and a response model, which predicts the ensuing behavioural (or neurophysiological) responses to those inputs. We start with the premise that subjects continuously update a probabilistic representation of the causes of their sensory inputs to optimise their behaviour. In addition, subjects have preferences or goals that guide decisions about actions given the above uncertain representation of these hidden causes or state of affairs. From a Bayesian decision theoretic perspective, uncertain representations are so-called "posterior" beliefs, which are influenced by subjective "prior" beliefs. Preferences and goals are encoded through a "loss" (or "utility") function, which measures the cost incurred by making any admissible decision for any given (hidden) state of affair. By assuming that subjects make optimal decisions on the basis of updated (posterior) beliefs and utility (loss) functions, one can evaluate the likelihood of observed behaviour. Critically, this enables one to "observe the observer", i.e. identify (context- or subject-dependent) prior beliefs and utility-functions using psychophysical or neurophysiological measures. In this paper, we describe the main theoretical components of this meta-Bayesian approach (i.e. a Bayesian treatment of Bayesian decision theoretic predictions). In a companion paper ('Observing the observer (II): deciding when to decide'), we describe a concrete implementation of it and demonstrate its utility by applying it to simulated and real reaction time data from an associative learning task.  相似文献   
Species distributions are often constrained by climatic tolerances that are ultimately determined by evolutionary history and/or adaptive capacity, but these factors have rarely been partitioned. Here, we experimentally determined two key climatic niche traits (desiccation and cold resistance) for 92–95 Drosophila species and assessed their importance for geographic distributions, while controlling for acclimation, phylogeny, and spatial autocorrelation. Employing an array of phylogenetic analyses, we documented moderate‐to‐strong phylogenetic signal in both desiccation and cold resistance. Desiccation and cold resistance were clearly linked to species distributions because significant associations between traits and climatic variables persisted even after controlling for phylogeny. We used different methods to untangle whether phylogenetic signal reflected phylogenetically related species adapted to similar environments or alternatively phylogenetic inertia. For desiccation resistance, weak phylogenetic inertia was detected; ancestral trait reconstruction, however, revealed a deep divergence that could be traced back to the genus level. Despite drosophilids’ high evolutionary potential related to short generation times and high population sizes, cold resistance was found to have a moderate‐to‐high level of phylogenetic inertia, suggesting that evolutionary responses are likely to be slow. Together these findings suggest species distributions are governed by evolutionarily conservative climate responses, with limited scope for rapid adaptive responses to future climate change.  相似文献   


Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a major cardiovascular risk factor. The electrocardiogram (ECG) has been shown to be a poor tool in detecting LVH due to cardiac and extracardiac factors. We studied the determinants and possibility of improving the test performance of the ECG in a group of Black Africans.


We studied echocardiograms and electrocardiograms of 182 Cameroonian patients among whom 113 (62.1%) were having an echocardiographic LVH. Echocardiographic LVH was defined as Left Ventricular Mass Indexed to height 2.7(LVMI)>48 g/m2.7 in men, and >44 g/m 2.7 in women or Body Surface Area ≥116 g/m2 in men, and ≥96 g/m2 in women. Test performances were calculated for 6 classic ECG criteria Sokolow-Lyon, Cornell, Cornell product, Gubner-Ungerleiger, amplitudes of R in aVL, V5 and V6.


The most sensitive criteria were Cornell (37.2%) and Sokolow-Lyon index (26.5%). The most specific criteria were Gubner (98.6%), RaVL (97.1%), RV5/V6 (95.7%) and Cornell product (94.2%). The performance of the ECG in diagnosing LVH significantly increased with the severity of LVH for Cornell index (r = 0.420, p<0.0001) and Sokolow index (r = 0.212, p = 0.002). It decreased with body habitus (r = −0.248, p = 0.001) for Sokolow-Lyon index. Cornell index was less affected (age p = 0.766; body habitus: p = 0.209). After sex-specific adjustment for BMI, Cornell BMI sensitivity increased from 37.2% to 69% (r = 0.472, p<0.0001), and Sokolow-Lyon BMI sensitivity increased from 26.5% to 58.4% (r = 0.270, p<0.001).


The test performance of the ECG in diagnosing LVH is low in this Black African population, due to extracardiac factors such as age, sex, body habitus, and cardiac factors such as LVH severity and geometry. However, this performance is improved after adjustment for extracardiac factors.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the effects of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid.H2O (NMDA) on the dopamine, glutamate and GABA release in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) by using in vivo microdialysis in rats. NMDA (100 micromol/L) perfused through the microdialysis probe evoked an increase in extracellular dopamine in the STN of the intact rat of about 170%. This coincided with significant increases in both extracellular glutamate (350%) and GABA (250%). The effect of NMDA perfusion on neurotransmitter release at the level of the STN was completely abolished by co-perfusion of the selective NMDA-receptor antagonist MK-801 (10 micromol/L), whereas subthalamic perfusion of MK-801 alone had no effect on extracellular neurotransmitter concentrations. Furthermore, NMDA induced increases in glutamate were abolished by both SCH23390 (8 micromol/L), a selective D1 antagonist, and remoxipride (4 micromol/L), a selective D2 antagonist. The NMDA induced increase in GABA was abolished by remoxipride but not by SCH23390. Perfusion of the STN with SCH23390 or remoxipride alone had no effect on extracellular neurotransmitter concentrations. The observed effects in intact animals depend on the nigral dopaminergic innervation, as dopamine denervation, by means of 6-hydroxydopamine lesioning of the substantia nigra, clearly abolished the effects of NMDA on neurotransmitter release at the level of the STN. Our work points to a complex interaction between dopamine, glutamate and GABA with a crucial role for dopamine at the level of the STN.  相似文献   
A seven-generation selection experiment comprising a selected (S) and a control (C) line was conducted with the objective of increasing the number of fertile eggs (F) of the Brown Tsaiya duck after a single artificial insemination (AI) with pooled Muscovy semen. Both lines consisted of about 20 males and 60 females since parents in each generation and each female duck was tested 3 times, at 26, 29 and 32 weeks of age. The fertile eggs were measured by candling at day 7 of incubation. The selection criterion in the S line was the BLUP animal model value for F. On average, 24.7% of the females and 15% of the males were selected. The direct responses to the selection for F, and correlated responses for the number of eggs set (Ie), the number of total dead embryos (M), the maximum duration of fertility (Dm) and the number of hatched mule ducklings (H) were measured by studying the differences across the generations of selection between the phenotypic value averages in the S and C lines. The predicted genetic responses were calculated by studying the differences between the S and C lines in averaged values of five traits of the BLUP animal model. The selection responses and the predicted responses showed similar trends. There was no genetic change for Ie. After seven generations of selection, the average selection responses per generation were 0.40, 0.33, 0.42, 0.41 genetic standard deviation units for F, M, Dm, and H respectively. Embryo viability was not impaired by this selection. For days 2–8 after AI, the fertility rates (F/Ie) were 89.2% and 63.8%, the hatchability rates (H/F) were 72.5% and 70.6%, and (H/Ie) were 64.7% and 45.1% in the S and C lines respectively. It was concluded that upward selection on the number of fertile eggs after a single AI with pooled Muscovy semen may be effective in ducks to increase the duration of the fertile period and the fertility and hatchability rates with AI once a week instead of twice a week.  相似文献   
Members of the Arenaviridae family have been isolated from mammalian hosts in disparate geographic locations, leading to their grouping as Old World types (i.e., lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus [LCMV], Lassa fever virus [LFV], Mopeia virus, and Mobala virus) and New World types (i.e., Junin, Machupo, Tacaribe, and Sabia viruses) (C. J. Peters, M. J. Buchmeier, P. E. Rollin, and T. G. Ksiazek, p. 1521-1551, in B. N. Fields, D. M. Knipe, and P. M. Howley [ed.], Fields virology, 3rd ed., 1996; P. J. Southern, p. 1505-1519, in B. N. Fields, D. M. Knipe, and P. M. Howley [ed.], Fields virology, 3rd ed., 1996). Several types in both groups-LFV, Junin, Machupo, and Sabia viruses-cause severe and often lethal human diseases. By sequence comparison, we noted that eight Old World and New World arenaviruses share several amino acids with the nucleoprotein (NP) that consists of amino acids (aa) 118 to 126 (NP 118-126) (RPQASGVYM) of LCMV that comprise the immunodominant cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitope for H-2(d) mice (32). This L(d)-restricted epitope constituted >97% of the total bulk CTLs produced in the specific antiviral or clonal responses of H-2(d) BALB mice. NP 118-126 of the Old World arenaviruses LFV, Mopeia virus, and LCMV and the New World arenavirus Sabia virus bound at high affinity to L(d). The primary H-2(d) CTL anti-LCMV response as well as that of a CTL clone responsive to LCMV NP 118-126 recognized target cells coated with NP 118-126 peptides derived from LCMV, LFV, and Mopeia virus but not Sabia virus, indicating that a common functional NP epitope exists among Old World arenaviruses. Use of site-specific amino acid exchanges in the NP CTL epitope among these arenaviruses identified amino acids involved in major histocompatibility complex binding and CTL recognition.  相似文献   
In healthy humans, a high-saturated-fat/high-sucrose meal induces vascular endothelial dysfunction, a hallmark of atherogenesis. This transient dysfunction indicates a loss in nitric oxide (NO) production and/or bioactivity in the vasculature but it remains unknown if this is the local manifestation of a general impairment in NO pathway in the postprandial state. Here, we studied whole-body NO production and systemic NO bioactivity in postprandial endothelial dysfunction, as induced by a high-saturated-fat, high-sucrose meal.We first developed a physiological test of endothelial function on conscious rats, based on the transient fall in blood pressure after iv acetylcholine, and showed that this response was NO-dependent. As assessed with this method in healthy rats, endothelial function decreased during the postprandial state, being 60 ± 7% lower than baseline at 6 h after the meal challenge, associated with important elevations in plasma triglycerides and hydroperoxides. Aortic superoxide anion production, as assessed by oxidative fluorescent detection, was higher 6 h after the meal challenge than after the nutrients vehicle (water). During the postprandial period, plasma cGMP, but not plasma ANP, markedly decreased, indicating a general decrease in NO bioavailability, which was numerically maximal 4 h after the meal challenge. As determined 4 h after ingestion by a tracer-based method using iv [15N2-(guanido)]-arginine, the whole-body NO production fell by 27 ± 9% postprandially.This is the first study evidencing that a meal challenge that impairs the stimulated, NO-mediated, vascular response also reduces whole-body basal NO production and bioavailability. Postprandial pathophysiology may build on this general, fundamental alteration in NO production.  相似文献   
Aggregative groups entail costs that must be overcome for the evolution of complex social interactions. Understanding the mechanisms that allow aggregations to form and restrict costs of cheating can provide a resolution to the instability of social evolution. Aggregation in Tetrahymena thermophila is associated with costs of reduced growth and benefits of improved survival through “growth factor” exchange. We investigated what mechanisms contribute to stable cooperative aggregation in the face of potential exploitation by less‐cooperative lines using experimental microcosms. We found that kin recognition modulates aggregative behavior to exclude cheaters from social interactions. Long‐distance kin recognition across patches modulates social structure by allowing recruitment of kin in aggregative lines and repulsion in asocial lines. Although previous studies have shown a clear benefit to social aggregation at low population densities, we found that social aggregation has very different effects at higher densities. Lower growth rates are a cost of aggregation, but also present potential benefits when restricted to kin aggregations: slow growth and crowd tolerance allow aggregations to form and permit longer persistence on ephemeral resources. Thus in highly dynamic metapopulations, kin recognition plays an important role in the formation and stability of social groups that increase persistence through cooperative consumptive restraint.  相似文献   
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