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Crk family adaptors are widely expressed and mediate the timely formation of signal transduction protein complexes upon a variety of extracellular stimuli, including various growth and differentiation factors. The window of implantation is the favorable time period when the uterus develops a receptive approach to the invading embryo. Various signaling cascades are likely to become active at the window of implantation both in the uterus and the embryo. This helps create maternal embryo dialogue leading to successful embryo implantation. In this study we report for the first time the presence and nuclear translocation of the adaptor molecule CrkL both in the uterine and embryonic partners at the window of implantation. We also report that estrogen, which initiates and guides crucial changes in the uterus and the embryo at the window of receptivity, causes a massive surge in the expression and subsequent nuclear translocation of CrkL. We have also identified the existence of one LXXLL motif in the CrkL amino acid sequence and a single LXD is sufficient for activation by the estrogen receptor. This is suggestive that CrkL can bind to estrogen receptors and act as a coactivator.  相似文献   
The Kir gene family encodes inward rectifying K+ (Kir) channels that are widespread and critical regulators of excitability in eukaryotic cells. A related gene family (KirBac) has recently been identified in prokaryotes. While a crystal structure of one member, Kir-Bac1.1, has been solved, there has been no functional characterization of any KirBac gene products. Here we present functional characterization of KirBac1.1 reconstituted in liposomes. Utilizing a 86Rb+ uptake assay, we demonstrate that KirBac1.1 generates a K+ -selective permeation path that is inhibited by extraliposomal Ba2+ and Ca2+ ions. In contrast to KcsA (an acid-activated bacterial potassium channel), KirBac1.1 is inhibited by extraliposomal acid (pKa approximately 6). This characterization of KirBac1.1 activity now paves the way for further correlation of structure and function in this model Kir channel.  相似文献   
Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent calcineurin has been shown to have important roles in various Ca(2+) signaling pathways. We have previously reported that cnb-1(jh103) mutants, null mutants of a regulatory B subunit, displayed pleiotropic defects including uncoordinated movement and delayed egg laying in Caenorhabditis elegans. Interestingly, gain-of-function mutants of a catalytic A subunit showed exactly opposite phenotypes to those of cnb-1(null) mutants providing an excellent genetic model to define calcium-mediated signaling pathway at the organism level. Furthermore, calcineurin is also important for normal cuticle formation, which is required for maintenance of normal body size in C.elegans. Genetic interactions between tax-6 and several mutants including egl-30 and egl-10, which are known to be involved in G-protein signaling pathways suggest that calcineurin indeed regulates locomotion and serotonin-mediated egg laying through goa-1(Goalpha) and egl-30(Gqalpha). Our results indicate that, along with CaMKII, calcineurin regulates G-protein-coupled phosphorylation signaling pathways in C.elegans.  相似文献   
The mode and nature of the binding of chlorpromazine (CPZ), a psychotropic drug, with milk proteins – -lactalbumin (with substantial amounts of -helix, -sheet and random coil), -lactoglobulin (a major -sheeted protein) and s-casein (a random coiled protein) have been studied spectrofluorometrically and spectropolarimetrically. The binding affinity of CPZ for unfolded proteins is comparatively less than that of folded proteins although the number of binding sites is smaller in the latter case, due to the greater extent of binding of CPZ for folded proteins. Thermodynamic analysis reveals that CPZ binds to -lactalbumin and s-casein in an endothermic (Ho is positive) and hydrophobic manner but with -lactoglobulin in an exothermic (Ho is negative) manner. Far UV Circular dichroic studies reveal that CPZ increases the secondary structure of the major -sheeted protein, -lactoglobulin possibly by increasing the relative contact orders (non-local contacts) within the residues. On the other hand, for proteins possessing random coil, it increases the unfolded state of the protein. CPZ does not affect local contacts in a-helix when its interaction is compared with a major -helical protein, myoglobin.  相似文献   
A highly specific method for the dissociation of protein dimers has been developed. The method involves exposure of the dimers to free leucine at a concentration ranging between 3 and 10 mM. Using this method it has been possible to dissociate goat uterine oestrogen receptor homodimers, heterodimers formed between the non-activated oestrogen receptor (naER) and the oestrogen receptor activation factor (E-RAF) of the goat uterus, c-jun homodimers derived from bovine bone marrow and also glucocorticoid receptor homodimers isolated from rat liver cytosol. The pattern of dimer dissociation by leucine clearly differentiates two classes of proteins. The first is represented by steroid hormone receptors where dimerization is apparently contributed by both coiled-coil dimerization interfaces and the conserved heptad repeats of leucine. The second is represented by oncoproteins like c-fos and c-jun which dimerize through the exclusive involvement of leucine zippers. The patterns of dissociation of these two groups of proteins from the concerned affinity columns are distinctly different. This indicates a possibility that the elution pattern may be used as a yardstick to determine whether two proteins dimerize through the exclusive involvement of leucine zippers or whether coiled-coil interfaces are also involved in the dimerization process.  相似文献   
A 62-kDa nuclear protein that transforms the goat uterine nonactivated estrogen receptor (naER) to nuclear estrogen receptor II (nER II) has been isolated and purified. This is being identified as the naER-transforming factor (naER-TF). The transformation is achieved through deglycosylation of the naER. It is observed that the naER-TF action on the naER introduces significant changes in the structural and functional features of the naER. The capacity of the naER to bind estradiol increases 8- to 10-fold, while its hormone binding affinity reduces to a considerable extent following its exposure to naER TF. There is a critical ratio in the concentration of the two proteins, the TF and the naER, that would ensure an optimum transformation process. The transformed naER is incapable of dimerization with the estrogen receptor activation factor (E-RAF).  相似文献   
Synthesis, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of [O-methyl-11C]dimethylamino-3(4-methoxyphenyl)-3H-pyrido[3′,2′:4,5]thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-4-one (1), a potential imaging agent for mGluR1 receptors using PET are described. Synthesis of the corresponding desmethyl precursor 2 was achieved by demethylation of the methoxyphenyl compound 1 in 90% yield. Methylation using [11C]MeOTf in presence of NaOH afforded [11C]1 in 30% yield (EOS) with >99% chemical and radiochemical purities and with a specific activity of 3–5 Ci/μmol (n = 6). The total synthesis time was 30 min from EOB. The radiotracer selectively labeled mGluR1 receptors in slide-mounted sections of postmortem human brain containing cerebellum, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and striatum as demonstrated by in vitro autoradiography using phosphor-imaging. PET studies in anesthetized baboon show that [11C]1 penetrates the BBB and accumulates in cerebellum, a region reported to have higher expression of mGluR1. These findings suggest [11C]1 is a promising PET radiotracer candidate for mGluR1.  相似文献   
Zebrafish cypher is important for somite formation and heart development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mammalian CYPHER (Oracle, KIA0613), a member of the PDZ-LIM family of proteins (Enigma/LMP-1, ENH, ZASP/Cypher, RIL, ALP, and CLP-36), has been associated with cardiac and muscular myopathies. Targeted deletion of Cypher in mice is neonatal lethal possibly caused by myopathies. To further investigate the role of cypher in development, we have cloned the zebrafish orthologue. We present here the gene, domain structure, and expression pattern of zebrafish cypher during development. Cypher was not present as a maternal mRNA and was absent during early development. Cypher mRNA was first detected at the 3-somite stage in adaxial somites, and as somites matured, cypher expression gradually enveloped the whole somite. Later, cypher expression was also found in the heart, in head and jaw musculature, and in the brain. We further identified 13 alternative spliced forms of cypher from zebrafish heart and skeletal muscle tissue, among them a very short form containing the PDZ domain but lacking the ZM (ZASP-like) motif and the LIM domains. Targeted gene knock-down experiments using cypher antisense morpholinos led to severe defects, including truncation of the embryo, deformation of somites, dilatation of the pericardium, and thinning of the ventricular wall. The phenotype could be rescued by a cypher form, which contains the PDZ domain and the ZM motif, but lacks all three LIM domains. These findings indicate that a PDZ domain protein is important for normal somite formation and in normal heart development. Treatment of zebrafish embryos with cyclopamine, which disrupts hedgehog signaling, abolished cypher expression in 9 somite and 15-somite stage embryos. Taken together, our data suggest that cypher may play a role downstream of sonic hedgehog, in a late stage of somite development, when slow muscle fibers differentiate and migrate from the adaxial cells.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is capable of blunting alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction in contracting skeletal muscles of experimental animals (functional sympatholysis). We therefore tested the hypothesis that exogenous NO administration can blunt alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction in resting human limbs by measuring forearm blood flow (FBF; Doppler ultrasound) and blood pressure in eight healthy males during brachial artery infusions of three alpha-adrenergic constrictors (tyramine, which evokes endogenous norepinephrine release; phenylephrine, an alpha1-agonist; and clonidine, an alpha2-agonist). To simulate exercise hyperemia, the vasoconstriction caused by the alpha-agonists was compared during adenosine-mediated (>50% NO independent) and sodium nitroprusside-mediated (SNP; NO donor) vasodilation of the forearm. Both adenosine and SNP increased FBF from approximately 35-40 to approximately 200-250 ml/min. All three alpha-adrenergic constrictor drugs caused marked reductions in FBF and calculated forearm vascular conductance (P < 0.05). The relative reductions in forearm vascular conductance caused by the alpha-adrenergic constrictors during SNP infusion were similar (tyramine, -74 +/- 3 vs. -65 +/- 2%; clonidine, -44 +/- 6 vs. -44 +/- 6%; P > 0.05) or slightly greater (phenylephrine, -47 +/- 6 vs. -33 +/- 6%; P < 0.05) compared with the responses during adenosine. In conclusion, these results indicate that exogenous NO sufficient to raise blood flow to levels simulating those seen during exercise does not blunt alpha-adrenergic vasoconstriction in the resting human forearm.  相似文献   
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