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Except for the role of NO in the activation of guanylate cyclase, which is well established, the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in signal transduction remains controversial, despite a large body of evidence suggestive of their participation in a variety of signaling pathways. Several problems have limited their acceptance as signaling molecules, with the major one being the difficulty in identifying the specific targets for each pathway and the chemical reactions supporting reversible oxidation of these signaling components, consistent with a second messenger role for ROS and RNS. Nevertheless, it has become clear that cysteine residues in the thiolate (i.e., ionized) form that are found in some proteins can be specific targets for reaction with H2O2 and RNS. This review focuses on the chemistry of the reversible oxidation of those thiolates, with a particular emphasis on the critical thiolate found in protein tyrosine phosphatases as an example. hydrogen peroxide; thiolate; nitrosothiol; nitric oxide; signal transduction  相似文献   
We report in this study for the first time the occurrence of bacterial spot of pepper in Iran and both phenotypic and genetic characterization of its causal agent, Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. Pepper plants grown in 15 of 30 surveyed private gardens and commercial fields were infected by the pathogen in Marand County, East Azerbaijan Province, north‐western Iran. The obtained strains of X. euvesicatoria had different amylolytic and pectolytic activities compared with those reported for this species elsewhere. Pathogenicity tests showed that strains isolated from diseased pepper are able to infect tomato, in addition to pepper. Host range of the pathogen was assessed on eight annual plant species including crops and weeds by measuring the population dynamics. The host range assessment showed that in addition to pepper and tomato, known hosts of X. euvesicatoria, the Iranian strains were able to colonize a number of new hosts such as nightshade and common bean. In contrast, none of them were able to build up their population on cowpea, eggplant, bindweed and zucchini. All X. euvesicatoria strains obtained in this study were sensitive to copper sulphate and streptomycin at concentrations higher than 20 and 50 mg/l, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses of the strains using the sequences of gyrB and hrpB genes confirmed their species as X. euvesicatoria. Given a direct commercial trade of fresh solanaceous vegetables between Iran and Turkey, it is hypothesized that the pathogen entered north‐western Iran from eastern parts of Turkey through infected plant materials. Finally, the role of prevention – based on the use of healthy planting materials and resistant and/or tolerant plant varieties – to contain the potential disease epidemics is discussed.  相似文献   
Effects of conventional endurance (CE) exercise and essential amino acid (EAA) supplementation on protein turnover are well described. Protein turnover responses to weighted endurance exercise (i.e., load carriage, LC) and EAA may differ from CE, because the mechanical forces and contractile properties of LC and CE likely differ. This study examined muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and whole-body protein turnover in response to LC and CE, with and without EAA supplementation, using stable isotope amino acid tracer infusions. Forty adults (mean ± SD, 22 ± 4 y, 80 ± 10 kg, VO2peak 4.0 ± 0.5 L∙min-1) were randomly assigned to perform 90 min, absolute intensity-matched (2.2 ± 0.1 VO2 L∙m-1) LC (performed on a treadmill wearing a vest equal to 30% of individual body mass, mean ± SD load carried 24 ± 3 kg) or CE (cycle ergometry performed at the same absolute VO2 as LC) exercise, during which EAA (10 g EAA, 3.6 g leucine) or control (CON, non-nutritive) drinks were consumed. Mixed-muscle and myofibrillar MPS were higher during exercise for LC than CE (mode main effect, P < 0.05), independent of dietary treatment. EAA enhanced mixed-muscle and sarcoplasmic MPS during exercise, regardless of mode (drink main effect, P < 0.05). Mixed-muscle and sarcoplasmic MPS were higher in recovery for LC than CE (mode main effect, P < 0.05). No other differences or interactions (mode x drink) were observed. However, EAA attenuated whole-body protein breakdown, increased amino acid oxidation, and enhanced net protein balance in recovery compared to CON, regardless of exercise mode (P < 0.05). These data show that, although whole-body protein turnover responses to absolute VO2-matched LC and CE are the same, LC elicited a greater muscle protein synthetic response than CE.  相似文献   
Responses in stomatal conductance (g st ) and leaf xylem pressure potential ( leaf ) to elevated CO2 (2x ambient) were compared among 12 tallgrass prairie species that differed in growth form and growth rate. Open-top chambers (OTCs, 4.5 m diameter, 4.0 m in height) were used to expose plants to ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations from April through November in undisturbed tallgrass prairie in NE Kansas (USA). In June and August, leaf was usually higher in all species at elevated CO2 and was lowest in adjacent field plots (without OTCs). During June, when water availability was high, elevated CO2 resulted in decreased g st in 10 of the 12 species measured. Greatest decreases in g st (ca. 50%) occurred in growth forms with the highest potential growth rates (C3 and C4 grasses, and C3 ruderals). In contrast, no significant decrease in g st was measured in the two C3 shrubs. During a dry period in September, reductions in g st at elevated CO2 were measured in only two species (a C3 ruderal and a C4 grass) whereas increased g st at elevated CO2 was measured in the shrubs and a C3 forb. These increases in g st were attributed to enhanced leaf in the elevated CO2 plants resulting from increased soil water availability and/or greater root biomass. During a wet period in September, only reductions in g st were measured in response to elevated CO2. Thus, there was significant interspecific variability in stomatal responses to CO2 that may be related to growth form or growth rate and plant water relations. The effect of growth in the OTCs, relative to field plants, was usually positive for g st and was greatest (>30%) when water availability was low, but only 6–12% when leaf was high.The results of this study confirm the importance of considering interactions between indirect effects of high CO2 of plant water relations and direct effects of elevated CO2 on g st , particularly in ecosystems such as grasslands where water availability often limits productivity. A product of this interaction is that the potential exists for either positive or negative responses in g st to be measured at elevated levels of CO2.  相似文献   
Spin-trapping techniques combined with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to measure nitric oxide (·NO) production were compared in the ischemic-reperfused myocardium for the first time, using both aqueous-soluble and lipophilic complexes of reduced iron (Fe) with dithiocarbamate derivatives. The aqueous-soluble complex of Fe and N-methyl-D-glucamine dithiocarbamate (MGD) formed MGD2-Fe-NO complex with a characteristic triplet EPR signal (aN12.5 G and giso = 2.04) at room temperature, in native isolated rat hearts following 40 min global ischemia and 15 min reperfusion. Diethyldithiocarbamate (DETC) and Fe formed in ischemic-reperfused myocardium the lipophilic DETC2-Fe-NO complex exhibiting an EPR signal (g = 2.04 and g = 2.02 at 77K) with a triplet hyperfine structure at g. Dithiocarbamate-Fe-NO complexes detected by both trapping agents were abolished by the ·NO synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Quantitatively, both trapping procedures provi ded similar values for tissue ·NO production, which were observed primarily during ischemia. Postischemic hemodynamic recovery of the heart was not affected by the trapping procedure. (Mol Cell Biochem 175: 91–97, 1997)  相似文献   
Environmental contamination and ingestion of the radionuclide Cesium-137 (137Cs) is a large concern in fallout from a nuclear reactor accident or improvised nuclear device, and highlights the need to develop biological assays for low-dose rate, internal emitter radiation. To mimic low-dose rates attributable to fallout, we have developed a VAriable Dose-rate External 137Cs irradiatoR (VADER), which can provide arbitrarily varying and progressive low-dose rate irradiations in the range of 0.1–1.2 Gy/day, while circumventing the complexities of dealing with radioactively contaminated biomaterials. We investigated the kinetics of mouse peripheral leukocytes DNA damage response in vivo after variable, low-dose rate 137Cs exposure. C57BL/6 mice were placed in the VADER over 7 days with total accumulated dose up to 2.7 Gy. Peripheral blood response including the leukocyte depletion, apoptosis as well as its signal protein p53 and DNA repair biomarker γ-H2AX was measured. The results illustrated that blood leukocyte numbers had significantly dropped by day 7. P53 levels peaked at day 2 (total dose = 0.91 Gy) and then declined; whereas, γ-H2AX fluorescence intensity (MFI) and foci number generally increased with accumulated dose and peaked at day 5 (total dose = 2.08 Gy). ROC curve analysis for γ-H2AX provided a good discrimination of accumulated dose < 2 Gy and ≥ 2 Gy, highlighting the potential of γ-H2AX MFI as a biomarker for dosimetry in a protracted, environmental exposure scenario.  相似文献   
American foulbrood (AFB) disease is caused by Paenibacillus larvae. Currently, this pathogen is widespread in the European honey bee— Apis mellifera. However, little is known about infectivity and pathogenicity of P. lan'ae in the Asiatic cavity-nesting honey bees, Apis cerana. Moreover, comparative knowledge of P. larvae infectivity and pathogenicity between both honey bee species is scarce. In this study, we examined susceptibility, larval mortality, survival rate and expression of genes encoding antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) including defensin, apidaecin, abaecin, and hymenoptaecin in A. mellifera and A. cerana when infected with P. larvae. Our results showed similar effects of P. larvae on the survival rate and patterns of AMP gene expression in both honey bee species when bee larvae are infected with spores at the median lethal concentration (LC5 0 ) for A. mellifera. All AMPs of infected bee larvae showed significant upregulation compared with noninfected bee larvae in both honey bee species. However, larvae of A. cerana were more susceptible than A. mellifera when the same larval ages and spore concentration of P. larvae were used. It also appears that A. cerana showed higher levels of AMP expression than A. mellifera. This research provides the first evidence of survival rate, LC50 and immune response profiles of Asian honey bees, A. cerana, when infected by P. larvae in comparison with the European honey bee, A. mellifera.  相似文献   
A controlled experiment was carried out in 1996–1997 to determine whether acoustic deterrent devices (pingers) reduce marine mammal bycatch in the California drift gill net fishery for swordfish and sharks. Using Fisher's exact test, bycatch rates with pingers were significantly less for all cetacean species combined ( P < 0.001) and for all pinniped species combined ( P = 0.003). For species tested separately with this test, bycatch reduction was statistically significant for short-beaked common dolphins ( P = 0.001) and California sea lions ( P = 0.02). Bycatch reduction is not statistically significant for the other species tested separately, but sample sizes and statistical power were low, and bycatch rates were lower in pingered nets for six of the eight other cetacean and pinniped species. A log-linear model relating the mean rate of entanglement to the number of pingers deployed was fit to the data for three groups: short-beaked common dolphins, other cetaceans, and pinnipeds. For a net with 40 pingers, the models predict approximately a 12-fold decrease in entanglement for short-beaked common dolphins, a 4-fold decrease for other cetaceans, and a 3-fold decrease for pinnipeds. No other variables were found that could explain this effect. The pinger experiment ended when regulations were enacted to make pingers mandatory in this fishery.  相似文献   
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