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Summary The microdistribution of diploid and tetraploid plants of Dactylis glomerata L. was examined and related to their immediate environment in several sites in central Galicia, where morphologically indistinguishable individuals of both ploidies grow in sympatry. The two related cytotypes differed in habitat preference. Diploids were mainly confined to the low-density forest-floor habitat in woodlands of mostly ancient origin, whereas tetraploids were widespread in varied habitats but clearly predominant in open areas, particularly in disturbed anthropic sites. The in situ comparison of plant performance showed that where plants of each ploidy were more common they produced more tillers, panicles and seeds. This habitat preference closely reflected differences in life-history characteristics. The tetraploids had an early and short flowering time almost always completed before the aestival drought, whereas the diploids began to flower several weeks later and flowered throughout the drought. Comparisons along artificial gradients of soil water availability and light transmittance indicated that the cytotypes had distinct physiological requirements which probably originated in metabolic and more general genetic differentiation and could be directly attributable to ploidy. Habitat differentiation increases the species' colonizing ability. It also amplifies divergence in reproductive strategy between diploids and tetraploids, which reduces ineffective crossing between cytotypes and thereby permits them to coexist in sympatry. The effect of hybridization at the polyploid level on the differentiation between cytotypes was assessed from the recent introduction of a foreign tetraploid entity into the study area. Hybridization between the two distinct tetraploids was found to increase habitat differentiation between the diploids and the tetraploids, but the major part of this differentiation is probably attributable to ploidy itself.  相似文献   
The abdominal ganglion of the mollusk Aplysia californica receives most of its blood supply through a small caudal artery that branches off the anterior aorta near its junction with the heart. Injection of an ink/gelatin mixture into the caudal artery revealed a consistent pattern of arterial branching within the ganglion and a general proximity of larger vessels to identified neurons controlling circulation in this animal. This morphological arrangement was particularly evident for the heart excitor interneuron, cell L10, which lies next to the caudal artery near its entry into the ganglion. In electrophysiological experiments, L10 was excited when blood flow or oxygen tension within the ganglion was reduced. This effect was expressed as a gradual increase in impulse frequency of L10 and conversion from tonic to bursting mode of spike discharge. L10 follower cells in the RB and LD neuron clusters were affected synaptically by the changes in L10 activity, while other follower cells (L3 and RD neurons) responded independently of L10's synaptic influence. The neurosecretory white cells (R3 to R14) that innervate the major arteries and pericardial tissues were also excited when ganglionic circulation was interrupted. In innervated preparations of the heart and respiratory organs, decreased circulation through the abdominal ganglion stimulated a transient increase in the rate and amplitude of respiratory (gill) pumping and pericardial contractions and caused a sustained increase in activity of the heart. Both responses increase cardiac output and both appear to involve a direct influence of ganglionic circulation on interneurons controlling the gill and heart. These results indicate that the cell-specific patterns of excitation and inhibition caused by fluctuations in ganglionic circulation may be important factors for maintaining circulatory homeostasis in this animal.  相似文献   
The function of a transgenic Dd class I molecule in the induction of immunologic tolerance to major histocompatibility complex antigens and in directing major histocompatibility complex restriction in C57BL/6 mice were investigated. All of the transgenic Dd mouse strains were found to be tolerant for the Dd antigen. Spleen cells from transgenic mice were immunocompetent but consistently failed to generate an anti-Dd cytotoxic T lymphocyte response in vitro, and skin grafts between transgenic Dd mice were not rejected. These data suggests that the Dd antigen was recognized as a self molecule. In addition, the transgenic Dd mice generated antigen-specific Dd-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte, indicating that the Dd antigen also functioned as a restriction element for antigen recognition. These observations demonstrate the usefulness of the transgenic mouse system for studying class I antigen expression and function.  相似文献   
Erythrocyte ghosts, prepared from the blood of rats fed zinc-deficient diets, were evaluated for membrane fluidity and surface sialic acid properties using spin-labeled probes and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. These physical parameters of the erythrocyte ghosts from the zinc-deficient group were compared to those for erythrocyte ghosts obtained from ad libitum and pair fed controls consuming zinc-adequate diets. As the animals became progressively zinc deficient, the erythrocyte ghost membranes became more fluid than those from the control groups. In addition, the apparent rotational correlation time of Tempamine spin probes on surface sialic acid residues was smaller for the zinc deficient group, indicative of an increased rotational mobility of the spin label. These results suggest that zinc deficiency can have pronounced effects on the physical state of membrane bilayer lipids and cell surface carbohydrates and supports the view that many of the pathological signs of zinc deficiency are due to a general membrane defect.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of the availabilities of water and nitrogen on water use efficiency (WUE) of plants were investigated in a sagebrush steppe. The four species studied wereArtemisia tridentata (shrub),Ceratoides lanata (suffrutescent shrub),Elymus lanceolatus (rhizomatous grass), andElymus elymoides (tussock grass). Water and nitrogen levels were manipulated in a two-by-two factorial design resulting in four treatments: control (no additions), added water, added nitrogen, and added water and nitrogen. One instantaneous and two long-term indicators of WUE were used to testa priori predictions of the ranking of WUE among treatments. The short-term indicator was the instantaneous ratio of assimilation to transpiration (A/E). The long-term measures were 1) the slope of the relationship between conductance to water vapor and maximum assimilation and 2) the carbon isotope composition (13C) of plant material. Additional water decreased WUE, whereas additional nitrogen increased WUE. For both A/E and 13C, the mean for added nitrogen alone was significantly greater than the mean for added water alone, and means for the control and added water and nitrogen fell in between. This ranking of WUE supported the hypothesis that both water and nitrogen limit plant gas exchange in this semiarid environment. The short- and long-term indicators were in agreement, providing evidence in support of theoretical models concerning the water cost of carbon assimilation.  相似文献   
Summary The putative ocellus of Mermis females consists of a hollow cylinder of dense hemoglobin pigmentation located in the anterior tip. The exact location of the photoreceptive nerve endings, however, is unknown. During phototaxis a continual bending or scanning motion of the head (anterior 2 mm) causes the orientation of the tip to swing about the direction of the source. By turning off (shuttering) the light source whenever the tip orientation was to one side of the source direction, the average orientation of the base of the head, and eventually the body orientation, was caused to be biased about 28° to the opposite side. Because the shuttering was synchronized with the scanning motion, the scanning motion must be involved in the maintenance of orientation to light. The direction of the bias rules out a two-signal comparison mechanism of orientation and demonstrates that a deviation of the tip from the source direction must decrease, rather than increase, the illumination of the photoreceptors. These findings, and the ocellar morphology, require that the photoreceptors be located inside the hollow tube of pigmentation where they can be shadowed by the pigment during deviations of the tip. Focusing by the curved anterior end should cause a similar modulation of the illumination at this location. The occasional episodes of transverse phototaxis can be explained by the leakiness of the pigment walls to transverse illumination. Analysis of the motion of the anterior in the presence and absence of shuttering indicates that the orientation of the base of the head, due to the motion of the neck, is controlled by the signals generated during one or more cycles of the scanning motion of the head. The orientation may be regulated by the phase relationship between the photoreceptor signal and putative proprioceptive signals that indicate the bending in the head.  相似文献   
Joseph Jay Tobin is Assistant Professor of Family Studies at The University of New Hampshire  相似文献   
Summary The retina of the gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) contains rods and cones in a ratio of about 23. The spectral mechanisms in this retina were examined in behavioral and electrophysiological experiments. Tests of color vision revealed that this animal has a spectral neutral point at about 500 nm and, thus, dichromatic color vision. Recordings made from single optic nerve fibers and results obtained from an analysis of the flicker photometric electroretinogram (ERG) indicated that vision in the gray squirrel is based on three spectral mechanisms. One of these, presumably rod-based, has peak sensitivity at about 502 nm. The other two mechanisms reflect the presence of two classes of cone having average peak sensitivity of about 444 nm and 543 nm.  相似文献   
Localization of two genes for Usher syndrome type I to chromosome 11.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The Usher syndromes (USH) are autosomal recessive diseases characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss and progressive pigmentary retinopathy. While relatively rare in the general population, collectively they account for approximately 6% of the congenitally deaf population. Usher syndrome type II (USH2) has been mapped to chromosome 1q (W. J. Kimberling, M. D. Weston, C. M?ller, et al., 1990, Genomics 7: 245-249; R. A. Lewis, B. Otterud, D. Stauffer, et al., 1990, Genomics 7: 250-256), and one form of Usher syndrome type I (USH1) has been mapped to chromosome 14q (J. Kaplan, S. Gerber, D. Bonneau, J. Rozet, M. Briord, J. Dufier, A. Munnich, and J. Frezal, 1990. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 58: 1988). These loci have been excluded as regions of USH genes in our data set, which is composed of 8 French-Acadian USH1 families and 11 British USH1 families. Both of these sets of families show linkage to loci on chromosome 11. Linkage analysis demonstrates locus heterogeneity between these sets of families, with the French-Acadian families showing linkage to D11S419 (Z = 4.20, theta = 0) and the British families showing linkage to D11S527 (Z = 6.03, theta = 0). Genetic heterogeneity of the data set was confirmed using HOMOG and the M test (log likelihood ratio > 10(5)). These results confirm the presence of two distinct USH1 loci on chromosome 11.  相似文献   
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