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The presence of the L1 sequences, L1Md4 next to the pseudogene beta h3 and I12 found in the twelfth intron of the albumin gene, in certain strains of laboratory mice but not of others has led to the suggestion that these sequences were recent insertions into the Mus mus domesticus genome. To be sure that they are really recent insertions and not relics of an ancestral chromosome, we investigated the presence or absence of these sequences in populations of wild mice belonging to the semispecies M. m. domesticus and M. m. musculus as well as in other species of the genus Mus and in related murids. The sequence I12 in the albumin gene was found in 34% of the chromosomes of the wild mice belonging to M. m. domesticus and to a lesser extent (6%) in M. m. musculus. Of 114 M. m. domesticus chromosomes, L1Md4 was found in only nine, seven of which came from the same locality. Its presence was associated with the haplotype Hbbp, which is relatively rare in European populations of M. musculus. Since there was no evidence for the presence of these two L1 sequences in more distantly related species, we conclude that they are recent insertions in the M. musculus genome.   相似文献   


To assess the feasibility of using automated capture of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) data to build predictive models for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) outcomes.


We used an Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside search discovery tool to identify and extract data from 354 ALS patients from the University of Kansas Medical Center EMR. The completeness and integrity of the data extraction were verified by manual chart review. A linear mixed model was used to model disease progression. Cox proportional hazards models were used to investigate the effects of BMI, gender, and age on survival.


Data extracted from the EMR was sufficient to create simple models of disease progression and survival. Several key variables of interest were unavailable without including a manual chart review. The average ALS Functional Rating Scale – Revised (ALSFRS-R) baseline score at first clinical visit was 34.08, and average decline was ??0.64 per month. Median survival was 27?months after first visit. Higher baseline ALSFRS-R score and BMI were associated with improved survival, higher baseline age was associated with decreased survival.


This study serves to show that EMR-captured data can be extracted and used to track outcomes in an ALS clinic setting, potentially important for post-marketing research of new drugs, or as historical controls for future studies. However, as automated EMR-based data extraction becomes more widely used there will be a need to standardize ALS data elements and clinical forms for data capture so data can be pooled across academic centers.
van Rhijn P  RB Goldberg    AM Hirsch 《The Plant cell》1998,10(8):1233-1250
Plant lectins have been implicated as playing an important role in mediating recognition and specificity in the Rhizobium-legume nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. To test this hypothesis, we introduced the soybean lectin gene Le1 either behind its own promoter or behind the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter into Lotus corniculatus, which is nodulated by R. loti. We found that nodulelike outgrowths developed on transgenic L. corniculatus plant roots in response to Bradyrhizobium japonicum, which nodulates soybean and not Lotus spp. Soybean lectin was properly targeted to L. corniculatus root hairs, and although infection threads formed, they aborted in epidermal or hypodermal cells. Mutation of the lectin sugar binding site abolished infection thread formation and nodulation. Incubation of bradyrhizobia in the nodulation (nod) gene-inducing flavonoid genistein increased the number of nodulelike outgrowths on transgenic L. corniculatus roots. Studies of bacterial mutants, however, suggest that a component of the exopolysaccharide surface of B. japonicum, rather than Nod factor, is required for extension of host range to the transgenic L. corniculatus plants.  相似文献   
Two genetic procedures were used to obtain amino acid replacements in the lacZ-encoded beta-galactosidase in Escherichia coli. Amino acid replacements could be obtained without regard to their effects on lactase activity by selecting spontaneous mutations that relieved the strong polarity of six nonsense mutations. When streaked on MacConkey- lactose indicator plates, approximately 75% of these mutants gave strong red lactose-fermenting colonies, and 25% gave white nonfermenting colonies. Mutants from 11 other nonsense codons were isolated directly using MacConkey-lactose indicator plates, on which positive color indication requires only 0.5% of the wildtype lactase activity. Among the total of 17 codons, 25 variant beta-galactosidases were identified using electrophoresis and thermal denaturation studies. The fitness effects of these variant beta-galactosidases were determined using competition experiments conducted with lactose as the sole nutrient limiting the growth rate in chemostat cultures. Three of the replacements were deleterious, one was selectively advantageous, and the selective effects of the remaining 21 were undetectable under conditions in which the smallest detectable selection coefficient was approximately 0.4%/generation.   相似文献   
Sweat production is crucial for thermoregulation. However, sweating can be problematic for individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI), as they display a blunting of sudomotor and vasomotor responses below the level of the injury. Sweat gland density and eccrine gland metabolism in SCI are not well understood. Consequently, this study examined sweat lactate (S-LA) (reflective of sweat gland metabolism), active sweat gland density (SGD), and sweat output per gland (S/G) in 7 SCI athletes and 8 able-bodied (AB) controls matched for arm ergometry VO2peak. A sweat collection device was positioned on the upper scapular and medial calf of each subject just prior to the beginning of the trial, with iodine sweat gland density patches positioned on the upper scapular and medial calf. Participants were tested on a ramp protocol (7 min per stage, 20 W increase per stage) in a common exercise environment (21±1°C, 45-65% relative humidity). An independent t-test revealed lower (p<0.05) SGD (upper scapular) for SCI (22.3 ±14.8 glands · cm−2) vs. AB. (41.0 ± 8.1 glands · cm−2). However, there was no significant difference for S/G between groups. S-LA was significantly greater (p<0.05) during the second exercise stage for SCI (11.5±10.9 mmol · l−1) vs. AB (26.8±11.07 mmol · l−1). These findings suggest that SCI athletes had less active sweat glands compared to the AB group, but the sweat response was similar (SLA, S/G) between AB and SCI athletes. The results suggest similar interglandular metabolic activity irrespective of overall sweat rate.  相似文献   


Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are important tools in studying complex genetic traits and genome evolution. Computational strategies for SNP discovery make use of the large number of sequences present in public databases (in most cases as expressed sequence tags (ESTs)) and are considered to be faster and more cost-effective than experimental procedures. A major challenge in computational SNP discovery is distinguishing allelic variation from sequence variation between paralogous sequences, in addition to recognizing sequencing errors. For the majority of the public EST sequences, trace or quality files are lacking which makes detection of reliable SNPs even more difficult because it has to rely on sequence comparisons only.  相似文献   


The functional changes associated with endothelial senescence may be involved in human aging and age-related vascular disorders. Since the inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL-)1 inhibits endothelial growth, we evaluated the expression of IL-1α, IL-1β and their antagonist, the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), in endothelial in vitro senescence and quiescence. We also examined the expression of IL-1α in human senescent and progeric fibroblasts.  相似文献   


In pig, a number of experiments have been set up to identify QTL and a multitude of chromosomal regions harbouring genes influencing traits of interest have been identified. However, the mapping resolution remains limited in most cases and the detected QTL are rather inaccurately located. Mapping accuracy can be improved by increasing the number of phenotyped and genotyped individuals and/or the number of informative markers. An alternative approach to overcome the limited power of individual studies is to combine data from two or more independent designs.


In the present study we report a combined analysis of two independent design (a French and a Dutch F2 experimental designs), with 2000 F2 individuals. The purpose was to further map QTL for growth and fatness on pig chromosomes 2, 4 and 6. Using QTL-map software, uni- and multiple-QTL detection analyses were applied separately on the two pedigrees and then on the combination of the two pedigrees.


Joint analyses of the combined pedigree provided (1) greater significance of shared QTL, (2) exclusion of false suggestive QTL and (3) greater mapping precision for shared QTL.


Combining two Meishan x European breeds F2 pedigrees improved the mapping of QTL compared to analysing pedigrees separately. Our work was facilitated by the access to raw phenotypic data and DNA of animals from both pedigrees and the combination of the two designs with the addition of new markers allowed us to fine map QTL without phenotyping additional animals.  相似文献   


In the pig, multiple QTL associated with growth and fatness traits have been mapped to chromosome 2 (SSC2) and among these, at least one shows paternal expression due to the IGF2-intron3-G3072A substitution. Previously published results on the position and imprinting status of this QTL disagree between analyses from French and Dutch F2 crossbred pig populations obtained with the same breeds (Meishan crossed with Large White or Landrace).


To study the role of paternal and maternal alleles at the IGF2 locus and to test the hypothesis of a second QTL affecting backfat thickness on the short arm of SSC2 (SSC2p), a QTL mapping analysis was carried out on a combined pedigree including both the French and Dutch F2 populations, on the progeny of F1 males that were heterozygous (A/G) and homozygous (G/G) at the IGF2 locus. Simulations were performed to clarify the relations between the two QTL and to understand to what extent they can explain the discrepancies previously reported.


The QTL analyses showed the segregation of at least two QTL on chromosome 2 in both pedigrees, i.e. the IGF2 locus and a second QTL segregating at least in the G/G F1 males and located between positions 30 and 51 cM. Statistical analyses highlighted that the maternally inherited allele at the IGF2 locus had a significant effect but simulation studies showed that this is probably a spurious effect due to the segregation of the second QTL.


Our results show that two QTL on SSC2p affect backfat thickness. Differences in the pedigree structures and in the number of heterozygous females at the IGF2 locus result in different imprinting statuses in the two pedigrees studied. The spurious effect observed when a maternally allele is present at the IGF2 locus, is in fact due to the presence of a second closely located QTL. This work confirms that pig chromosome 2 is a major region associated with fattening traits.  相似文献   
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