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Summary Fibroblastlike primary cells have been obtained from human colon adenocarcinoma explants. Such cells disappear during cell culture and thus have not been previously studied. These cells have a number of altered phenotypic characteristics: a) morphology; b) growth behavior and adherence to culture substrate (they required 3 h for 90% attachment and only presented a flattened morphology 40 h after platting); and c) collagen metabolism. Increased protein biosynthesis (about double than control colon-derived fibroblasts) and maintained ability for collagen biosynthesis have been observed for the tumor-associated fibroblastlike cells. Thus, the collagen to noncollagenous proteins ratio was decreased for these cells. They exhibited an altered type I:type III collagen (5:1 instead of 3:1 in colon fibroblasts) and procollagen (2:1 against 5:1 in colon fibroblasts) ratios as well as a decreased secretion of collagen with an abnormal deposition of procollagens in the cell layer. These studies show a permanent phenotypic alteration in the tumor-associated fibroblastlike cells.  相似文献   
Field evaluations were made of a baiting system designed for use by regulatory agencies in suppressing populations of undesirable feral honey bees, Apis mellifera L. (e.g., bees posing hazards [especially Africanized bees] and colonies infested with parasitic mites). Bees from feral or simulated feral (hived) colonies were lured with honey and Nasonov pheromone components to feeders dispensing sucrose-honey syrup. After 1-3 wk of passive training to feeders, colonies were treated during active foraging by replacing untreated syrup with syrup containing 500 ppm (mg/liter) acephate (Orthene 75 S). In four trials using hived colonies on Grant Terre Island, LA., 21 of 29 colonies foraged actively enough at baits to be treated, and 20 of the 22 treated were destroyed. In the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas (two trials at each of two trials), treatments killed 11 of 16 colonies (6 of 10 hived; 50 of 6 feral). Overall results showed that all 11 colonies that collected greater than 25 mg acephate died, whereas 3 of 10 colonies receiving less than 25 mg survived. Delivering adequate doses required a minimum of approximately 100 bees per target colony simultaneously collecting treated syrup. The system destroyed target colonies located up to nearly 700 m away from baits. Major factors limiting efficacy were conditions inhibiting foraging at baits (e.g., competing natural nectar sources and temperatures and winds that restricted bee flight).  相似文献   
Summary The characteristics of uridine transport were studied in basolateral plasma membrane vesicles isolated from rat liver. Uridine was not metabolized under transport measurement conditions and was taken up into an osmotically active space with no significant binding of uridine to the membrane vesicles. Uridine uptake was sodium dependent, showing no significant stimulation by other monovalent cations. Kinetic analysis of the sodium-dependent component showed a single system with Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Parameter values were K M 8.9 m and V max 0.57 pmol/mg prot/sec. Uridine transport proved to be electrogenic, since, firstly, the Hill plot of the kinetic data suggested a 1 uridine: 1 Na+ stoichiometry, secondly, valinomycin enhanced basal uridine uptake rates and, thirdly, the permeant nature of the Na+ counterions determined uridine transport rates (SCN > NO 3 > Cl > SO 4 2– ). Other purines and pyrimidines cis-inhibited and trans-stimulated uridine uptake.This work has been partially supported by grant PM90-0162 from D.G.I.C.Y.T. (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain). B.R.-M. is a research fellow supported by the Nestlé Nutrition Research Grant Programme.  相似文献   
Nigericin is a monocarboxylic polyether molecule described as a mobile K+ ionophore unable to transport Li+ and Cs+ across natural or artificial membranes. This paper shows that the ion carrier molecule forms complexes of equivalent energy demands with Li+, Cs+, Na+, Rb+, and K+. This is in accordance with the similar values of the complex stability constants obtained from nigericin with the five alkali metal cations assayed. On the other hand, nigericinalkali metal cation binding isotherms show faster rates for Li+ and Cs+ than for Na+, K+, and Rb+, in conditions where the carboxylic proton does not dissociate. Furthermore, proton NMR spectra of nigericin-Li+ and nigericin-Cs+ complexes show wide broadenings, suggesting strong cation interaction with the ionophore; in contrast, the complexes with Na+, K+, and Rb+ show only clear-cut chemical shifts. These latter results support the view that nigericin forms highly stable complexes with Li+ and Cs+ and contribute to the explanation for the inability of this ionophore to transport the former cations in conditions where it catalyzes a fast transport of K+>Rb+>Na+.Part of the results of this paper were presented at the 14th International Congress of Biochemistry in Prague, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   
The alpha- and beta-phosphorothioate analogs of UDP-Gal and UDP-Glc, in which a sulfur is exchanged for a non-bridging oxygen at one of the phosphate groups, have been synthesized and tested for their resistance to enzymatic degradation and for their usefulness in glycosyltransferase reactions. The alpha analogs were found to be no more resistant to hydrolysis than the native nucleotide sugars, but as previously reported (R. B. Marchase et al. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 916: 157) the beta S analogs were approximately 10 times more resistant. The beta S analog and native UDP-Glc were found to have comparable Km's when used in assays for glucosylphosphoryl dolichol synthase with rat liver and hen oviduct microsomes, although the apparent Vmax of the reaction was about twofold higher for the analog, presumably due to its resistance to degradation. Partially purified 4 beta-galactosyltransferase exhibited a Vmax with (beta S)UDP-Gal that was only slightly lower than that with UDP-Gal and a Km that was slightly increased. The effectiveness of the analog was especially apparent in assays for 4 beta-galactosyltransferase on intact sperm and in rat liver homogenates, in which hydrolysis of the normal substrate was very rapid and net incorporation was at least 4 times greater with the beta S analog in each system.  相似文献   
We assessed the effect of eel (Anguilla anguilla) removal from three sites of a Cantabrian stream upon its subsequent densities. In the first sample (Sept. 1986) numbers and densities were estimated as 43, 45 and 84 ind and 3490, 3030 and 3750 ind ha −1. Removal of these eels reduced the subsequent numbers and densities which, except on two occasions, were never reached again during the two years (eleven estimates) of study. Highest densities were recorded in the uppermost site in May and July, 1987, coincident with a strong drought and the lowest densities occurred in 1988 during a normal wet year. We hypothesize first that, because of a selective underground homing behaviour of eels, electro-fishing is inefficient and results in underestimates of the population. Second, seasonal variations of water discharge and droughts may not influence the homing behaviour of'eels until a threshold of dryness is reached. If this occurs, eels abandon their refuges and move towards the stream bottom. It seems that in Arroyo Chabatchos this threshold was exceeded in the summer of 1987 when the highest densities were estimated. The re-colonization of these sites experimentally depleted of eels, is a slow procces that lasts for, at least, two years.  相似文献   
Summary Mammary tumor epithelial cells from BALB/cfC3H mice were dispersely embedded inside the collagen gels in Ham's F-12 medium containing horse serum. A sustained cell growth leading to a 5- to 10-fold increase in cell number over initial level was observed in less than 2 weeks. The extent of this growth was found to be dependent on serum concentration. However, addition of various protein and steroid hormones, both singly and in combination, to low-serum-containing medium failed to achieve a comparable level of growth to that promoted by higher serum concentration. Mammary tumor cells can now be consistently propagated in primary culture. This investigation was supported by Grants CA05388 and CA09041 awarded by the National Cancer Institute, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and by cancer research funds of the University of California.  相似文献   
Matrix-free cells obtained from chick embryo cartilage were incubated in the presence of α,α′-dipyridyl and radioactive mannose in order to examine the incorporation of mannose into the propeptide extensions of Type II procollagen. Cell proteins were digested with bacterial collagenase and the digests were examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Radioactive mannose was found in fragments from both the N- and C-propeptides, and therefore the results provided the first indication that both these propeptides of Type II procollagen contain mannose. The results also supported previous indications that addition of carbohydrate to the propeptides of procollagen does not require folding of the collagen domain into a triple helix.  相似文献   
Background:Hysterectomy, the most common gynecological operation, requires surgeons to counsel women about their operative risks. We aimed to develop and validate multivariable logistic regression models to predict major complications of laparoscopic or abdominal hysterectomy for benign conditions.Methods:We obtained routinely collected health administrative data from the English National Health Service (NHS) from 2011 to 2018. We defined major complications based on core outcomes for postoperative complications including ureteric, gastrointestinal and vascular injury, and wound complications. We specified 11 predictors a priori. We used internal–external cross-validation to evaluate discrimination and calibration across 7 NHS regions in the development cohort. We validated the final models using data from an additional NHS region.Results:We found that major complications occurred in 4.4% (3037/68 599) of laparoscopic and 4.9% (6201/125 971) of abdominal hysterectomies. Our models showed consistent discrimination in the development cohort (laparoscopic, C-statistic 0.61, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.60 to 0.62; abdominal, C-statistic 0.67, 95% CI 0.64 to 0.70) and similar or better discrimination in the validation cohort (laparoscopic, C-statistic 0.67, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.69; abdominal, C-statistic 0.67, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.69). Adhesions were most predictive of complications in both models (laparoscopic, odds ratio [OR] 1.92, 95% CI 1.73 to 2.13; abdominal, OR 2.46, 95% CI 2.27 to 2.66). Other factors predictive of complications included adenomyosis in the laparoscopic model, and Asian ethnicity and diabetes in the abdominal model. Protective factors included age and diagnoses of menstrual disorders or benign adnexal mass in both models and diagnosis of fibroids in the abdominal model.Interpretation:Personalized risk estimates from these models, which showed moderate discrimination, can inform clinical decision-making for people with benign conditions who may require hysterectomy.

Hysterectomy is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures. Canada has one of the highest rates of hysterectomy globally, with one-third of women undergoing this procedure before 60 years of age.1 Minimal access approaches are favoured by both clinicians and patients,2 and the proportion of hysterectomies being undertaken by a laparoscopic approach has increased substantially in many countries over the last 10 years.37 The evidence-based medicine paradigm for surgical approaches to hysterectomy for benign disease advocates that the chosen surgical approach should be discussed with the patient by their surgeon and decided in light of the relative benefits and risks.2 This advice is echoed by national guidelines.8,9Most clinicians undertaking hysterectomy will intuitively identify patient characteristics that have the potential to increase the complexity and complications of surgery. A 2016 systematic review of studies that reported significant associations between patient characteristics and surgical outcomes for laparoscopic hysterectomy and a 2020 population-based prospective cohort study using data from the Danish hysterectomy database have suggested that older age, race, raised body mass index (BMI), diabetes mellitus, increased uterine weight, fibroids, endometriosis and adhesions are predictors of complications in patients undergoing hysterectomy for benign indications.10,11 However, assimilating this information to individualize and anticipate the precise risk for each patient if there are multiple factors present can be challenging. A 2020 systematic review reported that surgeons in other specialties were outperformed by risk prediction models in estimating postoperative risk and outcomes; their discriminatory ability showed greater variation (C-statistic 0.51–0.75) than other risk prediction tools.12Patients should be given information about potential risks before surgery to manage expectations.13 This is especially important when surgery is considered for benign disease because nonsurgical options are often available.Our aim was to generate prediction models that can be used in conjunction with a surgeon’s intuition to enhance preoperative patient counselling and match the advances made in the technical aspects of surgery. We sought to quantify the proportion of patients who underwent hysterectomy for benign disease and will have a major complication, and to develop and validate prognostic models to individualize this risk, using a national data set.  相似文献   
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