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The aim of this study is to identify the risks factors for mortality and functional recovery in elderly patients admitted to hospital with a hip fracture.

Materials and methods

Longitudinal prospective study in patients 80 years old or more and patients between 75 and 79 in residential home care with a hip fracture and with a past medical history of dementia or followed-up by the Geriatric Unit. A total of 359 patients were included, and the demographic data, previous functional status, comorbidity, type of fracture, and dementia were recorded. The data collected during admission included time to surgery, delirium, functional recovery, length of stay, placement at discharge, and mortality. Patients were followed-up for one year and details were collected on placement at the end of follow-up, functional recovery, medical complications, and mortality.


The baseline characteristics of the patients with a strong association with mortality after a hip fracture were old age (> 92 years), medical complications delaying surgery (HR 2.17; 95% CI; 1.27-3.73), diagnosis of dementia (HR 1.78; 95% CI; 1.15-2.75), or heart failure (HR 1.75; 95% CI; 1.12-2.75). The fitted multivariable regression models showed that functional impairment before the hip fracture or lack of functional recovery are associated with higher mortality, and patients with increased age, delirium, dementia, and previous functional impairment showed worse functional recovery.


In the elderly patients with a hip fracture, increased age, comorbidity and previous functional status is associated with mortality. Functional recovery prognosis will depend on age, previous functional status, past medical history of dementia, and the presence of delirium during admission.  相似文献   
Studies in knockout mice support the involvement of alcohol dehydrogenases ADH1 and ADH4 in retinoid metabolism, although kinetics with retinoids are not known for the mouse enzymes. Moreover, a role of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in the eye retinoid interconversions cannot be ascertained due to the lack of information on the kinetics with 11-cis-retinoids. We report here the kinetics of human ADH1B1, ADH1B2, ADH4, and mouse ADH1 and ADH4 with all-trans-, 7-cis-, 9-cis-, 11-cis- and 13-cis-isomers of retinol and retinal. These retinoids are substrates for all enzymes tested, except the 13-cis isomers which are not used by ADH1. In general, human and mouse ADH4 exhibit similar activity, higher than that of ADH1, while mouse ADH1 is more efficient than the homologous human enzymes. All tested ADHs use 11-cis-retinoids efficiently. ADH4 shows much higher k(cat)/K(m) values for 11-cis-retinol oxidation than for 11-cis-retinal reduction, a unique property among mammalian ADHs for any alcohol/aldehyde substrate pair. Docking simulations and the kinetic properties of the human ADH4 M141L mutant demonstrated that residue 141, in the middle region of the active site, is essential for such ADH4 specificity. The distinct kinetics of ADH4 with 11-cis-retinol, its wide specificity with retinol isomers and its immunolocalization in several retinal cell layers, including pigment epithelium, support a role of this enzyme in the various retinol oxidations that occur in the retina. Cytosolic ADH4 activity may complement the isomer-specific microsomal enzymes involved in photopigment regeneration and retinoic acid synthesis.  相似文献   
Hippolyte inermis Leach 1814 is a benthic shrimp characterized by a peculiar mechanism of sex reversal influenced by diatom foods. In fact, the appearance of primary females in spring is due to an apoptotic early disruption of the androgenic gland and of the male gonad, triggered by still unknown compounds present in diatoms of the genus Cocconeis. The influence of diatoms on the reproductive ecology and life cycle of planktonic crustaceans has been demonstrated previously: some planktonic diatoms produce aldehydes inducing apoptosis in the embryos and in the larvae of marine copepods, reducing their viability. Both benthic and planktonic diatoms therefore produce compounds having an apoptotic effect on some tissues of target crustaceans, although the ecological significance of the two processes is different: deleterious for copepod populations, regulative for shrimps associated with Posidonia oceanica. In the present article we experimentally administered specific planktonic diatoms, their fractions and compounds known to induce apoptosis in planktonic copepods, to H. inermis postlarvae, to check whether the apoptotic effect is due to an identical family of diatom compounds, and to establish whether the processes observed in the plankton and in the benthos, respectively, are analogous or homologous, from an ecological point of view. Our results indicated that diatom compounds acting in the two systems are different, since both planktonic diatoms and their aldehydes had negligible effects on the sex ratios of cultured shrimps.  相似文献   
Abstract. We propose a mechanistic model to relate α- and γ-diversity to area per se, moisture status and environmental variation (local and total), and explored the effects these abiotic variables have on species richness per unit area (α-diversity) for plant communities in a network of wetland habitats located in a Mediterranean mountainous region of central Spain. In this study, environmental status is measured as actual evapotranspiration (as an expression of energy), slope and soil wetness, and environmental variation refers to slope variation and soil wetness variation. Species richness per unit area was related to soil wetness, soil wetness variation, ground slope and ground slope variation. There were also positive correlations among moisture status and environmental variation variables. There is a joint effect of slope and soil wetness variation in explaining species richness per unit area of these wetland habitats, but area effects and energy are relatively unimportant. We conclude that species richness per unit area of wetland vegetation can be explained by moisture status and local environmental variation, and that habitat area may not have an important effect. Area could affect γ-diversity directly through random sampling and/or indirectly through increasing β-diversity, and energy may be important in areas with larger energy ranges. Complete surveys of environmental status, local and total environmental variation, and their associated species assemblages are needed to explain the processes that give rise to the rule that larger areas have larger species richness.  相似文献   
We have examined the worldwide distribution of a Y-chromosomal base-substitution polymorphism, the T/C transition at SRY-2627, where the T allele defines haplogroup 22; sequencing of primate homologues shows that the ancestral state cannot be determined unambiguously but is probably the C allele. Of 1,191 human Y chromosomes analyzed, 33 belong to haplogroup 22. Twenty-nine come from Iberia, and the highest frequencies are in Basques (11%; n=117) and Catalans (22%; n=32). Microsatellite and minisatellite (MSY1) diversity analysis shows that non-Iberian haplogroup-22 chromosomes are not significantly different from Iberian ones. The simplest interpretation of these data is that haplogroup 22 arose in Iberia and that non-Iberian cases reflect Iberian emigrants. Several different methods were used to date the origin of the polymorphism: microsatellite data gave ages of 1,650, 2,700, 3,100, or 3,450 years, and MSY1 gave ages of 1,000, 2,300, or 2,650 years, although 95% confidence intervals on all of these figures are wide. The age of the split between Basque and Catalan haplogroup-22 chromosomes was calculated as only 20% of the age of the lineage as a whole. This study thus provides evidence for direct or indirect gene flow over the substantial linguistic barrier between the Indo-European and non-Indo-European-speaking populations of the Catalans and the Basques, during the past few thousand years.  相似文献   
Integrins are alpha/beta heterodimers, but recent in vitro and in vivo experiments also suggest an ability to associate through their transmembrane domains to form homomeric interactions. While the results of some in vitro experiments are consistent with an interaction mediated by a GxxxG-like motif, homo-oligomers observed after in vivo cross-linking are consistent with an almost opposite helix-helix interface. We have shown recently that both models of interaction are compatible with evolutionary conservation data, and we predicted that the alpha-helices in both models would have a similar rotational orientation. Herein, we have tested our prediction using in vitro asparagine scan of five consecutive residues along the GxxxG-like motif of the transmembrane domain of alpha and beta integrins, alphaM and beta2. We show that Asn-mediated dimerization occurs twice for every turn of the helix, consistent with two almost opposite forms of interaction as suggested previously for alphaIIb and beta3 transmembrane domains. The orientational parameters helix tilt and rotational orientation of each of these two Asn-stabilized dimers were measured by site-specific infrared dichroism (SSID) in model lipid bilayers and were found to be consistent with our predicted computational models. Our results highlight an intrinsic tendency for integrin transmembrane alpha-helices to form two opposite types of homomeric interaction in addition to their heteromeric interactions and suggest that integrins may form complex and specific networks at the transmembrane domain during function.  相似文献   
Back in time: a new systematic proposal for the Bilateria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Conventional wisdom suggests that bilateral organisms arose from ancestors that were radially, rather than bilaterally, symmetrical and, therefore, had a single body axis and no mesoderm. The two main hypotheses on how this transformation took place consider either a simple organism akin to the planula larva of extant cnidarians or the acoel Platyhelminthes (planuloid-acoeloid theory), or a rather complex organism bearing several or most features of advanced coelomate bilaterians (archicoelomate theory). We report phylogenetic analyses of bilaterian metazoans using quantitative (ribosomal, nuclear and expressed sequence tag sequences) and qualitative (HOX cluster genes and microRNA sets) markers. The phylogenetic trees obtained corroborate the position of acoel and nemertodermatid flatworms as the earliest branching extant members of the Bilateria. Moreover, some acoelomate and pseudocoelomate clades appear as early branching lophotrochozoans and deuterostomes. These results strengthen the view that stem bilaterians were small, acoelomate/pseudocoelomate, benthic organisms derived from planuloid-like organisms. Because morphological and recent gene expression data suggest that cnidarians are actually bilateral, the origin of the last common bilaterian ancestor has to be put back in time earlier than the cnidarian-bilaterian split in the form of a planuloid animal. A new systematic scheme for the Bilateria that includes the Cnidaria is suggested and its main implications discussed.  相似文献   
The hybrid Richter-110 (Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris) (R-110) has the reputation of being a genotype strongly adapted to drought. A study was performed with plants of R-110 subjected to water withholding followed by re-watering. The goal was to analyze how stomatal conductance (g(s)) is regulated with respect to different physiological variables under water stress and recovery, as well as how water stress affects adjustments of water use efficiency (WUE) at the leaf level. Water stress induced a substantial stomatal closure and an increase in WUE, which persisted many days after re-watering. The g(s) during water stress was mainly related to the content of ABA in the xylem and partly related to plant hydraulic conductivity but not to leaf water potential. By contrast, low g(s) during re-watering did not correlate with ABA contents and was only related to a sustained decreased hydraulic conductivity. In addition to a complex physiological regulation of stomatal closure, g(s) and rate of transpiration (E) were strongly affected by leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in a way dependent of the treatment. Interestingly, E increased with increasing VPD in control plants, but decreased with increasing VPD in severely stressed plants. All together, the fine stomatal regulation in R-110 resulted in very high WUE at the leaf level. This genotype is revealed to be very interesting for further studies on the physiological mechanisms leading to regulation of stomatal responsiveness and WUE in response to drought.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an integral part of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, is involved in a variety of biological processes including inflammation, septic shock, and resistance to host-defense molecules. LPS also provides an environment for folding of outer membrane proteins. In this work, we describe the structure-activity correlation of a series of 12-residue peptides in LPS. NMR structures of the peptides derived in complex with LPS reveal boomerang-like β-strand conformations that are stabilized by intimate packing between the two aromatic residues located at the 4 and 9 positions. This structural feature renders these peptides with a high ability to neutralize endotoxicity, >80% at 10 nm concentration, of LPS. Replacements of these aromatic residues either with Ala or with Leu destabilizes the boomerang structure with the concomitant loss of antiendotoxic and antimicrobial activities. Furthermore, the aromatic packing stabilizing the β-boomerang structure in LPS is found to be maintained even in a truncated octapeptide, defining a structured LPS binding motif. The mode of action of the active designed peptides correlates well with their ability to perturb LPS micelle structures. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy studies of the peptides delineate β-type conformations and immobilization of phosphate head groups of LPS. Trp fluorescence studies demonstrated selective interactions with LPS and the depth of insertion into the LPS bilayer. Our results demonstrate the requirement of LPS-specific structures of peptides for endotoxin neutralizations. In addition, we propose that structures of these peptides may be employed to design proteins for the outer membrane.LPS2 or endotoxin, a major component of the outer leaflet of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, is critically involved in health and diseases of humans (1, 2). LPS is essential for bacterial survival through establishing an efficient permeability barrier against a variety of antimicrobial compounds including hydrophobic antibiotics, detergents, host-defense proteins, and antimicrobial peptides (3, 4). Several studies have demonstrated that LPS catalyzes folding of outer membrane proteins as a chaperone (57).LPS, a potent inducer of innate immune systems, hence called endotoxin, is primarily responsible for lethality in sepsis and septic shock syndromes associated with serious Gram-negative infections (810). Circulating LPS in bloodstream is intercepted by the phagocytic cells of the innate immune system. Once induced by LPS, these phagocytes produce proinflammatory cytokines, e.g. tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, and interleukin-1β, through the activation of a Toll-like pattern recognition receptor (11, 12). The release of cytokines in response to microbial invasion is a natural function of the innate immunity. However, an uncontrolled and overwhelming production of these cytokines may cause “endotoxic shock” or septic shock, typified by endothelial tissue damage, loss of vascular tone, coagulopathy, and multiple organ failure, often resulting in death (9, 10). Sepsis is the major cause of mortality in the intensive care unit, accounting for 200,000 deaths every year in the United States alone (13). It was demonstrated that release of LPS from antibiotic-treated Gram-negative bacteria can indeed enhance sepsis (14). Therefore, an effective antibiotic should not only exert antibacterial activities but also have the ability to sequester LPS and ameliorate its toxicity. Therefore, an amalgamated property of LPS-neutralizing and antimicrobial activity would be highly desirable for antimicrobial agents. Polymyxin B is a prototypical antimicrobial and antiendotoxic antibiotic; however, its neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity limit its application to topical use (15). The increasing emergence of bacterial strains that are resistant to conventional antibiotics has initiated vital structure/function studies of membrane-perturbing cationic antimicrobial peptides (1620). More recent studies have been conducted to understand interactions between antimicrobial peptides with LPS to gain insights into the mechanism of outer membrane perturbation, antibacterial activities, and LPS neutralization (2126). These studies have delineated the role of amino acid sequence properties, LPS-peptide interactions by biophysical methods, and global structural parameters, obtained by CD and FTIR.Designing synthetic peptides and elucidation of three-dimensional structures in complex with LPS would be useful for the purpose of rational development of non-toxic antisepsis and antimicrobial therapeutics. Such studies will also be potentially instructive in establishing rules by which folded structures can be stabilized on the LPS surface. Extensive work in the field of peptide design primarily focuses on mimicking secondary structures and tertiary folds of proteins. Usually, short linear peptides are often structurally flexible; however, the functions of these peptides are highly dependent on their ability to adopt folded structures upon complex formation with their cognate receptors. In this regard, designed peptides that would yield high resolution structures in complex with LPS have not been well pursued. LPS, being a negatively charged amphiphilic molecule, interacts with naturally occurring peptides or protein fragments containing basic/polar and hydrophobic amino acids, although there are considerable variations in lengths, sequences, and amino acid compositions among these peptides (27, 28).Here, we have determined the three-dimensional structures of a series of 12-residue peptides in the context of LPS. To the best of our knowledge, these results show, for the first time, that atomic resolution structures of designed peptides obtained in LPS could be correlated with their antiendotoxic activities. Furthermore, the LPS-induced structures of active, inactive, and short peptide motif, presented here, may provide building blocks for the designing novel proteins for the outer membrane.  相似文献   
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