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To propose a new objective scatter index (OSI) based in the analysis of double-pass images of a point source to rank and classify cataract patients. This classification scheme is compared with a current subjective system.


We selected a population including a group of normal young eyes as control and patients diagnosed with cataract (grades NO2, NO3 and NO4) according to the Lens Opacities Classification System (LOCS III). For each eye, we recorded double-pass retinal images of a point source. In each patient, we determined an objective scatter index (OSI) as the ratio of the intensity at an eccentric location in the image and the central part. This index provides information on the relevant forward scatter affecting vision. Since the double-pass retinal images are affected by both ocular aberrations and intraocular scattering, an analysis was performed to show the ranges of contributions of aberrations to the OSI.


We used the OSI values to classify each eye according to the degree of scatter. The young normal eyes of the control group had OSI values below 1, while the OSI for subjects in LOCS grade II were around 1 to 2. The use of the objective index showed some of the weakness of subjective classification schemes. In particular, several subjects initially classified independently as grade NO2 or NO3 had similar OSI values, and in some cases even higher than subjects classified as grade NO4. A new classification scheme based in OSI is proposed.


We introduced an objective index based in the analysis of double-pass retinal images to classify cataract patients. The method is robust and fully based in objective measurements; i.e., not depending on subjective decisions. This procedure could be used in combination with standard current methods to improve cataract patient surgery scheduling.  相似文献   
Quercus coccifera L. is a Mediterranean sclerophyllous shrub with a high capacity to resist intense drought stress. Therefore, it could be used in the study of physiological changes suffered by plants at very low water potentials. A remote sensing sensor was used to measure continuously the physiological reflectance index (PRI; defined as the changes in reflectance at 531 nm with respect to those at 570 nm; PRI = [(R531 − R570)/(R531 + R570)] at canopy level and under field conditions in an artificial carpet of seedlings of Q. coccifera during a drought cycle. Correlations between leaf level-measured chlorophyll fluorescence parameters as well as the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle [(A + Z)/(V + A + Z)] and canopy level-measured PRI were reasonably good (R 2 = 0.57–0.63, P < 0.01), and quite interesting for water stress remote sensing purposes. The instrument’s temporal resolution allowed us to follow the rapid response of PRI to changing photosynthetic active radiation, and to resolve, in response to cloud-induced changes in light intensity, a fast and a slow PRI component. We report the disappearance of the rapid one under conditions of intense drought in response to a sudden increase in light intensity. The underlying photoprotection mechanisms that Q. coccifera shows in response to intense drought stress periods seem to be related to the existence of a low intrathylakoid lumenal pH at the end of the drought cycle. Under intense drought, these mechanisms allow this species to avoid oxidative damage, which was evidenced by the maintenance of an unaltered photosynthetic pigment composition and constant photosystem II efficiency in the mornings. It is concluded that, contrary to early reports, PRI is a sensible, indirect, non-destructive water stress indicator, even in plants experiencing intense drought. Preliminary results of this work were presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence (February 2007, Florence, Italy).  相似文献   
PTOV1 is a mitogenic protein that shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in a cell cycle-dependent manner. It consists of two homologous domains arranged in tandem that constitute a new class of protein modules. We show here that PTOV1 interacts with the lipid raft protein flotillin-1, with which it copurifies in detergent-insoluble floating fractions. Flotillin-1 colocalized with PTOV1 not only at the plasma membrane but, unexpectedly, also in the nucleus, as demonstrated by immunocytochemistry and subcellular fractionation of endogenous and exogenous flotillin-1. Flotillin-1 entered the nucleus concomitant with PTOV1, shortly before the initiation of the S phase. Protein levels of PTOV1 and flotillin-1 oscillated during the cell cycle, with a peak in S. Depletion of PTOV1 significantly inhibited nuclear localization of flotillin-1, whereas depletion of flotillin-1 did not affect nuclear localization of PTOV1. Depletion of either protein markedly inhibited cell proliferation under basal conditions. Overexpression of PTOV1 or flotillin-1 strongly induced proliferation, which required their localization to the nucleus, and was dependent on the reciprocal protein. These observations suggest that PTOV1 assists flotillin-1 in its translocation to the nucleus and that both proteins are required for cell proliferation.  相似文献   
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is an essential cofactor for cellular redox reactions and can act as an important substrate in numerous biological processes. As a result, nature has evolved multiple biosynthetic pathways to meet this high chemical demand. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the NAD salvage pathway relies on the activity of nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (NAPRTase), a member of the phosphoribosyltransferase (PRTase) superfamily. Here, we report the structure of a eukaryotic (yeast) NAPRTase at 1.75 A resolution (locus name: YOR209C, gene name: NPT1). The structure reveals a two-domain fold that resembles the architecture of quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferases (QAPRTases), but with completely different dispositions that provide evidence for structural heterogeneity among the Type II PRTases. The identification of a third domain in NAPRTases provides a structural basis and possible mechanism for the functional modulation of this family of enzymes by ATP.  相似文献   
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) was cloned and sequenced using a RT-PCR approach completed by 3' and 5'RACE assays. The nucleotide sequence covered 1669 bp with an open reading frame of 525 amino acids, including a putative signal peptide of 23 amino acids long. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis revealed a high degree of conservation among most fish and higher vertebrates, retaining the consensus sequence the polypeptide "lid", the catalytic triad and eight cysteine residues at the N-terminal region. A tissue-specific regulation of LPL was also found on the basis of changes in season and nutritional condition as a result of different dietary protein sources. First, the expression of LPL in mesenteric adipose tissue was several times higher than in liver and skeletal muscle. Secondly, the spring up-regulation of LPL expression in the mesenteric adipose tissue was coincident with a pronounced increase of whole body fat content. Thirdly, the highest expression of LPL in the skeletal muscle was found in summer, which may serve to cover the increased energy demands for muscle growth and protein accretion. Further, in fish fed plant-protein-based diets, hepatic LPL expression was up-regulated whereas an opposite trend was found in the mesenteric adipose tissue, which may contribute to drive dietary lipids towards liver fat storage. Finally, it is of interest that changes in circulating triglyceride (TG) levels support the key role of LPL in the clearance of TG-rich lipoproteins. This study is the first report in fish of a co-regulated expression of LPL in oxidative and fat storage tissues under different physiological conditions.  相似文献   
The protein kinase family is a prime target for therapeutic agents, since unregulated protein kinase activities are linked to myriad diseases. Balanol, a fungal metabolite consisting of four rings, potently inhibits Ser/Thr protein kinases and can be modified to yield potent inhibitors that are selective-characteristics of a desirable pharmaceutical compound. Here, we characterize three balanol analogues that inhibit cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase (PKA) more specifically and potently than calcium- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC). Correlation of thermostability and inhibition potency suggests that better inhibitors confer enhanced protection against thermal denaturation. Crystal structures of the PKA catalytic (C) subunit complexed to each analogue show the Gly-rich loop stabilized in an "intermediate" conformation, disengaged from important phosphoryl transfer residues. An analogue that perturbs the PKA C-terminal tail has slightly weaker inhibition potency. The malleability of the PKA C subunit is illustrated by active site residues that adopt alternate rotamers depending on the ligand bound. On the basis of sequence homology to PKA, a preliminary model of the PKC active site is described. The balanol analogues serve to test the model and to highlight differences in the active site local environment of PKA and PKC. The PKA C subunit appears to tolerate balanol analogues with D-ring modifications; PKC does not. We attribute this difference in preference to the variable B helix and C-terminal tail. By understanding the details of ligand binding, more specific and potent inhibitors may be designed that differentiate among closely related AGC protein kinase family members.  相似文献   
Ancient mtDNA was successfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from Amerindian ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.  相似文献   
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