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This paper describes a generic algorithm for finding restrictionsites within DNA sequences. The ‘genericity’ ofthe algorithm is made possible through the use of set theory.Basic elements of DNA sequences, i.e. nucleotides (bases), arerepresented in sets, and DNA sequences, whether specific, ambiguousor even protein-coding, are represented as sequences of thosesets. The set intersection operation demonstrates its abilityto perform pattern-matching correctly on various DNA sequences.The performance analysis showed that the degree of complexityof the pattern matching is reduced from exponential to linear.An example is given to show the actual and potential restrictionsites, derived by the generic algorithm, in the DNA sequencetemplate coding for a synthetic calmodulin. Received on October 2, 1990; accepted on December 18, 1990  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   Latitudinal variation in population structure during the winter has been reported in many migratory birds, but has been documented in few species of waterfowl. Variation in environmental and social conditions at wintering sites can potentially influence the population dynamics of differential migrants. We examined latitudinal variation in sex and age classes of wintering Pacific Black Brant ( Branta bernicla nigricans ). Brant are distributed along a wide latitudinal gradient from Alaska to Mexico during the winter. Accordingly, migration distances for brant using different wintering locations are highly variable and winter settlement patterns are likely associated with a spatially variable food resource. We used resightings of brant banded in southwestern Alaska to examine sex and age ratios of birds wintering at Boundary Bay in British Columbia, and at San Quintin Bay, Ojo de Liebre Lagoon, and San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California from 1998 to 2000. Sex ratios were similar among wintering locations for adults and were consistent with the mating strategy of geese. The distribution of juveniles varied among wintering areas, with greater proportions of juveniles observed at northern (San Quintin Bay and Ojo de Liebre Lagoon) than at southern (San Ignacio Lagoon) locations in Baja California. We suggest that age-related variation in the winter distribution of Pacific Black Brant is mediated by variation in productivity among individuals at different wintering locations and by social interactions among wintering family groups.  相似文献   
Proteoglycan monomers from pig laryngeal cartilage were examined by electron microscopy with benzyldimethylalkylammonium chloride as the spreading agent. The proteoglycans appeared as extended molecules with a beaded structure, representing the chondroitin sulphate chains collapsed around the protein core. Often a fine filamentous tail was present at one end. Substructures within proteoglycan molecules were localized by incubation with specific antibodies followed by Protein A-gold (diameter 4 nm). After the use of an anti-(binding region) serum the Protein A-gold (typically one to three particles) bound at the extreme end of the filamentous region. A small proportion of the labelled molecules (10-15%) showed the presence of gold particles at both ends. A monoclonal antibody specific for a keratan sulphate epitope (MZ15) localized a keratan sulphate-rich region at one end of the proteoglycan, but gold particles were not observed along the extended part of the protein core. This distribution was not changed by prior chondroitin AC lyase digestion of the proteoglycan. Localization with a different monoclonal antibody to keratan sulphate (5-D-4) caused a change in the spreading behaviour of a proportion (approx. 20%) of the proteoglycan monomers that lost their beaded structure and appeared with the chondroitin sulphate chains projecting from the protein core. In these molecules the Protein A-gold localized antibody (5-D-4) along the length of the protein core whereas in those molecules with a beaded appearance it labelled only at one end. Labelling with either of the monoclonal antibodies was specific, as it was inhibited by exogenously added keratan sulphate. The differential localization achieved may reflect structural differences within the proteoglycan population involving keratan sulphate and the protein core to which it is attached. The results showed that by this technique substructures within proteoglycan molecules can be identified by Protein A-gold labelling after the use of specific monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies.  相似文献   
The synthetic estrogens, diethylstilbestrol (DES) and ethynylestradiol (EE2), are more potent than 17 beta-estradiol (E2) in inducing uterine weight gain in the neonatal rat, due to the binding of E2 to serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). However, all three hormones are equipotent in inducing neonatal uterine ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity. The present study assessed estrogen potency in fetal rats. Pregnant CD rats were injected sc daily on gestation days (GD) 16-20 with DES, EE2, or E2 in sesame oil. Both DES and EE2, but not E2, significantly increased uterine weight at birth, to more than twice that of controls. In addition, implants which continuously release E2 only slightly increased uterine weight at birth. Alternatively, dams were given a single estrogen injection on GD 20 and were sacrificed at various times after injection. Peak fetal uterine ODC activity occurred at 6-8 hours after maternal injection for all three estrogens. E2 had a relative potency about tenfold less than either DES or EE2 in stimulating fetal ODC activity, in contrast to equal potencies of the three estrogens in the postnatal rat uterus. Similar patterns were found following direct fetal injection with E2 or DES. In summary, these data demonstrate a transplacental induction of fetal uterine ODC activity and uterine weight gain by both DES and EE2. In addition, the lack of correlation between these endpoints in response to E2 suggests that they may be useful as selective indicators of potential toxicity of both natural and synthetic estrogens.  相似文献   
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) treatment of female rats on postnatal days (PND) 1-5 reduces uterine growth, estrogen receptor (ER) level and gland number by PND 25, while daily DES treatment on PND 1-25 increases uterine growth 4-fold, further reduces ER level and completely suppresses gland formation. We now report the persistence of these effects in adults. By PND 60, uterine weight was 70% of controls in rats injected with DES on PND 1-5 but only 10% of controls in rats injected PND 1-10 or longer. In fact, uterine weights were the same on PND 10 and 60. Uterine gland numbers were reduced to 30% of controls in all DES-treated rats regardless of exposure length; however, luminal and glandular epithelial cell heights were reduced to less than 50 and 70%, respectively, of controls when DES was given on PND 1-25 but not when given on PND 1-5. Ovariectomy 7 days prior to sacrifice on PND 60 reduced uterine weight in controls by 67% and in rats injected with DES on PND 1-5 by 53%, but had no effect in rats injected with DES on PND 1-10. DES exposure at either PND 1-5 or 1-10 lowered ER levels by 35-50% at both 60 and 90 days. Treatment with a high dose of estradiol (E2) 1 week before sacrifice significantly down-regulated ER to the same concentration in all treatment groups at PND 60 and 90. Following E2 treatment, all groups also showed increased uterine weight at PND 60 and 90. These data show there is a short period of development (PND 5-10) in which further DES exposure indirectly inhibits uterine growth.  相似文献   
Intermediary gel immunoelectrophoresis was used to show that purified aggregating cartilage proteoglycans from 2-year-old steers contain two distinct populations of molecules and that only one of these is immunologically related to non-aggregating cartilage proteoglycans. The two types of aggregating proteoglycans were purified by density-gradient centrifugation in 3.5M-CsCl/4M-guanidinium chloride and separated by zonal rate centrifugation in sucrose gradients. The higher-buoyant-density faster-sedimenting proteoglycan represented 43% of the proteoglycans in the extract. It had a weight-average Mr of 3.5 X 10(6), did not contain a well-defined keratan sulphate-rich region, had a quantitatively dominant chondroitin sulphate-rich region and contained 5.9% protein and 23% hexosamine. The lower-buoyant-density, more slowly sedimenting, proteoglycan represented 15% of the proteoglycans in the extract. It had a weight-average Mr of 1.3 X 10(6), contained both the keratan sulphate-rich and the chondroitin sulphate-rich regions and contained 7.3% protein and 23% hexosamine. Each of the proteoglycan preparations showed only one band on agarose/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The larger proteoglycan had a lower mobility than the smaller. The distribution of chondroitin sulphate chains along the chondroitin sulphate-rich region was similar for the two types of proteoglycans. The somewhat larger chondroitin sulphate chains of the larger proteoglycan could not alone account for the larger size of the proteoglycan. Peptide patterns after trypsin digestion of the proteoglycans showed great similarities, although the presence of a few peptides not shared by both populations indicates that the core proteins are partially different.  相似文献   
The majority of the high (12-fold elevated) baseline sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) that occur in the CHO mutant line EM9 appear to be a consequence of incorporated BrdUrd, and they arise during replication of DNA containing BrdUrd in a template strand. In normal CHO cells the alkaline elution patterns of DNA newly replicated on a BrdUrd-containing template are significantly altered compared with those seen during the replication on an unsubstituted template. The nascent DNA synthesized on such an altered template is delayed in reaching mature size, possibly because replication forks are temporarily blocked at sites occurring randomly along the template. Transient blockage of replication forks may be a prerequisite for SCE. The delay in replication on BrdUrd-substituted templates was greater in EM9 cells than in parental AA8 cells and was also greater in AA8 cells treated with benzamide, an inhibitor of poly(ADPR) polymerase, than in untreated AA8 cells. Under these conditions, treatment with benzamide also produced a 7-fold increase in SCEs in AA8. An EM9-derived revertant line that has a low baseline SCE frequency showed less delay in replication on BrdUrd-substituted templates than did EM9. However, under conditions where the template strand contained CldUrd, which was shown to produce 4-fold more SCEs than BrdUrd in AA8 cells, the replication delay in AA8 was not any greater in the CldUrd-substituted cells. Thus, other factors besides the delay appear to be involved in the production of SCEs by the template lesions resulting from incorporation of the halogen-substituted pyrimidine molecules.  相似文献   
Purine biosynthesis by the 'de novo' pathway was demonstrated in isolated rat extensor digitorum longus muscle with [1-14C]glycine, [3-14C]serine and sodium [14C]formate as nucleotide precursors. Evidence is presented which suggests that the source of glycine and serine for purine biosynthesis is extracellular rather than intracellular. The relative incorporation rates of the three precursors were formate greater than glycine greater than serine. Over 85% of the label from formate and glycine was recovered in the adenine nucleotides, principally ATP. Azaserine markedly inhibited purine biosynthesis from both formate and glycine. Cycloserine inhibited synthesis from serine, but not from formate. Adenine, hypoxanthine and adenosine markedly inhibited purine synthesis from sodium [14C]formate.  相似文献   
Treatment of rabies virus with the nonionic detergent Nonidet P-40 resulted in solubilization of viral lipids and in a preferential release of the envelope glycoprotein. The other viral proteins and the viral ribonucleic acid remained associated in "core" particles sedimenting at a rate similar to that of intact virions. After fractionation of treated virus by velocity centrifugation in a sucrose density gradient, the amount of residual glycoprotein recovered in the "core" particle fraction and the extent of contamination of the glycoprotein fraction by other viral components were dependent on the ratio of detergent to viral protein used.  相似文献   
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