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ABSTRACT.   Latitudinal variation in population structure during the winter has been reported in many migratory birds, but has been documented in few species of waterfowl. Variation in environmental and social conditions at wintering sites can potentially influence the population dynamics of differential migrants. We examined latitudinal variation in sex and age classes of wintering Pacific Black Brant ( Branta bernicla nigricans ). Brant are distributed along a wide latitudinal gradient from Alaska to Mexico during the winter. Accordingly, migration distances for brant using different wintering locations are highly variable and winter settlement patterns are likely associated with a spatially variable food resource. We used resightings of brant banded in southwestern Alaska to examine sex and age ratios of birds wintering at Boundary Bay in British Columbia, and at San Quintin Bay, Ojo de Liebre Lagoon, and San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja California from 1998 to 2000. Sex ratios were similar among wintering locations for adults and were consistent with the mating strategy of geese. The distribution of juveniles varied among wintering areas, with greater proportions of juveniles observed at northern (San Quintin Bay and Ojo de Liebre Lagoon) than at southern (San Ignacio Lagoon) locations in Baja California. We suggest that age-related variation in the winter distribution of Pacific Black Brant is mediated by variation in productivity among individuals at different wintering locations and by social interactions among wintering family groups.  相似文献   
The majority of the high (12-fold elevated) baseline sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) that occur in the CHO mutant line EM9 appear to be a consequence of incorporated BrdUrd, and they arise during replication of DNA containing BrdUrd in a template strand. In normal CHO cells the alkaline elution patterns of DNA newly replicated on a BrdUrd-containing template are significantly altered compared with those seen during the replication on an unsubstituted template. The nascent DNA synthesized on such an altered template is delayed in reaching mature size, possibly because replication forks are temporarily blocked at sites occurring randomly along the template. Transient blockage of replication forks may be a prerequisite for SCE. The delay in replication on BrdUrd-substituted templates was greater in EM9 cells than in parental AA8 cells and was also greater in AA8 cells treated with benzamide, an inhibitor of poly(ADPR) polymerase, than in untreated AA8 cells. Under these conditions, treatment with benzamide also produced a 7-fold increase in SCEs in AA8. An EM9-derived revertant line that has a low baseline SCE frequency showed less delay in replication on BrdUrd-substituted templates than did EM9. However, under conditions where the template strand contained CldUrd, which was shown to produce 4-fold more SCEs than BrdUrd in AA8 cells, the replication delay in AA8 was not any greater in the CldUrd-substituted cells. Thus, other factors besides the delay appear to be involved in the production of SCEs by the template lesions resulting from incorporation of the halogen-substituted pyrimidine molecules.  相似文献   
Xerxes is proposed as a new name to replace Alcantara Glaziou ex G. M Barroso (Asteraceae) (1969), not Alcantarea (Morren ex Mez) Harms (Bromeliaceae) (1929). The genus is monotypic, represented by Xerxes ekmanianum , comb. nov.  相似文献   
Three strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens with different motility rates and adsorption rate coefficients were injected into porous-medium reactors packed with l-mm-diameter glass spheres. Cell breakthrough, time to peak concentration, tailing, and cell recovery were measured at three interstitial pore velocities (higher than, lower than, and much lower than the maximal bacterial motility rate). All experiments were done with distilled water to reduce the effects of growth and chemotaxis. Contrary to expectations, motility did not result in either early breakthrough or early time to peak concentration at flow velocities below the motility rate. Bacterial size exclusion effects were shown to affect breakthrough curve shape at the very low flow velocity, but no such effect was seen at the higher flow velocity. The tendency of bacteria to adsorb to porous-medium surfaces, as measured by adsorption rate coefficients, profoundly influenced transport characteristics. Cell recoveries were shown to be correlated with the ratio of advective to adsorptive transport in the reactors. Adsorption rate coefficients were found to be better predictors of microbial transport phenomena than individual characteristics, such as size, motility, or porous-medium hydrodynamics.  相似文献   
New biomass crop hybrids for bioeconomic expansion require yield projections to determine their potential for strategic land use planning in the face of global challenges. Our biomass growth simulation incorporates radiation interception and conversion efficiency. Models often use leaf area to predict interception which is demanding to determine accurately, so instead we use low-cost rapid light interception measurements using a simple laboratory-made line ceptometer and relate the dynamics of canopy closure to thermal time, and to measurements of biomass. We apply the model to project the European biomass potentials of new market-ready hybrids for 2020–2030. Field measurements are easier to collect, the calibration is seasonally dynamic and reduces influence of weather variation between field sites. The model obtained is conservative, being calibrated by crops of varying establishment and varying maturity on less productive (marginal) land. This results in conservative projections of miscanthus hybrids for 2020–2030 based on 10% land use conversion of the least (productive) grassland and arable for farm diversification, which show a European potential of 80.7–89.7 Mt year−1 biomass, with potential for 1.2–1.3 EJ year−1 energy and 36.3–40.3 Mt year−1 carbon capture, with seeded Miscanthus sacchariflorus × sinensis displaying highest yield potential. Simulated biomass projections must be viewed in light of the field measurements on less productive land with high soil water deficits. We are attempting to model the results from an ambitious and novel project combining new hybrids across Europe with agronomy which has not been perfected on less productive sites. Nevertheless, at the time of energy sourcing issues, seed-propagated miscanthus hybrids for the upscaled provision of bioenergy offer an alternative source of renewable energy. If European countries provide incentives for growers to invest, seeded hybrids can improve product availability and biomass yields over the current commercial miscanthus variety.  相似文献   
There is evidence that ATP acts as a neurotransmitter in vascular smooth muscle and is coreleased with norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves. We hypothesized that P2X-receptor stimulation with the selective P2X-receptor agonist alpha,beta-methylene ATP would produce vasoconstriction in resting and exercising skeletal muscle. Six mongrel dogs were instrumented chronically with flow probes on the external iliac arteries of both hindlimbs and a catheter in one femoral artery. The selective P2X agonist alpha,beta-methylene ATP was infused as a bolus into the femoral artery catheter at rest and during mild, moderate, and heavy exercise. Intra-arterial infusions of alpha,beta-methylene ATP elicited reductions in vascular conductance of 54 +/- 5, 49 +/- 8, 39 +/- 8, and 30 +/- 6% at rest, 3 miles/h, 6 miles/h, and 6 miles/h at a 10% grade, respectively. The agonist infusions did not affect blood flow in the contralateral iliac artery. To examine whether nitric oxide is responsible for the attenuated vasoconstrictor response to P2X stimulation, the infusions were repeated in the presence of NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester. After nitric oxide synthase blockade, intra-arterial infusions of alpha,beta-methylene ATP elicited reductions in vascular conductance of 56 +/- 7, 61 +/- 8, 52 +/- 9, and 40 +/- 7% at rest, 3 miles/h, 6 miles/h, and 6 miles/h at a 10% grade, respectively. P2X-receptor responsiveness was attenuated during exercise compared with rest. Blockade of nitric oxide production did not affect the attenuation of P2X-receptor responsiveness during exercise. These data support the hypothesis that P2X purinergic receptors can produce vasoconstriction in exercising skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Shields, Richard K., Laura Frey Law, Brenda Reiling, KellySass, and Jason Wilwert. Effects of electrically induced fatigueon the twitch and tetanus of paralyzed soleus muscle in humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1499-1507, 1997.We analyzed the twitch and summated torque(tetanus) during repetitive activation and recovery of the human soleusmuscle in individuals with spinal cord injury. Thirteen individualswith complete paralysis (9 chronic, 4 acute) had the tibial nerveactivated every 1,500 ms with a 20-Hz train (7 stimuli) for 300 ms anda single pulse at 1,100 ms. The stimulation protocol lasted 3 min andincluded 120 twitches and 120 tetani. Minimal changes were found forthe acute group. The chronic group showed a significant reduction inthe torque and a significant slowing of the contractile speeds of boththe twitch and tetanus. The decrease in the peak twitch torque was significantly greater than the decrease in the peak tetanus torque early during the fatigue protocol for the chronic group. The twitch time to peak and half relaxation time were prolonged during fatigue, which was associated with improved fusion of the tetanus torque. At theend of the fatigue protocol, the decrease in the peak twitch torque wasnot significantly different from the decrease in the peak tetanustorque. After 5 min of rest, the contractile speeds recovered causingthe tetanus to become unfused, but the tetanus torque became lessdepressed than the twitch torque. The differential responses for thetwitch and the tetanus suggest an interplay between optimal fusioncreated from contractile speed slowing and excitation contractioncoupling compromise. These issues make the optimal design of functionalelectrical stimulation systems a formidable task.

The factor(s) derived from fibrosarcoma-induced suppressor T cells was sensitive to pronase and neuraminidase, but not to trypsin, beta-galactosidase, DNase, or RNase. Protein and RNA, but not DNA, synthesis were required to mediate suppression. Suppressor T cell-derived factor(s) could be precipitated by a 50% saturated ammonium sulfate (SAS) solution. The 50% SAS fraction inhibited both in vitro and in vivo spleen cell blastogenesis, whereas the 80% and unprecipitated fractions had no inhibitory activity. Using Sephadex G-200 chromatography, the 2nd protein fraction (fraction II) contained an inhibitor of both DNA polymerases (IDP) and DNA synthesis (IDS) activity, which possessed no cytotoxic activity. In vitro DNA polymerase alpha activity was suppressed by fraction II, whereas DNA polymerase beta and gamma activities remained unchanged. Molecular weight of IDP/IDS, as determined by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration chromatography, was approximately 14,500. Attempts to separate IDP/IDS activities found in fraction II by anion-exchange chromatography and slab gel electrophoresis were not successful, which suggested that the 2 activities were the same or very similar molecules.  相似文献   
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