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T-cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) regulates developmental and stress-responsive pathways through distinct activities at the levels of alternative pre-mRNA splicing and mRNA translation. The TIA-1 polypeptide contains three RNA recognition motifs (RRMs). The central RRM2 and C-terminal RRM3 associate with cellular mRNAs. The N-terminal RRM1 enhances interactions of a C-terminal Q-rich domain of TIA-1 with the U1-C splicing factor, despite linear separation of the domains in the TIA-1 sequence. Given the expanded functional repertoire of the RRM family, it was unknown whether TIA-1 RRM1 contributes to RNA binding as well as documented protein interactions. To address this question, we used isothermal titration calorimetry and small-angle X-ray scattering to dissect the roles of the TIA-1 RRMs in RNA recognition. Notably, the fas RNA exhibited two binding sites with indistinguishable affinities for TIA-1. Analyses of TIA-1 variants established that RRM1 was dispensable for binding AU-rich fas sites, yet all three RRMs were required to bind a polyU RNA with high affinity. Small-angle X-ray scattering analyses demonstrated a "V" shape for a TIA-1 construct comprising the three RRMs and revealed that its dimensions became more compact in the RNA-bound state. The sequence-selective involvement of TIA-1 RRM1 in RNA recognition suggests a possible role for RNA sequences in regulating the distinct functions of TIA-1. Further implications for U1-C recruitment by the adjacent TIA-1 binding sites of the fas pre-mRNA and the bent TIA-1 shape, which organizes the N- and C-termini on the same side of the protein, are discussed.  相似文献   
Soil is a prominent component of terrestrial C and N budgets. Soil C and N pools are influenced by, and may reciprocally influence, many environmental factors. Our objective was to determine the quantitative relations of surface mineral-soil organic C, N, and C/N ratios to climate and soil texture across seven ecological regions that make up the conterminous USA. Up to 608 soil profiles per region and their corresponding climates were evaluated with regression analysis. The organic C pool (kg C m−2) in the upper 20 cm of mineral soil was positively related to mean annual precipitation, evapotranspiration and clay content in all regions. It was negatively related to a temperature/precipitation index in all regions and negatively related to mean annual temperature, except in the northwest temperate forest region. Soil C/N ratios were negatively related to clay or silt content in all regions. These relations are consistent with concepts of moisture and temperature controls on detrital production, differential effects of temperature on detrital production and decomposition, and stabilization of organic matter by clay and silt. Differences in quantitative relations among regions may be related to vegetation-composition effects on soil organic matter processes, clay mineralogy, and faunal mixing of surface organic horizons with mineral soil. Regional differences also occurred in the importance of climate vs. soil texture in explaining the variability in soil C. The regional differences indicate the importance of using region-specific, rather than generalized, equations for projecting long-term soil responses to climate change and for conducting ecosystem-model calibration or validation.  相似文献   
The genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), contains information about the evolutionary history of life. Both the relationships amongst organisms and the times of their divergence can be inferred from DNA sequences. Anthropological geneticists use DNA sequences to infer the evolutionary history of humans and their primate relatives. We review the basic methodology used to infer these relationships. We then review the anthropological genetic evidence for modern human origins. We conclude that modern humans evolved recently in Africa and then left to colonize the rest of the world within the last 50,000 years, largely replacing the other human groups that they encountered. Modern humans likely exchanged genes with Neanderthals prior to or early during their expansion out of Africa.  相似文献   
Systems-oriented genetic approaches that incorporate gene expression and genotype data are valuable in the quest for genetic regulatory loci underlying complex traits. Gene coexpression network analysis lends itself to identification of entire groups of differentially regulated genes—a highly relevant endeavor in finding the underpinnings of complex traits that are, by definition, polygenic in nature. Here we describe one such approach based on liver gene expression and genotype data from an F2 mouse intercross utilizing weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA) of gene expression data to identify physiologically relevant modules. We describe two strategies: single-network analysis and differential network analysis. Single-network analysis reveals the presence of a physiologically interesting module that can be found in two distinct mouse crosses. Module quantitative trait loci (mQTLs) that perturb this module were discovered. In addition, we report a list of genetic drivers for this module. Differential network analysis reveals differences in connectivity and module structure between two networks based on the liver expression data of lean and obese mice. Functional annotation of these genes suggests a biological pathway involving epidermal growth factor (EGF). Our results demonstrate the utility of WGCNA in identifying genetic drivers and in finding genetic pathways represented by gene modules. These examples provide evidence that integration of network properties may well help chart the path across the gene–trait chasm. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Tova F. Fuller, Anatole Ghazalpour contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
The Top 10 fungal pathogens in molecular plant pathology   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The aim of this review was to survey all fungal pathologists with an association with the journal Molecular Plant Pathology and ask them to nominate which fungal pathogens they would place in a 'Top 10' based on scientific/economic importance. The survey generated 495 votes from the international community, and resulted in the generation of a Top 10 fungal plant pathogen list for Molecular Plant Pathology. The Top 10 list includes, in rank order, (1) Magnaporthe oryzae; (2) Botrytis cinerea; (3) Puccinia spp.; (4) Fusarium graminearum; (5) Fusarium oxysporum; (6) Blumeria graminis; (7) Mycosphaerella graminicola; (8) Colletotrichum spp.; (9) Ustilago maydis; (10) Melampsora lini, with honourable mentions for fungi just missing out on the Top 10, including Phakopsora pachyrhizi and Rhizoctonia solani. This article presents a short resumé of each fungus in the Top 10 list and its importance, with the intent of initiating discussion and debate amongst the plant mycology community, as well as laying down a bench-mark. It will be interesting to see in future years how perceptions change and what fungi will comprise any future Top 10.  相似文献   
Ocean acidification may have far‐reaching consequences for marine community and ecosystem dynamics, but its full impacts remain poorly understood due to the difficulty of manipulating pCO2 at the ecosystem level to mimic realistic fluctuations that occur on a number of different timescales. It is especially unclear how quickly communities at various stages of development respond to intermediate‐scale pCO2 change and, if high pCO2 is relieved mid‐succession, whether past acidification effects persist, are reversed by alleviation of pCO2 stress, or are worsened by departures from prior high pCO2 conditions to which organisms had acclimatized. Here, we used reciprocal transplant experiments along a shallow water volcanic pCO2 gradient to assess the importance of the timing and duration of high pCO2 exposure (i.e., discrete events at different stages of successional development vs. continuous exposure) on patterns of colonization and succession in a benthic fouling community. We show that succession at the acidified site was initially delayed (less community change by 8 weeks) but then caught up over the next 4 weeks. These changes in succession led to homogenization of communities maintained in or transplanted to acidified conditions, and altered community structure in ways that reflected both short‐ and longer‐term acidification history. These community shifts are likely a result of interspecific variability in response to increased pCO2 and changes in species interactions. High pCO2 altered biofilm development, allowing serpulids to do best at the acidified site by the end of the experiment, although early (pretransplant) negative effects of pCO2 on recruitment of these worms were still detectable. The ascidians Diplosoma sp. and Botryllus sp. settled later and were more tolerant to acidification. Overall, transient and persistent acidification‐driven changes in the biofouling community, via both past and more recent exposure, could have important implications for ecosystem function and food web dynamics.  相似文献   
We examined the Na+/H+ exchanger message in isolated perfused rabbit hearts using Northern blot analysis with cDNA encoding for the rabbit cardiac Na+/H+ exchanger. A cDNA probe from the coding region of the rabbit myocardial Na+/H+ exchanger hybridized to mRNA of 5 kb under high stringency, and to a second 3.8 kb mRNA species under low stringency. When Northern blots were re-probed with a section of the 3′-untranslated region of the cDNA, the 5 kb message was apparent while the smaller 3.8 kb message was not. If isolated working rabbit hearts were subjected to ischemia we observed increases in the 3.8 kb message. Overall, the results show that a 3.8 kb mRNA product, which is homologous to the amiloride sensitive Na+/H+ exchanger, exists in the myocardium and increases during ischemia in the myocardium.  相似文献   
Detecting marine invasions can be challenging, especially for lesser-known taxa, and requires (a) thorough field surveys of the region of interest for members of the taxon, (b) systematic analyses to identify all species found, (c) literature searches for the worldwide distribution of these species and for previous records of the taxon in this region, and (d) application of rigorous criteria to assess whether each species found is native or introduced. We carried out these steps in order to detect and document kamptozoan (entoproct) invasions on the American mid-Atlantic coast. We report on the occurrence of two colonial kamptozoans (Barentsia benedeni, Loxosomatoides laevis) in Chesapeake Bay (Maryland and Virginia, USA). On the American Atlantic coast, B. benedeni had previously only been reported from Massachusetts, although this species has a worldwide distribution in bays and harbors. The genus Loxosomatoides had not previously been reported from North America and L. laevis was known only from India. Since the genus Loxosomatoides was very poorly characterized, we briefly review all four of its species, which differ only slightly from each other. We have also synonymized L. japonicum with L. laevis. We did not find any of the kamptozoan species previously recorded in surveys of Chesapeake Bay and the American Atlantic coast. This is the first detailed consideration of anthropogenic influences on kamptozoan distributions, and we emphasize that most kamptozoan species are cryptogenic pending further investigation.  相似文献   
The intracellular bacterium Francisella tularensis is the causative agent of tularemia and poses a serious threat as an agent of bioterrorism. We have developed a highly effective molecular subtyping system from 25 variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) loci. In our study, multiple-locus VNTR analysis (MLVA) was used to analyze genetic relationships and potential population structure within a global collection of 192 F. tularensis isolates, including representatives from each of the four subspecies. The VNTR loci displayed between 2 and 31 alleles with Nei's diversity values between 0.05 and 0.95. Neighbor-joining cluster analysis of VNTR data revealed 120 genotypes among the 192 F. tularensis isolates, including accurate subspecies identification. F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (type A) isolates showed great diversity at VNTR loci, while F. tularensis subsp. holarctica (type B) isolates showed much lower levels despite a much broader geographical prevalence. The resolution of two distinct clades within F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (designated A.I and A.II) revealed a previously unrecognized genetic division within this highly virulent subspecies. F. tularensis subsp. holarctica appears to have recently spread globally across continents from a single origin, while F. tularensis subsp. tularensis has a long and complex evolutionary history almost exclusively in North America. The sole non-North American type A isolates (Slovakian) were closely related to the SCHU S4 strain. Significant linkage disequilibrium was detected among VNTR loci of F. tularensis consistent with a clonal population structure. Overall, this work greatly augments the study of tularemia ecology and epidemiology, while providing a framework for future forensic analysis of F. tularensis isolates.  相似文献   
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