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The aim of our research was to study the composition of Pseudo‐nitzschia species during a period when neurotoxin domoic acid (DA) was present in shellfish. Sampling was conducted in Ka?tela Bay (Central Adriatic Sea), between November 2015 and January 2016. Concentrations of DA analyzed in various shellfish species were low, below the regulatory limit, while the highest abundance of Pseudo‐nitzschia spp. reached 1.85 × 105 cells L?1 in the surface layer, at the beginning of November. Within the temperature and salinity range recorded during the investigated period, a positive correlation of Pseudo‐nitzschia spp. abundance was recorded with temperature. Morphological analyses by scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of five Pseudo‐nitzschia species that had already been reported in the Adriatic Sea – P. calliantha, P. delicatissima, P. fraudulenta, P. pseudodelicatissima /P. cuspidata and P. subfraudulenta as well as an unknown Pseudo‐nitzschia sp. The composition of the Pseudo‐nitzschia assemblage changed over the investigated period. The species P. pseudodelicatissima/P.cuspidata was found throughout the entire period and the highest diversity was noticed in January, when all six observed species were recorded. These results represent the first taxonomical investigation of the genus Pseudo‐nitzschia in Ka?tela Bay, as well as the first report of DA in shellfish from this area.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and genetic basis of multidrug resistance in Chryseobacterium indologenes from seawater and marine invertebrates used for human consumption, in Ka?tela Bay, Adriatic Sea, Croatia. Out of 16 samples of seawater, Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam.), Rayed Mediterranean limpets (Patella caerulea L.) and Purple sea urchins (Paracentrotus lividus Lam.) collected, 15 were positive for C. indologenes. In total, 41 isolates were randomly selected and tested for antibiotic susceptibility by disc-diffusion and broth microdilution methods. PCR was used to detect alleles encoding extended-spectrum (ESBLs) and metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs). The clonality of β-lactamase-producing strains was evaluated by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. All C. indologenes isolates showed multiple resistance to at least 9 out of 16 antibiotics tested. Lowest resistance rates were found for piperacillin (9.7 %) and ciprofloxacin (24.4 %), whereas only piperacillin/tazobactam and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole showed 100 % activity. More than half of isolates carried bla IND-type gene, including 2 isolates carrying bla IND-2 and 21 carrying bla IND-7, that was identified as a major MBL genotype in isolates from Adriatic Sea. RAPD typing of IND-producing isolates revealed 6 major groups with no predominant clone in population. The presence of multidrug resistant and IND-producing C. indologenes in marine environment, including marine fauna, pose a risk for transmitting this opportunistic pathogen to humans through recreation or consummation of seafood. In addition, the antibiotic susceptibility test results have practical relevance for empirical treatment of C. indologenes infections.  相似文献   
Visual object processing may follow a coarse-to-fine sequence imposed by fast processing of low spatial frequencies (LSF) and slow processing of high spatial frequencies (HSF). Objects can be categorized at varying levels of specificity: the superordinate (e.g. animal), the basic (e.g. dog), or the subordinate (e.g. Border Collie). We tested whether superordinate and more specific categorization depend on different spatial frequency ranges, and whether any such dependencies might be revealed by or influence signals recorded using EEG. We used event-related potentials (ERPs) and time-frequency (TF) analysis to examine the time course of object processing while participants performed either a grammatical gender-classification task (which generally forces basic-level categorization) or a living/non-living judgement (superordinate categorization) on everyday, real-life objects. Objects were filtered to contain only HSF or LSF. We found a greater positivity and greater negativity for HSF than for LSF pictures in the P1 and N1 respectively, but no effects of task on either component. A later, fronto-central negativity (N350) was more negative in the gender-classification task than the superordinate categorization task, which may indicate that this component relates to semantic or syntactic processing. We found no significant effects of task or spatial frequency on evoked or total gamma band responses. Our results demonstrate early differences in processing of HSF and LSF content that were not modulated by categorization task, with later responses reflecting such higher-level cognitive factors.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma is the most frequent and malignant human brain tumor. High level of genomic instability detected in glioma cells implies that numerous genetic alterations accumulate during glioma pathogenesis. We investigated alterations in AP-PCR DNA profiles of 30 glioma patients, and detected specific changes in 11 genes not previously associated with this disease: LHFPL3, SGCG, HTR4, ITGB1, CPS1, PROS1, GP2, KCNG2, PDE4D, KIR3DL3, and INPP5A. Further correlations revealed that 8 genes might play important role in pathogenesis of glial tumors, while changes in GP2, KCNG2 and KIR3DL3 should be considered as passenger mutations, consequence of high level of genomic instability. Identified genes have a significant role in signal transduction or cell adhesion, which are important processes for cancer development and progression. According to our results, LHFPL3 might be characteristic of primary glioblastoma, SGCG, HTR4, ITGB1, CPS1, PROS1 and INPP5A were detected predominantly in anaplastic astrocytoma, suggesting their role in progression of secondary glioblastoma, while alterations of PDE4D seem to have important role in development of both glioblastoma subtypes. Some of the identified genes showed significant association with p53, p16, and EGFR, but there was no significant correlation between loss of PTEN and any of identified genes. In conclusion our study revealed genetic alterations that were not previously associated with glioma pathogenesis and could be potentially used as molecular markers of different glioblastoma subtypes.  相似文献   
The primary open-angle glaucomas are a group of diseases that have in common characteristic morphological changes at the optic nerve head and retinal nerve fiber layer, progressive retinal ganglion cells death and characteristic visual field loss. The risk for primary open angle glaucoma rises continuously with the level of the intraocular pressure. The disease advances slowly and there are no symptoms. Primary open angle glaucoma is caused by abnormal aqueous humour outflow in the trabecular meshwork in the open angle. Etiopathogenesis of primary open angle glaucoma is unclear. The increased risk of glaucoma in relatives has long been recognized. Frequency for manifestation of the disease is 10-30% in family members. The discovery of the specific gene loci responsible for the manifestation of glaucoma has helped us to understand its mechanism of origin and definitely confirmed the hereditary nature of this disease. Digito-palmar dermatoglyphs were already used to determine hereditary base of many diseases and it was the reason for investigation of their qualitative patterns in patients with glaucoma (22 males and 23 females), their immediate relatives (19 males and 23 females) in comparison to a group of phenotypically healthy population (52 males and 56 females). The results pointed a connection with the dermatoglyphic traits of the digito-palmar complex between patients with glaucoma and their immediate relatives. There is a possible discrimination of patients and their immediate relatives from phenotypically healthy population, too.  相似文献   
Myotubularin-related protein 6 (MTMR6) is a catalytically active member of the myotubularin (MTM) family, which is composed of 14 proteins. Catalytically active myotubularins possess 3-phosphatase activity dephosphorylating phosphatidylinositol-3-phoshate and phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate, and some members have been shown to form homomers or heteromeric complexes with catalytically inactive myotubularins. We demonstrate that human MTMR6 forms a heteromer with an enzymatically inactive member myotubularin-related protein 9 (MTMR9), both in vitro and in cells. MTMR9 increased the binding of MTMR6 to phospholipids without changing the lipid binding profile. MTMR9 increased the 3-phosphatase activity of MTMR6 up to 6-fold. We determined that MTMR6 is activated up to 28-fold in the presence of phosphatidylserine liposomes. Together, MTMR6 activity in the presence of MTMR9 and assayed in phosphatidylserine liposomes increased 84-fold. Moreover, the formation of this heteromer in cells resulted in increased protein levels of both MTMR6 and MTMR9, probably due to the inhibition of degradation of both proteins. Furthermore, co-expression of MTMR6 and MTMR9 decreased etoposide-induced apoptosis, whereas decreasing both MTMR6 and MTMR9 by RNA interference led to increased cell death in response to etoposide treatment when compared with that seen with RNA interference of MTMR6 alone. Thus, MTMR9 greatly enhances the functions of MTMR6.Myotubularin proteins are a family of 14 proteins with the canonical dual specificity protein tyrosine phosphatase active site CX5R motif (13). Eight members of the myotubularin family possess catalytic activity, dephosphorylating phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns-3-P)4 and phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns-3,5-P2) at the D-3 position, and six members are not catalytically active because they lack the conserved cysteine residue in the protein tyrosine phosphatase motif that is required for activity. Interest in this group of proteins originated from the genetic evidence linking myotubularin, the founding member of this family, to myotubular myopathy, an X-linked disorder characterized by severe hypotonia and generalized muscle weakness (4). Subsequently, mutations in MTMR2 and in its inactive binding partner MTMR13 were linked to a subset of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B, a demyelinating neurodegenerative disorder (5, 6).Despite near identical substrate specificity, biochemical and genetic evidence supports the hypothesis that myotubularin proteins are not redundant and have unique functions within cells (2, 79). The mechanisms by which loss of function of myotubularin proteins produce diseases are not known. Current evidence supports the hypothesis that each myotubularin protein regulates a specific pool of PtdIns-3-P and/or PtdIns-3,5-P2, which in turn regulates a variety of cellular functions. Differences in tissue expression and subcellular localization play a role in the specificity of different myotubularins (1015).The functions of myotubularin proteins are altered by the formation of heteromers between catalytically active and inactive members of the family. The initial biochemical purification of MTM1 demonstrated the presence of MTM1 homodimers and MTM1-3-phosphatase adapter protein (3PAP) heteromers (16), which was later described as MTMR12 (15, 17). MTMR2 was found to form heteromers with MTMR5 (13) and MTMR13 (18), and MTMR7 formed heteromers with MTMR9 (19). In each case, a catalytically active myotubularin protein interacted with an inactive protein. Heteromerization generated two important effects: increased catalytic activity of the active component (13, 15, 19, 20) and targeting of the heteromer to specific subcellular locations (15). Mutations in the inactive member MTMR13 result in a similar phenotype in patients as the mutations in its catalytically active binding partner MTMR2, indicating an indispensable role for the catalytically inactive subunit (21).Myotubularin proteins can be grouped into subfamilies based on homology. Closely related MTMR6, MTMR7, and MTMR8 comprise such a subfamily. We have previously characterized the interaction between mouse MTMR7 and MTMR9 proteins (19). In this report, we characterize the interaction between human MTMR6 and MTMR9. MTMR6 and MTMR9 have been shown to form a heteromeric complex in mouse and Caenorhabditis elegans (19, 22). MTMR6 has been shown to inhibit the activity of a calcium-activated potassium channel (type KCa3.1) (23, 24). Two screening experiments implicate MTMR6 as a regulator of apoptosis. By RNA microarray analysis, increased MTMR6 expression was observed in B cell chronic lymphoid leukemia cells with increased resistance to irradiation-induced apoptosis (25), whereas in an RNA interference screen in HeLa cells, decreased MTMR6 expression promoted apoptosis (26).Here we show that MTMR6 interacts with MTMR9 in vitro and in human cells. This interaction increases the phospholipid binding and enzymatic activity of MTMR6 in vitro. Co-expression of either subunit in cells dramatically increased the protein levels of the individual binding partners, suggesting that heteromer formation increases the stability of the proteins. Finally, MTMR9 was found to potentiate the effects of MTMR6 on apoptosis.  相似文献   
In biological systems, charged membrane surfaces are surrounded by charged molecules such as electrolyte ions and proteins. Our recent experiments in the systems of giant phospholipid vesicles indicated that some of the blood plasma proteins (macro-ions) may promote adhesion between equally charged membrane surfaces. In this work, theory was put forward to describe an IgG antibody-mediated attractive interaction between negatively charged membrane surfaces which was observed in experiments on giant phospholipid vesicles with cardiolipin-containing membranes. The attractive interactions between negatively charged membrane surfaces in the presence of negatively and positively charged spherical macro-ions are explained using functional density theory and Monte Carlo simulations. Both, the rigorous solution of the variational problem within the functional density theory and the Monte Carlo simulations show that spatial and orientational ordering of macro-ions may give rise to an attractive interaction between negatively charged membrane surfaces. It is also shown that the distinctive spatial distribution of the charge within the macro-ions (proteins) is essential in this process.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between polymorphisms in the Vitamin D receptor gene (VDR gene) and tendency for development of psoriasis vulgaris and diabetes mellitus in the population of Slavonia, which is a region in the Eastern Croatia. In order to conduct the mentioned evaluation the restriction fragment length polymorphisms (ApaI, BsmI and TaqI) in the Vitamin D receptor gene were researched in three groups of patients: patients suffering only from psoriasis vulgaris, patients suffering only from diabetes mellitus, and patients suffering at the same time from both diseases. Four most common genotypes were found in all standardized control patients: triple heterozygotes BbAaTt (in 29.3% of the studied patients), bbAaTT (in 18.6% of the studied patients), bbaaTT (in 12.9% of the studied patients) and BbAATt (in 8.6% of the studied patients). Three most common VDR 3'-RFLP haplotypes determined in this study were: three-component baT, Bat and bAT haplotype. Results of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium showed presence of BsmI polymorphism genotype frequencies disequilibrium in the group of patients suffering from psoriasis and ApaI polymorphism in the group of patients suffering from both diseases. According to the same statistical test all conditions for TaqI polymorphism genotype frequency were fulfilled in all groups of studied patients. There was no significant difference in distribution of BsmI, ApaI or TaqI polymorphism genotype frequencies between control patients and any of the subgroup of studied patients. In studied population none of analysed polymorphisms individually was associated with the risk of development of psoriasis, diabetes or combined phenotype.  相似文献   
Microscopic anatomy of the digestive system in embryos and larvae of the terrestrial isopod crustacean Porcellio scaber was investigated by light bright field, fluorescence and electron microscopy. During marsupial ontogenetic development the event-dependent staging was used to discriminate the various embryonic stages. At the late embryo stage the differentiation of the ectodermal part of the gut into the complex filtering foregut and the hindgut with absorptive and transporting functions is accomplished. The gut of the marsupial manca larva is fully developed and similar to that of the adult. In early embryos the endodermal midgut gland primordia are filled with yolk and lipid globules. In late embryos the epithelium of paired midgut gland tubes is composed of two cell types; one of them exhibits orange autofluorescence. The endodermal cells located between the foregut and the midgut glands of late embryos form the prospective midgut. The cells have electron dense cytoplasm, abundant glycogen fields, endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes and numerous vesicles. In the adults the endodermal cells of the midgut remain only in the midgut gland ducts which connect the midgut glands and the foregut. Details of the cellular ultrastructure and morphogenesis of the ectodermal and endodermal parts of the digestive system during embryonic development of Porcellio scaber provide data for further phylogenetic and comparative studies in peracaridan crustaceans and other arthropods.  相似文献   
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