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The balance between matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, the tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), is pivotal in the remodeling of extracellular matrix. TGF-beta has profound effects on extracellular matrix homeostasis, in part via its ability to alter this balance at the level of gene expression. The intracellular signaling pathways by which TGF-beta mediates its actions include the Smad pathway, specific to the TGF-beta superfamily, but also, for example, mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways; furthermore, cross-talk between the Smads and other signaling pathways modifies the TGF-beta response. The reciprocal effect of TGF-beta on the expression of Timp-1 and MMP-1 supports its role in matrix anabolism, yet the mechanisms by which TGF-beta induces Timp-1 and represses induced MMP-1 have remained opaque. Here, we (i) investigate the mechanism(s) by which TGF-beta1 induces expression of the Timp-1 gene and (ii) compare this with TGF-beta1 repression of phorbol ester-induced MMP-1 expression. We report that the promoter-proximal activator protein 1 (AP1) site is essential for the response of both Timp-1 and MMP-1 to TGF-beta (induction and repression, respectively). c-Fos, JunD, and c-Jun are essential for the induction of Timp-1 gene expression by TGF-beta1, but these AP1 factors transactivate equally well from both Timp-1 and MMP-1 AP1 sites. Smad-containing complexes do not interact with the Timp-1 AP1 site, and overexpression of Smads does not substitute or potentiate the induction of the gene by TGF-beta1; furthermore, Timp-1 is still induced by TGF-beta1 in Smad knockout cell lines, although to varying extents. In contrast, Smads do interact with the MMP-1 AP1 site and mediate repression of induced MMP-1 gene expression by TGF-beta1.  相似文献   
In the Department of Putumayo in southern Colombia, malaria transmission has continued in the absence of the 4 traditional Latin American vector species--Anopheles darlingi, Anopheles nuneztovari, Anopheles albimanus or Anopheles trinkae. Human bait collections yielded Anopheles mosquitoes and a morphological variant of Anopheles benarrochi, the adult females of which can easily be misidentified as Anopheles oswaldoi. Species identification of females of Anopheles in the subgenus Nyssorhynchus is generally difficult due to overlapping morphological characters; therefore, progeny of field collected females were link-reared to assess species identity. Herein a robust method is presented to identify the species Anopheles benarrochi, Anopheles oswaldoi and Anopheles rangeli from southern Colombia, using the morphology of the eggs induced from wild-caught females. Eggs of A. rangeli and A. benarrochi were differentiated on the basis of the anterior crown. In A. rangeli, this feature is positioned apically with high walls. In A. benarrochi, anterior crown is positioned more ventrally with comparatively shorter walls. No crown is present in A. oswaldoi. These differences are clear with the aid of a dissecting microscope and make accurate species determination possible even in field conditions. Egg morphology is shown to be an accurate, albeit indirect, method for the taxonomic determination for the three southern Colombian species and may also be useful in other regions of Latin America where the morphological variant of A. benarrochi is sympatric with A. oswaldoi.  相似文献   
The structural basis of phosphorylation and its putative role in internalization were investigated in the human dopamine transporter (hDAT). Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) was achieved either directly by treatment with 4-alpha-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) or by activating the Galpha(q)-coupled human substance P receptor (hNK-1) co-expressed with hDAT in HEK293 cells and in N2A neuroblastoma cells. In both cell lines, activation of the hNK-1 receptor by substance P reduced the V(max) for [(3)H]dopamine uptake to the same degree as did PMA ( approximately 50 and approximately 20% in HEK293 and N2A cells, respectively). In HEK293 cells, the reduction in transport capacity could be accounted for by internalization of the transporter, as assessed by cell surface biotinylation experiments, and by fluorescence microscopy using enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged hDAT. In HEK293 cells, hNK-1 receptor activation, as well as direct PKC activation by PMA, was accompanied by a marked increase in transporter phosphorylation. However, truncation of the first 22 N-terminal residues almost abolished detectable phosphorylation without affecting the SP- or PMA-induced reduction in transport capacity and internalization. In this background truncation construct, systematic mutation of all the phosphorylation consensus serines and threonines in hDAT, alone and in various combinations, did also not alter the effect of hNK-1 receptor activation or PMA treatment in either HEK293 or N2A cells. Mutation of a dileucine and of two tyrosine-based motifs in hDAT was similarly without effect. We conclude that the major phosphorylation sites in hDAT are within the distal N terminus, which contains several serines. Moreover, the present data strongly suggest that neither this phosphorylation, nor the phosphorylation of any other sites within hDAT, is required for either receptor-mediated or direct PKC-mediated internalization of the hDAT.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated phosphorylation of cardiac myofilament (MF) proteins has been shown to depress the actomyosin interaction and may be important during heart failure. Biochemical studies indicate that phosphorylation of Ser(43) and Ser(45) of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) plays a substantial role in the PKC-mediated depression. We studied intact and detergent-extracted papillary muscles from nontransgenic (NTG) and transgenic (TG) mouse hearts that express a mutant cTnI (Ser43Ala, Ser45Ala) that lacks specific PKC-dependent phosphorylation sites. Treatment of NTG papillary muscles with phenylephrine (PE) resulted in a transient increase and a subsequent 62% reduction in peak twitch force. TG muscles showed no transient increase and only a 45% reduction in force. There was a similar difference in maximum tension between NTG and TG fiber bundles that had been treated with a phorbol ester and had received subsequent detergent extraction. Although levels of cTnI phosphorylation correlated with these differences, the TG fibers also demonstrated a decrease in phosphorylation of cardiac troponin T. The PKC-specific inhibitor chelerythrine inhibited these responses. Our data provide evidence that specific PKC-mediated phosphorylation of Ser(43) and Ser(45) of cTnI plays an important role in regulating force development in the intact myocardium.  相似文献   
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) is a ligand-activated nuclear receptor that has an essential role in adipogenesis and glucose homeostasis. PPAR-gamma is expressed in vascular tissues including endothelial cells (ECs). PPAR-gamma activity can be regulated by many pathophysiological and pharmacological agonists. However, the role of PPAR-gamma activation in ECs remains unclear. In this study, we examined the effect of the constitutive activation of PPAR-gamma on the phenotypic modulation of ECs. Adenovirus-mediated expression of a constitutively active mutant of PPAR-gamma resulted in significant ligand-independent activation of PPAR-gamma and specific induction of the PPAR-gamma target genes. However, PPAR-gamma activation significantly suppressed the expression of vascular adhesion molecules in ECs and the ensuing leukocyte recruitment. Furthermore, constitutive activation of PPAR-gamma resulted in simultaneous repression of AP-1 and NF-kappaB activity, which suggests that PPAR-gamma may reduce pro-inflammatory phenotypes via, at least in part, suppression of the AP-1 and NF-kappaB pathways. Therefore, using a gain-of-function approach, our study provides novel evidence showing that constitutive activation of PPAR-gamma is sufficient to prevent ECs from converting into a pro-inflammatory phenotype. These results also suggest that, in addition to pharmacological agonists, the genetic modification of the PPAR-gamma activity in ECs may be a potential approach for therapeutic intervention in various inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   
The most important vectors of human Plasmodium in the neotropics belong to the subgenus Nyssorhynchus. These species are generally sympatric in terms of their geographical distributions. Some are difficult to identify based solely on examination of adult females using the available morphological keys, in these cases examination of immature stages and male genitalia is required to make correct determinations. However, in epidemiological studies it is necessary to identify the species of adult females which are found near humans, i.e. in studies of malaria transmission or evaluation of control measures. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the discrimination of adult females of different species of Nyssorhynchus isolated mainly from Southern Colombia (department of Putumayo), using morphometric analysis. Adult females were obtained after rearing larvae collected in natural breeding places and from the progeny of females collected on humans. The morphological characteristics of the immature stages allowed the identification of four species of the subgroup Oswaldoi from Southern Colombia: Anopheles rangeli Gabaldon, Cova Garcia & Lopez, An. oswaldoi (Peryassu), An. benarrochi Gabaldon, Cova Garcia & Lopez and An. triannulatus (Neiva & Pinto). The species An. nuneztovari (Gabaldon) from the Northwest of Colombia was included for comparison. Morphometric analysis allowed differentiation of the females of all species to a confidence level approaching 90% using principal components analysis of 10 wing and leg variables, followed by canonical variate analysis of the first four principal components. We conclude that morphometrics may represent a useful taxonomic tool for this group and that its use should be further studied.  相似文献   
The role of chondrocyte senescence in osteoarthritis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Replicative senescence occurs when normal somatic cells stop dividing. Senescent cells remain viable, but show alterations in phenotype, e.g. altered expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs); these enzymes are known to be involved in cartilage destruction. It is assumed that cells deplete their replicative potential during aging, and age is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA). Therefore, we hypothesized that chondrocytes in aging or diseased cartilage become senescent with associated phenotypic changes contributing to development or progression of OA. Articular cartilage was obtained from OA patients undergoing arthroplasty, with 'normal' cartilage from trauma surgery for hip fracture. Senescent cells were identified using the senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal) marker. Telomere length was assessed using Southern blot. MMP expression was measured at the mRNA level using Taqman RT-PCR. No SA-beta-gal staining was observed in control cartilage regardless of patient age. In contrast, SA-beta-gal staining was observed in damaged OA cartilage adjacent to the lesion. Cultured chondrocytes isolated from sites near a lesion contained a greater percentage of SA-beta-gal positive cells than cultures isolated from distal sites or normal cartilage. Mean telomere length was shorter in cells near the lesion compared to distal sites in the same joint; thus the former population has undergone cell division. The expression of collagenases MMP-1, -8 and -13 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP)-1 was altered in OA cartilage, but no difference was detected between lesion and distal sites in the same joint (i.e. no correlation was found between senescent cells and proteinase/ inhibitor expression).  相似文献   
IntroductionNew-onset left bundle branch block (LBBB) following transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement (LBBBAVI) implies a proximal pathogenesis of LBBB. This study compares electrocardiographic characteristics and concordance with LBBB definitions between LBBBAVI and non-procedure-induced LBBB controls (LBBBcontrol).MethodsAll LBBBAVI patients at Ghent University Hospital between 2013 and 2019 were enrolled in the study. LBBBAVI patients were matched for age, sex, ischaemic heart disease and ejection fraction to LBBBcontrol patients in a 1:2 ratio. For inclusion, a non-strict LBBB definition was used (QRS duration ≥ 120 ms, QS or rS in V1, absence of Q waves in V5-6). Electrocardiograms were digitally analysed and classified according to three LBBB definitions: European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Strauss and American Heart Association (AHA).ResultsA total of 177 patients (59 LBBBAVI and 118 LBBBcontrol) were enrolled in the study. LBBBAVI patients had more lateral QRS notching/slurring (100% vs 85%, p = 0.001), included a higher percentage with a QRS duration ≥ 130 ms (98% vs 86%, p = 0.007) and had a less leftward oriented QRS axis (−15° vs −30°, p = 0.013) compared to the LBBBcontrol group. ESC and Strauss criteria were fulfilled in 100% and 95% of LBBBAVI patients, respectively, but only 18% met the AHA criteria. In LBBBcontrol patients, concordance with LBBB definitions was lower than in the LBBBAVI group: ESC 85% (p = 0.001), Strauss 68% (p < 0.001) and AHA 7% (p = 0.035). No differences in electrocardiographic characterisation or concordance with LBBB definitions were observed between LBBBAVI and LBBBcontrol patients with lateral QRS notching/slurring.ConclusionNon-uniformity exists among current LBBB definitions concerning the detection of proximal LBBB. LBBBAVI may provide a framework for more consensus on defining proximal LBBB.Supplementary InformationThe online version of this article (10.1007/s12471-021-01565-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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