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Anthropogenic activities often cause specialized and fragmentation‐sensitive species to be replaced by competitive commensal or invasive species, resulting in reduced diversity and biotic homogenization. However, biotic homogenization driven by increased dominance of a native species has rarely been investigated. Increased abundance of competitive species can have important consequences for assemblage dynamics including homogenization of foraging strategies and, potentially, ecological services. This study assesses how changes to bird assemblages due to the occurrence of an aggressive honeyeater alter the foraging profiles of avifauna in 400 woodland sites in nine study regions across eastern Australia, and explores the potential implications for ecological services. We compared beta diversity among sites with a high and low abundance of the aggressive Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala. Shifts in ecological characteristics of bird assemblages of sites with high and low abundance of Noisy Miners, including mean and variation in niche position, bill length and body size, were explored. Sites with a high abundance of Noisy Miners were more taxonomically and ecologically homogeneous and had fewer species than sites with a low abundance of Noisy Miners. The mean niche positions of bird assemblages changed and were increasingly dominated by larger vertebrate feeders, granivores and frugivores as Noisy Miner abundance increased. The mean body size and bill length of the insectivore species present at a site increased with Noisy Miner abundance. This change in the bird community along with reduced diversity in foraging strategies implies a loss of the ecological functions provided by smaller‐bodied species, potentially affecting plant dispersal and regeneration, insect herbivory and ultimately woodland resilience. Our study demonstrates a substantial shift in ecological profile over a broad geographical area as a result of a single native species.  相似文献   
The GM-CSF, IL-3 and IL-5 family of cytokines, also known as the βc family due to their receptors sharing the signalling subunit βc, regulates multiple biological processes such as native and adaptive immunity, inflammation, normal and malignant hemopoieis, and autoimmunity. Australian scientists played a major role in the discovery and biological characterisation of the βc cytokines and their recent work is revealing unique features of cytokine receptor assembly and signalling. Furthermore, specific antibodies have been generated to modulate their function. Characterisation of the structural and dynamic requirements for the activation of the βc receptor family and the molecular definition of downstream signalling pathways are providing new insights into cytokine receptor signalling as well as new therapeutic opportunities.  相似文献   
Due to their global distribution, high biomass and energy content, euphausiids (krill) are important prey for many mid and upper trophic level marine organisms. Understanding drivers of krill habitat is essential for forecasting range shifts, and to better understand the response of krill predators to climate change. We hypothesized that the distribution and abundance of krill species derived from ecosystem surveys in spring/summer relates to geomorphic features, coastal upwelling during the preceding winter, and spring mesoscale oceanographic conditions. To test this hypothesis, we used boosted regression trees with environmental data and ocean model output to quantify the habitat associations of two primary krill species (Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera) in the central California Current Ecosystem from 2002 to 2018. Models confirmed the neritic distribution of T. spinifera and pelagic, outer slope association of E. pacifica (deviance explained ~35%). Distribution of these species were influenced by depth and bottom rugosity; chlorophyll-a concentrations and increased winter upwelling conditions; and spring surface currents and wind stress. Thysanoessa spinifera and E. pacifica abundance responded negatively (positively) to warm (cold) climate events, confirming known relationships. As an independent evaluation of krill models, observations of krill predator (seabirds, marine mammals) distribution indicated they were present within habitats of predicted high krill species abundance. Our framework indicates species-specific habitat relationships for these foundational forage species and their negative response to large-scale climate variations, such as El Niño and marine heatwave conditions. The approach can be easily transferred to other ecosystems or krill species that respond to similar ocean and climate forcing.  相似文献   
Global warming is predicted to reduce the amount of sea ice concentration in polar environments, thus presenting profound changes for populations of seabirds and marine mammals dependent on sea ice. Using data from a shipboard survey during August 2012, I test the hypothesis that relative abundance of seabird and marine mammals reflects environmental variability associated with the dynamic pack ice zone. Using environmental data and observations of sea ice concentration, I quantified an environmental gradient that describes the spatial organization of the dynamic pack ice zone. The relationship of top predators to this environmental gradient revealed three important aspects: (1) an open water and pack ice community is present with some top predator species exhibiting higher abundance associated with moderate sea ice concentration (40–60 %) as opposed to the pack ice edge (10 %), (2) Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) were the most abundant pinniped and they were observed resting on ice floes and foraging within leads and polynyas, and (3) for the most abundant species, spatial regression models indicate that latitude and sea ice concentration (a principal north/south gradient) are the most important environmental determinants. Winter ocean conditions may strongly influence population dynamics of top predators; therefore, information regarding their habitat use during winter is needed for understanding ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   
Sarcolipin (SLN), a 31 amino acid integral membrane protein, regulates SERCA1a and SERCA2a, two isoforms of the sarco(endo)plasmic Ca-ATPase, by lowering their apparent Ca(2+) affinity and thereby enabling muscle relaxation. SLN is expressed in both fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers with significant expression levels also found in the cardiac muscle. SLN shares approximately 30% identity with the transmembrane domain of phospholamban (PLN), and recent solution NMR studies carried out in detergent micelles indicate that the two polypeptides bind to SERCA in a similar manner. Previous 1D solid-state NMR experiments on selectively (15)N-labeled sites showed that SLN crosses the lipid bilayer with an orientation nearly parallel to the bilayer normal. With a view toward the characterization of SLN structure and its interactions with both lipids and SERCA, herein we report our initial structural and topological assignments of SLN in mechanically oriented DOPC/DOPE lipid bilayers as mapped by 2D (15)N PISEMA experiments. The PISEMA spectra obtained on uniformly (15)N-labeled protein as well as (15)N-Leu, (15)N-Ile and (15)N-Val map the secondary structure of SLN and, simultaneously, reveal that SLN exists in two distinct topologies. Both the major and the minor populations assume an orientation with the helix axis tilted by approximately 23 degrees with respect to the lipid bilayer normal, but vary in the rotation angle about the helix axis by approximately 5 degrees . The existence of the multiple populations in model membranes may be a significant requirement for SLN interaction with SERCA.  相似文献   
Nutrient availability and herbivory can regulate primary production in ecosystems, but little is known about how, or whether, they may interact with one another. Here, we investigate how nitrogen availability and insect herbivory interact to alter aboveground and belowground plant community biomass in an old-field ecosystem. In 2004, we established 36 experimental plots in which we manipulated soil nitrogen (N) availability and insect abundance in a completely randomized plot design. In 2009, after 6 years of treatments, we measured aboveground biomass and assessed root production at peak growth. Overall, we found a significant effect of reduced soil N availability on aboveground biomass and belowground plant biomass production. Specifically, responses of aboveground and belowground community biomass to nutrients were driven by reductions in soil N, but not additions, indicating that soil N may not be limiting primary production in this ecosystem. Insects reduced the aboveground biomass of subdominant plant species and decreased coarse root production. We found no statistical interactions between N availability and insect herbivory for any response variable. Overall, the results of 6 years of nutrient manipulations and insect removals suggest strong bottom-up influences on total plant community productivity but more subtle effects of insect herbivores on aspects of aboveground and belowground production.  相似文献   
Hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) is a proposed endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor and metabolic vasodilator of the coronary circulation, but its mechanisms of action on vascular smooth muscle remain unclear. Voltage-dependent K(+) (K(V)) channels sensitive to 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) contain redox-sensitive thiol groups and may mediate coronary vasodilation to H(2)O(2). This hypothesis was tested by studying the effect of H(2)O(2) on coronary blood flow, isometric tension of arteries, and arteriolar diameter in the presence of K(+) channel antagonists. Infusing H(2)O(2) into the left anterior descending artery of anesthetized dogs increased coronary blood flow in a dose-dependent manner. H(2)O(2) relaxed left circumflex rings contracted with 1 muM U46619, a thromboxane A(2) mimetic, and dilated coronary arterioles pressurized to 60 cmH(2)O. Denuding the endothelium of coronary arteries and arterioles did not affect the ability of H(2)O(2) to cause vasodilation, suggesting a direct smooth muscle mechanism. Arterial and arteriolar relaxation by H(2)O(2) was reversed by 1 mM dithiothreitol, a thiol reductant. H(2)O(2)-induced relaxation was abolished in rings contracted with 60 mM K(+) and by 10 mM tetraethylammonium, a nonselective inhibitor of K(+) channels, and 3 mM 4-AP. Dilation of arterioles by H(2)O(2) was antagonized by 0.3 mM 4-AP but not 100 nM iberiotoxin, an inhibitor of Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels. H(2)O(2)-induced increases in coronary blood flow were abolished by 3 mM 4-AP. Our data indicate H(2)O(2) increases coronary blood flow by acting directly on vascular smooth muscle. Furthermore, we suggest 4-AP-sensitive K(+) channels, or regulating proteins, serve as redox-sensitive elements controlling coronary blood flow.  相似文献   
Here we show that expression of a constitutively activated RasA allele, as the sole source of Ras activity, revealed novel Ras-induced phenotypes, including excessive vacuolar expansion and spontaneous lysis of hyphal compartments. These findings highlight the requirement for balanced Ras activity in the establishment and maintenance of polarized growth in filamentous fungi.  相似文献   
The pikromycin (Pik)/methymycin biosynthetic pathway of Streptomyces venezuelae represents a valuable system for dissecting the fundamental mechanisms of modular polyketide biosynthesis, aminodeoxysugar assembly, glycosyltransfer, and hydroxylation leading to the production of a series of macrolide antibiotics, including the natural ketolides narbomycin and pikromycin. In this study, we describe four x-ray crystal structures and allied functional studies for PikC, the remarkable P450 monooxygenase responsible for production of a number of related macrolide products from the Pik pathway. The results provide important new insights into the structural basis for the C10/C12 and C12/C14 hydroxylation patterns for the 12-(YC-17) and 14-membered ring (narbomycin) macrolides, respectively. This includes two different ligand-free structures in an asymmetric unit (resolution 2.1 A) and two co-crystal structures with bound endogenous substrates YC-17 (resolution 2.35 A)or narbomycin (resolution 1.7 A). A central feature of the enzyme-substrate interaction involves anchoring of the desosamine residue in two alternative binding pockets based on a series of distinct amino acid residues that form a salt bridge and a hydrogen-bonding network with the deoxysugar C3' dimethylamino group. Functional significance of the salt bridge was corroborated by site-directed mutagenesis that revealed a key role for Glu-94 in YC-17 binding and Glu-85 for narbomycin binding. Taken together, the x-ray structure analysis, site-directed mutagenesis, and corresponding product distribution studies reveal that PikC substrate tolerance and product diversity result from a combination of alternative anchoring modes rather than an induced fit mechanism.  相似文献   
Sarcolipin (SLN) is an integral membrane protein that is expressed in both skeletal and cardiac muscle, where it inhibits SERCA (calcium ATPase) by lowering its apparent Ca2+ affinity in a manner similar to that of its homologue phospholamban (PLN). We use solution NMR to map the structural changes occurring within SLN upon interaction with the regulatory target, SERCA, co-reconstituting the two proteins in dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) detergent micelles, a system that preserves the native structure of SLN and the activity of SERCA, with the goal of comparing these interactions with those of the previously studied PLN-SERCA complex. Our analysis of the structural dynamics of SLN in DPC micelles shows this polypeptide to be partitioned into four subdomains: a short unstructured N terminus (residues 1-6), a short dynamic helix (residues 7-14), a more rigid helix (residues 15-26), and an unstructured C terminus (residues 27-31). Upon addition of SERCA, the different domains behave according to their dynamics, molding onto the surface of the enzyme. Remarkably, each domain of SLN behaves in a manner similar to that of the corresponding domains in PLN, supporting the hypothesis that both SLN and PLN bind SERCA in the same groove and with similar mechanisms.  相似文献   
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